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A story about love

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To share with you all here...

A Story about Love

Before the world existed, Man and Woman found Virtue and Passion to be boring,
So, "Imagination" said "Why don't we play hide and seek?"
"Fool" replied "Oh yes, lets" and started to count: "80, 40, 4, 3.."

All went off and hid, except for "Love",
because.... of love's indesiveness,

"Fool" started to count again "80, 60, 35, and 100!"
and "Love" jumped up and went and hid by a bush.

When "Fool" opened his eyes, the first person he found was "Lazy",
who was just crouching on his feet, because....he was lazy.

The second person he found was "Imagination" hiding behind a cloud
because..... she was imagination

Next, was "Innocence" who was hiding behind her hands
because..... this was innocence.

"Liar" was found over here, and not over there, where he said he would be,
because..... this was liar.

One by one all the Virtues and Passions were found except for "Love"
who was afraid of exposing herself.

"Envy", who was always preoccupied with others and not with herself,
told "Fool" that "Love" was hiding in the bushes.

"Fool" called out to "Love" to come out, but "Love" didn't come.
So all the virtues and the passions called out "Love, come out",
But again nothing happened.

This really made "Fool" angry, and he started shaking the bushes.
Just then he found a stick, and he picked it up and started poking it into
the bushes with all his might.

All at once there was a scream "Ay," and "Love" came out of the bush
holding her hands up to her eyes that had blood streaming from them.

Virtue and Passion were very, very sad, and they asked each other
what was going to happen to "Love".
But "Fool" said,
"Don't worry about "Love," I will look after her and be her eyes"

And from that day to this, that is why it is said that

"Love is blind, and only sees things through a fool's eyes!"

"Love is blind, and only sees things through a fool's eyes!"
Dear Ravi bhai
what a fantastic and meaningful line to remember forever. Love is blind, initially it won't see the flaws of loved ones. Because love blinds the eyes and will try hard to cover the other person’s faults and mistakes, it won't listen any. Either the person should become mature mentally, should get the experience to understand the reality to guide the loved one in the right direction.
Maturity has to come to guide the loved one. Then life will become smooth and calm. But, if "ego “comes in between then tug of wars with words will be the result... May be because of that some couples find it difficult to get along in the long run... ego should never come between the loved ones. This is my humble opinion Ravi bhai.
When there is compromise, adjustment and empathy.. Then "love can be blind forever and sense will guide to go ahead in the right path." Right???

Take care
"Love is blind, and only sees things through a fool's eyes!"
Dear Ravi bhai
what a fantastic and meaningful line to remember forever. Love is blind, initially it won't see the flaws of loved ones. Because love blinds the eyes and will try hard to cover the other person’s faults and mistakes, it won't listen any. Either the person should become mature mentally, should get the experience to understand the reality to guide the loved one in the right direction.
Maturity has to come to guide the loved one. Then life will become smooth and calm. But, if "ego “comes in between then tug of wars with words will be the result... May be because of that some couples find it difficult to get along in the long run... ego should never come between the loved ones. This is my humble opinion Ravi bhai.
When there is compromise, adjustment and empathy.. Then "love can be blind forever and sense will guide to go ahead in the right path." Right???

Take care

Dear Sister Anandi.

What is this???? I can't take any more surprisesssss..... :)

"Maturity is like God for sustaining Love, Ego is like demon for sustaining hatred" - This is what I believe in..

Anandi, I couldn’t believe that two person can think so identically...Believe me, I am not just joining hands with your thoughts but it is just like a person born with two heads attached together and having 1 brain.

Thats the fact Anandi..Love can ever be blind, no issues, but the mature mind knows why it is blind. Because the matured mind is full of love, care, compassion, honesty and selflessness and yes with No Ego. Having maturity and compassion one may feel upset if been hurt by the spouse, but the person would just come out of it in no time and would continue with his/her true love effortlessly. The matured and compassionate mind knows how to express love and care too. As a grown up matured person, as how could we understand the love of our parents/our parenthood, how is it, that we can't express the same love to our spouse who shares everything through out?

