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Doubts and Clarifications

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1) A quick google search revealed madara gothram is found in vadamas and brihacharanam. If i may ask, what are you going to do with it?

2) Probably bcoz they smell no good :)
Oh no way! I disagree Garlic smells Yummy when fried!

i agree.

nothing like the smells so great as the aroma of sauteed garlic or onions done to brown.

except maybe, and that too maaaaybe, sambhar with baby vengaayams :)

naakku romba neeLam namakku ellaam! right?
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Eating Onions & Garlics

I eat small onions liberally and big ones occasionally. But, I can't stand the smell of garlic. It's all one's personal preferences.

Onion and Garlic produce gas at most inconvenient situations, causing great embarrassment.

I dread to enter a toilet used by a garlic eater, even though water was properly flushed.

Some say, Onion and Garlic promote one's sexual instincts, even though they have no role to play in improving one's potency and sustenance, unlike viagra.
I dread to enter a toilet used by a garlic eater, even though water was properly flushed.

May be, one should try installing the modern day pressurised flush-outs.

Btw, closets in Kerala must be aromatic then...which are dumped with Jack Fruit based stools.
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In one of the pariharams for misdemenour Manu prescribes after the vratham or/ during the vratham shallots (which are small onions) to be eaten .I got the above from a translationof Manusmruti by a Harvard Scholar.
Interesting subject indeed. But it is vast Subject too. Actually we should go to Grihya Sutras like Apasthamba Bhudayana, Gauthama or Vasishta that we are expected follow in our daily life. For instance our family is supposed to follow Apasthama grihya sutra in our daily life. These sutras have given lengthy guidance of dos and don'ts in respect of "Eating and forbidden food". under "Prsna I Patala 5 Khanda 16" to "Prasna I Patala 6 Khanda 19". Red garlic, Onions and certain mushrooms are forbidden in the Sutras. No reason has been given for them. Apart from these texts, the subject of Eating and Food is discussed in detail in Manu Smriti, Satpatha Brahmana, Aithreya Brahmana, Bagvat Gita also.

While going through the texts on the subject it is found that eating of Animal flesh and drinking of intoxicants are also covered under various dos and don'ts. Consequently next question in my mind was whether the Brahmins are vegetarians and teetotalers always ?

ToAll: Eating habits changed time to time from one yugam to another, in one yugam eating Animal flesh and others are not followed in the next yugam. Garlic, small or Big onions,and other eatables,found in this World only. Our sutras and smrutis the big mistake was explnations by certern scholars and todays day to day life we have to decide whis good for health. I am a pure Veg.( before cutting greens and vegitables one minute prayer is a must our Siddhers done this before going to pick mecdicinal plants) S.R.K.
When in Amavasai we generate a heat in Our body which we should keep for the whole day! The onion will reduce the heat. The Amavasai it is better to body in heat form as the MOONS vibrations will Suck some air from our Body.

So it si better to avoid Onions
If the administrator can guide me I shall try to scan and upload the relavent pages of Apastamba
Doubts and Clarifications - Apasthamba Sutra

Dear pbkhema,

In response to your request I give below the URL of two sites wherein you will find the complete English translation of Apasthama Grihya Sutra. You can also find the text of three other Grihya Sutras in Hindunet.com.

The following website offers a wide range of Sanskrit texts, some also translated into English, for reading online or downloading, mostly in pdf. format.


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Onion and garlic s are in nature to induce the kama (that is desire). So kindly avo

i have couple of quesions

1) I recently heard about a gothram called "Madara". Under which subsect its coming? Please provide all possible list of Gothrams of Tamil Iyer Community.

2) Why its said that Onion,Garlic Etc has to be avoided on Amavasya and on Auspicious Occasions. Please say the reason WRT science
Onion and fgarlic by it nature induce the KAMA. On that days we are doing kamas .To get more involvement in the karma. we have to avoide it
Onion and fgarlic by it nature induce the KAMA. On that days we are doing kamas .To get more involvement in the karma. we have to avoide it


on what basis do you say that onion and garlic are aphrodisiacs. this is news to me, as i have not heard of any scientific study about this. maybe you can explain?

also why is karma and kama mutually exclusive? can they not coexist?
Surely Kunjuppu sir, they both can coexist.
But brahmins of that age (might be 100-200 years ago or even much before) considered karma as superior than kama. One main thing is like we split gunas into three: Rajas, Thamas, and sathvic, the food we uptake can also be splitted. Onion and garlic comes under rajasic food. It is banned for brahmins only and not for other kshtriya communities. The reason behind is continuous uptake these veggies will create anger, lust and other rajasic characters within us. eating sathvic food like curd, dhal, wheat will make you to so simple, humble and provide much strength to fight iner desires. If you try it, you will feel it. I avoid eating onions on Navarathri days (that is till that new moon day-when shivasakthi aikyam is celebrated), I feel much relaxed, concentration will be much focussed. But am damn sure, I can't live without them, that much i got adicted to them. Somehow we can atleast try to reduce them in diet. They are medicinally important species and so, we can also consume to a level. But dont go to an extent that without onion I cant eat.

