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A Tambrahm tirade

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Ok let me start off by saying in a language that we all understand today. Wake the f*... up! Where was the name Tambrahms say 60 years ago? If we r to be considered worthy of the name then at least we should act like our pious grandfathers. Men folks please do Sandhy everyday. If you can watch CNBC and Morning star for checking on how our portfolio is doing every day and do a deep analysis on why we should invest in a company I’m sure we are capable enough to understand why Sandhy needs to be done every day.
It is a pity that having come from a lineage of powerful, pious and awesome sages Tambrahm values have degraded so much so that I have to write this friggin’ essay. I’m sure you are an intellectual in the modern world, with weekend parties, hard working for Corporate giants and what not, But did you question who the heck are you and what the heck are you doing in this world? Or heck, what is this world? Go after Money and accumulate wealth but when your Mom and Dad are in money sucking, fancy, Senior centers with diapers, waiting out their final years, if you had the least bit of reasoning you gotta wonder what the heck is going on or is it even worth it? You can read memes about values and forward them at will in Whatsapp but they are worth sh** if you don’t take care of your Mom and Dad to say the least. You might have with your deep western influences read Kant, Bertrand Russell,Tolstoy or other elevated books. Being well read and knowledgeable about Greek/ Egyptian or other western history and stories is one thing. But have you read the gems that many of our profoundly knowledgeable ancestors have written? They are called Vedas and Upanishads. They are the yoga sutras of patanjali, yoga Vasishta, Tantra, Thirumanthiram, Siddhar Thatthuvam, Brahmasutra Bhashya, The serpent power, Hindu dharma/ deivetthin Kural by Kanchi seer. I could go on and on.
May be you have heard of them when you called over the pricey Hindu priests to do your rituals for putting in a check mark to say ‘Ok I have done it to please my insistent relatives’. Sometimes your ego interferes and sometimes the priests are afraid of asking you to do the ritual properly because you might consider it beneath your dignity to do it.
Being spiritual is one thing and accepting all with love and compassion is all cool but when push comes to the shove and rubber meets the road your action counts more than your knowledge or words. Bhakthi for overly hyped Moksha is one thing and discharging your duty as a Dad, Son, friend and so on is one thing but discharging your duty as a Brahmin is super important as well. Your high and value driven behavior at all instances of your life counts more than your intelligence.
Visiting temple and attending Art of .... classes for your inner peace is all nice and sandy but *doing* a simple Hiranya Shraddham for your deceased parent is super important as well. Unless the appropriate mantras are uttered for appropriate reasons there is no effect.
You would be smart enough to figure out that Earth doesn’t skip a beat when it rotates and doesn’t stop for thousands and thousands of years. Do you think it was setup free so you can live merrily ignoring your birth obligations with nothing to pay? Think again. Nothing comes for free. Brahmin men, for the sake of humanity, please learn your scriptures with intellectual disposition and take my word, by doing ‘your’ day to day Nitya Karma and the other karmas prescribed based on Homa and yagna, you are helping things move and quoting our sages, it IS paramount to sustenance of humanity.

Warning bell.

A disgruntled Tambrahm
When I
Ok let me start off by saying in a language that we all understand today. Wake the f*... up! Where was the name Tambrahms say 60 years ago? If we r to be considered worthy of the name then at least we should act like our pious grandfathers. Men folks please do Sandhy everyday. If you can watch CNBC and Morning star for checking on how our portfolio is doing every day and do a deep analysis on why we should invest in a company I’m sure we are capable enough to understand why Sandhy needs to be done every day.
It is a pity that having come from a lineage of powerful, pious and awesome sages Tambrahm values have degraded so much so that I have to write this friggin’ essay. I’m sure you are an intellectual in the modern world, with weekend parties, hard working for Corporate giants and what not, But did you question who the heck are you and what the heck are you doing in this world? Or heck, what is this world? Go after Money and accumulate wealth but when your Mom and Dad are in money sucking, fancy, Senior centers with diapers, waiting out their final years, if you had the least bit of reasoning you gotta wonder what the heck is going on or is it even worth it? You can read memes about values and forward them at will in Whatsapp but they are worth sh** if you don’t take care of your Mom and Dad to say the least. You might have with your deep western influences read Kant, Bertrand Russell,Tolstoy or other elevated books. Being well read and knowledgeable about Greek/ Egyptian or other western history and stories is one thing. But have you read the gems that many of our profoundly knowledgeable ancestors have written? They are called Vedas and Upanishads. They are the yoga sutras of patanjali, yoga Vasishta, Tantra, Thirumanthiram, Siddhar Thatthuvam, Brahmasutra Bhashya, The serpent power, Hindu dharma/ deivetthin Kural by Kanchi seer. I could go on and on.
May be you have heard of them when you called over the pricey Hindu priests to do your rituals for putting in a check mark to say ‘Ok I have done it to please my insistent relatives’. Sometimes your ego interferes and sometimes the priests are afraid of asking you to do the ritual properly because you might consider it beneath your dignity to do it.
Being spiritual is one thing and accepting all with love and compassion is all cool but when push comes to the shove and rubber meets the road your action counts more than your knowledge or words. Bhakthi for overly hyped Moksha is one thing and discharging your duty as a Dad, Son, friend and so on is one thing but discharging your duty as a Brahmin is super important as well. Your high and value driven behavior at all instances of your life counts more than your intelligence.
Visiting temple and attending Art of .... classes for your inner peace is all nice and sandy but *doing* a simple Hiranya Shraddham for your deceased parent is super important as well. Unless the appropriate mantras are uttered for appropriate reasons there is no effect.
You would be smart enough to figure out that Earth doesn’t skip a beat when it rotates and doesn’t stop for thousands and thousands of years. Do you think it was setup free so you can live merrily ignoring your birth obligations with nothing to pay? Think again. Nothing comes for free. Brahmin men, for the sake of humanity, please learn your scriptures with intellectual disposition and take my word, by doing ‘your’ day to day Nitya Karma and the other karmas prescribed based on Homa and yagna, you are helping things move and quoting our sages, it IS paramount to sustenance of humanity.

