Shri Yamaka,
Do you think all the poor people are praying God with all their poojas and bajans with the sole motive of making themselves billionaire or to make them atleast belonging to upper class?
Do you think poor people who pray God with all their devotion, spending some money in temple poojas and at home, from whatever they could earn with out any sense of realizing the grace of God? Without realizing and feeling that they could some how pull on their family with some wage earning opportunity out of blue?
Do you think the excuse that some poor folks gives - "God Giveth and Man Taketh" (who infact want more children for more earnings through child labour), is a sort of brain washed realization that they could get out of their Fatalistic spirituality (that is nothing but brainwashing onself) and not just a pretance to justify their reasoning, concealing their motive?
Just because poor folks could indulge in spirituality for the reasons best known to them and based on what they could personally experience and feel the divine interventions, for which they could not give evidences to prove existence of God, do you determine that they are going out of mind due to their FATALISTIC belief systems?
Do you think that all the majority theists folks all over the world don't know that many erring folks and criminals are going scott free, many innocent people are made to suffer, many rich people have become paupers etc etc and still they are continuing to believe in God and spirituality without any sense and with out knowing the true purpose of spirituality / divinity in human life till death, with many things to be satisfied with? Having no personal experiences and realizations?
I have seen many well to do people screeming and abusing GOD for not able to achieve something that they desire and a slum dweller who truly praises GOD in all his glory with true bakthi and keeps trying to scratch the bottom of the barrel for something, with his sincere hardwork.
If Atheists like you claim that spiritual practices with belief in God is FATALISTIC, what I am thinking is - How proud Atheists can feel as NATURALIST believing in and respecting the Low of the Nature (that has nothing to do with God/Spirituality/Karma, as per atheists) when -
They could see injustice and corruption all around.
They could see innocent people suffer due family circumstances
They could see physically challenged people, by birth
They could see cruelty/war crimes around etc..etc..etc..
How could they hold the Rule/Law of the Nature at high esteem BUT the concept of God/Spirituality/Karma as Mind Blowing FATALISTIC belief? How could they distinguish "Law of the Nature" from "God/Spirituality/Karma" and how you balme the later for the prevailing poverty in India/Indian sub continent/Africa?
Dear Ravi:
Nice hearing from you.
1. At the outset I must say that most people in this Forum belong to India9% (one of the 100 million Indians doing economically very well .. they are all well educated, working hard to climb up the ladders of prosperity. They are all "religious" but of their own "personal" religion, and practice is "personal" as per their view of the world, although they come under the broad umbrella of one of the Organized Religions like Hinduism or the Abrahamic religions. These folks are LESS FATALISTIC and mostly not Superstitious).
I am mostly talking about the India91% (about 1100 million locked up inside the Gates of Hell of Poverty). I want you to be in their shoes to look at the world around them. I sense that most of India9% refuse to see the India91% at all even if they are all around them.... For them, the poor India does not exist.
2. Why or what I call as FATALISTIC? It goes back to my definition. If you don't agree with the definitiion then we don't talk about the same thing here -
a. All most all of India91% BELIEVE in the SNA - A Super Human SNA (Jesus, Krishna, Rama, Muruga etc and an unknown human face for Muslims) that controls ALL activities in this Universe ALL the time.. this SNA is supposed to be ALL knowing, ALL Merciful and ALL Powerful... Nothing moves or changes w/o this SNA- the Super Natural Agent.
b. They all BELIEVE that by constant prayers, poojas and bhajans one could bribe this SNA to get whatever they pray for.. (it could be a good education, a house, jewels, peace, harmony or whatever.. whatever).
c. All most all of the Hindus must obey the Doctrine of Poorva Janma Karma and the laws flow from it: ALL activities are PRE-ORDAINED, nothing can be changed..
In my view and understanding, a-c constitute pure and simple FATALISM, there is NO FREEWILL, period.
3. India91% follows this FATALISM and thus are neglecting their PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITIES so much so they remain largely less educated, less skilled and thus very poor... they BELIEVE that that's largely their JPK!! Alas...
4. As a Naturalist, I just admire the forces of NATURE like the human biological evolution that has been going on for billions of years, I admire Mr.Sun, Miss. Moon and the billion astral bodies in a New MoonDay.
I don't worship them, I don't ask for any favors from them.
As an Athiest, I allow my sense of FREEWILL to take hold of me.. and I act according to what I want to achieve in my life time..
If time permits, I cry for the India91% for their adament attachment to their FATALISM... that's the answer to my question
"Yaarukaha Azhuvan Yamaka"?
I hope I clarified my position, and the reasons for my hypothesis posited here in the title.
Take care.
ps. The same argument holds true for the poor Muslims, Catholics and other religious people around the world... the FATALISM.