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Communists in me

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May day Greetings..In my college days I read Des Kapitol I was so impressed and felt it was the only logical political philosophy I became a non ticket holding sympathizer of Communist Party of India I even closed my clinic on May Day to attend the meetings! They never believed in cast divide only in class divide The Rich Elitist and the exploited Poor. Religion is Opium etc Even to day communists Party is the only party not involved in any major scams even in states where it is ruling. West Bengal did not have the Backward class reservation till Mandal Manu of 20th century patronized by V.P. Singh. Alas Now W.B. has announced 10% reservation for Muslims. Instead of creating wealth & Prosperity to be shared they ended up with sharing only the poverty! Their labor unions were resisting computerization logic each computer displaces 40 persons!I remember while addressing meeting during elections in 60s CNA said all ticket holding communist will vote DMK since we appeal to their cast instinct than class instinct unlike the communists How true! Some of my friends used to comment if you are not a communist at 20 you are a fool & at 40 if you still continue to be a communists are a "filtered fool"( வடிகட்டின முட்டாள்) May be true!! Jambu :confused:
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First of All There is no connection between Communists And May Day.
May Day Revolution started in Chicago America during 1887 (I think).
Right for Claim of 8 hours work,
8 Hours Rest, and
8 Hours for Gosipp,
Initiated On the Streets of Chicago by the Workers of Riffle Factory Labourers.

May Day Revolution and September Revolution Started only in Chicago.

1000s of Poor Labourers of Riffle Factory were shot by the Owners.The owners Strongly opposed the Claim demanded by the Labourers and compelled them for 12 hours work (Sun Raise to Sun Set).

Not only Indian Communists,but Communists elsewhere throughout the Globe are Fit For Nothing.

Except China Communism has Totally Failed.

In Cuba only Dictatorship is spoiling the Development of the Country.

In WB even Today we can see Rickshaws dragged by Man.
The States depend on Communist Party will never Shine.

In spite of all , Kerala is Shining not because of Communist Party but because of the Hard Work of the People and Natures Gift.

The whole India Knows Communists are not Real Patriots.

In kerala Communists are still encouraging Illegal earning of Maaplas Muslims of Malabar Regions who involve in Delibarate Hawala Business.

Popular Friends of India are having their Strong Base and Foot in this Region.

During 1962 Indo China War Indian Communists Openly Supported China while they are Shamelessly Eating Food Here.

In W.B they are still capturing Power only because they allow illegal Cross Border by Bangladeshi Muslims and they are used for Kalla Vote on the name of Indian Muslims.

Purely they are Selfish and never care about Country.

As far as TN is Concerned Left and Right will never sail on Leaky Boat.

Since 1967,They will always convineantly have a Seat in the Winning Alliance.They are the Roll Model for Dr Ramdass , PMK leader.
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Comunism as a political philosophy is ok only as long as it is USED to rally people towards a certain goal as it is done in China. The problem in Indian context is that many of our communists lost themselves in communism because it itself became a passion for them. They started interpreting and reinterpreting it until it became something of an enigma to the common man. When you start interpreting everything using the communist dictionary and rally the proletariats there are bound to be severe reactions. This is what has happened in our country and this is the reason why communists stand discredited. I will give an example of how communist trade unions have used their bargaining power and how the otherside has treated them with contempt.This happened in an organization in which a friend of me worked.

scene 1. An active union member goes to his superior and asks for one month leave as his wife was in an advanced state of pregnancy.The conversation went like this:
Employee:Sir, I want a month's leave and this is the application for that.
Boss:No leave now. The annual audit is going on.
Employee:Sir but this is urgent.
Boss: whatever be the urgency, no leave for a month.By the way what is the urgency?
Employee:Sir my wife is pregnant and she needs my help.
Boss: I am not responsible for your problem. Sorry.


