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Chevvai Dosham

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Dear Sirs,
I sent many mails to Mr.Ramachander for matching Horoscope. Mr.Ramachander has said, my son has Sevvai Dosham and rejected many horoscope.

So, I request our astrologers to look in to this.
The dosham would be reduced to some extent because of Guru's association. I would like to know in which house this combination exists.
Dear Sirs,
I sent many mails to Mr.Ramachander for matching Horoscope. Mr.Ramachander has said, my son has Sevvai Dosham and rejected many horoscope.

So, I request our astrologers to look in to this.

Chevvai dosham is to be treated carefully depending on the lagnam or the houses in which Mars is disposed.For Mesha,Vrischika,Kataka and Makara there are certain natural exemptions being Chevvai's own house,exalted and debilated positions.A considered opinion can be given on seeing the horoscope
I still has not got the reply to my query on the 10th viz. I would like to know in which house this combination exists.
I recived a sudhdha jathakam, and a peron conneted wit Sringeri math, confirmed that my son's horoscope where mars is with Sun is a great horosecope, and no chevvai dosham at all. and the person, who said, it has chavvai dosham is his own view. and not that of all astrologers.

Please refer kudumbha jothidam, and my posting above
Sri Swaminatha Sharma ji,

Excellent explantion. Only thing is I am unable to understand fully. Any way I shall contact you if required.

All the best
In My son,s horescope 7th house is free, in 8th house is o;ccupied by Kethu. Our astrologer says there is no chevvai dosham and it is suddha jadahagam. But from the girls side says that From Chandran they count and in the 7th house of my son's horescope Mars is there. So they say there is dosham and it can be matched with the horescopes having Mars in 7 th house counting from lagnam. It is confusing. Can any one explani. Thanks. R.Venkataframan.
Chevvai dosham has to be reckoned from lagna,Chandra lagna and also Sukra lagna.So their reasoning would be right if other nullifying factors do not exist.It is important to examine also from Sukra,he being Kalatra karakan
I agree with what Suvarchas say. But as I said on other occassion unless the full jathakam details are given one would give only an erroneous judgement. My point is that all points / combinations have to be taken into account before a judgement could be made. Having Mars in the 7th either from Lagna or from Chandran or from Sukran, the interpretation could be different if the said Mars is aspcted by Jupiter or Saturn or by Sun. Again whether the said Mars is a yogakaraka for the jathakam / he is the lord of which house / or if he is conjunct with malefics like Saturn, Rahu, Sun , Kethu /his position in the Bhava chart / his overall strength as calulated scientifically in Rupas etc have to be considered. So these give rise to literally hundreds of combinations which only a computer so programmed could figure it out. So merely by making a sweeping judgement that Mars in the 7th is dosham to my mind is too drastic.
My son lagna is Dhanur ,Kethu in Makaram, Chevvai in Mesham, Sooriyan,Sukran and Budhan in Rishabam, Raghu in Kadagam, Guru and Sani in Kanni, Chandran in Thulam with Star Swathi Thanks for your views. R,Venkatarman
Hi sir...
Please post wat is the lagnam first.. else nobody cud answer ur querry....
Lagnam and positon of chandran is most important for calculation purpose.
Hope you understand...thanks
There is no Chevvai Dosham even though Mars is in the 7th from Chandra lagna as he is in his swaskhetra. Further the 7th house from the Lagna is fortified by the aspect of the most benefic Guru who is also the Lagna Lord and also Saturn from his friend's house. Further the karaka lord Sukran is also aspected by the same Guru. Hence a happy married life is assured.
There is also Dharma Karthathipathi Yogam And Danam Yogam though in the 8th house are fortified by the beneficial aspect of Guru.
In my opinion this is a good jathakam. My best wishes to the boy.
Chevvai dosham my reply to the query

