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doubts and clarification

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I am not clarifying from the level of scriptures , but from a practical realistic bend of mind.

The pooja etc are akin to treating a guest in our house.
Just recall how we treat an honoured guest. We offer them the best available and procurable .Similar for pooj of a deity also.

Vandathum tharuvahu vandanam , pin sandanam, Aasana(seating), etc etc ..Thaamboolam .Is it not?

Similarly for a pooja, it is aavaahanam ( invitation and invocation), snaanam , snaanaanandara upacharam, aachamanam, bhojanam--This bhojam is Neivedyam. (Even though the basic books prescribe specific nivediyams for each deity ,in general offer the best you feel to honour the guest)

Sabari offered fruits to SriRaama after tasting them ,to confirm them that she is offering the best to HIm..

I feel that if we are not able to have the correct knowledge , let us use our common sense.Let us have mistakes committed in positive spirit.

As a sequelto earlier post,
The nivedyam should be such that the visitors or participants should also enjoy the prasaadam-especially children.

The word Nivedhayami does not mean "Eat that". It is to just inform...
The words of paramacharya as such for your calrification:

Tamil Content : kamakoti.org:

The word Nivedhayami does not mean "Eat that". It is to just inform...
The words of paramacharya as such for your calrification:


Here it has been clearly explained why naivedhya should be done...

Here it has been clearly explained why naivedhya should be done...

Thanks Mr Durgadasan ji, we got the real meaning of neivdhyam being offered to god. The extract from Kamakoti is very nice and simple , thanks for your guidance.
dear all,
i just want to clarify this nagging historical doubt.
when i watched the movie Dashaavataram, i found it hard to believe the scene when a scion of the Chola dynasty commits the act of Brahmana Hatya.
did this really take place in history. i cant get it on line anywhere.
i am sure no king would want to commit the grave sin of Brahmana Hatya. can anybody clarify this for me.
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sri.Periayaa explanation is wonderful-I got many doubts about Panchaayadhana Pooja cleared-many thanks for posting it.
I have a doubt, males do the funeral rites for parents.

Putra (son) means Put Trayate {one(Pumlingah) who saves from Put Hell}

but isnt Putri just the feminine of the above word {one (Strilingah) who saves from Put Hell}

therefore are females really banned from doing funeral rites?

note: i am not asking this question because i am female but just out of curiosity.
really looking for answers
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Thanks for all. Sundaram uncle, the link is taking us only to the tamil version. I dont know how it navigates to telugu...

Renuka ji
The story is true in the period of chola king. He just wanted to enlarge the shrine of shiva, for which the shrine of govindaraja perumal was found to be a disturbance. But, for that instance, killing a brahmin and all are just story of kamal... Nothing has happened like that. The whole thing happened in a single night and only people get aleerted in the next day.

I forget the story and king name... If by chance i go to the library, will collect the details again for you. But for your kind reference, the king has not killed anyone for this act. Infact, he fasted for a whole week before that and he locked himself in the shrine it seems to be. So, the depiction of chola king as cruel is absolutely wrong. Also, in that song, a small child will throw stone over him (it implies shri gnanasambanda), is this the way to degrade a great saint???

I really hate that film for these scenes...

Dear Sharma ji,
thanks for guiding me, i will try to look up soon.
i think my father has a copy of Manus smrti at home, have to search for it.
Shri Durgadasan ji,
thank you so much for your reply.
it really cleared my doubt, i always admired Kamal for his talent and seriousness of works and historical facts in his movies but this was just not fair to the Chola dynasty
Actually that was kulothunga chozha. I forget whether he is I or II. Anyhow, in histories Kings follow some religion and sometimes pressurize others to follow the same. Even the great nindraseer nedumara pandian tortured all saivites and pressurize them to convert as jains. Mahendra varma pallava was also a jain in his initial periods. Sambandar and appar respectively changed these kings. So, in history everything happens. We might not be sure what is real and unreal. One thing am sure is even if that event took place in front of sambanda, such a dignified person won't behave silly like this...

I too like kamal a lot for his efforts, risks to act in a movie... At the same time, the movie should not diminish the gesture of any dignified persons na...

Kirimi kanda Cholan

I don't know anything about the movie...

But, for Sri Vaishnavas, Kulothunga Cholan II has remained as Kirimi Kanda Cholan. This Cholan is hated by Sri Vaishnavas even today not just because he removed Govindaraja Perumal from the temple in Thillai Thiruchithrakootam (Chidambaram) but for attempting to kill Bhagavat Ramanuja as well.

Having gotten wind of the plot to kill Ramanuja, Koorathazvan, a sishya of Ramanuja, made arrangements for Ramanuja to escape to Thirunarayanapuram. He then wore kAshAyam. The kingsmen thought he was Ramanuja and brought him before the King. But Nalooran, a minister in the king's court recognized Koorathzvan and realized Ramanuja was gone.

