Rasi Porutham means the compatibility of Zodiac Signs.
According to Indian Astrology, the position of the moon at birth time determines the Zodiac Sign (Rasi) of a person. The
person{s character, culture and physical characteristics are strongly dependent on his or her Zodiac.
The compatibility in these qualities is essential between the husband and wife for ensuring a long life and prosperity for their married life. This obviously points to the significance of Rasi Porutham. It acts as the remedy for the absence of other compatibilities like Gana Porutham.
Rasyadhipathi Porutham means the compatibility of the Rasi Lords.
The compatibility of the Lords of the Birth Rasis of the bride and the bridegroom determines this Porutham.
Rasyadhipathi Porutham signifies the capabilities, long life and luck of the children born to the couple. In those cases where rasyadhipathis may not be compatible, compatibilities like Samasapthama in the horoscope and Mahendra porutham rectify the defect.
Vasya porutham means the Compatibility between the zodiac signs with respect to their mutual enchantment.
This Porutham helps to enhance the love and affection between the couple. Vasya Porutham gains more prominence in
the absense of other poruthams like Rasi Porutham and Gana Porutham.
MAHENDRA PORUTHAMThis Porutham determines and provides the man the power to protect his wife and children born in her, in moral, physicaland financial aspects. It is believed that Mahendra Porutham is capable enough to suppress the effects of the absense ofRasyadhipathi and Dina Porutham
Rasi Porutham means the compatibility of Zodiac Signs.
According to Indian Astrology, the position of the moon at birth time determines the Zodiac Sign (Rasi) of a person. The
person{s character, culture and physical characteristics are strongly dependent on his or her Zodiac.
The compatibility in these qualities is essential between the husband and wife for ensuring a long life and prosperity for their married life. This obviously points to the significance of Rasi Porutham. It acts as the remedy for the absence of other compatibilities like Gana Porutham.
Rasyadhipathi Porutham means the compatibility of the Rasi Lords.
The compatibility of the Lords of the Birth Rasis of the bride and the bridegroom determines this Porutham.
Rasyadhipathi Porutham signifies the capabilities, long life and luck of the children born to the couple. In those cases where rasyadhipathis may not be compatible, compatibilities like Samasapthama in the horoscope and Mahendra porutham rectify the defect.
Vasya porutham means the Compatibility between the zodiac signs with respect to their mutual enchantment.
This Porutham helps to enhance the love and affection between the couple. Vasya Porutham gains more prominence in
the absense of other poruthams like Rasi Porutham and Gana Porutham.
MAHENDRA PORUTHAMThis Porutham determines and provides the man the power to protect his wife and children born in her, in moral, physicaland financial aspects. It is believed that Mahendra Porutham is capable enough to suppress the effects of the absense ofRasyadhipathi and Dina Porutham
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