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Anthim Karyams

  • Thread starter Thread starter AnandKIyer
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Anthim Karyams-Where at Bangalore

Dear Friends, This is my first post here and for asking a help. My father is at the verge of his battle with cancer. I am not having good brahmin contacts here in Bangalore. Kindly requesting you, to give me the details of someone whom I can contact, to arrange for everything related to the Last Rituals, when the evantuality happens. We are Iyers, Yajur Vedhis. Thanks for your time and valuable inputs.
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For apara karyam things required for the first day. yajur vedam aapasthamba sutram.

Raw rice; elluu; havis; dharbai; tender coconut; honey; milk; curd;; ghee; brass sombu; pancha pathra uthirini; 2 metre gada white cloth without border; dhana vasthukkal; vessels; for grand children fire pandam; aasanthi=paadai katta bamboo; coconut tree green keethu.
Give information to the relatives and friends; make arrangements for tiffin coffee; meals; saamiana; chairs if required for rent to the concerned shop; ice box if required. get docter's certificate; information to the cremation ground.

First day dhakshinai list= punyaha vachanam japam; marana tharuvaayil praayachitha anugai; praayaschitha krichcharam; for one kricharam rs. 15/= or rs. 10/= 30 or 180 or 360 krichram can be done according to the financial status of the individual.

Dasa dhanam = cow with calf or coconut with money; land or sandal wood piece with money; gold; ellu; dhoti; ghee; jaggary; salt; silver; dhaanyam; with money and also one container for each.

sarva prayaschitha ; kaala; thithi; vaara; dhosha removal dhakshinai; karna manthra sadhgunya dhakshinai; udhgranthi cow dhana dakshinai; vischinna prethagni santhaana anugai; paithru medhika vidhi praajapathiya krichram 3 krichra dakshinai ; prethagni santhana kaala thithi vaara dosha nivrithy 3 krichra dakshinai; morning evening akarana praayachithatham 3 krichra dhakshinai; aupaasana sathgunya dakshinai;

uthapanagni santhana anugai dhakshinai; If the demisal happens in dakshinayanam from july 15 th to january 15th praayaschitham dakshinai; if the demisal happens in krishna patchham or if the demisal happens at night special praayaschitham dakshinai; oordhva uchistathi praayaschitham 15 krichiram dhakshinai; parushitha sava praayaschitham 3 krichra dhakshinai; if the demisal happens during danishta panchami shanthi 3 krichra dhakshinai; Brahmma dhanda anugai and puri dakshinai;

vapana anugai dhakshinai; nagna sradha dakshinai; udhaka dhaana anugai; Bhashana sthapana krichram; udhga dhaana thithyadhi dhosha krichram; kal oona in the house anugai=permission thithi dosha parihara dakshinai; pinda bali thithi vaara dosha krichram;

akothra vridhi sradham for 3 sastrigals raw rice; green gram plantain kaai; dhakshinai; nava sratham rawrice; green gram; plantain kaai dhakshinai; vaadhyar dhakshinai; kaaveri snana dhakshinai; to be continued

All the world is under the control of one deivam; this deivam is under the control of mantras; this mantras are under the control of brahmins; Lord krishna says that this brahmin is my deivam. Sins done by children goes to their parents; sins done by wife goes to the husband. sins done by husband will never go to his wife.

dhanams should be done during the prana leaves the body; cow with calf; agri land; gold gingilly seeds; lamp and brass vessel with water are the dhanam articles.

Karna manthram = prana,apana,vyana,udana,samana are the five; skin; eyes;ears; tongue;nose are the five gnanaendriyangal; vaak; hands and feet and anus and kuyyam are the five karmendriangal; and mind;chitham and budhi and ahankaaram are the four these 19 are working as sookshama sareeram;

At the time of prana leaving the body spread some dharbai on the floor with dharbai nuni facing south and place that person on the darbai with the head facing south; apply vibuthi on the forehead; give some ganges water in the mouth; place some thulasi leaves on his/her mouth and on the ears.

lit a lamp facing south. chant rama; krishna; govinda nama sangeerthanam if possible upanishath paaraayanam may be done.rudraksham and gopi chandanam may be plaed on his/her body.

The body must be burnt within 10 hours. after 10 hours the body is old one ,and you have to do praayaschitham before giving this body as' havis' to agni bagwan.

DUKKam vijarikka= On the first day before the dead body leaves the house and on the tenth day you can go. on monday, wednesday and saturday you should not go even after the tenth day;you can go on even days except these three days; you should not go on odd days.you should not take food or water coffee etc.

Apara karyangal should not be started in kuligai kaalam. Always do aachamanm; praanayaamam; namaskaram and snananm in upaveethi position. kartha can apply vibuthi on his forehead as dry powder without adding water on all these days. except while doing karma.