As a comment said, the eating habits change from time to time, place to place. Even in India, in calcutta, brahmins will eat fishes. Can we people think of it???
To touch the main subject of Gotras please try a google search.
As regards the Grihya Sutras I have downloaded the translations of all the smritis from the online books page
i have a question, for which i would like responses and feedback.
is the practice of SATI sanctioned by the scriptures.
i am asking this not because i am fighting for womens rights but just for knowledge purposes.
as far as i know suicide (Atma Hatya) is considered a grave sin.
isnt Sati also considered Atma Hatya?
in modern times(i mean less ancient) many rajput royals commited it as they prefered to die on the husbands pyre than to be violated by the intruder.so that was a different situation all togather.
but even in the Mahabharat Madri commited Sati when Pandu died.
is this really right because it definitely falls into the category of Atma Hatya.
kindly give feedback.
Actually on those days, padivratya was maintained by the sumangalis in three distinct ways. One is dying before her husband, second is dying at the second after hearing husband's death (like mandodari in ramayan), and this third one is what you mentioned sati. Sati on that days, is not a forced act. If you are going to take the example of matri, The legend goes like this only. Kundi and matri fight between each other to go along with their husband pandu and serve him in heaven. So, it is very clear that it is not a forced act that days. Also, there are many characters said whom lived as widows. Why not we take an example of aryamba???

So, Sati is not at all needed. Some women who actually doesn't want to live in this world after his death, started this kinda culture supposed to be, which at a stage turned out as a compulsary act. Even, this is treated as a cheap kind of death. In bhakta vijayam, Padmavathi (jayadev's wife) says to the queen, on hearing the death news of her husband, the lady should give up her life out of their true love at that second itself. If not, what is the reason in dying by sati???

At the sametime, the sati of rajputs are not like that. They did so, only coz of their love. Noone has compelled them to do that.

Unfortunately at this time, I accept the truth that no men has died in myths and legends for his wife like this. At the sametime, we cannot say this custom as male chauvinism, which at a stage turned like that with the help of many females (like mamiar, nathanar, oor peria mamigal).... Somehow, it got abolished.

Thanks to rajaram mohan roy.

I even consider SATI is ok. The torchers they gave to the widows were like that. Wearing sandal sari, with cleanshavenhead, always saying rama rama alone, not waering any kinda jewels, leading an isolated life. I always feel pity for mottaipattis. This society has luckily changed to some extent now. When considering these living widows leading nonliving life, I consider SATI was better.

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Dear all,

Very interesting and important topic....

Everyone should know all these chota-mota brahmin rules without following any blindly...

As per my knowledge the reason behind avoiding Onion, Garlic, Drumstick etc..etc during Amavasya and Auspicious Occasions is -

These stuffs has strong qualities of stimulating the senses of living creatures (both Human beings and other specious).

Such as -


Thus by avoiding such food items during occasions we can refrain from such stimulated feelings in us and concentrate on performing our duty without flaws.

Whether some one like the smell and or taste is purely personal in nature. This differs from individual to individual...But the point is all of them have potent medicinal qualities.

The fact is these stuffs are not prohibited from eating in our cast.

These items need to be consumed on regular basis to keep our senses up and to help our body mechanism perform in its perfect way.


i just want to ask another question about the Kunti Vs Madri episode where you say they were fighting to commit Sati as to serve Pandu in heaven.
arent we on our own when we die? that is we are really not sure which loka we will ascend or descend to.
we have our own individual karma to work out and since we have no physical body after death all bodily relationships have ceased to exist, so how can one be so sure of serving ones husband after death.
the question is which husband?
we have had countless births and countless deaths, countless husbands and countless children and wifes in all the previous births.
what if the previous birth husband is still in the astral realm? who do we serve then?
does one human need to serve another after death?
correct me if i am wrong, but arent we here in this world to work out our individual karma facing the various hurdles and experiences in life spun around us by Maya for us to reach the Ultimate Goal?

now coming to another subject: i have always wondered that Draupadi who had 5 husbands died before all of them hence she died a Sumangali.
what if any one of them had died before her and she had say 4 husbands balance would she be considered a Sumangali , 4/5 Sumangali or an Amangali?
just curious.
Dear Ms.Renuka...

Well said...Your comments and thoughts were all wonderful and absolutely appreciable.

I would like to express some of my opinions to your valid claims...

SATI was a old age system where people had a different social structure...

Some widows preferred to die on their husbands pyre out of their own whish and the reasons might have been personal feelings out of love or to escape social atrocities.

Ironically some were forced to do so as a custom.

