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Hi, I'm new to this website. I'm married for the last 16 years and we have no children. We wish to adopt a girl child. Can anyone help us on this? We'd be more than happy if we could adopt a child from the brahmin community. But we do understand that the chance for such a desire is remote. We are now frantically on the look out. Please help us with whatever info you have. God bless you all.
Shri. Easwar,

Is it just 16 Yrs.?... Nothing lost and Dont give up hope!!

If sperm count and Ovum are up to the medical reccomended levels, still, you can have your own child through a surrogate mother. I read from news papers that there are lot of hospitals in Jaipur,Gujrath offer this service legally. I also remember a billboard kept by one such hospital, opposite to Ahmedabad airport

May God bless you with a child.

Dear Shri.Sapr333,

Thank you for your encouraging response. But unfortunately the said is not possible due to poor ovum development. Anyway, if you find some info on good,reliable adopton centres, please do let me know. Thanks for your immediate advice.

My knowledge of Biology is only limited to my +2 schooling.. But I have read quite a lot about it, when I came across the subject of 'surrogate motherhood'..

If you are really curious in keeping your blood lineage, then you may opt for a surrogate mother with unknown ovum(available in ovum banks) and ur sperm.. Anyways, my advice again is, still you have lot of time & hope..I may not be that much experienced in life, but then, my suggestion is based upon my readings. Yes, you still do have lot of time and nothing to be frantic about it..I mean it, when I say this.

16Yrs is not that long lost to worry about..., cos I know from my mom's dad, who had 2 children even after I was born. ie, I have 2 aunts younger than me. I think, that vetran must have achieved it in his age of 45. I personally know few couples getting children at the age of 50.

If you are in Madras, you may seek consultation from G.G hospital, the one run by movie star Gemini Ganesan's daughter.I was told that doc's hands are blessed. My own cousin form U.S has taken a year long holiday and taking treatment from there. But, Gujarath and Rajastan are the most popular places.. May be next time when I touch Ahmedabad airport, I will note down the contact info and post it here..

I think you will find more information about this in internet.

PS: If you are on adoption mode, pls dont confine yourself with a Brahmin girl.. Would appreciate if you could set an eg. to the community, by adopting a dalit girl.. Like how Angelina Jolie adopted black kids. You can be a role model..
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adoption is one of the noblest acts that a couple can commit.

twice blessed it is, for you guys, as well as the little child.

my heart always glows, whenever i hear of people interested in adopting.

here in canada, adoption is accepted as a norm way acquiring a family. desi folks go to india and arrange adoption through orphanages.

here is a link to adoption and orphanage centres in chennai


i got this list through googling 'adoption centres chennai'. if you live in another city, you might want to do the same for nearby centres.

personally, i know a few adoptions. barring one, all the others have been successes.

the one failure, was a conditon that was not possible to detect till teen years (bi-polar).

having dished you the caution, here are some practical suggestions

- any orphanage is ok, as long as you have a comfort feeling
- remember, that the orphanage is just a tool for you to acquire the baby
- make sure you get the baby at birth and start taking care of it immediately
- that way you can ensure that it is well cared for right from the start
- if you want a slightly grown up girl, that is ok too

best wishes to you and your wife sir.

God Bless.
Dear Shri.Kunjuppu,

Thanks for your encouraging mail and your valuable suggestions and website link. I shall follow up on this and shall keep the site posted if we succeed in our endeavour.

Best regards
Dear Mr.Easwar,

I am really happy that you want to adopt a girl. Normally even in adoption, there is gender bias and mostly boys are preferred.

Please consult good astrologers as you still have age and may be some remedies will help you get a child. Also as suggested by our members, you can consult good medical practitioners.

I pray God Almighty for your success.

Thanks and regards,

Dear Shri.R.Venkataramani & Shri.Swaminatha Sharma,

Thank you so much for your comments. I really appreciate and acknowledge the same.

