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Enge Brahmanan !

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Jaya TV has started a serial called Enge Brahmanan based on a plot written by Cho a few years ago. I request the Brahmin Community to extend their continuous support to Cho.

Infact if you are living in other country please subscribe to the online edition of Thuglak (only 20 dollars. I am in no way related to Cho :-) but this way we can help Cho to overcome the difficulties to run Thuglak in tamilnadu.
Even though cho was our landlord and i really loved him,but now he is assisting jj,who has jailed our sanathana dharma guru,on false pretext.so no help for cho,from me at least.

I agree but nowadays politics has to be compromised to some extent. You dont really get a pure leader :-) anywhere else. Cho has no other option but only jj.

I think being practical and save tamil nadu from the hands of heir politics is important at this juncture.
Sri Balaji Iyer, Cho ramaswami also a person like Politician, he only put together TMC and DMK, now supporting JJ. why should we support him, once he wrote in his book, he is against Tamilnadu Brahmins ASSn, no need for that. He think he is the only intelligent person and he himself claims that just he writes and nobody should batherabout it. then why should give importence to him. sorry.

I agree but nowadays politics has to be compromised to some extent. You dont really get a pure leader :-) anywhere else. Cho has no other option but only jj.

I think being practical and save tamil nadu from the hands of heir politics is important at this juncture.

Tamil Brahmins are minority.That is the status we should try to ascertain for the community.There is no way brahmins in TN,can do zilch in politics.For the first qualification,one should kill people,rape women,have concubines,lie blatantly,go back on your word,should be able to physically intimidate people,should be black in color,....etcTamil Brahmins are a spent force in politics.See,despite Guru Jayendra Saraswathi's involvement with Jan Jagran and Dr.S S,have they made any headway,instead JJ locked the Guru & his sishya,much to the shame of a hallowed tradition in TN.JJ is absurd and destructive force in TN.


>>I think being practical and save tamil nadu from the hands of heir politics is important at this juncture.<<

The privvy purses was cut by Indira Gandhi.But what did she do?She promoted Sanjay and then subsequently Rajiv.After Rajiv,his wife promptly promotes Rahul and Priyanka?????Is this what Chaccha Nehru envisioned for India?Is sitting as PM for one family,the sole ambition of Praja?in India???

MUKA 's men tried to assasinate Indira Gandhi in Saidapet,Chennai.AS usual,the wily politician,provided evidence in court of law,that he is innocent.MUKA was vociferously against Indira Gandhi for dynastic succession,but then,what is he doing now?A russian named leader's name is given to his own son!!!as if India is bereft of idealogies!!!!that he needs to import it from Russia!!then,he goes and marries three wives like a muslim!!!!then promote his sons,daughters,nephews....friends first...its a different matter also,with his slum clearance board,the very residences that he built for poor people,refused occupancy and let it out to rich folks!!!so,what kind of a dingbat leader is this?So,he targets Tamil Brahmins,based on EVR's misguided egotistical manical zeal!! as if a minority kudumi dwellers are the cause & effect of Tamilians....and it still continues,the persecutuion of Tamil Brahmins.....the filth in movies portrayal of Tamil Brahmins women is for all to see...is a gounder aachi portrayed derogatorily all the time..is a Vellala women portrayed like this...and women are equal god..matru devo bhava...chumma platitudes..thats all...bull...

sb, methinks that it is next to impossible to find a pure leader... as being a leader implies that one has to compromise... no one adheres to raja dharma, and hence, it would be naive to expect a brahmin champion to be straightforward...

I personally admire Shri Cho for his gritty stand against the "rationalists"... all these years.... one sane voice amidst the chaos...

See this is the kind of problems we face now - so many gurus, so many opinions... if one does not accept a particular opinion of a particular guru, then the follower holds a grudge against the other...

On a broader level, if we (brahmins) are to succeed in any venture, for the common cause we must unite...

JJ at this point, in my view, seems a practical choice...