If death occurs on dhanista panchaka days that is on Avittam,sadayam,pooratadhi;uthiratadhi and revathy star days special dosha pariharam should be done on the 13th day.

KRICHARA LAKSHANAM= Manu=first three days morning meals only; next 3 days night meals only; next three days without begging if available only one time meals; last 3 days only upavasam. total 12 days. this is called praajaapathya krichram.

Paadha krichram yaagyavalkiyar= one day only one moning meals. next day only one night meals; next dasy if available without begging only one meals ; fourth day fasting.

Half kricharam = one day morning meals; next day night meals; next two days if available one time meals; and last 2 days fasting; total 6 days.

Athi kricharam= paraasarar= three days morning; 3 days night; three days if available and three days fasting; total 12 days. here you have to take only one hand full of food per day.

kricharathikricharam Bodhayanar= 3 days morning only drinking water ; next three nights only drinking water and next three days if available and next 3 days fasting. total 12 days; Yaagyavalkiar says only milk drinking for 21 days.

dapta kricharam =hot water; hot milk and hot ghee for 9 days and 3 days fasting;

Saanthapana krichram= cow's milk; cow's curd;cow's ghee; cow's urine; cow's dung ; dharbai water one for each day and in the 7th day fasting.

Like this so many krichrams are there. If you take snaanam in cauvery like punyah rivers it is equivalent to aptha kricharam; If you give some money to 10 brahmins who took bath in river cauvery you are getting aptha krichra phalan; In this way cauvery snaanam dakshinai has formed.

Uthgranthi cow dhanam should be done during the prana leaves the body,or ,within 3 hours after prana left the body. Sarva prayaschitham can also be done within this 3 hours.

close the poojah almehra and or pooja room, take minimum daily requirement of clothes from the ward robe and close them.

karna manthra m should be chanted on the right ear of the dead body or on the anthima kaala person by his son after placing the head on his right thigh.

No pollution=sethagam=theetu for 90 minutes from the death time. only after 3 hours the dead body should be burnt. No dhosham if the person recovered after praayachitham is done. Pollution will start only after finishing the karna manthras,

After takiing bath with drenched wet cloths carry water in a brass kudam and pour the water from leg to head to the dead body; By doing like this you qre finishing in the south direction which should be done only at this time. dry the body with a towel wear the new gaada cloth and mark on the forehead vibuthi mixed with water. on other times you should not mark in the lying in position.everything should be done anti clockwise. For sumangalies kumkumam should be applied on the forehead and for widows and for males viboothi should be used.

cut a small piece from this new gaada cloth and use it for ten days for vaasodhakam. nommanthram for pariseshanam now. make pavithram from only one dharbai for this purpose. for deva karyams make one pavithram from 2 dharbai, and for sratham make one pavithram from 3 dharbai.

kartha must wear only one dhothy without angavasthram for these ten days karyams. one long rope should be tied wiith the dead body on one end and by touching the other end of the rope homam should be done to yama. during this time nobody should go over the rope.

send black ellu (gingilly seeds) raw rice; half boiled cooked rice; ghee; dharbai; aththi bunch;sand, mud plates and mud ahal to the cremation ground.

only kartha should go in front of the dead body with fire pot and in back all the relatives ; donot go in the sides of the dead body.

Like colleges raking is also here for the newly departed souls. for which you are giving half boiled rice into the mouth for 3 times in

three places.

to be continued
Thanks Sirs. But my question was like is there someone who will take care of all the requirements and help us. For example 12 years earlier when my mother passed away in Coimbatore, the ******* there helped us in contacting one Mr Kalyana Sundaram, who has arranged for Vadhyars, materials listed as above, including arranging in the cremation area. I was asking about some help like that. Kindly give any such contacts in Bangalore.
Thanks. My father passed away on 13th June. With the help of Sri Rama Vadyar I finished the rituals upto Grekkiyam.
Yajur vedha aapasthamba sutram apara karyam continues;Anthyeshti;

Dead child coming from uterus should be burried. no samskaarams. upto and end of 24 months if the baby expired it should be burried. no samskaarams. from third year upto upanayanam if the boy expired cremation in fire. Ekaarcha vidhi samskaram;and also for girls before marriage. for boys after upanayanam expired paithru medhika samskaram. for girls after marriage expired paithru medhika samskaram.

You can do Brahma medha samskaram for the expired person if the person had vedha adhyaayanam and had anushtaanam daily and with acharya sthaanam. For ladies there is no Brahma medha samskaram. If you do paithrumedhika samskaram in the prescribed maaner the dead person in his rebirth will get good rebirth or no rebirth according to his sins and punyah. The dead person will get brahma saayujyam if you do brahma medha samskaram .