A toilet in the office is leaking and as the water is exhausted quickly the toilet stinks. A powerful union leader goes to the GM's room and the conversation went like this:
Leader: Sir, the office toilet is stinking up to the heavens.
GM:(does not understand the problem and tries to make out some meaning)
Leader: Sir please take some action immediately. Otherwise we will take take action against the management.
GM: Let me see what can be done. I will have to check up with the Premises Officer.
Leader: We have heard enough of this excuse.
GM:What else do you expect from me?
Leader:I do not know what you will do. The toilet should be repaired within the next 10 minutes. Otherwise we will take drastic action.
The leader goes away and comes back after 10 minutes sharp.The toilet is still stinking.
Leader: Sir despite my pleading you did not take action.
GM: I have instructed the Premeses engineer to take action.
Leader:We are not happy with the way you have ignored our reasonable request.
GM: I have not ignored it.
Leader: The management behaves this way always.
At this stage there are other employees who get into the room and there is some slogan shouting. The GM gets annoyed and asks them to get out. Then the leader and two other militant members piss on the GM's table and leave shouting slogans.

This is not imaginery. This really happened in OUR Country.
in scene 2,the workers drank enuff water before pissing,therefore there was no stink.workers were morarji desai's followers of auto-urino-therapy,who incidently was born feb 29 th,so every leap year he celebrated his birthday as a young old man till his death, i think.....................
Dear friends,
Communisam is really like a knife and depends on how u use it. Our yester year leaders had vision and commitmentand they lead us in the correct way. Our new generation leaders, as if in all major political parties,are rarely committed to principles and this is the basic problem.
Why communisam is untouchable to many? I think it is because the leaders TEACH WORKERS THE RIGHTS BUT FAIL TO REMIND OF DUTIES.
I think main draw back in Kerala`s dsevelopment lies in this point.
Nachi Naga

//n scene 2,the workers drank enuff water before pissing,therefore there was no stink.workers were morarji desai's followers of auto-urino-therapy,who incidently was born feb 29 th,so every leap year he celebrated his birthday as a young old man till his death, i think.....................//

My God!! I am running for cover.Will some one do something about this?
I read some posts that Communism is working only in China. Let us not make hasty judgments because the Chinese economy is overheating and there are reports that a real estate bubble is waiting to happen there. There is massive corruption in the real estate sector there. God forbid but if at all the bubble would burst there then we will pronounce a judgment that Communism is a failed ideology. Whatever said, Communism is a failed philosophy in India. In spite of Keralites and Bengalis being super intelligent, these are two failed states thanks to the Communists.
I read some posts that Communism is working only in China. Let us not make hasty judgments because the Chinese economy is overheating and there are reports that a real estate bubble is waiting to happen there. There is massive corruption in the real estate sector there. God forbid but if at all the bubble would burst there then we will pronounce a judgment that Communism is a failed ideology. Whatever said, Communism is a failed philosophy in India. In spite of Keralites and Bengalis being super intelligent, these are two failed states thanks to the Communists.
Yea They are idealist day dreaming intellectuals failed to deliver. They missed the bus when Jothi could have been the consensus candidate for PM They were shying away responsibilities and have been a thorn in the flesh whenever they were in alliance with ruling party giving "OUT SIDE ISSUE BASED SUPPORT" They want power with out responsibility. More over they are not realistic in their economic policy that is needed today:confused:Jambu
dear friends,
communisam is really like a knife and depends on how u use it. Our yester year leaders had vision and commitmentand they lead us in the correct way. Our new generation leaders, as if in all major political parties,are rarely committed to principles and this is the basic problem.
Why communisam is untouchable to many? I think it is because the leaders teach workers the rights but fail to remind of duties.
i think main draw back in kerala`s development lies in this point.
education to all especially women is the basic need in our country for development.
Sri.Jambu said :-

Some of my friends used to comment if you are not a communist at 20 you are a fool & at 40 if you still continue to be a communists are a "filtered fool"( வடிகட்டின முட்டாள்) May be true!!

Greetings! Your words brought a smile on my lips.You are right. I was a communist at 21 yrs (I joined the union movement, very quickly became the office bearer) and walked out that sickness when I was 23. The communist In india wants to bring economical and status equality for everyone by making everyone poor. ( I had few very interesting situations since I was sporting a 'poonool'! In those times DK and communist parties were close together with thier கடவுள் மறுப்பு கொள்கை. I was a real burr under the saddle).

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