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dr subramanian swamy - apolitical profile of a gadfly

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swamy a political profile

dictionary.com defines gadfly thus: a person who persistently annoys or provokes others with criticism, schemes, ideas, demands, requests, etc.

i think swamy is one of the great 'would have beens' in the field of economics. i see him as someone, attracted to indian politics like the moth to the fire, and getting burnt.

the article is very factual, and it cannot be denied about the activities of swami. the swami fans can find reasons as to why swami would behave the way he does.

to me, he is not a team player, exhibits tendency to megalomania and above all, misreads the pulse of the public - all qualities unbefitting a successful politician.

swami gets good coverage in the hindu, dinamani and dinamalar. rest of india, judging by his vote acquiring power, simply ignores him. the 2G scam, may be his last hurrah after all.. or maybe he may leverage it to get a seat in the Rajya Sabha?

We are used to politicians who are loudmouthed, cunning, hypocritical, self-centred, at times very suave and yet crude and dirty inside, ready to do anything to get a seat in the Assembly or Parliament, who use power as an instrument for self-aggrandizement and acquisition of wealth, who are just street smart etc. etc. So you find SSwamy a complete misfit and a gadfly. Think for a moment. If he is not after power the way our usual politician is, his passion for the truth annoying the politician as well as the public (politician for obvious reasons and the public for the heat and decibels that result disturbing his supine bliss watching his usual maanaada mayilaada or vadivelu getting repeatedly bashed for his buffoonery), his disinterest in the usual ill-gotten wealth and prosperity that comes with political power etc. by deliberate choice, don't you think his behavior is understandable? May be he is not a team player but who would like to play in a team where other members are just .......(you know what). Is he misreading the pulse of the public? Certainly not. His idli kadai exploits in Madurai , though appear to be a comic side show, certainly served a purpose in telling the "Anchanenjan/ maaveeran" of Madurai that he can not cross a certain Lakshman rekha however mighty he may be. Wont you call it the correct reading of the felt need / the pulse of the public? I can add many more. Vote acquiring power in India does not really mean anything. Lallu in the recent past and Bhajan Lal in the distant past got bags full of votes sitting by the side of their cows on a charpoy but to what use? Think man think about this.

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Paramacharya's influence on swamy

Swamy has written a three part article on his meetings and association with the paramachrya sri chandrasekara saraswati. The article is available in janata party web site.

He concludes with the following tail piece:

I have defined three such fundamental moral principles.
These three fundamental concepts of morality are

I shall not speak lie, even if I withhold truth.

I shall practice what I shall preach.

What I do will be transparent for all to see. I consider myself therefore free to plan my political strategy as I see best, without regard to criticism from my political opponents, but within these three moral limits.

Some key sentences from the article.

1. But my upbringing, first in an English convent school, and then ten years in USA had created a distance between me and traditional Hindu culture of bowing and prostrating before any elder, or anyone in saffron clothes. Therefore, I was the "modern" Indian, believer in science, and with little concern for spiritual diversions.

2. He told me that in politics, I should never bother about money or position, because both would follow me whenever an occasion demanded. But I should not be afraid to stand alone. He told me that all great persons of India were those who changed the thinking of the people from a particular set way of thought to a new way of thinking. "That is the permanent achievement for a politician, not merely becoming Minister or Prime Minister. Great persons, starting with Adi Shankara, to Mahatma Gandhi dared to stand alone and change the trend of people's thought. But did either hold a government position?" he asked me. He said "If you dare to think out fresh solutions for current problems, without bothering about your popularity, and without caring for whether a government position comes to you or not, you will have my blessings." When he said that I felt a strange sensation of happiness. I suddenly felt very strong.