Sins done by wife will go to her husband. husband's sin will never go to his wife. punyah done husband 50% will go to his wife. punyah by wife wil never go her husband. Sins done by children will go to their parents.

Sookshma sareeram; 5 vayus;-prana; apana; vyana; udhana; samana; gnaana indriyam :skin;eyes;ears;nose; mouth; Karma indriyam: Vakku;hand;leg;anus;kuyyam; manas;chitham; ahankaaram;budhi; total 19; This total together is called sookshma sareeram.

A person expired at 6 AM in the morning; The dead body must be burnt before 4 Pm. on the same day. After 10 hours the body becomes old one; Then praayaschitham should be done. you are giving to agni as aahudhi the dead body. you should not give old one as ahudhi.

Different varieties of agni: Kapaalaagni--- Make fire from vraatti thool poured on the mud pot which is heated by fire. This used for those expired after poonal and before marriage. Thushaagni-----Make fire from umi poured on the mud plate which is heated by fire. this is for those who have expired before poonal and for girls before marriage.

Uthapanaagni--Take three bunches of darbhai; make fire on bunch; from this fire, fire the second bunch; from the second bunch fire , fire the third bunch. this third bunch fire must be used for cremation after due 12 homas.with ghee. This is for those expired as widow or widower.

Prethaagni santhaana prayogam is for those who have expired first father or mother. cremation by aupaasaanaagni.

Shanthi for dhanista panchami dosham if any must be done on 13th day. Ghee nireekshanam and dhaanam.

Now a days in electrical cremation nothing can be done. You should not cremate the dead body after 10 PM.

to be continued.
kartha and his wife must strictly follow these rules. daily for 12 days one meals and tiffin at night.brahmacharyam. should not sleep in cot lying down on the floor with pillow and bedshee or paai. should not take food in other places.

If thr kartha is not well he may take a spoonful of ganges water and prokshanam on his head and body.with ganges water is enough. Even another pollution comes during this ten days period he can do all the karmas. upto 11th day karmas. and after the new pollution is over he can do the rest karmas on an auspicious day.

Suppose you donot the expired month do it in aadi month or in maasi month, suppose you do not know the thithi do it on amavasai day.or on krishna patcha ekadasi day. or the date and thithi on which you are getting the expired news. now a days all are having cell phones and the news will go to all immediately. as this was written on those days they have given alternatives.

Dukkam vijaarika: do not go on odd days. on even days except monday; wednesday and saturday you may go. on first day you can go if the dead body is there in the house. after removal of the dead body you should not go on first day. tenth day as this the last day you can go, no formalities. even the tenth day is monday or wednesday or saturday you can go. If you are also under pollution you should not go. you can go only after your pollution is over.

Do not start apara karyam during gulugan period. Always do snsaanam; aachamanam; namaskaram; pranayamam in upavethi state. Kartha can apply vibhuthi in powder form in his forehead while doing sandhyavandhanam without adding water. while doing karma the kartha should not have vibuthi in his forehead.

Always never apply vibhuthi paste above gobi chandanam. Apply kumkumam on the dead body of a sumangali. Apply vibhthi paste on the dead body of widow or widower.

Paadai (aasanthi) : for this 2 bamboo sticks of 9 feet length. (pachai moongil) Pachai keerru 2; kurukku kombu 12; kappani kayaru 2 mudi. nel pori 100 gram; ghee 200 gram; gingilly seeds (ellu) 50 gram; camphor 4 katti; match box 1 no; betel 12; betel nut 6; fruit banana 2; flower 1 metre; white mull cloth without border 2 metre. for sumangalis 1.5 metre red cloth and 0.5 metre white cloth. vratti 8; wooden scraps sulli 12 thundu; athi leaf i bunch; medium size mud pot;1; mud plate big2; small 4; 2 old towel are the requirements. tobe continued
If the eldest son lives in foreign country and the youngest son is near his parents then the youngest son can do karna manthram uthgranthi cow dhanam and other charity and he can burn the dead body . If the eldest son cannot arrive on the second day also the second son can do sanjayanam.

If the eldest son can come only on the 10th day the second son can do all the apara karyams on the specified timings. The eldest son can do on the tenth day 30 vaasodhakam and 75 udhaga dhaanam.

If the youngest son is not able to come on the first day he can come on any other possible day and join with his elder brother after doing thilothagam and vasodhagam for the days he was absent .

Now a days as cell phone is there news about death will reach all within minutes.