There is no Chevvai Dosham even though Mars is in the 7th from Chandra lagna as he is in his swaskhetra. Further the 7th house from the Lagna is fortified by the aspect of the most benefic Guru who is also the Lagna Lord and also Saturn from his friend's house. Further the karaka lord Sukran is also aspected by the same Guru. Hence a happy married life is assured.
There is also Dharma Karthathipathi Yogam And Danam Yogam though in the 8th house are fortified by the beneficial aspect of Guru.
In my opinion this is a good jathakam. My best wishes to the boy.
Thanks for clarifying the doubt about chevvai dosham. The confusion is mainly due different astrologers predicts the same horscope in different way. Regards.R.Venkataraman
Dear Sirs,
This day I happend to see a girls profile in a matrimony along with Horoscope. The parents of the girl wanted a rich guy/ Man or Boy I saw the horoscope which has High mangala Dosha. But quoted in text as Don't know. They carefully awoided few points and rearraged the Planets. But unable to change the time of birth?? May be skipped ., they added that they are not particular about horoscope matching but wanted only rich boy.
But when an astrologer arraged the hororscope it has High managal dosha.
Why the parents of the girls plays like this??
Do they think money alone can rule the family life? May be with money we can buy anything not health, Peace etc., we can change rituals and sambradhaya by bribing the sastrigal (FEW) , but money can not buy peace of mind and give heathy and knoelegable children.

When will these people reaize this?
Hello friends,

Recently we came to know that my brother has chevvai dosham in his jhadagam. If I attach his jadhagam please can anyone help me out whether his jhadagam really has chevvai dosham or what will will be the parigaram?

Thanks in Advance

chevvai dosham

Hello Sir,

I have Attached my brother Gopi's Jadhagam, please can any one help me whether he has chevvai dosham?




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Regarding Mr Gopinath's jathakam and his sister's query:
I would say that Chevvai dosham is there to a very limited extent but he has kalathra dosham but hereagain it is mitigated to some extent by the aspect of Jupiter. So Mz.Vidya need not worry much. His lagna is under beneficial aspect of the most benign Jupiter, there is parivarthna of the lords of lagna and the 9th and further he has two philosopical planets in the 9th etc, He has gajakesari yogam,dana yogam, parivarthana yogam etc ensuring a happy comfortable life. Yes he definitely would get married may be to a foreign waran (he himself could be employed abroad). Therecould be a tendency to become deeply religious in the later period of his life. My best wishes to Mr Gopi.
Dear Mr.Sharma
From your questions I could see you do not agree with my findings. However I would explain specifically to your questions point by point:
1. Kalathra Dosham:
The Jathakam in question has Rahu in the 7th house which would give raise to kalathra dosham. Further Rahu is also in the 8th from Rasi which again aggravates the position. Besides Chevvai is in the 7th of 8th from Lagna. The position is mitigated to some extent by the lord of the 7th from lagna (i.e) Chandran (Moon) receiving the 4th house aspect of Guru (Jupiter).
2. Chevvai Dosham
Normally the position of Chevvai in the 7th or the 8th one would call it chevvai dosham either from lagna or rasi. In the instant case chevvai is in the 2nd house which is considered to be kudumba sthanam and he being a malefic and his being there may be considered as inimical to domestic harmony.
I had said this dosham is only to a limited extent, because by being in the 2nd alone one should not consider it in isolation, but one has to also take into consideration other factors like those in conjunctions as well as those aspectng it.
In the instant case suppose instead of Kethu, Rahu is conjunct, or Saturn is conjunct or worse still Saturn and Rahu are conjunction with Chevvai (Mars) and the Sun (who is besides a malefic is also the 8th lord), the intensity would be vastly different.
3. Jupiter's aspect on the lagna
Jupiter is aspecting the lagna by its 5th house aspect. It is said the Jupiter's aspect is more stronger than its conjunction on a given house.
The question as to whether Jupiter can be considered as a benefic for the Makara lagna, firstly Jupiter is a natural benefic and apart from it, as per Uttarakalamrita the astrologic classic of the 16th century by Kalidasa, (not to be confused with his namesake the immortal sanskrit poet who lived during Emperor Vikramatitya time), has said (vide sloka 9 chapter iv) that Jupiter when he owns the 3rd and 12th houses in a nativity,will be productive of immense good. Hence it can be taken that being a natural benefic and by his ownership, his aspect would be definitely benign and good.
4. Parivarthana Yoga:
As I had said earlier, the exchange of houses between the lords of 1st house (Saturn) and that of the 9th house (Mercury), as per classical dictum that exchange of kona and kendra houses by their respective lords would be very beneficial especially where the 9th house is involved, which would only fortify the lagna and therefore the overall quality of Gopinath's jathakam.
5. Philosophical Planets:
Again Kalidasa in his Uttarakalmritha had termed both Jupiter and Saturn as philosophical planets. Actually if one analyses the horoscopes of the great seers, philosophers etc, one would always note that these planets would be very strong in their jathakams.
I trust that I made my position clear.
With Regards
Yours Sincerely
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Dear Sir,

Thanks for replying in regards to my query. so based on the above discussion my brother has chevvai dosham and I will have to look for a bride who has chevvai dosham? As i am a normal person and am not used to all the astrology technical words, the above replies are bit confusing me. please can you clarrify my doubt?