Welcome to www.Janata Party.org
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i appreciate the folks who are his die hard followers. personally, i have always felt, swamy would have been a world class economist.

his focus on indian politics, is loss to the world of economics.

i also feel, that one needs to be in power, to enforce changes. it is easy to stay outside and throw stones. which swamy does. but had he been in power, or maneovered himself and his politics, to ensure ministerial jobs, he could have made an impact on the indian polity and masses.

there are good ministers in any cabinet. jayaram ramesh is one. incidentally, he is also well versed in the scriptures, and often quotes from gita and such, as reasons for his actions. if that should make a difference to some folks.

dhaynanidhi maran, for all his faults, was instrumental, in tamil nadu getting a foothold in the cell phone manufacturing industry.

power may corrupt. but it is only through power, one can execute even good deeds. that is all i am trying to say.

swamy is 72, and what will be his epitaph. nothing long term in benefits or policies.
Swami is having the blessings of our P.M. MMS. As MMS is fed up with the corruption among minsiters he only used Swami to expose the corruption. For this reason only Swami is mild on MMS.
Swami is having the blessings of our P.M. MMS. As MMS is fed up with the corruption among minsiters he only used Swami to expose the corruption. For this reason only Swami is mild on MMS.

please provide some proof. i think we all gone on this spree of wishful thinking. ..
Earlier swamy calling mms as a puppet dancing to the tune of soniaji. Now he says that if mms does not drop chidambaram, he will add mms as an accessory to the crime.

Let us pray he succeeds in nailing chidambaram and sonia. No one will dare to file a defamation suit against him, as he/she who files a case has to get into the witness box - this will be disastrous.

He is fighting a lone battle in the democratic way available to him; people who want to belittle him, condone corruption and shield the guilty; and do it with glee!
Ms. Keller has written in support of swamy earlier. This is her letter to swamy. Swamy's reply will also be posted.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "Phyllis Chesler"
Date: Dec 25, 2011 2:51 AM

Namaste Dr. Swamy:

I am writing an article about your shameful, shameful dismissal by Harvard
and at the hands of a pack of politically correct fools. I would very much
like a quote from you. It need not be long. What do you think of this turn
of events? How will it effect you, if at all. What does it say about
Harvard and about the forces that threaten to undermine democratic and
tolerant values?

Did you ever have any personal dealings with Profesor Diana L. Eck? Or with
any of the students who launched this petition against you?

Did you ever teach anything at Harvard about Muslim terrorism in India or
elsewhere in the world?

Who do you think is behind this all?

What would you like to see happen?

By the way, I have just read your extensive Bio and the political platform
of the Janata Party and I must congratulate you on your values, virtues,
and seriousness.

All best,
Dr. Phyllis
swamy's reply to Dr. Phyllis

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Subramanian Swamy

Date: Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 6:05 AM


1. The turn of events is shocking for me since I knew Harvard as a part of
it for over fifty years since 1962 first as a student and then as faculty.
Last Summer after the op ed had appeared, Harvard President issued a
statement stating that that "Free Speech is sacred for Harvard". But now
four months later it turns to be "subject to majority opinion" of the
faculty. I was judged behind my back and by deliberate distortion of what I
wrote and without an opportunity to rebut the absurd and false charges. To
me it seems like Harvard is now following the 21st century version Spanish
inquisition or the procedure in dealing with Galileo.

2, It has no effect on me personally since I live in India as a political
leader. Just one week after Harvard inquisition, I was nominated by a
leading TV channel CNN- IBN as " Indian of the Year for Public Service.".
Last two weeks I have been the cover story for my crusades against
corruption in leading magazines. For the Indians it seems Harvard is
irrelevant when it comes to for their own.

3. In 1976 when Harvard invited me to teach after I escaped Mrs Indira
Gandhi's authoritarian rule and began an aggressive campaign against it,
she had sent the Indian Ambassador to Dean of GSAS Prof Henry Rosovsky to
protest against me for what I was writing in Indian underground media and
to seek my sacking. The Dean was dismissive. He told the emissary that
Harvard cares only for my academic contribution and not for my campaigns
outside the campus which are peaceful. The decline in free speech standards
in Harvard today from then is truly sad.

4. Harvard may have fallen prey to narrow interest groups. The rise of
appeasement of unacceptable Islamic militant interests for endowments in US
academia is quite alarming. It borders the Stockholm Syndrome. I believe
also that Harvard is looking for endowment for its South Asian center from
Ms. Sonia Gandhi, an Italian born former beneficiary of KGB funds and with
long term association with the Habash Palestinian militants. At present I
am trying through courts to send her to prison on corruption charges. I am
given to believe that she took active interest in this sordid Harvard

5. I do not know Eck. I remember her name from the sixties when someone
asked me about her work on Hindu religion. Nor I know any of the petitioner
except that they are a part of the Leftwing Loonies crowd.

