Someone has sent the following article by one Anand Mahadeven, who is the editor of OUTLOOK INDIA. No wonder, all the newspapers, news journals (including the HINDU) are in the hands of these evangelicals. I would love to write to this guy, Mahadeven, if I only knew his email id. BTW, I did not buy his story on why he didn't change his Hindu name!!
What do the members think? Is it worth our time to engage this guy, who seems to be the poster boy for the glory of Christianity? I have given only the first para; please go to this link to read the whole story. I don't know why; I am very irritated, agitated and angry at this guy telling me who or how a God should be. I used to get OUTLOOK whenever I was in India; now I will skip it since it has a slanted vision of Indian news anyway.
A Christian convert addresses India
The editor of Outlook India, a business magazine, addresses his embrace of Christianity. Reflecting on his conversion, he says that he would never force his faith on anyone.
Monday, October 20, 2008
By Anand Mahadevan
I was born a Brahmin and am the grandson of a priest whom I dearly loved. I am educated and my current professional standing indicates that I am reasonably intelligent. I am also affluent and my income would put me distinctly in the upper middle class bracket. I guess that would make me high-caste, rich and smart. In other words, I am not a tribal, or poor or dim-witted. And yet, I chose to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
The world would call me a convert to Christianity. I have no problems with that, though I see my faith more as a relationship with God through Jesus Christ than as a religion. And for the record, I can truthfully claim that no one financially induced or threatened or deceived me into converting to Christianity. (for the entire article, go to the link above)
What do the members think? Is it worth our time to engage this guy, who seems to be the poster boy for the glory of Christianity? I have given only the first para; please go to this link to read the whole story. I don't know why; I am very irritated, agitated and angry at this guy telling me who or how a God should be. I used to get OUTLOOK whenever I was in India; now I will skip it since it has a slanted vision of Indian news anyway.
A Christian convert addresses India
The editor of Outlook India, a business magazine, addresses his embrace of Christianity. Reflecting on his conversion, he says that he would never force his faith on anyone.
Monday, October 20, 2008
By Anand Mahadevan
I was born a Brahmin and am the grandson of a priest whom I dearly loved. I am educated and my current professional standing indicates that I am reasonably intelligent. I am also affluent and my income would put me distinctly in the upper middle class bracket. I guess that would make me high-caste, rich and smart. In other words, I am not a tribal, or poor or dim-witted. And yet, I chose to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
The world would call me a convert to Christianity. I have no problems with that, though I see my faith more as a relationship with God through Jesus Christ than as a religion. And for the record, I can truthfully claim that no one financially induced or threatened or deceived me into converting to Christianity. (for the entire article, go to the link above)