Persons having Kalathra Dosham

Dear Madam,
I am sorry that the discussions between myself and mr. sharma had become too technical for others to understand. As I had originally said as well in the subsequent note that Chevvai dosham is there only to very limited extent but the boy's jathakam has Kalthra dosham.
By kalathra dosham I meant that the 7th house is tenanted by malefics including Mars. But in the specific case, Gopinath's jathakam has Rahu in the 7th. Hence you might have to look for a girl's jathakam having a similer dosha. In our areas the bride or bridegrooms' parents (or for that matter their family astrologers), generally check for the presence of such doshams and if their boys / girls have a clean (suddha) jathakams (meaning the 7th house or the 8th house in the case of girls - which is called Mangalya sthana not having the malefics or tenanted by subha grahas), they might not consider the case of those having kalathra doshams.
In your brother's case though he has Rahu in the 7th care has to be taken to select the match and not to select those having a more stronger kalthra doshams like those having Rahu (or Kethu) and Saturn, Rahu & Mars, Rahu and Sun, and in more severe cases like Rahu,Saturn and Mars etc. Actually your family astrologer would do the checking for you.
All you need to have in mind is that your brother has only a medium strength of Kalathra Dosham. By that you need not worry because a dosham of this type would mean, a wife tuned to ideals which are foreign as Rahu stands for foreign things. I specifically said this since your brother would be more attuned to our hindu core values and ideologies as per his jathakam though he might be working abroad.
Anyway as I said earlier he has Gaja Kesari yogam, Dana yogams etc things would work out to a happy endings and he would generally have a happy and prosperous life. My best wishes to your brother.
Planets 4th house aspect and Chevvai Dosham & Kalathra dosham

Dear Mr. Swaminatha Sharma
Please refer to your reply dated 6th March 2010.
In this you had mentioned about my saying Jupiter aspecting Moon by the house by the 4th house aspects is wrong as per jyothish sashthra as well as about my saying that the concerned jathakam has kalathra dosham.
I am afraid that I do not agree with you in your stand with respect to my observations. I shall once again explain in detail my positions point by point:
1. Jupiter aspecting Moon by its 4th house aspect.
Your view that the above stand does not have the backing of jyothish sashtras is certainly not correct. In support of my stand, I am qouting hereunder the location of the concerned sloka which says that all planets excepting Mars (which has a full aspect) have 3/4th of aspect as per the leading astrological classics:
no. Name of the Authors name Chapter sloka no
Jyotisha Classics
1 Brihat Jathaka Varaha mihira 2nd adhyaya 13th
2. Phala Deepika Mantreswara 2nd adhyaya 23rd
3. Jataka Parijata Vaidyanatha 2nd adhyaya 30th
4. Saravali Volume I Kalyanavarma 4th chapter 32 &33rd
5. Uttara Kalamritha Kali dasa 2nd khanda 17 & 18th
6. Jathaka Alankara Sri Ganesha 1st adhyaya 11th
From the above it can be seen that, my stand has the backing of all the above leading Jyotish sashtras. It might be noted that the grand old Pithamaha of Jyotish sashtra Varaha mihira has in the above mentioned sloka has also stated about the 4th house aspect. There are other classics like Jatakadesa marga etc also which support the 4th house aspect (incdentally the 2 books you had mentioned in your previous notings, have slokas which say contrary to your view on this subject). Many of these classics (I have a large collections of the old classics collected over a period of 30 years) have been prescribed as the standard text books for the oriental jyotish exams in the country.
Jupiter's 5th house and the 9th house aspects are called special aspects specific to Jupiter.
2. Kalathra dosham and Chevvai dosham
Chevvai dosham specifically deals with location of chevvai (Mars) in 7th,8th,12th,4th and in the 2nd. Its intensity varies with its locations, conjunctions etc subject to certain cancellations of its effects.
Kalathra dosham is a more general term which deals with the location of Rahu,Mars,Saturn,Kethu,The Sun either individually or collectively in the kalathra sthanam 7th (either from lagna or from rasi) or in the mangalya sthanam 8th.
I, as a grand father, had seen over a period of long time, how the marriage of some of the younger members of my family, that of relatives and close friends, getting delayed due to the presence of kalathra dosham in some form or other in their jathakams whereas those with shuddha jathakam getting married earlier.
thank you and with regards
Thank you Mr Balavas. Good to know about all the doshams. I will inform my parents about this.