If the daayaathi persons are not able to come to the death place they may do on their place after aavaahanam in dharbai 30 vaasodhakam and 75 udhaga dhaanam.First day haircutting (shaving) only for kartha . On the 10th day shaving all the body for the kartha and his brothers, starting from youngest in order. daayaadhikarar shaving is also there on the 10th day if the demised person is older than the daayaadhikar.

If the person expires before 1-30 AM. you are taking into account as previous day's death. If the person expires after 1-30 AM. you are treating that as next day.

some group are saying before suryodhayam previous day. After suryodhayam this day. Sratha thithi is the thithi on which thithi the person expires.

Uthgranthi: during the time prana is going out.
ANAAHITHAAGNI; one who is doing regularly only aupaasanam.
AAHITHAAGNI; Doing regularly agni hothra along with the karma aadhaanam.
PRAASNAM drinking water or food through mouth.
VRUSHOTHSARJANAM; Pooja for ox as rudhra devan and leave it to go elsewhere as it please.

PARISTHARANAM; spread dharbai grass on the four sides of the homa kundam.

DHARVEE; purasa elai or wooden spoon used for to do homam;

PROKSHANI; Water which got the power for prokshanam (drizzling water to all through mango leaves)

AAYAAMADHAM; 6'' length dharbhai with a knot in the upper centre.

SAADHANAM SEIDHA PAATHRAM; As prescribed in the soothrass kinnam for ghee and for water are placed abobe dharbai grass.

DHANISHTA PANCHAGAM; Stars Avittam; sadhayam; pooratahdhi; Uthrathadhi;revathy.If death occurs in these nakshathras parihaaram on first day and shanthi on 13th day should be done.

Do not take any food or drinks in the place where stone was burried under sand for doing vaasodhagam and Thilodhagam.

If the tenth day falls on Friday only kartha can have shaving. other dhaayaathis must have their shaving on 9th day or on 11th day.

Persons who are coming on the 10th day who are having no pollution( for dukkam vijarikka) should not take food in the death place house.

Persons who had touched the dead body to carry it must change their poonal . and not for the followers. Friends who followed the corpse must do shiva dharsanam and give grass for cows .

If the person expired before sunrise or sunset and you are doing karma after sunrise or sunset you must do puryushitha praayaschitham.

UTHGRAANTHI COW DHAANAM; sankalpam . this can be done during the time prana goes or immediately after death within three hours, There is no use of giving cow 3 hours after death. to be continued
Everything should be done only after taking bath. with single wet dhoty. sankalpam with single dharbhai pavithram first permission to do samskaaram with dhakshina; prajapathya krichra dakshina; praachinaaveethi cleaning the place where you are going to make agni; then wash your hands and do prokshanam on the floor with hands on upward down position.

Here you have to put the vessels in south side and dharbhai nuni edges facing south. pariseshanam in appradhakshinam method. starting from south east and ending in southeast.

12 times ghee homam having brahma in your mind without any manthram.aupaasana vischinnaaagni homam prayaschitham krichra dhaanam.

Then aupaasanam. Then permission for uthapanaagni ;lsangalpam; dhakshinai; then ghee homam; Then praayaschitha homam for dhakshinaayanam death; krishna patcha death parihaara homam if there is ; midnight death praayaschitham if any; praayaschitham for death during menses period if any for ladies; for death during delivery ; then puryushitham shava praayaschitham.

Prepare pancha kavyam chant pavamana sooktham then prokshanam on the dead body and also with punyaahaavachana water and dharbhai water. Then homam with gingilly seeds ; then homam with pancha kavyam if the death occured during Dhanista panchami;
make five koorcham with dharbhai and then do aavaahanam and then pooja with sandal powder and flowers;

Place these koorchams before cremation on the forehead; on the eyes; leftside stomach; and on the navel and last on the legs of the dead body.

then apply ghee above these koorchams; then pour some water on the koorchams; Then permission to cremate; dhakshinai; Then thithi vaara dhosha parihaara dhakshina;

Spread dharbhai nuni facing south and place the dead body with the head facing south. then prepare for homam and do homam for the dead body. tie one kappani kaire on the dead body on one end and the other end must be tied on the hand of the kartha while doing homam.

During this period nobody should go in between the dead body and the homa kundam. nobody should over ride the kappani kaire. After the homam is over remove the kappani kaire.

Daughters of the dead person after having bath with wet cloth (9 yards) give a bath to the dead body and apply vibhuthi paste n the forehead. If the dead person is male daughters are requesting their husbands to give bath for the dead body.

AASanthiyil (Paadayil) spread dharbha grass with nuni facing south and put the dead body with head facing south. Athikattai is preferable to make paadai. if it is not available use green bamboo; green coconut leaves with stem, sandalwood piece and deer skin are required.

tie the dead body so that it should not move or turn to other side while lifting and carrying the dead body to the cremation ground. The face of the dead body should face the cremation ground. or south direction.

