thanks very much for your reply.
as you have seen, your mention of hindu holocaust, has brought unanticipated responses. such is the reality, of how our posts can be read in very much unintended ways. it looks like, that others too viewed it, like i did, as an endorsement from you of the subject, and not as an informative ditty.
in future, in order to avoid such errors, it may be advantageous, in the interest of clarity, to give a brief summary not only of a web-link or an idea, but also indicate where you stand on it.
many a time, i had been inclined to post something, to elaborate some idiocy. others have told me, that they do just the opposite. and that too by default, that a recommended postings, means that they support the view in principal.
let us all make a wee bit extra effort to ensure, that our messages are received in the same context with which they are posted. this would improve the overall quality of this forum.
engin, you mentioned something about my 'advice' to you. i strongly believe, that in any e-forum, we are all equals. absolute equals, regardless of our age or position in life.
so, sir, let me be the first to disclaim any responsibility of dishing out advice. please read my notes as observations or suggestions. i am bound to err as much as anyone else. advice is the domain of the wise. i for one, eschew any ownership to wisdom or even its shadow.
engin, variety of views is the spice of this forum. we must all encourage the exchange of ideas, and in this process, take care, to nourish the individual with the opposite ideas. opposing ideas are the natural checks and balances against an autocratic usurpation of this forum by any one group. thinking minds should work together to avoid such tragedy.
at the same time, let us not fan the flames of hatred or suspicion on other indians. i see, with dismay, many a reference to such instances as hindu holocaust, brahmin bashing and such themes. to me, these smack of paranoia, revisionism, alternate versions of reality, and give ground to fertilize the sense of unease and insecurity of the hindus.
i call these folks as 'nut cases'. facts and views of every sort, arguements and logic, wit and rhetoric, - all of these are symbols of maturity, and never require the mask of namecalling and hysteria whipping ups. my views.
also, it might behoove of us to remember, there is no one single unified hindu agenda. while some folks here would be happy to unleash the dogs of war against non hindu groups, we must remember, that these are the very same folks, who would also rail against reservations and quotas.
someone might remind them the biggest beneficiaries of these quota laws have been hindus, other than brahmins. are we for brahmin unity? or hindu unity? or any unity of convenience to suit a partisan slant for some political outfit?
the point, i wish to make, is that nothing is as simple as it sounds. i am not necessarily taking any position on the agendas, but only indicating to you, that even seemingly like minded agendas do not compliment each other.
hope this explains.
thank you.