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Foreign phrases in English.

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1. ad absurdam (L) = to the point of absurdity.

2. ad hoc (L) = for this purpose.

3. adieu (Fr) = farewell.

4. affaire de coeur (Fr) = love affairs.

5. ad infinitum (L) = for ever.

6. ad lib (L) = without preparation.

7. ad valorem (L) = according to its value.

8. a fortiori (L) = with stronger reason.

9. aide de camp (Fr) = an assistant on the field.

10. aide memoire (Fr) = a reminder, an aid to the memory.
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11. ante bellum (L) = before the war.

12. a la mode (Fr) = fashionable.

13. aqua vitae (L) = water of life.

14. ancien regime (Fr) = the old regime.

15. ad nauseam (L) = endlessly.

16. aurora borealis (L) = Northern lights

17. au contraire (Fr) = on the contrary.

18. au fait (Fr) = expert, up to date.

19. au naturel (Fr) = as in nature.

20. alma mater (L) = 'benign mother' applied by the old students to their school or college.
21. alter ego (L) = one's second self, a friend, a representative.

22. anno Domini (L) = in the year of our Lord.

23. au revoir (Fr) = adieu till we meet again!

24. ars longa vita brevis (L) = Art is long, life is short.

25. bona fide (L) = in good faith.

26. bon voyage (Fr) = a good journey to you.

27. beau geste (Fr) = a fine gesture.

28. beau monde (Fr) = fashionable society.

29. bon vivant (Fr) = person of refined tastes.

30. bel esprit (Fr) = wit, elegance.
31. belles lettres (Fr) = writing valued for aesthetic qualities.

32. billet doux (Fr) = love letter.

33. bon mot (Fr) = witticism.

34. camera obscura (L) = dark chamber.

35. carpe diem (L) = seize the day.

36. casus belli (L) = justification for an act of war.

37.caveat emptor (L) = Let the buyer beware.

38. compos mantis (L) = sane.

39. corpus delicti (L) = evidence of a crime.

40. Cui bono (L) = To whose benefits?
41. carte blanche (Fr) = a free hand.

42. cause celebre (Fr) = a celebrated case.

43. c'est la vie (Fr) = that's life.

44. chez nous (Fr) = at our place.

45. comedie humaine (Fr) = human comedy.

46. comme ci comme ca (Fr) = so-so.

47. comme il faut = as it should be.

48. connoisseur (Fr) = a discerning judge.

49. cardon bleu (Fr) = high quality.

50. coup de grace (Fr) = death blow.
51. coup d'etat (Fr) = sudden overthrow of a government.

52. coup de theatre (Fr) = unexpected event.

53. coup de main (Fr) = a sudden attack.

54. creme de la creme (Fr) = best of its kind.

55. cri de coeur (Fr) = heartfelt cry.

56. Dharma (Sanskrit) = cosmic law, personal duty.

57. de facto (L) = from the fact, actually , really.

58. de jure (L) = based on law, by right.

59. delirium tremens (L) = alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

60. de profundis (L) = out of the depths.
61. deus ex machina = improbabale explanation.

62. dramatis personal (L) = characters in a play.

63. de luxe (Fr) = splendid and expensive.

64. declasse (Fr) = fallen from favor.

65. decolletage (Fr) = low cut neckline.

66. deja vu (Fr) = illusion of having experienced something already.

67. de riqueur (Fr) = strictly required.

68. dernier cri (Fr) = latest style.

69. detente (Fr) = relaxation of a political tension.

70. de trop (Fr) = too much, superfluous.
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71. double entendre (Fr) = double meaning.

72. du jour (Fr) = of the day.

73. e contra (late L) = conversely, contrary wise.

74. en masse (Fr) = in a body, universally.

75. en route (Fr) = on the road, let us go! march!

76. entente (Fr) = understanding.

77. entrepreneur (Fr) = contractor, builder.

78. exempli gratia (L) = for example.

79. ex gratia (L) = an act of grace.

80. ex-officio (L) = by virtue of office.