Once again thank you !

Chevvai dosham - Questions

Hello Swaminathasharma Sir,

My Dob is 22-7-1985, time 23:43 Pm ( midnight 11:43). I have Mars in the 4th house .. and i am married to a person who is not having any dosham, can u please tell me is there any prob ill come in my future life.... Pls reply sir...

Thank u

Dear all....
REfering to Chevvai Dosham..... here are some tips, which mars is not at all a destructive planet....
1) According to Brihat Samhita, Parasa Hora, Mars when at its own house never gives destruction
2) When mars is positioned in its deblitated or exalted house, is not Dosham
3) when mars is in conjuction with Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu or Kethu never gives Dosham or Impact.
4) When saturn is positioned in 2,4,7,8 and 12th house in Janana Horoscope, Mars gives no impact.
5) For Kataga and Simha Lagna Horoscopes, wherever mars is deposited, does not give dosham (coz for both of the lagna, mars becomes yoga kaaraga)
6) When mars is located in Sara Raashis, never gives dosham
7) for Magara lagna horoscopes, when mars is combined with sukra and positined in 7th house, never gives dosham
8) A person born with Guru Manga or Chandra Mangala yogam, mars never gives destruction.
9) When Mars becomes lagna lord, never gives dosham
10) If in a girls horoscope, when 9th lord is in full powers or 9th house is aspected by rajayoga planet, mars never destruction
11) when 7th lord is with parivarthanai with Mars, never gives dosham
12) As per Narada samhita, mars is not a death inflicting planet.
13) Brihu and Narada Nadi clearly specificies that a person born south to Parvatha Malai, never have Mars Dosham, coz, due to the direct impact of sun in these areas...(from equator to Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn)

If u go through those above scripts, u can find "Kuja Dosho Na Vidhyathae" which means there is NO chevvai dosham.....

Hope it will be cleared for allll.....

Thanks and regards bye....
hello sir!

Hello sir,
I have been reading lot of posts about this chevvai dosam, since i was told that i have one. I have Mars in 7th place. Few astrologers tell that its nullified because of some positioning of planets which i still don't understand and others tell i have chevvai dosam. I'm confused whether i have dosam or not. i want few clarifications, can you please help me. Please find my natal chart attached with this post.

1) Do i have chevvai dosam?

2) Is mars in 7th house is fatal? An astrologer while checking for match with a boy's horoscope said that the dosam is fatal and that guy would die if he marries me. is it true?

3) Is there any parikaram that i can do in case i marry a guy whose doesn't have a chevvai dosam or which doesn't match with my natal chart?

Awaiting your reply!

Thanks for your valuable time!


Dear all....
REfering to Chevvai Dosham..... here are some tips, which mars is not at all a destructive planet....
1) According to Brihat Samhita, Parasa Hora, Mars when at its own house never gives destruction
2) When mars is positioned in its deblitated or exalted house, is not Dosham
3) when mars is in conjuction with Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu or Kethu never gives Dosham or Impact.
4) When saturn is positioned in 2,4,7,8 and 12th house in Janana Horoscope, Mars gives no impact.
5) For Kataga and Simha Lagna Horoscopes, wherever mars is deposited, does not give dosham (coz for both of the lagna, mars becomes yoga kaaraga)
6) When mars is located in Sara Raashis, never gives dosham
7) for Magara lagna horoscopes, when mars is combined with sukra and positined in 7th house, never gives dosham
8) A person born with Guru Manga or Chandra Mangala yogam, mars never gives destruction.
9) When Mars becomes lagna lord, never gives dosham
10) If in a girls horoscope, when 9th lord is in full powers or 9th house is aspected by rajayoga planet, mars never destruction
11) when 7th lord is with parivarthanai with Mars, never gives dosham
12) As per Narada samhita, mars is not a death inflicting planet.
13) Brihu and Narada Nadi clearly specificies that a person born south to Parvatha Malai, never have Mars Dosham, coz, due to the direct impact of sun in these areas...(from equator to Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn)

If u go through those above scripts, u can find "Kuja Dosho Na Vidhyathae" which means there is NO chevvai dosham.....

Hope it will be cleared for allll.....

Thanks and regards bye....


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