Then, Nalooran made the king demand Koorathazhvan and the aged Acharya of Ramanuja, Periya Nambi, to sign a statement proclaiming that there is no god superior to Siva. But Koorathazvan wrote out a statement that started out like they wanted but through clever wording made it into a mock. Angered by this, the Kulothunga Chola II, ordered that the eyes of the two be gouged out. Koorathazvan survived the ordeal, but Periya Nambi, perhaps due to advanced age, could not. He died as a result.

Because of this cruelty, Kulothunga II remains kirimi kanda cholan among Sri Vaishnavas.

After the passing of this Chola, his son became the king. He was not an extremist Saivite. During his reign he invited Ramanuja to come back to Sri Rangam and he did. He also installed a new Govindaraja moolavar sannidhi in Thillai Thiruchitrakootam.

Later, the original Moolavar Kulothungan II had removed was recovered. Ramanuja got this moolavar installed in Keez Thiruppathi Govindaraja Perumal temple. Even today, in this temple, the procedure and protocol of Thillai nagar Thiruchitrakootam temple is followed.

Killing comes naturally for those in power. In fact Tamil tradtion glorifies violence. Aganaanooru glorifies a mother declaring that she will cut off her breast if she finds out her son backed off from battle showing his back to the enemy.

மண்டமர்க்கு உடைந்தனன் ஆயின் உண்ட என்
முலை அறுத்திடுவேன்

Also, one of the Swathithirunal kings exchanged clothes with a temple preist when he found out his enemies had surrunded the temple. He escaped dressed as the priest and priest got killed.

What is dharma and what is adharma often is decided by those in power.

I was watching a preview of a documentary on the famed civilrights lawyer William Kunstler and I was taken by a quote from him. Paraphrasing, we are oblivious to the depth of our prejudices.

Yes Professor. What is dharma and adharma is the time to decide things... Also, the dharma for ruler will be entirely different from the layman. What am arguing is the symbolification of Gnanasambanda in that song. The story of ramanuja and koorathazhvar is historical one and noone can say that incident doesn't happen. I think in some temple, Ramanuja gives darshan in waering white dress (Vellai-Satthu) in relation with this incident. Iam telling that like ramanuja for vaishnavism, sambandar is for saivism na... The pictorification of a small child throwing stone over the vaishnavite bahkta is the thing I want to condemn. Otherwise am not arguing the nature of king. Always, people will be having twosides of lives and kings will be having multiple sides of lives...

I think this king has some problem in his throat. It will be very unpleasent nearing him and a bad smell was surrounded with him always and worms always oozed out from his throat. "Kirumu kanda chozhan". I studied in some historical novels about Kulothunga as this. I dont know the exact thing behind his name like this...

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are we all not defined by our prejudices.we are what we are, because of our prejudices. n'est pas?

Our adversaries will surely like to define us that way. But I hope we can rise to the challenge.

If Kunstler is right then there is no hope. If we don't even realize our prejudices what is the chance of rising abve it. I think he was only urging us to dig deep, bring the lurking monster out, and vaquish him.

Here a little bit of history to understand what he was talking about. I am sure people who have lived in North America for a while will remember the events of that Spring of 1989 evening that came to be known as Central Park Jogger case. A 28 year old female jogger was brutally raped, beaten up and was left for dead. She survived.

Five black teenagers were arrested, charged, coerced to confess (which they later recanted), convicted, and thrown into prison. The nation sighed relief, satisfied that justice had been done.

There was one man who believed in their innocence and that was Kunstler. He tried his best to defend them, but he was willified. The newpapers screamed the five roamed the park like a pack of wolves looking for victim. The nation was in no mood to let these five wolves go. They are as guilty as the color of their skin was black. Kunstler's own two teenage daughters were upset with him for defending the five monsters.

Some 13 years later, confession from the actual perpetraor which was then corroberated with DNA evidence proved the innocence of the five wolves. By this time Kunstler, the only man in America who believed the five, was dead for about 6 or 7 years.

We need to first face our deeply burried prejudices headon. Otherwise, there is no hope of redemption. Each of us must do some introspection, why is the so called brahminism reviled by almost everyone outside the brahmin fold? If all we can do is rationalize, then we have not faced our prejudices.
On prejudice

One more thing Kunjuppu,

Recently, we had a spectacular display of unabashed prejudice by one called Jamadagnya. That his prejudice found a lot of resonance shows how deep it is buried. The objection was only to the openness and the forcefulness with which it was expressed.
I think in some temple, Ramanuja gives darshan in waering white dress (Vellai-Satthu) in relation with this incident.

I am aware of only one temple where Ramanuja wears white veshti and that is Mathuranthakam. Ramanuja was given panca samaskaram at this temple by Periya Nambi. To commemorate this incidence Ramanuja wears white because at that time he was a grahasta. White is not for the incidence we are discussing.

I am not aware of any other temple where he wears white and that too to signify his flight to Karnataka frm Sri Rangam. If this is so that would be of interest for me to know. Could you please let me know which temple you are referring to?