I truly was delighted beyond words when MGR chose JJ as his protege.But then MGR had back up plans,if JJ turns out to be a vichitra piravi.But JJ triumphed.My losing all respect for JJ is only on account of she giving her unaccounted money to Kanchi Guru and when she asked for it back,the Guru refused.Between JJ and Kanchi Guru,i would anyday take the side of the Guru,becoz i am partial to Mahaswamigal.For brahmins in TN,Kanchi Gurus like many other Gurus,have been a bulwark against DK like people.JJ let me down.I personally do not have anything against her,nor does she care,who the heck am i?BUT GURU IS GURU.You don't mess around with people like sathwic gurus.She has enuff IT cases pending in Bangalore.I think she made a mistake from the point of religious sentiment.As far as political expediency is concerned,she is a champ,and she will work her charm with the masses.Becoz masses have no say in the electoral process,which is sad.One is a devil and the other is deep ocean.What will people do?Leaders are themselves thieves,liars,unscrupulous..in their life.People are just stuck with them.I call it a curse for India.

And since Cho is supporter of convenience with JJ,i don't like Cho now.Tuglak should fizzle,my curse for him.

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Arresting the jagatguru

Respected all,

I am newcomer to this forum. I share your sentiments regarding the arrest of Jagat guru. But whatever transpired between them, JJ had done immense damage to the hindu mission in our state. It is sad to see the very very limited number of visitors to kanchi mutt now-a-days which was once frequented by every body to get the dharshan of Mahaguru, the present guru Sri Sri Jayendra and balaguru. Who is responsible for this? What is really surprising is has JJ ever expressed sorry for having made such a hasty move. I really doubt whether even KK would have ventured to act like her in this particular case
Jaya TV has started a serial called Enge Brahmanan based on a plot written by Cho a few years ago. I request the Brahmin Community to extend their continuous support to Cho.

Infact if you are living in other country please subscribe to the online edition of Thuglak (only 20 dollars. I am in no way related to Cho :-) but this way we can help Cho to overcome the difficulties to run Thuglak in tamilnadu.
This series is actually quite a welcome change.... I guess many would have seen much of the episodes... I got to see a few of them when I was in India last month...

The most interesting part is the discussion between shri cho and the producer(?)...
Respected all,

I am newcomer to this forum. I share your sentiments regarding the arrest of Jagat guru. But whatever transpired between them, JJ had done immense damage to the hindu mission in our state. It is sad to see the very very limited number of visitors to kanchi mutt now-a-days which was once frequented by every body to get the dharshan of Mahaguru, the present guru Sri Sri Jayendra and balaguru. Who is responsible for this? What is really surprising is has JJ ever expressed sorry for having made such a hasty move. I really doubt whether even KK would have ventured to act like her in this particular case

I agree with your sentiments. But a small question we should ask ourselves.

1. Even in the heyday of the Kanchi Math, most of the visitors were Brahmins. Why have the Brahmins stopped going there or going in reduced numbers?

2. We used to have three photographs of the Kanchi Acharyas in a frame which used to adorn the main room in the houses of many Brahmins. I find that now it is replaced by a single photograph of Paramacharya. Why?

3. When a person like Premananda was arrested his followers took out morchas and made a hue and cry. Did the Brahmin community react similarly when Jayendra Saraswati Swamigal was arrested? Even many accusers were from the Brahmin community.

4. I am sad and feel very guilty that we the Brahmin community failed to rally behind our Guru. His arrest was a brazen insult to the community and the community failed to respond. Worse many of them were on the other side.

Tuglak was the only Tamil Magazine which spoke loud and clearly against the atrocities against Jayendra Saraswati Swamigal. Cho wrote strongly against it.
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ToNacchiji, All are farget about the double standard of Cho, who is a strong supporter to JJ. And in forthcoming Lok shaba elec, he already started to supoort JJ and her suporting parties. This time we all Tamil Brahmins Vote against her. S.R.K.
Simple. The (most) young brahmins of the last 30-50 years have not seen the doorsteps of a veda patashala, so never realized the depth of injury being caused to the community and the guru peetham.

The older generation was too busy taking care of their own career goals and family needs. Backbone of brahmins was meditation, so when they stopped meditating they also kept their backbone in a locker.

