There is a temple 12 kilometers from Musiri on the banks of Iyyaaru. The deities are Saptharisheewarar, Kungumambal and Veerabadrar. The sivaling is suyambu and once upon a time worshipped by Saptharishees. When Ravana came there to do yagna to get his ayul enhanced. He has created a Sivaling and entered in the temple. On his arrival the rishees tranformed themselves into a big tree, which is a sthalavriksham now. The temple is in a repairable condition. There are so many families who are having the lord as kula theivam and trying to do renovation and started collection. But it is hardly 25% so far. Recently Rudra Jaba Abishekam and paalayam was done. The goddess has got more power specially in fulfilling the prayer for Job and Marriage. So many people have offered Manglayam to her. It is my prayer to kindly help to renovate the temple. The contact address is under:-
Sri.D.ChandraSekar, Co-ordinator, Arulmigu Kungumamba Sametha Spatharishwara Devotees Association, Park View, III Floor, 94/85, G N Chetty Road, T.Nagar, Chennai-600017 Mob No: 09444088437.
Please help and take part in renovation. The total Estimate amounting to Rs. 70 Lakhs. Please inform our members to contribute and get the blessings.
R R K Murthy, Convenor.
Sri.D.ChandraSekar, Co-ordinator, Arulmigu Kungumamba Sametha Spatharishwara Devotees Association, Park View, III Floor, 94/85, G N Chetty Road, T.Nagar, Chennai-600017 Mob No: 09444088437.
Please help and take part in renovation. The total Estimate amounting to Rs. 70 Lakhs. Please inform our members to contribute and get the blessings.
R R K Murthy, Convenor.