Dear Fellow Forum Members,
I am new to this forum.I wish to have a thread on this topic (not sure if it was covered b4)
I beleive the modern day life is taking all the time & we just keep aside every aspect of our value based culture & move in search of worldly pleasures in every aspect.I am concerned to a greater extent on the way we keep ignoring everything that happens around us ,say the media's false projection of a community,insults to a particular section in a open or subtle way imitating the slang ,words or showcasing their way of life wrongly etc.,.Though i respect every other beleif system in our country & state, it is horrifying to know the backround of all the events when we coin that..say for e.g - to the extreme of people getting converted to other belief systems.
How can people just move to the other beleif system for monetory gains,job prospects,personal problems etc., is the question in me...& the deep thought gave me few answers..
1.Our system is too good focusing on traditional rituals not directly revealing the secret behind it which is not appreciatable by an ordinary person.
2.Our system is tough to practice by all.
3.People decide on their own.When eating onion & garlic is a not acceptable..few people need atleast egg on the days of tharpanam.
3.Lot of misconceptions amoung the beleivers.
4.growing feel of ancestorial system that doesn't appear fanciful in modern day society.
5.a question of losing self respect/lower treatment in society even if we display our Vibhuthi or Namam. or now a days even the poonal..
6.Highly demanding vadiyars & archakars..they are in a faster race than the modern generation to make money.
7.bribe in all places in temples..Biased tretment for god dharshan aswell for wealthy & VIP's..
8.Our own system followers/guru's are commiting crimes like one in Kanchi & in Bangalore..(though the real truth is unknown)
Not to blame is we ourselves given enough room to this society & became vulnerable.
Only best way is to stand by the priciples thought by right elders
Never feel bad on following our practices.
Do rituals with understanding.
Trust our own values & god rather falling prey to mass prayers during weekends.
Finally, understand the history & try to appreciate yourself before spreading rumours of our value based system...
I am writing this so that the awareness exists & it spreads in all right spirit to several thousand people who inturn can protect our value based system.
Hope i get some +ve response from you all...
I am new to this forum.I wish to have a thread on this topic (not sure if it was covered b4)
I beleive the modern day life is taking all the time & we just keep aside every aspect of our value based culture & move in search of worldly pleasures in every aspect.I am concerned to a greater extent on the way we keep ignoring everything that happens around us ,say the media's false projection of a community,insults to a particular section in a open or subtle way imitating the slang ,words or showcasing their way of life wrongly etc.,.Though i respect every other beleif system in our country & state, it is horrifying to know the backround of all the events when we coin that..say for e.g - to the extreme of people getting converted to other belief systems.
How can people just move to the other beleif system for monetory gains,job prospects,personal problems etc., is the question in me...& the deep thought gave me few answers..
1.Our system is too good focusing on traditional rituals not directly revealing the secret behind it which is not appreciatable by an ordinary person.
2.Our system is tough to practice by all.
3.People decide on their own.When eating onion & garlic is a not acceptable..few people need atleast egg on the days of tharpanam.
3.Lot of misconceptions amoung the beleivers.
4.growing feel of ancestorial system that doesn't appear fanciful in modern day society.
5.a question of losing self respect/lower treatment in society even if we display our Vibhuthi or Namam. or now a days even the poonal..
6.Highly demanding vadiyars & archakars..they are in a faster race than the modern generation to make money.
7.bribe in all places in temples..Biased tretment for god dharshan aswell for wealthy & VIP's..
8.Our own system followers/guru's are commiting crimes like one in Kanchi & in Bangalore..(though the real truth is unknown)
Not to blame is we ourselves given enough room to this society & became vulnerable.
Only best way is to stand by the priciples thought by right elders
Never feel bad on following our practices.
Do rituals with understanding.
Trust our own values & god rather falling prey to mass prayers during weekends.
Finally, understand the history & try to appreciate yourself before spreading rumours of our value based system...
I am writing this so that the awareness exists & it spreads in all right spirit to several thousand people who inturn can protect our value based system.
Hope i get some +ve response from you all...
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