If the dead body is sumangali red or yellow color cloth will be covered all over the body; this cloth should be without border. for others white cloth without border will be used.

Then remove the old used cloth worned by the dead body. the son must use this cloth used by the dead person .

some group of people are giving 2 dharbhas for the persons who are taking the dead body. while carrying the paadai to the cremation ground persons who carrying the dead body must have their poonal in niveethi position ( like maalai)

Ghee fire (nei pandham) to the grandsons must be prepared and given. While going on the road towards smashanam chant mahadeva.
to be continued
First the kartha must go silently with fire pot . Nobody should go in between the kartha and dead body. In back all daayaathis and friends and relatives must go. do not go on sides of the dead body. In the cremation ground place three dharbhams in one place and put the corpse facing south. in the south direction place the fire pot. and in the south east direction dig the mud with the help of a stone and place the charu there.

First go anticlock wise first the youngest and lastly the kartha by striking by your right hand in the right upper leg also with spreading your dhoty by your left hand for three times starting from the face. Then by sriking your left upper leg with your left hand without spreading your dhoty with right hand do three times pradhakshinam.including charu only for this time.

Then kartha only must go and apply ellu with water on the digged mud place. then along with athi bunch place the charu (havis) one third of charu from north to south direction, with manthras, pithru theertham method. pour ellu water over this. then use the athi bunch to gather the charu.

Then place the dead body and agni in the western direction then all do pradhakshina and appradhakshinam for three times by striking with left hand in the left thigh; Then the kartha places ellu water and charu as before then again place the dead body in western direction along with agni pot strike with your left hand in left thigh for 3 times pradhakshinam and apprakshinam. then again kartha only place ellu water and charu and gather them with athi bunch.

Then break that mud pot into pieces. Then place the dead body in the western direction of the cremation place and the place the agni pot in the eastern side and then all must go in the northern direction at least 2 meters in length.

Then kartha comes to the cremation place and by using palasa bunch clean the cremation place and throw it away. then by using dharbhai or samithu dig the place and throw it away in south west direction. Wash your hands. pour water on that place. In the centre place of the cremation place drop ghee one drop and then place 3 dharbhams facing south . then place over it athi kattai or palasa kattai or sandalwood.

Place the agni in the eastern direction. use athi leaves and mud agal 2; spread in between agni and corpse.some dharbhai do samskarams.
clean the right and then left palms of the dead body with the help of gold piece with manthrams. ( bodhayanar says for ladies without manthram)

Now a days one rupee coins are used. Then place gold pieces in the following 7 places. now a days we are placing Ghee drops instead of gold pieces. 1. mouth; 2 right eye; 3 left eye; 4 right ear; 5 left ear; 6 right nose; 7 left nose.

Then place ellu mixed with raw rice on the mouth of the dead body. in pithru karyam method. Persons living with father will not do this vaaikarisi lastly kartha should place ellu rice in the mouth of the dead body. Then the kartha must take all agni in the mud pot by facing west must say manthras and then place the agni on the chest or near chest. Then throw away the agni mut pot in the south direction to make them into pieces.

Then kartha must come near the leg portion facing south must chant manthras. Then move to west side of the agni facing east do appradakshina pariseshanam and then do homam then place the homa karandi on the agni then do pariseshnam anticlockwise.

then go to the western side of the cremation place sit down on darbhai grass facing east chant manthras.
Then go still further in west dig 3 vaaikaal ending in north direction pour water on this 3 sombuwater and then from youngsters to elders all must place thier feet on this water and come.chant manthras while coming. place some branches of trees in this west side of the digged place one first on norrth and the other on the south. use dharbha grass as thoranam from noth to south.

Lastly the kartha must come out and he has to remove this thoranam and the branches of tree. and throw it away in the backside. Then all must go to take bath .take bath facing south and then sit down in the river shore and then take bath facing soth. do 3 times like this. now a days in cities it is impossible. pay cash to the corpse carriers.

Then Brahmathandam= poori dakshina giving. Then permission for shaving; shaving then snaanam then after washing your legs in the front of your house you must go into the house.

to be continued
To remove the doshas happened during death time and cremation time of thithi, vaara,yoga,karana, nakshathram and lagnam poori dakshinai is being given.

After having finished your daughter's or son's marriage nichayadhartham you should not go for dukkam vijaarikka. you must inform them that only after poonal or marriage is over you can go there. Infom them through somebody

. Some group of people will take neem leaves and ghee before entering the house after cremation. sampradhayam.

