I watched this movie in 3D yesterday and what an experience it was? Sitting through the movie I was amazed with a lot of stuff which probably derived inspiration from our Hindu concepts. I am sure this wacko James Cameron (supposed to beat his heroes with a stick4 to extract work) should have done some reading on Hindu mythology though he has not said anything about it in interviews. I will name a few below which I noticed.
1. The title of the movie itself is a Sanskrit word and probably denotes the human being born as a Navi in the planet Pandora.
2. The souls of the humans (Sam Worthington, Susan Sarandon) transporting themselves into the bodies of the Navi (கூடு விட்டு கூடு பாயறது).
3. The bodies of the Navis is the colour of blue and in one scene the General says "kill the blue monkeys" - a kind of reference to the vanara sena in Ramayana.
4. Some of the Navis has a mark on their forehead like a Naamam.
5. When Sam in the body of the Navi was being taken for the first time by Neytiri, all the Navis are engaged in a ritual fire worship (Yagna)
6. The Navis are shown to love and worship nature including non-violence to animals, an essential Vedic society trait.
7. In a scene, the scientist Susan Sarandon says the Navis believe they are all inter connected including the nature as one single consciousness. Again very similar to the Hindu belief of one single Universal Consciousness.
8. There is this central sacred place in Pandora shown as a Mother Goddess being worshiped by Navis. Again the concept of a Mother Goddess is inherently Vedic.
There could be a lot more I may have missed. Apart from the dazzling CGI, this movie has a lot of interesting messages. It is a slap on America's so called War on Terror. There is a scene where the General having landed on Pandora for purely commercial reasons calls its inhabitants, the Navis, as terrorists who should be wiped out. There is also this message that the humans should respect the environment and live with nature as against it. So while the Navis looking like savages and doing weird rituals are shown as the ones more civilized in thought processes and loving nature, the humans with their ugly looking war machines and fire power and commercial interests come across as barbarians.
In my opinion, a very good film but watch it in 3D.
1. The title of the movie itself is a Sanskrit word and probably denotes the human being born as a Navi in the planet Pandora.
2. The souls of the humans (Sam Worthington, Susan Sarandon) transporting themselves into the bodies of the Navi (கூடு விட்டு கூடு பாயறது).
3. The bodies of the Navis is the colour of blue and in one scene the General says "kill the blue monkeys" - a kind of reference to the vanara sena in Ramayana.
4. Some of the Navis has a mark on their forehead like a Naamam.
5. When Sam in the body of the Navi was being taken for the first time by Neytiri, all the Navis are engaged in a ritual fire worship (Yagna)
6. The Navis are shown to love and worship nature including non-violence to animals, an essential Vedic society trait.
7. In a scene, the scientist Susan Sarandon says the Navis believe they are all inter connected including the nature as one single consciousness. Again very similar to the Hindu belief of one single Universal Consciousness.
8. There is this central sacred place in Pandora shown as a Mother Goddess being worshiped by Navis. Again the concept of a Mother Goddess is inherently Vedic.
There could be a lot more I may have missed. Apart from the dazzling CGI, this movie has a lot of interesting messages. It is a slap on America's so called War on Terror. There is a scene where the General having landed on Pandora for purely commercial reasons calls its inhabitants, the Navis, as terrorists who should be wiped out. There is also this message that the humans should respect the environment and live with nature as against it. So while the Navis looking like savages and doing weird rituals are shown as the ones more civilized in thought processes and loving nature, the humans with their ugly looking war machines and fire power and commercial interests come across as barbarians.
In my opinion, a very good film but watch it in 3D.