Dear all
I t is found there is a sudden spurt of SWAMIJIS that gives rise to my question.Even those who profess as soothsayers (arul vakku) have started adding the honourable prefixes that actually bumbles the real SWAMIS.In fact 2days before there was a conference of ARUL VAKKU SWAMIS & KURI TELLERS presided by H H HOLINESS JAYENDRAR None of the arul vakku sayers can be on par with HIS HOLINESS To be called PUJYASRI. H.H . SRILASRI ETC tHE GARB OR ABILITY TO SPEAK ON RELIGOUS MATTERS ALONE CANNOT MAKE ONE A SWAMIJI It is unfortunate the day to day problems .anxiety to hv solutions & gullibility Of the public especially women (eththa thinna pitham thelium ) are misused by the soothsayers
Shoukd not the great mutts bring a scheme ON QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE swamiji etc TITLES ?
I t is found there is a sudden spurt of SWAMIJIS that gives rise to my question.Even those who profess as soothsayers (arul vakku) have started adding the honourable prefixes that actually bumbles the real SWAMIS.In fact 2days before there was a conference of ARUL VAKKU SWAMIS & KURI TELLERS presided by H H HOLINESS JAYENDRAR None of the arul vakku sayers can be on par with HIS HOLINESS To be called PUJYASRI. H.H . SRILASRI ETC tHE GARB OR ABILITY TO SPEAK ON RELIGOUS MATTERS ALONE CANNOT MAKE ONE A SWAMIJI It is unfortunate the day to day problems .anxiety to hv solutions & gullibility Of the public especially women (eththa thinna pitham thelium ) are misused by the soothsayers
Shoukd not the great mutts bring a scheme ON QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE swamiji etc TITLES ?