Thus, fear in the guise of self protection made them keep away from the math and kept them busy with their news channels where ever they were in the world.

The poor but courageous brahmin has no say in anything anyway. So even if they did, we would never come to know, as the media or even our own community doesn't care anyway. Both are after their own personal milestones...counting money.
To Happy Hindu, Sir/madam, No doubt at all A native of Palghat and Born and brought out at Salem and A True Tamil Brahmin. A strong beliver of our tradations and scriptures. I am not reading any news papers,not seeing T.V. but reading Books related to my reserch on sound and light. I am Proud to be a TB. s.r.k.
JJ is a Brahmin and has the support of many small Brahmin groups. In the Jayendrar case, it was portrayed by many of JJ's supporters as Smartas Vs Vaishnavas. Our politicians know how to divide and rule.

I am sorry about this. But one of the members had made a statement about Jayendra Sarawati Swamigal handling JJ's money. Such rumours were flying around at that time. Many of them unfortunately started by the followers of Kanchi Math. Please refrain from posting anything which could be used against the Math, even if you know it is true. Thanks.

BTW Enge Brahmanan is a story more about the religious attitude of the Brahmin. Not the social aspect.
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Dear SVji, Yes Your Views are correct, first we must unite in a single Agenta, that is to get our real share of every thing in Tamilnadu, we are not outsiders or we are migrarted from else were.This is the right time our protest against our community, and also we must fight againest the Filmmakers (Incl Balachander) to show our ladys and gents as Buffoons and crimininal minted persons.s.r.k.
ToNacchiji, All are farget about the double standard of Cho, who is a strong supporter to JJ. And in forthcoming Lok shaba elec, he already started to supoort JJ and her suporting parties. This time we all Tamil Brahmins Vote against her. S.R.K.

Cho's role has been misunderstood by you. He talks or writes about a person or topic only from a neutral stand point. When he says vote for one person today, it is because that is best for NOW. When he said do not vote for one person sometime back, it was because that person was NOT best suited for THAT point of time. We really must understand that we need more and more of such neutral political critics and commentators.

I am sorry about this. But one of the members had made a statement about Jayendra Sarawati Swamigal handling JJ's money. Such rumours were flying around at that time. Many of them unfortunately started by the followers of Kanchi Math. Please refrain from posting anything which could be used against the Math, even if you know it is true. Thanks.

I would like to show my support on what you say about NOT encouraging rumors to be posted as fact - Particularly rumors which affect the integrity of a math, organization or person in general.

Simple. The (most) young brahmins of the last 30-50 years have not seen the doorsteps of a veda patashala, so never realized the depth of injury being caused to the community and the guru peetham.

The older generation was too busy taking care of their own career goals and family needs. Backbone of brahmins was meditation, so when they stopped meditating they also kept their backbone in a locker.

Thus, fear in the guise of self protection made them keep away from the math and kept them busy with their news channels where ever they were in the world.

The poor but courageous brahmin has no say in anything anyway. So even if they did, we would never come to know, as the media or even our own community doesn't care anyway. Both are after their own personal milestones...counting money.

s v

The few brahmin thus far in this forum is tbs who has varied experiance,who has gone to veda patashala and the other N...who is learning vedam at this age,which is very nice and prolly some more who are learning vedam...this is the most mukyamana vishayam.In a population of less 3% in TN of brahmins,only 0.3% learn vedam?Rest of us are all busy with career paths and materialistic pursuit.Enge Brahmanan=poitann=poiyindhi=cholay gacchay=doond raha hoon=kanodilla eevaga=gone with the wind!!

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>>Originally Posted by Nacchinarkiniyan
I am sorry about this. But one of the members had made a statement about Jayendra Sarawati Swamigal handling JJ's money. Such rumours were flying around at that time. Many of them unfortunately started by the followers of Kanchi Math. Please refrain from posting anything which could be used against the Math, even if you know it is true. Thanks.<<

When i heard the news,i made enquiries.I was told that,JJ had become extremely close with H H JS and such good relations prevailed.Subsequently,i believe MUKA threathened to FAST in front of Kanchi Math based on evidence(Concocted version) to implicate HH JS on murder charges not only that,i heard that H H JS was planning to fly to NEPAL at that time the only HINDU country in the world .In a forum,i wrote frankly about what i heard and inferred.If the concerned parties were upset with me,what am i to do?Am i personally involved with anything thats happened there in India,NO.Moreover,i know Mahaswamigal is looking out for me from the Brindavanam thru his holy spirit,so i am not bothered and i am happy here.This is written with no anger or any malicious intent,hope you understand.