Thank you...
If it were so easy! That all of USA's jurisprudence always reflect the prejudices, especially of racism towards the blacks.

On the night in question, this gang of black youths went on a wild spree of mayhem in Central Park. Each pointed to other to mainly escape from trial due to the mayhem. Yes, the DNA of a voluntary admission of guilt by someone else later proved that they were not the culprits on the rape, but the circumstantial evidence was there to connect them to the rape. When you are in a bank stealing money, it is natuaral to suspect the theives for a missing piece of any valuable object from the bank.

The so called black leaders who infused racism to this case (Rev. Sharpton, the self styled black leader was in the forefront) and even paraded Ms. Tawana Bradley, whose claims of rape by a white man were later proved to be absolutely false.

While all these allegations / counter allegations were going on, a real tragedy also happened in Brooklyn. A poor black girl was savagely raped by a black man and despite pleas for help only one man, Mr. Donald Trump sent money.

This is the danger of seeing everything with a racist slant. Unfortunately ACLU and other organizations like that behave in the interests of the minority, with the agenda of pocketing the donations. Sensationalism helps.

I am giving two links here: The first one is a series of essays by the noted lawyer Alan Dershowitz who teaches law at Harvard. Please read about the above mentioned case there (pp490) and if you have time also read all the stories. Please note his comments about Mr. Kunstler. They portray a very balanced view of a non too perfect (but better than most) judicial system in America:
America on trial: inside the legal ... - Google Books

The second is the criminal profile of the USA. Please pay particulat attention to black on black crime and white on black crime. This shows you why the blacks represent themselves dispropotional to their population in american jails:
Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide trends in the U.S.: Trends by race

Eliminating racism and prejudice is an educating process. If one attempts to do it with social reengineering policies (although policies treating every citizen as equal are necessary), it becomes a blunt instrument, damaging the society in a lot of places. India's quota system is one example.


Our adversaries will surely like to define us that way. But I hope we can rise to the challenge.

If Kunstler is right then there is no hope. If we don't even realize our prejudices what is the chance of rising abve it. I think he was only urging us to dig deep, bring the lurking monster out, and vaquish him.

Here a little bit of history to understand what he was talking about. I am sure people who have lived in North America for a while will remember the events of that Spring of 1989 evening that came to be known as Central Park Jogger case. A 28 year old female jogger was brutally raped, beaten up and was left for dead. She survived.

Five black teenagers were arrested, charged, coerced to confess (which they later recanted), convicted, and thrown into prison. The nation sighed relief, satisfied that justice had been done.

There was one man who believed in their innocence and that was Kunstler. He tried his best to defend them, but he was willified. The newpapers screamed the five roamed the park like a pack of wolves looking for victim. The nation was in no mood to let these five wolves go. They are as guilty as the color of their skin was black. Kunstler's own two teenage daughters were upset with him for defending the five monsters.

Some 13 years later, confession from the actual perpetraor which was then corroberated with DNA evidence proved the innocence of the five wolves. By this time Kunstler, the only man in America who believed the five, was dead for about 6 or 7 years.

We need to first face our deeply burried prejudices headon. Otherwise, there is no hope of redemption. Each of us must do some introspection, why is the so called brahminism reviled by almost everyone outside the brahmin fold? If all we can do is rationalize, then we have not faced our prejudices.
dear all,

I have a doubt.
why do some recite Om Namah CChivaaya instead of Om Namah Shivaya?

I cant find any sandhi garmmar rule in sanskrit which will make the Sha be replaced by a ccha when preceeded by a Visarga.

The rule of Sha changing to Ccha is seen in this example below, which is a grammar rule of Sandhi

Lingashtakam idam punyam yah patecchivasannidhau

Patecchiva--- after breaking the Sandhi is Pathet Shiva (follows the sandhi grammar rule)

But Om Namah CChivaya does not fit into any rule I know of so far.
Can anybody shed somelight?

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I know nothing about Sanskrit leave alone Sanskrit grammer. Om Nama Shivaya some times becomes Om Nama Cchivaya for no apparent reason. Secondly the tongue (in the anatomical sense) makes difference. Some people when they say any thing with 'S' sound, it would come out with 'C' sound due to the tongue being too thick.

I hope Sivan wouldn't mind these differences! :ohwell:
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dear all,

I have a doubt.
why do some recite Om Namah CChivaaya instead of Om Namah Shivaya?

I cant find any sandhi garmmar rule in sanskrit which will make the Sha be replaced by a ccha when preceeded by a Visarga.

The rule of Sha changing to Ccha is seen in this example below, which is a grammar rule of Sandhi

Lingashtakam idam punyam yah patecchivasannidhau

Patecchiva--- after breaking the Sandhi is Pathet Shiva (follows the sandhi grammar rule)

But Om Namah CChivaya does not fit into any rule I know of so far.
Can anybody shed somelight?

Om Namah Shivaaya in Sanskrit becomes om namachchivaaya in tamil because of the rule in tamil grammer that in such situations otru mikum.
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