Forgiveness, by not forgiving a person, does this mean that you are not free. Our religion says that we must forgive. How do you forgive, if the person wilfully commits a crime or sin? Is it bad Karma not to forgive?
Forgiveness, by not forgiving a person, does this mean that you are not free. Our religion says that we must forgive. How do you forgive, if the person wilfully commits a crime or sin? Is it bad Karma not to forgive?
Forgiveness, by not forgiving a person, does this mean that you are not free. Our religion says that we must forgive. How do you forgive, if the person wilfully commits a crime or sin? Is it bad Karma not to forgive?
Sri.Marvin Naidoo, Greetings.
For 'forgiveness' to happen, there should be someone who seeks 'forgiveness'. If someone offended me, I can not unilaterally forgive that someone. I could ingone the event; I could forget that event; but I can't effectively forgive the offender unless the offender seeks 'forgiveness'.
I don't think our religion ( I take it, Hinduism) says anyone to forgive or not to forgive. In fact, I don't think religion has anything to do with that.
To my understanding, the process of forgiving involves - A, who is offended or affected by B's actions ; B becomes aware that A is offended; B seeks a forgiveness (and hopefully stops the offending action and possibly compensates for the damage already done. otherwise, it can only be a mockery); then A forgives (for gets or not is a different matter).
Not to forgive can't be a bad deed. Unless forgiveness is sought, one can't even effectively forgive..... where does any bad karma comes in this picture?
Actually when we forgive someone we are actually "forgiving" ourselves.
Each episode in life we go through leaves an imprint in our Chitta(Repository of memories) portion of the Antakarana(inner instrument).
When someone harms us in a certain way..the seeds of our reaction is sowed in our mind
At the first instance anyone feels bad when harmed or any loved one is harmed.
The first reaction is registered in the Manas(gross mind) Manas sometimes we do not "think" too rationally and might even react violently where you see many cases of Man slaughter when some one makes a person real angry or inflicts physical harm on them. stage is when our temper has cooled down..we use our Buddhi(intellect) to determine to react or not to react for a situation or plan for next mode of action..this is where also Viveka(discriminative faculty) comes in.
Some might decide to forgive and forget and some might plan revenge at the suitable moment.
When we forget a situation an accept it and move on we bear no hatred nor undue love to the person who harmed us..thats like being equiposed in all situations but that doesnt mean we cant take measures to prevent ourselves being harmed again.Prevention is better than Revenge.