Dear pannvalan Ji,
You seem to at least think logically, so I thaought that I would provide some clarificationS
1. All four books of New Testament portray the Jews of Sanhedrin (the jewish scholrs who were heading up their legal courts) not sympathetic to Christ while Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor who passed down the judgement on crucifiction was sympathetic to Jesus. Scholors today think that since these books were written much later to Christ's death, they were deliberately written to discount the majority of jews who then believed that Jesus was not the 'messiah' written in their books. Catholics and the Pope till very recently propagated the idea of jewish culpability in Christ's death and thus jews were presecuted all over the old Christiandom.
2. There is a strong jewish lobby in USA, so there is also an Arabic lobby whose influence is growing. There are 5.25 million jews in USA (about 2% of the population), second only to Israel where there are roughly 5.75 million jews live. The reason USA is a strong supporter of Israel is because of two historical facts and the current situation:
i. Because of holocaust, US was a strong sponsor of Israel's creation and Israel is a fully recognized member of the UN.
ii. The young nation was attacked by Egypt, Syria and Jordan who did not accept the creation of Israel and the partition of Palestine in to a Jewish state and an arabic state, even though UN passed the mandate. A small country is constantly being attacked by everyone, and so is viewed as an underdog in the US.
iii. In the current situation, during the partition many palestinians became refugees, because of Jewish militia actions, because of the war etc. Israel does not want to resettle these refugees in to Israel as the demography of Israel will change to make the Arabs the majority of the population. So, they wand these people to be resettled from the refugee camps in all the countries surrounding Israel in to a new Palestinian nation adjucent to Israel. This is known as the two nation solution It is to be noted that the surrounding countries where the Palestine refugees live in filthy camps are getting financial aid from UN which in majority of the cases do not even go anywhere near the Palestinians. PLO, which ran the defacto government in Palestine was currupt and Arafat had the only incentive to prolong the conflict, pocketing huge amounts of Palestinian aid. If Palestinians accept the two nation plan tomorrow and recognize Israel, the conflict will be over tomorrow. On the Jewish side mistakes have certainly been made, like new settlements in captured areas. But these pale in comparison with what the Palestinian terrorists have been doing - suicide bombings, sending rockets towards civilian areas, etc. If you understand the situation clearly you have to feel sorry for Israel's predicament as well as the predicament of ordinary Palestinians, who have been under the influence of terrorists for a long time.
Regarding Bush, my view is that only the time will judge him properly.
It is believed that apart from Roman soldiers, some Jews were also involved in killing/
crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
From what I heard/learnt from several sources, Jews live in USA in large numbers, controlling major trade and business interests. That's why they are able to call the shots in USA. And USA too, turns a Nelson's eye to all the atrocities committed by the Israel on the innocent Palestine civilians.
But, the Hamas militants are also equally to be blamed for these developments. They are not 'ahimsavadis' either. It's a vicious circle.
What kind of person Saddam Hussain was, how he treated 'kurds' and what made him invade 'Kuwait' and why he fought a long war with Iran and all are to be borne in mind, before we discuss the topic in full detail.
Whether George W. Bush was right in invading Iraq or not, only time will tell. But,
the price paid for Iraq war was very huge, no second opinion. That's the reason why USA is hesitant to engage Iran in a war, at this juncture.