Regarding medical practitioners, we had already undergone a lot of treatments. Had been under treatment for the last over 12 years. Wife underwent 2 surgeries for endometriosis. One ovary was also removed. In January 2009 we also underwent an ICSI (IVF) at a leading Infertility Hospital in Kerala but was not successful.We had spent a lot on treament. More than the money, it was the physical and mental trauma that was bothering us. We had also consulted numerous astrologers whom many said were giving exact predictions. But in our case it didnt work. Spent a lot on poojas, pariharas, pilgrimages.....but to no avail. We even didn't spare the "Nadi Jyothisham". They said my wife will conceive through "Naveena Chikitsai (modern treatment)" and as per that timing, we went for IVF. It was unsuccessful. We have consulted more than 20 astrologers on this issue. Except for one, all said we'll have a child. But unfortunately for us, nobody has been able to predict the exact timings except the nadi jyothisham but..... nothing happened during that timing!

I'm indeed happy that Shri.Swaminatha Sharma has volunteered to check our horoscopes. Hopefully he may be able to find an apt solution for our woes. I shall forward our horoscopes to him for his valuable predictions. Can I have the email ID please so that I can scan and send the same? I'm a Tamil Brahmin from Palakkad, Kerala. So the chart will be in Malayalam. Is that ok or do I need to send it in English?

Thanks for all your encouragement. It really gives us a sense of relief. I'm indeed happy to be a member of this site.

God bless all!
Dear Mr.Eswar,

My father is use to consult Nadi Jothidam. To my knowledge, they are able to read the past but their future predictions are not all the correct. Please don't waste your time and money on that.

I have seen two of my friends getting relief after consulting astrologers and performing some remedies. Sri Swaminatha Sharma has offered free consultation. He is already publishing Panchangam and doing lot of research. He has offered free service and I request you to make use of it.

All the best
Baby Adoption

Dear Sir,

I just saw your reply to Mr.Easwar. We are also in the same category and even after 6 years marriage, we don't have a baby. I would be sending our horoscope to you with a request to please go through and advise me since we have done lot of poojas and visited lot of temples.



Dear Mr. Easwar....
this is my mail id.... [email protected]
u can send both of ur details......
GOD is there.. Saastraya Sughaayacha...
All sastras are made for good only....
So hope the best.....
Thanks and regards...
Dear Sir,

I just saw your reply to Mr.Easwar. We are also in the same category and even after 6 years marriage, we don't have a baby. I would be sending our horoscope to you with a request to please go through and advise me since we have done lot of poojas and visited lot of temples.



Dear Sri Sankar ji,

Sri Swaminatha Sharma will definitely help you. Please consult good medical practitioners simultaneously and do remedial measures also.

We all pray God for you success.

All the best
Dear Sir,

I just saw your reply to Mr.Easwar. We are also in the same category and even after 6 years marriage, we don't have a baby. I would be sending our horoscope to you with a request to please go through and advise me since we have done lot of poojas and visited lot of temples.




perhaps, it may be right, in doing the prescribed pujas etc ..

but if i were you, i would not put all my eggs in one basket.

in parallel, consider adoption as a viable and noble alternative. it is equally blessed as natural born. perhaps more.

who knows, after adoption, with the straightening of the 'naadis', you may be blessed with more natural babies, making your lot a fullfilled one.

best wishes..
yes Gemin ganesan's daughter will be very useful. Reg adoption definitely they can go for selecting from brahmin community. It is choice that the couple wants. No amount of revoltuionary ideas will work if they are not in same mode of thinking.. Already there will be some sort of sour feeling of not able to give birth to a child. Why advising indifferently against their wish. Definitely brahmin girl child should be available..

Dear Sir,

I thank you very much for your immediate reply and so many positive responses from other members. We indeed tried lot of treatments including one time IVF also but all these efforts were failed.

We are also thinking of adopting a baby girl (preferably brahmin girl).

I have forwarded Horoscope to you and please advise your reply to my email address.

Thanking you once again.


Dear Shankar.... mail ur correct horocopes.. let me analyse and tell u...
but surely not the remedies.. i never tell pooja remedies
Let me analyse the horoscope and tell u the possible date of birth of child and when u can hv it..... (If available)
take care... bye to all....
Thanks mr. RV Ji.....
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