[FONT="]India[/FONT][FONT="] is one of the only two civilisations ( the other one is China) that have continuous and un interrupted history of several millennia. Indian civilisational history can be traced to more than 5000 years ago. Life in [/FONT][FONT="]india[/FONT][FONT="] continues to be defined and guided by the ideas principals and preferences that were evolved at a very early stage and as recordrd in the foundational litrature of indian civilisation.
The period of islamic rule was long; but at no point did Indians accept the superiority of the islamic civilisation. But during the British phase, Indians especially the elite Indians began to entertain douts about the truth and efficacy of indian civilisational ways. From the middle of 19th century Indian elite began to loose faith in [/FONT][FONT="]India[/FONT][FONT="] and her civilisational genious both in its spiritual and material aspects. But the spark lit by our leaders was not strong enough to dispel the darkness generated by the European indoctrination.
Once again the elite Indians began to negate their anchorage in the Indian civilisation and in sanathana dharma. The horrifying result is that to-day, we, Brahmins do not seem to know what is it in Brahminism [/FONT][FONT="] that needs to be saved and preserved in the face of the vigoros onslaughts of western modernity. This is the most important and deeply tragic aspect of foreign rule in Indian History. What do you think that needs to be saved and preserved by tamil Brahmins to maintain the continuous and un interupted history for this millenium?
The period of islamic rule was long; but at no point did Indians accept the superiority of the islamic civilisation. But during the British phase, Indians especially the elite Indians began to entertain douts about the truth and efficacy of indian civilisational ways. From the middle of 19th century Indian elite began to loose faith in [/FONT][FONT="]India[/FONT][FONT="] and her civilisational genious both in its spiritual and material aspects. But the spark lit by our leaders was not strong enough to dispel the darkness generated by the European indoctrination.
Once again the elite Indians began to negate their anchorage in the Indian civilisation and in sanathana dharma. The horrifying result is that to-day, we, Brahmins do not seem to know what is it in Brahminism [/FONT][FONT="] that needs to be saved and preserved in the face of the vigoros onslaughts of western modernity. This is the most important and deeply tragic aspect of foreign rule in Indian History. What do you think that needs to be saved and preserved by tamil Brahmins to maintain the continuous and un interupted history for this millenium?