6. The Dept of Economics which had supported my continued teaching informed
the faculty at the meeting, that no student in his or her evaluation had
complained of this op ed. Only one student referred to it and that too
favourably. I had six Muslim students in a class of 40 including two
Pakistanis. None protest to me or in confidence in the course evaluation.

7. One day Harvard will apologise to me for this. I shall await that day.

Subramanian Swamy
I have no idea of the personal life of people whether swami or whoever. Their motivations are known only to themselves.

But today swami remains threat to some of the supposedly more corrupt in India including the likes of Pa Chidambaram , Manmohan and sonia.
His statements against muslims may have been knee jerk or a delibrate decision to woo the hindutva mob. But I would see no reason why he would ever become another Modi. This is one dark taint on Swami's life however and I believe he should have been more restrained.

On the other hand his crusade against corruption is noteworthy for two reasons
1. A common man like me does not have that kind of information like he does to pull up a case against such mighty people
2. Anyone with the same degree of information as Swami or access to more information, seems to be quiet and today swami's onslaught against these people seem to give us common people a ray of hope, that someone will come up who will boldly fight against the mighty.

Subramaniam swamy may never be able to win an election in the North but a lot of educated know about him and quite a number of people are extremely impressed by swamy's activism. Even the people(who do not like tamils for the ram /ravan politics) have expressed their appreciation for swami. There is a certain image ,nowmthat he garnered for himself among many a middle class throughout the country.

Regarding the view that he might have turned as a great economist, it is a matter of opinion. An individual's success cannot be measured in two dissimilar platform. Amartya Sen may have been the only Nobel economist of India, but bluntly speaking his effect on India, is far less than what Swami has achieved in the case of 2G alone. Academics and economics is a different ball game from the real world of politics. Success in these two areas cannot be compared at all as their success criteria and challenges are different. Swami has played different roles including bring India Israel closer all of which in my opinion is as much of importance to India as Swamy becoming a Nobel laureate like Sen. There are plenty of good economists but no one to boldly stand against the politicians and make even the slightest impact.

Some may not agree with me, but this opinion I post as an Indian who lives in India, and sighs everyday in frustration at the corruption and raping of India.
dear subbudu,

good post #13.

dont you think, that much as he may be corrupted, dhaynidhi maran/arun shourie, during their terms as telecomm ministers, enforced a policy to bring cell phones to the masses of india.

no matter what we say about the corruption in the process, the net result have been a sea of change in which india talks to each other, communicate for business, agriculture, gossip, tradefolks and youth.

it might also be remembered that the NDA policy, continued by UPA, was that cell phone should be treated as a social service by the government and not a profit unit. the prices were fixed, low, so that ultimately the consumer will not be passed on with the high bidding fees.

hence i think, swamy's exposure of a potential 2G scam does not have as big an impact on india, as the policy enforcement by shourie/maran towards exploitation by the masses of the cell phone technology. which in india, is the cheapest in the world. and envy of many a consumers.

also i have quoted below, an extract from the tehelka article:

IT’S EASY to poke fun at Swamy and his idiosyncrasies, to label him a “maverick” — a description he loathes — to resort to puns such as “One-man Swamy”. On the other hand, he represents one of Indian politics’ bittersweet ironies. With his scholarship, obvious cerebral gifts, determination and global connections, he should have been a minister of long standing, contributing to policy and shaping economic and diplomatic strategies. Instead, he is the perennial outsider in the establishment; associated with nuisance value and the politics of destruction.

does it not present an opportunity lost? is not the saddest words in any language, 'what could have been?'
dear subbudu,

good post #13.

dont you think, that much as he may be corrupted, dhaynidhi maran/arun shourie, during their terms as telecomm ministers, enforced a policy to bring cell phones to the masses of india.

no matter what we say about the corruption in the process, the net result have been a sea of change in which india talks to each other, communicate for business, agriculture, gossip, tradefolks and youth.

it might also be remembered that the NDA policy, continued by UPA, was that cell phone should be treated as a social service by the government and not a profit unit. the prices were fixed, low, so that ultimately the consumer will not be passed on with the high bidding fees.