It's only Ego between couples that is leading to separation. Now a days divorce cases are pilling up in all fmily courts and mostly are newly married couples, ranging from married for 4 months to 3 years. Patience, considerations, adjustments and a true love with no sense of Ego can only help sustaining marriage till death can keep each apart. Everything is "Impossible" with the presence of Ego.

Ego leads to hot temperament, usage of foul languages, wicked tactics to win over the other and unwanted rift on and off. This leads to loss of peace of mind and hatred towards each other. And finally lead to divorce. There are couples who got separated after 10 years, 15 years too. So sad to come to know all this. Unless people have the sense of empathy and the sense of fulfillment, wisdom and the realization of many other irony of life with many others, they can never have satisfaction in life.

Your statement -
"love can be blind forever and sense will guide to go ahead in the right path." , is the most acceptable truth..


...Patience, considerations, adjustments and a true love with no sense of Ego can only help sustaining marriage till death canch apart. Everything is "Impossible" with the presence of Ego.

Ego leads to hot temperament, usage of foul languages, wicked tactics to win over the other and unwanted rift on and off. This leads to loss of peace of mind and hatred towards each other.

Your statement -
"love can be blind forever and sense will guide to go ahead in the right path." , is the most acceptable truth..

dear ravi,

very true. i have been married for 31+ years, and my wife does not read this forum. :)

a very long time ago, i tried to talk about ego and all that stuff that you mention to my wife. it only infuriated her more, much to my physical safety :)

theory is good. infact excellent. wait till you get married, to (dis)prove your thesis. and faith.

best wishes dear young man :)
dear ravi,

very true. i have been married for 31+ years, and my wife does not read this forum. :)

a very long time ago, i tried to talk about ego and all that stuff that you mention to my wife. it only infuriated her more, much to my physical safety

theory is good. infact excellent. wait till you get married, to (dis)prove your thesis. and faith.

best wishes dear young man

Sri Kunjuppu,

With your usually unusual talent, you are giggling all our minds... out with all your sense of humor :)

Shri K,I would just like to reiterated that people differ in this huge world that looks too small at times. At least I can say that, it depends what a boy or girl have got to know and realized what marriage is and what the relationship between spouse is, from their own parents. Off course, though having understood, in real life situations, men and women differ.

I am not at all denying your claims. Am just expressing my views. Anandi is a married lady and still she believes and follows (that we believe in common) in her life. I have the confidence that I will get a girl like Anandi to rule my life.. :)

I wish the almighty should bless her for ever and support views of eligible singles like me and Anandi, along with the blessings of you all..

If at all fate happen to be cruel with me, I am sure I am not gonna change my personality :)

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Dear Kunjuppu Sir
The humor hidden in your words are fantastic and make us giggle for a moment. No one can have such a sense of humor. To present a serious topic with humor in disguise is a special talent. Hat’s off to you. I pray to God to bless Ravi bhai with a homely, affectionate and understanding girl, because there are only very few with an emotional and sentimental heart and nature in this very fast, hectic, ultra modern era. Ravi bhai is one among them. Normally, I have seen, the pair will be with opposite characteristics. Because opposite poles do attract each other. It is a universal law. (Here the personal experience says…) It’s ok; he has the broadmindedness and understanding to guide the family in the right way. Then love can be blind between them where his sense and maturity will guide both to go ahead in the right path as in the fairy tale to live in the eternal bliss forever. God Bless All... Take care. Anandi
dear ravi,

i was not laughing at you. please forgive me if i ever transgressed or you even felt i did. after all english can be interpreted in many ways.

i was thinking more of my own experience.

in my teens, i was an incurable romantic. i always wondered how those sweet dhavani clad girls could ever utter one cross word or be angry. all i would need is to be kind, understanding, cheerful and make no demands, that i cannot do myself. :)

10 years after that, and 31 years of marriage has taught me otherwise.

