This year this anantha vratham falls on 22-9-2010.Pooja details are available in vradha pooja vidhanam book published by lifco company chennai. after sukla chathrthi vratham is over we can start doing this . once in a year ten days after pillayar chathurthy it will come. you have to do this pooja for 14 years. after which or before you may do udhyapanam.(finishing).some more details a
re available in "WWW.SHREE as anantha chathurdasi.In vradha choodamani book
udhyapanam details are there.and also anantha aavarana pooja is also there.
AAvarana pooja for ganesa;shanmuga; shiva; vishnu (anantha padbanabhan) laltiha; bala;are available. but nobody is interested in doing that pooja; It will take only 20 minutes more to do this aavarana pooja. If requested next for the next year i can give all the details well in advance.
re available in "WWW.SHREE as anantha chathurdasi.In vradha choodamani book
udhyapanam details are there.and also anantha aavarana pooja is also there.
AAvarana pooja for ganesa;shanmuga; shiva; vishnu (anantha padbanabhan) laltiha; bala;are available. but nobody is interested in doing that pooja; It will take only 20 minutes more to do this aavarana pooja. If requested next for the next year i can give all the details well in advance.