For example I have taken June 21 st 2012 that is AAni month; In this month there should be one new moon and one full moon and one maadha pirapu Morew than this or nil of any one is not a uthamam month. as there is no Madha pirapu in this month this is treated as madhimam month.
There is no Guru Sukran ASthamanam. in this month. THARA PHALAN AND CHANDRA PHALAN must be there for both Bride and Bride groom. Here with I am giving a chart to find out easily whether thara palam for all subha karyams.
For the birth star of ASWINI; MAGAM;MOOLAM; Rohini; hastham; thiruvonam and swathi sadayam;and poosam anusham uthirathadhi and revathy are having thara palam.
FOR THE BIRTH STAR OF BARANI; POORAM AND POORAADAM; uthiram, uthiradam, mirugasririsham,chithrai, avittam, punarpoosam, revathy, aswini, magam, moolam are having good thara palam.
FOR KRITHIGAI, UTHIRAM, UTHIRADAM; Rohini, hastham, thiruvonam, swathi, sadayam, aswathy magam, moolam,poosam, anusham, uthuratadhi are having thara palam.
FOR ROHINI HASTHAM THIRUVONAM; Mirugasirsham, chithrai,Avittam, punarpoosam, revathy, uthiram, uthirada.
FOR MRUGASIRSHAM,CHITHRAI AVITTAM; Aswathi, magam, moolam,swathi sadayam, poosam, anusham, uthirathadhi, uthiram, uthiraadam, rohini, hastham, thiruvonam,
FOR THIRUVATHIRAI SWATHI SADAYAM; Punarpoosam, revathy, Rohini,hastham, thiruvonam, mirugasirsham, chithrai avittam are having tara palam.
FOR PUNARPOOSAM,VISHAGAM, POORATHADHI; Poosam, anusham, uthiratadhi, Aswini,magam,moolam,uthiram, uthiradam, swathi, sadayam, mirrugasirsham, chithrai, avittam are having thara palam.
FOR POOSAM, ANUSHAM, UTHIRATHADHI; Revathy, rohini, hastham,thiruvonam, swathy,sadayam, punarpoosam, are having thara palam.
FOR AIYALYAM, KETTAI, REVATHY; ASwini, magam, moolam, uthiram, uthiradam, , mirugasirsam,chithrai avittam,punarpoosam, poosam, anusham, uthirathadhi are having thara palam.
Now for the bride birth star; rohini 21st june star is punarpoosam so there is thara palam. for the Bride groom birth star is Revathy so thara palam is there for punar poosam and revathy. o.k..
NEXT CHANDRA PALAM; FOR BRIDE JANMA RASI; RISHABAM; FOR BRIDE GROOM JANMA RASI MEENAM; On 21 st june the Moon will be in mithuna raasi From the janma rasi of
the bride mithunam is second and it is not good. For the groom it is in the fourth place and it is also not good.
Count from the janma rasi of the bride and groom to the rasi where the moon is there on wedding day. !. good health. 2. Loss of Money. 3. wealth. 4. fear of disease. 5. kariya vignam; 6. chathry naasam. 7,. sowbhagya vridhi. 8. increase of disease. 9 . kaarya dhamadham. 10 udhyoga vridhi. 11. ista sidhi. 12. loss of money.
some are saying in sukla paksham 2nd, 5th, and 9th are good and in krishna paksham 8th and 12 th rasis are good. According to this sukla patcham 2 is good and this becomes madhimam in chandra balam.
KASARA YOGAM; This is a very importanat yogam and must be considered.
To be continued.