In the house in the place where the person expired will be washed with water mixed with cow dung and on that place arugan grass and raw rice drenched with water will be sprinkled. another sampradhayam for some group of people. They will put a mud pot filled with water on the expired place for ten days above paady spread over there. For ten days that pot should not be broken or the water should not be lessened.

Suddhi punyahavachanam will be done there by another sastrigal and that water will be sprinkled there.

Then nagna sradham to reduce the agni heat to the praytham. dhaanam of dhothy rice, water in sombu;ellu;black gram,salt; vegetables and dhakshinai should be given to sastrigal.

Then udhaga dhaanam. Udhaga dhaanam should not be done after 9-30 PM. you can start from next day.
Use the same vasthram (which you are wearing )for this ten days. Ellu dharbhai,new vasthram for vaasodhakam,, mudpot,brass sombu,pancha pathra uthurini are required now for kal oonal .

dig a pit for kal oonal. take a bath with wet single dhothy with upaveethy aachamanam and praacheena veedhi bring water in sombu and go to the kal oonal place. permission, sankalpam. dakshina for thithi vaara, star dhosha nivrithy. then facing south take a small stone remove a nool from the vasthram and tie it in the stone along with durbhai. put the stone in the pit and do aavaahanam of the praytham.

YUdhagadhaana sankalpam; dosha nivrithy dhaanam; From youngest to eldest order each must give facing south vaasodhagam and thilodhagam. Use the new cloth with three folds along with dharbhai one give vasodhagam. chant manthras 3 times . Each time via pithru theertham way sqeeze the new cloth . then put the dharbhai in that pit and keep the cloth safely . then thilodhagam. with manthras.

Then in the house left side dig a pit take a small stone tie it with a nool and dharbhai and put it in the pit. Do aavaahanam with ellu. do vaasodhagam here also 3 times only by kartha , Then Pinda dhaanam. along with pindam ghee, curd, honey are required daily for ten days.

For navasratham on alternate days rice green gram and monthan kaai are required .to suffice for one person per day.

After vaasodhagam in the house kundam put a kolam in three stripes.strike the dharbham on the floor and throw away. wash the hand. do prokshanam with water. take the vaasodhaka cloth fold it in two folds and place it on the floor nuni facing south. pour ellu water on that with manthras . then chant manthras to put the big pindam and south to that place tha small pindam.

pour ellu water on the pindam then pour honey, curd. ghee above them with manthras . facing south chant manthras in standing posture. put some ellu water on the pot in which pindam was prepared chant manthras turn it anti clockwise above the pindam and then place the pot upside down in south and pour water on the pot and turn the pot.and place the pot in the east.

pack the pindam in the cloth to put them in water. Then do sankalpam for aekothra vrithi sratham then give required rice, green gram, and monthan kaai for three persons with dhakshinai. for second day for four sastrigals; third day for 5 persons,4th day for 6 persons;5th day for 7 persons,6th day for 8 persons; 7th day 9 persons; 8th day 10 persons; 9th day 11 persons; 10th day for 12 persons with dakshinai.

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Then do sankalpam for navasratham. In the graha kundam place a mud pot with a small hole and pour water in it. and place it above the kundam. water should come from this pot drop by drop all the 24 hours for these ten days. pour water on the mud pot when ever required. place one tender coconut daily near this graha kundam. another sampradhaayam pouring tender coconut on graha kundam daily.

place water and milk in separate pots near this graha kundam daily. throw the big and small pindam in the water daily. some persons sampradhaayam big pindam in water and small pindam for crows.

Standing in the river facing south throw the pindams over your head on your backside remove pavithram do aachamanam upaveedham have a bath cleanly wash the cloth and proceed to house after having washed your feet with water in the vaasal go inside the house wear dry cloth.

In thadaaga kundam from the second day increse the thilodhagam nos. pavithram with single dharbhai, single wet dhothy, . upaveethi sangalpam prachinaveethi krichra pradhinithi dhanam; dhakshinai. and vasodhakam and thilothagam should be done from youngers to elders also dhaayathis.

If possible dhaayaathis can do daily in the thadaaga kundam. if dhaayaathis cannot do daily without fail they can do on tenth day tottally.

vasodhagam daily three times . thilothagam first day 3 times; 2nd day 4times.3rd day 5 times;4th day 6 times,5th day 7 times. 6th day 8 times.7th day 9 times ;8th day 10 times; 9th day 11 times; 10th day 12 times; total 75 times for these ten days.

First day shaving for all sons of the deceased. For birth, death and for ladies menses period divide the night time equaly in three parts. First two parts belong to the previous day. third part goes to the next day.