81. ex parte (L) = on one side.

82. ecce homo (L) = behold the man.

83. e pluribus unum (L) = out of many, one.

84. et al (L) = and others.

85. etc (L) = and so forth.

86. et tu, Brute? (L) = you too Brutus?

87. ex cathedra (L) = authoritative statement.

88. ex post facto (L) = retroactive.

89. eminence grise (Fr) = the power behind the throne.

90. enfant terrible (Fr) = child prodigy.
91. en passant (Fr) = incidental.

92. entente cordiale (Fr) = alliance between countries.

93. entre nous (Fr) = confidentially.

94. espirit de corps (Fr) = team spirit.

95. fait accompli (Fr) = a thing already done.

96. faux pas (Fr) = a false step, a mistake.

97. flagrante delicto (L) = in the act.

98. femme fatale (Fr) = an attractive, dangerous woman.

99. film noir (Fr) = black film.

100. fin de siecle (fr) = jaded, decadent.

101. folie a deux (fr) = delusion shared by two people.

102. force majure (Fr) = irresistible force.

103. genius loci (L) = spirit of the place.

104. habeas corpus (L) = writ requiring the prisoner be brought to the trail.

105. homme de letters (Fr) = a man of letters.

106. haute couture (Fr) = trend setting fashion.

107. haute cuisine (Fr) = elaborate cookery.

108. hors de combat (Fr) = out of the fight, disabled.

109. hors d'oeuvre (Fr) = appetizer.

110. in camera (late L) = in a judge's private room, in secret.
111. in extenso (L) = at full length.

112. in loco parentis (L) = in the place of a parent.

113. in memoriam (L) =to the memory or in the memory.

114. inter alia (L) = among other things.

115. inter se (L) = among themselves.

116. ibid (L) = in the same place.

117. id est (i.e) (L) = that is.

118. in absentia (L) = in the absence of.

119. in extremis (L) = in extremity.

120. in flagrante delicto (L) = in the act.
121. infra dig (L) = vulgar.

122. in medias res (L) = in the middle of things.

123. insitu (L) = in its place.

124. inst (L) = in the present month.

125. in toto (L) = in all, altogether.

126. in vino veritas (L) = There is truth in wine.

127. in vitro (L) = in a test tube.

128. ipso facto (L) = by definition.

129. ide'e fixe (Fr) = fixed idea.

130. joie de vivre (Fr) = joy of life.

131. je ne sais quoi (Fr) = I don't know what.

132. jeu d'esprit (Fr) = puzzle, brain teaser.

133. laissez faire = non interference in the matters of the others.

134. lese-majeste (Fr) = high treason.

135. lingua franca (It) = the corrupt Italian, the mixed language spoken by the Europeans in the East.

136. locus standi (L) = a place for standing, a right to interfere.

137. magnum opus (L) = a great work.

138. mala fide (L) = in bad faith, treacherously.

139. modus operandi (L) = plan for working, the mode of operation.

140. mutatis mutandis (L) = with the necessary changes.
141. mea culpa (L) = my fault.

142. momento mori (L) =reminder of death.

143. mens sana in corpore sano (L) = A healthy mind in a healthy body.

144. modus vivendi (L) = way of living.

145. mot juste (Fr) = the right word.

146. nota bene (N.B.) (L) = mark well, note well.

146. ne plus ultra (L) = the best.

147. nil desperadum (L) = never despair.

148. non compos mentis (L) = not of sound mind.

149. nee (Fr) = born.

150. noblesse oblige (Fr) = Nobility obliges.
151. nom de plume (Fr) = pseudonym.

152. nouveau riche (Fr) = newly rich.

153. obiter dictum (L) = something said by the way, a cursory remark.

154. objet d'art (Fr) = object of some artistic value.

155. objet trouve (fr) = found object.

156. outre (Fr) = exaggerated, excessive.

157. par excellence (Fr) = eminently, by way of ideal.

158. pari passu (L) = with equal pace, together, side by side.

159. post mortem (L) = after death.

