Pain on the neck. They are small in numbers, but can pull strings in all spheres of our country, like a mafia
Politics : Sonia Gandhi is always there
Education/Health care : cathilics don this, and a small scratch on them, they shut all their schools and black mail the nation and indoctrinate the children with their ideologies.Brahmins are not welcome in their schools. Christians are given concession in hospital fee, but not for hindus.
Media : Already been hijacked, N.Ram is already a victim
Lobby : Miniscule in number, but Christians in T.N has more grip with Karunanidhi and the old man dance to their tunes. Their representation in legislative assembly is much more than Brahmins or muslims.
Mass inciting : In the name of liberation & human rights, they incite the dalits against brahmins.
Lot more, lets explore and expose.
Politics : Sonia Gandhi is always there
Education/Health care : cathilics don this, and a small scratch on them, they shut all their schools and black mail the nation and indoctrinate the children with their ideologies.Brahmins are not welcome in their schools. Christians are given concession in hospital fee, but not for hindus.
Media : Already been hijacked, N.Ram is already a victim
Lobby : Miniscule in number, but Christians in T.N has more grip with Karunanidhi and the old man dance to their tunes. Their representation in legislative assembly is much more than Brahmins or muslims.
Mass inciting : In the name of liberation & human rights, they incite the dalits against brahmins.
Lot more, lets explore and expose.