i think there was a thread about the beauty of this song as perfromed by d.k. pattamal original.
there was a version in youtube of a much later version.
i have goosepimples each time i hear it. what with the optimism, on the eve of freedom, about equality and justice.
i have a bmp file of the same, which i found i could not attach it here. please send me a private message, whosoever would like to hear it.
God Bless.
there was a version in youtube of a much later version.
i have goosepimples each time i hear it. what with the optimism, on the eve of freedom, about equality and justice.
i have a bmp file of the same, which i found i could not attach it here. please send me a private message, whosoever would like to hear it.
God Bless.