hence i think, swamy's exposure of a potential 2G scam does not have as big an impact on india, as the policy enforcement by shourie/maran towards exploitation by the masses of the cell phone technology. which in india, is the cheapest in the world. and envy of many a consumers.

also i have quoted below, an extract from the tehelka article:

IT’S EASY to poke fun at Swamy and his idiosyncrasies, to label him a “maverick” — a description he loathes — to resort to puns such as “One-man Swamy”. On the other hand, he represents one of Indian politics’ bittersweet ironies. With his scholarship, obvious cerebral gifts, determination and global connections, he should have been a minister of long standing, contributing to policy and shaping economic and diplomatic strategies. Instead, he is the perennial outsider in the establishment; associated with nuisance value and the politics of destruction.

does it not present an opportunity lost? is not the saddest words in any language, 'what could have been?'

Dear Kunjuppu, You may be right in one sense. However as an insider, swamy would not have started the 2G Cases. Pity that no -one else did.
The biggest difference between the west and India, is that in the West corruption is not tolerated when it becomes evident, while in India it is largely ignored or at best tolerated . No matter what may be the benefits of telecom policy, swindling money for one's own personal gain will not do. Surely we do not need Maran to implement the telecom policies if it means adding him as millionaire at the expense of the genuine businessmen.
Even people like Jayalalitha or Kalignar know that there is some one who will not be scared in piling up cases against them, and I am sure that has some moderating effect on their greed. Swamy is never trusted as an ally by anybody because he could ditch them and expose them . Jayalalitha I am sure would be far more comfortable with a powerful Kalaignar rather than a powerful Swami.
Yes opportunity lost for India. Many such opportunities are being lost everyday. What of those brilliant people who are constantly leaving India. They are also leaving India. The foremost reason is corruption, corruption and corruption. We Indians are tired of this tamasha.
We may not be supporters of Anna, but the antics of Sonia, her recent statement on Anna, puts on the defensive. We need somebody to go after these people and not worry about their life.

For all that TBs praise here about Swami, I have one thing to say. No TB Wife would have had the guts to support the ambitions of a Swami. Whatever may be Swami's political compulisions, his dare-devilness at this age, tells us that his wife must be really really supportive of him.
For all that TBs praise here about Swami, I have one thing to say. No TB Wife would have had the guts to support the ambitions of a Swami. Whatever may be Swami's political compulisions, his dare-devilness at this age, tells us that his wife must be really really supportive of him.

Do we know that? The children do not seem to support him. His constituent did not support him. Harvard university did not support him.
I do not know whether his wife has an honest independent view expressed any where. Silence does not mean support.

But you may be right, and she may have her own reason.
....The biggest difference between the west and India, is that in the West corruption is not tolerated when it becomes evident, while in India it is largely ignored or at best tolerated .
Dear Subbudu, another important difference is major corruption in high places arising out of nexus between businessmen and politicians is illegal in India, but legal in the U.S. (don't know about other countries in the West).

I agree with both of your posts, I wanted to click "Like" for the first post, but didn't do so because of your comment about Swamy's role on friendship between India and Israel.

[h=2]Let us hope Harvard recognizes its mistake and recalls subramanyan swamy for the next summer session. Swamy won the case against madras university which sacked him (and his wife on the same day) without any reason post emergency. He rejoined the university and resigned after one day. The university has not paid his salary dues till today. Who know, if he goes to court again, his salary dues may more than compensate harvard teaching fees.

"FIRE Intervenes at Harvard after Faculty Fires Economics Professor over Political Article Published in India[/h][h=4]January 5, 2012[/h]
by Adam Kissel
Today, FIRE has asked Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) to reverse its action against a controversial economics professor after it canceled all of his courses due to anop-ed he published in India in the wake of last year's Mumbai terrorist bombings. Although Harvard's administration had defended Professor Subramanian Swamy's rights afterintervention by FIRE, FAS blatantly and shamefully violated them in its meeting in December. Anyone reading the op-ed will have no trouble detecting why it was controversial, but this action by the Harvard faculty places speech and academic freedom in danger at Harvard.

