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Will yapping on a mobile phone give us brain cancer?
Will we become impotent if we leave our phones in our pocket? Does the handset we use make any differences? Scientists predict it will be decades before we know answers to these questions. It took 30-40 years after cigarettes went mass market for their epidemiological link with cancer is to be established. At the rate that we use our phones
that may be to late for many of us.
Let me share some clues that we can use to guide us, now:
A mobile phone emits electromagnetic radiation of the microwave frequency. Thro the side of the face we use mobile, any radiation to the head is absorbed by the skull. No studies to date have found a casual link between cell phones and brain cancer. But cancers may take years to develop. To be absolutely safe a logical option will be to use headset. If you use blue tooth headset are you saving your head but risking your gonads? Blue tooth devices are at too low risk. However if your phone is in your pants pocket while you talk on your headset you do potentially put your reproductive organs at risk. Solution : take it away from pocket and use. Women toss it in your purse and forget about it. Finally lower the SAR [specific absorption rate] of the mobile phone the less is the absorption of radiation by the body. You can find the SAR in the in the phone’s technical manual.. I learn that iphone 3G S has about half SAR as the iPhone 3G.
And your choice of network also plays a role. The weaker is the signal the more power your handset is required to use which translates into greater radiation from the phone than that published SAR level. Strongest net work at any given time results in lowest possible radiation.
We should be aware that mobile phones are harmful to health as many health damages are increasingly being reported out of mobile usage day by day.
Ref: Forbes India-March 19th - 2010..
Will we become impotent if we leave our phones in our pocket? Does the handset we use make any differences? Scientists predict it will be decades before we know answers to these questions. It took 30-40 years after cigarettes went mass market for their epidemiological link with cancer is to be established. At the rate that we use our phones
that may be to late for many of us.
Let me share some clues that we can use to guide us, now:
A mobile phone emits electromagnetic radiation of the microwave frequency. Thro the side of the face we use mobile, any radiation to the head is absorbed by the skull. No studies to date have found a casual link between cell phones and brain cancer. But cancers may take years to develop. To be absolutely safe a logical option will be to use headset. If you use blue tooth headset are you saving your head but risking your gonads? Blue tooth devices are at too low risk. However if your phone is in your pants pocket while you talk on your headset you do potentially put your reproductive organs at risk. Solution : take it away from pocket and use. Women toss it in your purse and forget about it. Finally lower the SAR [specific absorption rate] of the mobile phone the less is the absorption of radiation by the body. You can find the SAR in the in the phone’s technical manual.. I learn that iphone 3G S has about half SAR as the iPhone 3G.
And your choice of network also plays a role. The weaker is the signal the more power your handset is required to use which translates into greater radiation from the phone than that published SAR level. Strongest net work at any given time results in lowest possible radiation.
We should be aware that mobile phones are harmful to health as many health damages are increasingly being reported out of mobile usage day by day.
Ref: Forbes India-March 19th - 2010..