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Today's acharyas, both vaishnavite and saivite, are aware of and exposed to the world and the happenings. Many sishyas too often face such dilemmas and pose those questions. The gurus are sympathetic and offer answers which are in line with tradition, their understanding of sastras and prevailing social conditions. Answers may differ depending on whether the question is asked pre or post event, but answers are given, and the individual is free to do what he wants. Even when people ask for forgiveness and suggestions for prayaschittas, the answer is mostly - forget the past, do start from today sandhya or pitru karmas etc. Prayaschittas if suggested are for personal purification by recitation of stotras etc.
It is simpler and straight forward if the husband and wife agree to follow the advice or instructions given. Of course they are free to do what they want if the advice is a strict 'no' or unacceptable to them.
The aim is to bring the couple or the repenter/seeker to get back into the community traditions.
I have seen people who convert to other religions for the sake of marriage and then try to crawl back to the back door to their original religion.
Some people also pick and choose what traditions they want to follow or what they want to discard.
For me I gave my personal opinion here cos I believe in the All or None Phenomenon...that is we have to decide what we would like to be..either a traditionalist or a rationalist..cos this crawling back to religion/tradition..pick and choose what we like seems some what like unsteady to me.
So for its me its simple..I rather be a rationalist and try to see logic in anything and everything.
If a tradition has logic I would not mind using that tradition as a guide but the final decision will be based on my Viveka and not blindly follow anything which seems logical at first glance cos we have to take into consideration time,place and person...but so far in life I have relied more on my rational thinking.... and tradition has not really been my lifestyle.
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