TBs were never fanatical about their caste. The present generation and the one before that have never ever got involved deeply in brahminism. So they could disown the acharya easily. But I came across a few staunch supporters and regulars of the mutt. They refused to believe any bit of those roumors and strongly believed that acharya would come out of all this unscathingly. I think they were right. For the rest of us, we should learn to have faith in our Acharya, no matter what all others say. The best way to domonstrate our faith and neglect the skeptics is to visit the mutt in large numbers and start displaying the acharya's photo prominently in our homes and temples.

TBs were never fanatical about their caste. The present generation and the one before that have never ever got involved deeply in brahminism. So they could disown the acharya easily. But I came across a few staunch supporters and regulars of the mutt. They refused to believe any bit of those roumors and strongly believed that acharya would come out of all this unscathingly. I think they were right. For the rest of us, we should learn to have faith in our Acharya, no matter what all others say. The best way to domonstrate our faith and neglect the skeptics is to visit the mutt in large numbers and start displaying the acharya's photo prominently in our homes and temples.

I can only recall the conversation that i had with H H JS who made a woefull comment about people coming in hordes to Math and asking him to solve their personal problems in life!!Maybe,its my immaturity at that time and thought,maybe i should not bother their H H's with my inability to cope with life's myriad problems,as he is a saint who is involved in protecting & propagating Sanathana Dharma in today's world.

But before i embarked for my trip to USA from India,H H VS jocularly joked with me stating,'despite living in chennai and so close by to Kanchi,you have been an in-frequent visitor" - i was tempted to answere the young radiant holy sage H H VS,that my mother has mentioned to me,that i can only visit the achaaryaals only if the achaaryals willed me to have their darshanam=meaning its not my free will to visit for darshanam.But ,i kept quiet and asked his H H VS to bless my wife,children before leaving for USA,which he did and also gave theertham.

During the 70th birthday celeberation of his holiness,i was invited to attend in new jersey and community tamizh brahmins paid my airplane tickets to & fro,and gifted me a Kamakshi Amman Picture with all three Achaaryal's in it with Adi Sankara as the leader for the disciplic succession to continue in Kanchi Math.

I think J J has acted in a very irrational manner,but then i am emotionally attached with Kanchi Achaaryals.Its very strange politicians have absolute power over judiciary and rule of law is very selectively applied for those who wield enormous influence.But then its english people's law(Britsh East India Company) and the Sanathana Dharma leaders are stumbling blocks for the ever growing proselytisation of Abrahamic Faith,which will soon be the majority religion in India..

Our goal is to unite. Keeping this in mind, we should go all out to encourage and support the personality who propagates this ideology irrespective of his short comings. Union is strength and let us unite and support Cho's story "Enge Brahamanan". In the TV serial, he details in a lucid way the degeneration of the Brahmins which should make us THINK. The visual impact would certainly enthuse young minds and could put them in the right path!
Hi all,

I am a new joinee to this forum. We have 2 points expressed by members. One Cho's support to JJ, who arrested an insulted Kanchi mutt and Cho's double standard in supporting JJ and accusing her act in the Kanchi episode.

Mine point is this:
1. Kanchi issue is really unfortunate and should not have happened. If you know about JJ, she does whatever she thinks right and do not care about consequences. There are lot such incidents. Cho had opposed JJ act in this issue.
2. Now he is supporting JJ in elections. Well, to me I do not see any double standards here. If you start looking into such things you will never be able to support any politician in this country. For me, Cho is a genius and too honest a person for this country (world). He has guts to oppose/support politicians depending on issues. He has no other option as we do not have honest/perfect human in this country (even in this world), leave alone a politician.

We have to live with options we have before us. He is doing that.
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