[h=2]About Fire

The mission of FIRE is to defend and sustain individual rights at America's colleges and universities. These rights include freedom of speech, legal equality, due process, religious liberty, and sanctity of conscience — the essential qualities of individual liberty and dignity. FIRE's core mission is to protect the unprotected and to educate the public and communities of concerned Americans about the threats to these rights on our campuses and about the means to preserve them.

thefire.org by Mobify
thefire.org by Mobify

i am with you. if harvard made a mistake, and humans do make mistakes. if harvard made a mistake, i think they are the type to acknowledge it on appeal. if the appeal works, and swamy is back, all the more kudos to him.

if however the appeal fails, i hope folks who blamed harvard for unfairness, will now accept the verdict. that too is only fair and respect for the law.

hope this is ok with you.
definitely not. There is no law involved here.


i am with you. if harvard made a mistake, and humans do make mistakes. if harvard made a mistake, i think they are the type to acknowledge it on appeal. if the appeal works, and swamy is back, all the more kudos to him.

if however the appeal fails, i hope folks who blamed harvard for unfairness, will now accept the verdict. that too is only fair and respect for the law.

hope this is ok with you.
enna sarang,

no matter what, you say, swami is right, even when wrong.

unless harvard reinstates swami, harvard is wrong. reminds me of the old toss up, heads you lose, tails i win. i think this is not fair.

i think one of the underlying values in places like harvard, is honesty. if they make mistakes, they are magnanimous to accept their faults, and make restitutions. if even that is not acceptable to you, i am afraid, there is no recourse. so so sorry to hear you say this.
[h=3]Some excerpts for the interested. Lobby against claimed free speech is more powerful especially when islam and muslims are concerned.

In academia, Islam remains a risky third rail. Harvard Corp., restore Dr. Swamy's economics courses.[/h]
"A recent spate of campus controversies involving professors who made provocative statements about Muslims shows one of two things: a decreasing tolerance for inflammatory speech, or how easy it is for academics to get into trouble.

“I don’t think it is appropriate for an employee of the university, charged with teaching our students, to openly advocate the suspension of the human rights of millions of Indian citizens,” said Eck, who is an India scholar and director of Harvard’s Pluralism Project.

The Washington-based American Association of University Professors argues in its statement on freedom of expression that no idea or statement can be deemed so hateful as to warrant banning.
(American Association of University professors)

The Harvard controversy follows a similar one in November at Tarrant County College in Fort Worth, Texas, where adjunct professor Paul Derengowski was forced to resign from his world religions class because his Christian Apologetics Project website lists Islam as a cult; two Muslim students complained that he was biased against Islam.

Critics, like Campus Watch in Philadelphia, which monitors university curriculums, assert that academia has a liberal bias that is both pro-Muslim and anti-Christian and anti-Jewish.

Critics, like Campus Watch in Philadelphia, which monitors university curriculums, assert that academia has a liberal bias that is both pro-Muslim and anti-Christian and anti-Jewish.

"To be sure, other topics that have landed professors in hot water. Marc Ellis is fighting his dismissal as director of Baylor University’s Center for Jewish Studies. He claims his dismissal was orchestrated by Baylor President Kenneth Starr — the former independent counsel who investigated Bill Clinton — because Starr didn’t like his criticisms of Israel.

Akbar Ahmed, an Islamic studies professor at American University, and Lawrence Rosen, an anthropologist at Princeton, argued last year that universities have an “obligation to counter anti-Muslim sentiment.”
....i think one of the underlying values in places like harvard, is honesty. if they make mistakes, they are magnanimous to accept their faults, and make restitutions.
K, while I support your general position on Swamy, I just can't accept the above. These are institutions run by people with huge egos. Almost always the issues are not clear cut. Mistake or nuanced policy, arguments will go on endlessly.

After inviting him to teach, rescinding the invitation based on what may be seen as controversial speech by Swamy is a very bad precedent to set by a world renowned institution of higher learning.

Since DNA has edited swamy's article from 4000 to 1100 words, it will now be difficult to prove swamy guilty. DNA will be in a difficult position.

Swamy was called by crime branch with his raw article, which he had written. Crime Branch has also reportedly questioned two editors of the publishing organization in connection with the case.

"I was asked about the meaning of certain words. I told police that my original article was about 4,000 words and the published one was about 1,100 words. I told police that all passages were deleted," he told reporters. He claimed he wrote the article and emailed it to the newspaper when he was in the United States "If you read the whole article, no case can made out of it," he said.
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