160. prima facie (L) = on the first view.
161. pro forma (L) = for the sake of form.

162. pro rata (L) = at the same rate.

163. pater familias (L) = father of the family.

164. pax (L) = peace.

165. per capita (L) = per person.

166. per diem (L) = per day.

167. perpetuum mobile (L) = in perpetual motion.

168. per se (L) = in itself.

169. persona non grata (L) = unwelcome person.

170. post scriptum (L) = post script.
171. primum mobile (L) = prime mover.

172. pro bono (L) = for the public good.

173. par avion (Fr) = by plane.

174. par excellence (Fr) = foremost.

175. passe-partout (Fr) = master key.

176. petit bourgeois (Fr) = lower middle class.

177. piece de resistance (Fr) = a show piece.

178. pied-a-terre (Fr) = an apartment in town.

179. plus ca change (Fr) = the more things change.

180. pret-a-porter (Fr) = ready to wear, to go.
181. prix fixe (Fr) = fixed price.

182. pure laine (Fr) = pure francophone.

183. Q.E.D (L) =that which was to be demonstrated.

184. qua (L) = as.

185. quid pro quo (L) = fair exchange.

186. quo vadis (L) = Where are you going?

187. q.v. (L) = refer to.

188. rara avis (L) = rare or unique person or thing.

189. re (L) = regarding, with reference to.

190. reductio ad absurdam (L) = reduction to absurdity.
191. rigor mortis (L) = stiffening of the body after death.

192. raison d'etre (Fr) = reason for being.

193. re'chauffe (Fr) = warmed up.

194. recherche (Fr) = exotic, obscure.

195. retrousse (fr) = turned up.

196. roman a clef (Fr) = history presented as a fiction.

197. respondez s'il vous plait or R.S.V.P. (Fr) = reply, if you please; an

answer will oblige.

198. sine die (L) = without a day appointed.

199. sine qua non (L) = an indispensable condition.

200. sub judice (L) = under consideration.
201. summum bonum (L) = the chief good.

202. sanctum sanctorum (L) = holy of holies.

203. sic (L) = It is thus in the original.

204. sic transit gloria mundi (L) = Thus passes the glory of the world.

205. status quo (L) = current state of affairs.

206. sub rosa (L) = in secret, in confidence.

207. sui generis (L)= unique, one of a kind.

208. summa cum laude (L) = with the highest praise.

209. sang-froid (Fr) = equanimity, composure.

210. sans-souci (Fr) = carefree
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211. savoir faire (Fr) = social tact.

212. soi-disant (Fr) = self-styled, so-called.

213. soupcon (Fr) = very small amount.

214. tabula rasa (L0 = an empty slate.

215. tempus fugit (L) = Time flies.

216. terra firma (L) = firm on solid ground.

217. terra incognita (L) = uncharted, unknown.

218. tete-a-tete (Fr) = intimate conversation.

219. tout le monde (Fr) = everyone.

220. trompe l'oeil (Fr) = deceive the eyes.
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221. tour de force (Fr) = a feat of strength or skill.

222. ultima ratio (L) = final resort.

223. ultra vires (L) = beyond one's power.

224. vade mecum (L) = constant companion.

225. via dolorosa (L) = sorrowful way.

226. veni, vidi, vici (L) = I came, I saw, I conquered.

227. verbatim et litteratim (L) = word for word and a letter for letter.

228. verses or vs (L) = against, toward.

229. via (L) = by the way of.

230. via media (L) = a middle course.
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231. vice (L) = in the place of.

232. vice versa (L) = in terms of being exchanged.

233. viva voce (L) = by the living voice, by oral testimony.

234. volte-face (L) = a change of front.

235. vox populi, vox Dei (L) = The voice of the people is the voice of God.

236. vis-s-vis (Fr) = opposite, facing.

237. vive la difference (Fr) = Long live the difference.

238. GURU (Sanskrit) = spiritual guide , leader.

239. KARMA (Sanskrit) = Fate, effect of previous actions.

240. MANTRA (Sanskrit) = sacred incantations
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