All these were during the period when low enforcement agencies were not doing much to curb such ridiculous social set ups. It was only because of some of the social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Rai and few others who did all sort of revamping the social structure, and in due course of time we are now in a well build and secured society.

At present we are living in a totally different type of environment which has kicked away all the social outrages. The legal system has changed a lot to the benefit of each individual irrespective of their gender. The life style has been drastically changed and most importantly every one has their own space and liberty to live their own life the way they want.

At this juncture I feel it would not be of any use for us to keep pondering and discussing about the justifications of the old age systems, most of which were not acceptable.

In the present world women do have full freedom to act for their betterment and men are not old fashioned to disagree with women personal decisions.

Both men and women are doing crimes and suffering. Likewise both of them are doing good, living in a good manner and be good to the society.

We don’t know what happen in our previous birth and who was our husband / wife. The same uncertainty about the future birth. The only thing we know is…Who we are and with whom we are….What is our role and what is our responsibility…What is right and what is wrong….

We all need to live fearing our conscious and GOD. We need to live a practical life, straight life with love & affection, commitment and responsibility, without hurting others and without violating our tradition…That’s it.

There are many acute and disgusting incidents happening in our country in the present that all need to be discussed upon to reform our self and our society.

For example,

I got a news email this morning that reads as -

Same gotra match Family kills boy let kin rape gir...
Three years after a couple fled their village in Haryana from families opposed to the ``same-gotra'' union, the girl's family allegedly killed the 22-yr-old man and locked up their daughter to be repeatedly raped by relatives and their friends.

Link for a detailed report –


Man held for tonsuring wife
A 36-year-old Tamil Nadu resident has been arrested for tonsuring his wife and harassing her. The accused, Ibrahim Shah, runs a textile shop in Coimbatore. He had married 27-year-old Nadeera Banu 11 years ago and the couple have three sons. Ibrahim h...

Link for a detailed report


So let us follow "LET THE PAST BURRY THE DEAD" and focus on present incidents, social atrocities, injustice etc...etc.. that all need to be address to and discussed upon to gain more knowledge, confidence and support.



i just want to ask another question about the Kunti Vs Madri episode where you say they were fighting to commit Sati as to serve Pandu in heaven.
arent we on our own when we die? that is we are really not sure which loka we will ascend or descend to.
we have our own individual karma to work out and since we have no physical body after death all bodily relationships have ceased to exist, so how can one be so sure of serving ones husband after death.
the question is which husband?
we have had countless births and countless deaths, countless husbands and countless children and wifes in all the previous births.
what if the previous birth husband is still in the astral realm? who do we serve then?
does one human need to serve another after death?
correct me if i am wrong, but arent we here in this world to work out our individual karma facing the various hurdles and experiences in life spun around us by Maya for us to reach the Ultimate Goal?

now coming to another subject: i have always wondered that Draupadi who had 5 husbands died before all of them hence she died a Sumangali.
what if any one of them had died before her and she had say 4 husbands balance would she be considered a Sumangali , 4/5 Sumangali or an Amangali?
just curious.
The case of draupadi is exceptional I think. Because, even in mahabharata krishna convinced kundi like that only. Everyone, including king durupatha, drushtadhyumna, pandavas and why not kundi asked this very same question how a woman can be married to five guys? Both krishna and vyasa both convinced them all. Draupadi should not see just as a woman, she did not born by the unification of a father and mother. She came out of the divine yagagni. She is the sign of revenge, anger, love and so on. Pancha pandavas are considered to be a panchendriyas, whereas the draupadi is considered as the mind. Might be I think, for the women protestors like you who are now in this new society shouting against polygamy by men, draupadi married 5 guys in that day itself, showed equality in this deed. Draupadi was considered as superior ad worshipful woman among the five. The other four are "Agalya, seetha, thara and mandodari". If so, how her chastity can be a questionable and shared by five???

Similarly Matri died an kundi lived even after that, is that mean kundi does not have any love over pandu??? Certianly not like that. You should also be clear Kundi is the first legal (Pattamahishi) wife of pandu and she has the prime rights to do SATI for pandu. But, she didn't. Is it not clear from this itself that SATI is not a forced act those days??? We cannot say that kundi and matri are laymen orelse they are uncivilized na???

In that same mahabharata itself, to console kundi, krishna takes her to heaven and showed karna to her, where he even does not recognised kundhi. So, it is clear that they would not be as same husband or wife like that bonding. They did this just as they did not want to live in this earth after the demise of their beloved husband.

Iam not for for this SATI. Anyhow, am standing in the strategy that SATI initially came out of love only. Then it turned as forceful act.

For your just curious query, that thing can never happen. She married 5 guys not because of the lust, not because of love, it is because of her fate certainly. According to mythology, these wives are the heroines. Like nalayini, savitri they will fight for the life of their husband. What else, draupadi should have to fight lot to save five lives.. Thats all. You cannot show any such cases like draupadi, so an exception is always an exception I think.

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