this was a while ago.
krs or praveen can assist me here.
banning is not an extreme step by itself. it is the natural end to a progression of warnings discussed in private messages, and sometimes publicly, in order to protect the normal, well intentioned, and innocent members.
we have found certain members take multiple identities and post inane or irrelevant remarks. when banned once, they come under another i.d. and do the same thing over again.
believe me, there are folks such as these, in many cases, use this forum as a cattle prod, to instigate some remark or the other, and disappear, or continuously inspite of warnings, abuse the forum.
as moderators, we discuss these types of abusers often. it is a toss up, as to whether we want to expose these abusers publicly.
in the tradition that has been followed so far, however, we are reluctant to give more details.
overall, i think, members should view moderation in their own context, and give us your feedbacks.
moderators, go under certain guidelines, which are openly published.
we are reluctant to publish all details re other members,for i believe, it does not do justice to the tasks of the moderators.
thank you.