Only for parents brahmachari, son is having theetu (seethagam) pollution , kuli tharpanam shaving are there. for other dhayathi deaths no kuli tharpanam, shaving and theetu for brahmacharis.

for kartha's whohad not upanayanam yet, they have to follow as per brahmachari from 1st day to tenth day. without upanayanam after 3 years of age and for adopted children this rule applies.

kal oonruvathu only one stone. here sampradhayam differs. 3 stones are taken for kal onnruthal. ask your sastrigal about that
Brahmachari can do karma only to his parents,to his elder brother, to his maternal and paternal parents. For others bahmachari should not do karma.

after vrushothsarjanamstart doing nava sratham on 11th day. If it occurs amavasai or maadha pirappu. during this 10 days udhaga dhanam and pinda dhanam should be finished on that amavasai new moon or sangaramanan day for others. for parents you can do as usual. Prabhudha bali and bhashana udhapanam on 10th day.aekothra vrithi sratham must be finished on newmoon day or sangramanam day. navasratham must be done as usual.

For anathai samskaaram the person whoose father expired can do first shaving and then udhaga dhaanam.
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Dharma sasthra sraatha kaanda surukkam from the book Yajur vedha aapasthamba apara prayogam. Writtem by Anna Subramanyan of ramakrishna math chennai.

PRAAYASCHITHAM: If one person expires on tuesday,thursday;friday; give charity as per that graham.

Give krichra dhaanam for getting permission to do karma.

cremation must be done within 10 hours from the expired time. If it is not possible do krichea dhaanam, prokshanam by panchakavyam chant paavana manthrams, and then give a bath to the dead body.

Give krichra dhaanam for death during dhakshinaayanam, krishna paksham, mid night, vomiting, urinating,purging, menses, and parihaara homam.

The kartha who had not had upanayanam can do karma for his father or mother can do without chanting manthras.

Wife has to do karma for her husband during her period time or immediately after delivery without chanting manthras the dead body can be burnt and after pollution is over she has to do praajaapathya krichram and then manthra poorva cremation and other things should be done.

Praajaapathya krichram= ten thousand gayathri japam, =200 pranayamam.

PRAYTHA KRIYAYGAL. For all karmas upaveethi must be observd for aachamanam, snaanam, pranayamam; pradhakshinam; namaskaram.

Gothram and name must be chanted during aavaahanam;argyam;sangalpam;pinda pradhanam;thilodhagam;aasanam; paadhyam.

Clean the place in the cremaqtion ground with vanni tree branches thrice with apaethavitha manthram.
Cover the dead body and its face witha cloth ant the portion of the leg side of the cloth must come out for one foot length/

Do not cremate the dead body without cloth . half of the cloth covered should br removed and throw it away.

In the order from younger to elder should do for for taking bath, udhago dhanam. while going to cremation ground the youngest must go first,and while coming back to home the eldest must come first, same for dhaayaathees also.

After shaving take a bath and do nagna prachadhana sratham.and then do outer bhashana sthapanam do vasodhagam and thilodhagam and in the sit out of your house do griha bhashana kundam sthapanam and do vasodhagam and then give pindam and bali for the praytham

The size of the pindam must be in the size of lemon.This pindam must be done near griha kundam withe help of brass pot and charcoal stove by the daughter, or daughter in law of the deceased.or by kartha for ten days in the same place, same pot,pindam must be placed in the same for these ten days.

Nava sratham on odd days. should be done. if due to unavoidable circumstances if you cannot do you must do that on 11th day.along with 11th day nava sratham.

For all kartha and dhaayaathees only one time meals for these ten days.On the cremation day you should not prepare meals on that house and also you should not take food in that house.
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The expired person belongs to one suthram , and the kartha belongs to another soothram. and this kartha has to do karma samskaram now the kartha has to do as per the expired persons soothram upto varushabhdeekam and then form varusha aabhdeekam the kartha can do by his own soothram.

But for yajur vedhis they can also do as per bhodhaayana sooktham.and if available he can do with his soothra manthras also at any time.

Cremation was done to the dead body.by some other person with manthras.and also had done sanjayanam the next day properly with manthras. son is coming on or before tenth day ; he can do pindothagam etc. for all the ten days.
For those who met their death by accident ,suicide. poison drinking,murdered , do praayachitham first and then do all karmas.

For cremation done without proper manthras then the son must prepare with help of purasa leaf of dhabhai grass one purusha doll and with proper manthras hr must burn it and do sanjayanam and all other karmas.

For male or female if death occures before 3 months only it must be burried.
From 24th month upto upanayanam eakarcha vidhi dahanam.

from 25th month to 36th month there is thilothagam and pinda dhanam is there.

From 37th month to 48th month thilodhagam,pinda dhanam and narayana bali should be done.

From 49th month to 60th month without manthram asthi sanjayanam.