Warning bell.

A disgruntled Tambrahm

Dear disgruntled Tambrahm,

Many years ago when I joined the forum there was an elderly Tambram gentleman Mr Sangom (used to use term Tabra for Tambram which rhymes with the word Sudra) communicated with me personally as well. He had controversial views and though I did not agree with all of them he really dismantled the notions held by a typical Tambrams of today. '

Mr Sangom suggested that I read up on Ramana Maharishi. While I do not understand all the teachings I understood how Maharishi is a Siddha. He never left his place and made no effort to promote himself. Yet today there are Ramana centers worldwide. Ramana said somewhere ( I am paraphrasing) that to first you shed your ignorance before you worry about the rest of the society.

No one misses their food three times a day because of frustration with a society. Things are fine the way they are. Let us not get worked up. There are systematic atrocities against TB in Tamil Nadu. That needs to be fought but not by the things you suggest.

Tirades do not help. Also good values can be promoted by anyone sincere regardless of being born in a Tabra family. Principled people are in every society which includes men, women, LGBTQ people, people of all races. They all can learn scriptures of any kind and be helpful to the world

If you talk a about Tabra cultural stuff and want to preserve them that is a different matter.
When I

Dear disgruntled Tambrahm,

Many years ago when I joined the forum there was an elderly Tambram gentleman Mr Sangom (used to use term Tabra for Tambram which rhymes with the word Sudra) communicated with me personally as well. He had controversial views and though I did not agree with all of them he really dismantled the notions held by a typical Tambrams of today. '

Mr Sangom suggested that I read up on Ramana Maharishi. While I do not understand all the teachings I understood how Maharishi is a Siddha. He never left his place and made no effort to promote himself. Yet today there are Ramana centers worldwide. Ramana said somewhere ( I am paraphrasing) that to first you shed your ignorance before you worry about the rest of the society.

No one misses their food three times a day because of frustration with a society. Things are fine the way they are. Let us not get worked up. There are systematic atrocities against TB in Tamil Nadu. That needs to be fought but not by the things you suggest.

Tirades do not help. Also good values can be promoted by anyone sincere regardless of being born in a Tabra family. Principled people are in every society which includes men, women, LGBTQ people, people of all races. They all can learn scriptures of any kind and be helpful to the world

If you talk a about Tabra cultural stuff and want to preserve them that is a different matter.

Hello Sir,

This tirade was written several years ago ?.
also continuing in other conversation....that we had on thirumoolar...
I was waiting for the right moment. And it came.
You have been a part of it. I have been a part of it...
Our emotions are part of it, our opinions were part of it, the readers were part of it...
See what transcendence means? You transcend such actions of yours as well!
Mainly to drive home a point. The point being that The Search should continue...
If we want to reach for the stars! This is the only way! If we want to see our posterity prosper this is the only way!
Science, yes. But remember, “Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from Magic”. What seems Magic or Siddhi today is possibly all science for some entity. You can call it God. But then such an entity what would it do? Is there anything more to figure out in its perspective? Should be correct? If you know everything and seen everything and experience everything then Duh... awareness is boring! And hence ‘The reserved’ part. ‘ The embedded unknowns’ the incompleteness of awareness, the incompleteness in knowledge. It is there set up in all such advanced civilizations. All thought processes, all conclusions, All derivations, All actions, All, utterances, etc. etc. That reserved ‘unknown’ part is driven none other than by the ‘known’ part! That is the a Great Game of ParaBrahman — oops! by calling it ParahBrahman I’m completing that entity! So, it should be called The Great Game of <unknown> Oops again the same mistake! So better leave it Unsaid! The Great Game of

And so, I sign-off in eternity,
With God speed in flight with me!

Neti, Neti.

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