also, as my wife would only be too happy to let the world know, all my faults. when she married me, and came to canada, she got sick of hearing what a 'lucky' girl she was to have me. this from all my friends, who knew me, to be what i am.

after 31 years, once in a while, rarer than blue moon, i get such an acknowledgement from my spouse. but on a day to day basis, for what, it is, 'what did i do wrong?'

real life, i found, is quite different from movies. they dont show all the scenes there. or even in books. :)

that is all. this is in no way, a reflection of your views, or even more important, any suggestions re marriage or otherwise to you.

yes, it was indeed supposed to be a laugh at myself. and my own vagaries.

other fogies here, married as long as i have, probably have stories to tell - reality vs expectations - how close or how far it really happened.

all random :)
dear ravi,

i was not laughing at you. please forgive me if i ever transgressed or you even felt i did. after all english can be interpreted in many ways.

i was thinking more of my own experience.

in my teens, i was an incurable romantic. i always wondered how those sweet dhavani clad girls could ever utter one cross word or be angry. all i would need is to be kind, understanding, cheerful and make no demands, that i cannot do myself. :)

10 years after that, and 31 years of marriage has taught me otherwise.

also, as my wife would only be too happy to let the world know, all my faults. when she married me, and came to canada, she got sick of hearing what a 'lucky' girl she was to have me. this from all my friends, who knew me, to be what i am.

after 31 years, once in a while, rarer than blue moon, i get such an acknowledgement from my spouse. but on a day to day basis, for what, it is, 'what did i do wrong?'

real life, i found, is quite different from movies. they dont show all the scenes there. or even in books. :)

that is all. this is in no way, a reflection of your views, or even more important, any suggestions re marriage or otherwise to you.

yes, it was indeed supposed to be a laugh at myself. and my own vagaries.

other fogies here, married as long as i have, probably have stories to tell - reality vs expectations - how close or how far it really happened.

all random :)

Common Shri Kunjuppu....

Did I sound like, having mistaken you? I am surprised by your slightest doubt of it...

I have considered you as my DAD or I can say as my Anna, if saying similar to DAD makes you feel oldie :)

What all you echo here, I used to grasp them all effortlessly, because my realization are all from my teen age in understanding human psychology and values of a family.

If I be upset with mom or dad ever for silly things, I would not be feeling easy and happy, unless I get back to them from school, say sorry and crak some jokes to make all feel at ease. My parents never ever had a need to pacify me till today.

Shri Kunujuppu, the love and compassion I am talking about is not just because I am overdue for marriage and expecting it, I got trapped myself in my dream world and could'nt understand the probable disappointments and pain in life that may arise out of relationships.

I have my realization of complications of relationships and the sense of how to go through it with the right spirit, confidence and mental make up of making things alright, that all comes naturally on its own as per one's individuality.

I was just telling casually out of flow, that if fate happnes to be cruel with me I am not gonna change my personality, as that's how I am mentally prepared with ever, having lost the love of my sister.

As you have concluded, happenings in life are all random and we wish to be happy at the most.

It's all what and how we take things up. It's all what we determine and accept without having any lapse from our side. You may be knowing for sure that, however one disappoints us , hurt us, if we love some one , we woudn't allow ourself to hate that person.

Some sorta disappointments and missunderstanding are obvious to crop up in any relationship. But if we wish, we can make sure that any sort of vengence, hatred , ego doesn't get brewed with or without our knowledge and lead to mishap.

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Dear Chi.Ravi, Greetings.

I always wondered why do people say 'love is blind'! Just because people can't accept love between two persons, they end up saying 'love is blind'. Love is not blind. Love may be emotional, but never blind. Somehow, I could never convince myself with that phrase 'love is blind'.

Sri Raghy,

You have contemplated on "Love is Blind" expression quite positively. I am really impressed and fascinated by your comments.

As you said, may be people could not belive the existance of true emotional love between two, Love was/is considered Blind just like any other superstitious Blind Believes..
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