From 61st month to 84th month without manthram nagnam, navasratham,eakothra vrithi, vrushothsarjanam, aadhyam.

From 85th month to 90th month all nthe above and also shodasam.

FRom 91st month all with manthras and also bashana sthapanam.

From upanayanam upto 12 year age all with manthras except sapindikaranam.

For married persons sapindikaranam must be done.

from the age of four for un upanayanam male unmarried female age no bar only narayana bali must be done, no sapindikaranam; no sratham.

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KARTHRU KRAMAMS; Persons who can do Pithru Karmas.

(1) Eldest son (puthran) If there are twins the person born second is the eldest. If there are sons through each of his several wives the one who is the eldest is the eldest son. If after taking a boy on adoption, a son is born the biological son is the eldest.
(2) Grand son The son of the deceased person's son.(pouthras)

(3) Prapouthras= The sons of Pouthras.

(4) DATHAN= the son who has been adopted. and the son who has been given for adoption. ( the person does the karma for his own biological father)

(5) The sons of the datthans.

(6) DANAHARI DAUHITRA=The son of the daughter who will be getting the properties of the deceased.

(7) DHANA GRAHANA ABHAVEPI= Even if no properties are got by a daughter , that daughter's son.

(8) PATHNEE= The wife who had married him as per proceeders. For women : If the deceased is a female member and if there are no karthas ae per items as above from 1 to 7 . Husband= The person who has married her as per proceedures laid out in the scriptures; Sapathni puthra:-The son of the second or another wife of the husband who has married her.

(9) PUTHRI Daughter of the deceased.


(11) BRATHA= The other brothers of the deceased.

(12) BRATHRU PUTHRA= The sons of his brothers.

(13) PITHRUVYA PUTHRAN= Sons of the deceased's paternal uncles.

(14) PITHRUVYA PUTHRASYA PUTHRAN The son's of the uncle's son s mentioned in (13)

(15) PITHA= The father of the deceased.

(16) MATHA. The mother of the deceased.

(17) SNUSHA= Daughter -in- law; The person whom his son married as per traditional custom.

(18) POUTHRI The daughter of the deceased's son.

(19) DOUHITHRI= The daughter of the deceased d's daughter ( who had been properly married)

(20) POUTHRASYA PATHNI= The wife of the deceased's son's son.

(21) POUTHRASYA PUTHRI= The daughter of the grandson as mentioned above in (

(22) DATHASYA PATHNI= The wife of the adopted son.

(23) BHAGINI= The sister younger or elder born to the same mother.

(24) BHAGINEYA= The son of the sister's who had been properly married.

(25) SAPINDA= The person from the same family (creed) commencing from the deceased 's paternal grandfather till seven generations before.

(26) SAMANODAKA = The person from the same family (paternal side and creed) Whonis an older member commencing from 7th to 14 th generations.

(27) MATHRU SAPINDA= Any one upto seven generations on the mother's side.

(28)MATHRU SAMANODAKA= Any one from the mother's side from 7th to 14 th generations.

(29) SAGOTHRA= Some one belonging to the same gothra (lineage)

(30)SISHYA= The person who has studied or learned vedas sastras from the deceased.

(31) RUTHVIK= Someone from the same gothram who is given dakshinai for the karma. When there are no relatives any brahmin can be asked to do on payment of dakshnai.

(32)BRUTHYA= The person who has worked under the deceased on employment basis.

(33) GURU= The guru who has given manthra deeksha.

(34) ACHARYA=The teacher who has educated the deceased.
(35) SAHA ADHYAAYE= The person who studied along with the deceased in the same school.

(36) JAMATHA= The son -in-law The husband of the deceased's daughter who is married in the traditional fashion.

(37) SAKHA= A close friend of the deceased.

(38)DANAHAAREE= The person who is getting the properties of the deceased. Any person given a share of the properties can be asked to do the apara karyams.

Hence those who have no son or daughter should determine beforehand , as per the order listed above , the persons(karthas) who should perform the karma after his death.

It is important that one should determine the person who will do the karma as their heir apparent . by transfering his weath and properties to the kartha well in advance and should be known to others also.

There is no restriction. One can make anybody his/her heir.But one must select a person after determining the person's abilities , committment and sincerity for performing aparakarmas and sratha ceremonies every year. that person will be called ABHIMAANA PUTHRAN,

While selecting the kartha the order of precedence should be maintained.and sequentially the elimination should happen before the kartha is selected.

If the kartha is not selected in the above order , the samskarams performed by the kartha is futile and it does not reach the pithrus..

It is the duty of all to make sure that we do the final rites and the subsequent ceremonies to the deceased so that the jeevan attains peace in the heavenly abode.

to be continued
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