Thanks for being honest upfront.
Good deeds varies from people to people.What is good to one need not neccessarily be good to another one.Its a relative thingy!.
So then, how do you determint that one becomes a Brahmin? There are no standards? So, it is enough that one believes that he/she has done enough good to make them Brahmins?
Brahmin,Kshatriya,Vaishya,Shudra are personality traits inherent in each & every human being in earth.In order to facilitate easier administration for the Kings,people were grouped by birth and asked to follow a system of ritual,traditions,sampradayams..etc.Its a trial and error method just as it is a trial and error method here in USA.Can we become judgemental about white people or black people or brown people or yellow people..?NO.
Who is talking about relative judgements on humanity here? I just asked what would qualify as 'good actions' to become a Brahmin, in the Hindu context?
Mahaswamigal is authority of all authorities known to humanity!If there is anyone bigger than Mahaswamigal,then you may go and approach him/her for explanation.I certainly will not explain this on behalf of Mahaswamigal,becoz its a pappam i will commit knowingly!!
So,instead of questioning Mahaswamigal,i aligned my faith with Bhagavan SaAdvaitham tradition of Maha Periaval promotes the 'Sahaja' view you have,thya Sai Baba,who is all inclusive of all religions or irreligions known to humanity!But then,have the society spared the 'swayam bhagavan' even?NO.
Now,becoz of his grace,i have a 'sahaja' view of all gurus,bhagavan..brahman which = non-duality = advaitham!Which is what Mahaswamigal was preaching all the time!
Okay, what you are saying in so many words is that the 'Sahaja' view is promoted by Advatha is what you believe in and so you do not believe in Caste by birth as Maha Periaval said.
There is nothing 'mad' about them!They are called 'evil' in my dictionary!I have quoted to you and explained about 'shudra' by even giving examples as to how learned sages explained.Despite that,if you don't understand,please forgive me for attempting to explain!I give up!!
Is 'evil' absolute or relative? Does the word 'Shudra' indicates evil?
Truth varies from people to people based on their perceptions & experiance.What is truth for me may not be truth for you!!Each of the species of god,is unique in its own ways!!To see the sahajam in all requires 'divya drishti' which comes only by repeated births & deaths thru various species over a number of lifetimes!There are very many great gurus who teach this for a living and not for a living too,as the case maybe!
This is another perfect example where you confuse me. Truth is absolute. It may be 'perceived' differently by different folks. Like the story of three blind men trying to describe an elephant. Elephant is always an elephant.
But 'divya drishti' is for the most advanced souls like Maha Periaval's. Just because one goes through many births, he/she does not automatically aquire the drshti.
I do not understand your context here with respect to my post.
My intention was to shock,so i write in a manner like that.But believe this too when i write-I love USA and the people and i want the leaders to change what they are doing with other parts of the world and their cultures!The reason being,when your own house is not in order,who the heck are you to preach to others,as to how they should live or not live?Just becoz you have the power to decimate nations with bombs,and make them supplicant to you,does not make a nation great.Its pure EVIL!
Again, confusion. Your statements don't shock me. What shocks me is how little understanding you have of USA, even after living here for 10 years. For example, when you lament that USA should not be friends with UK, you are displaying a total lack of knowledge about this country's history and culture as well as UK's. You sound exactly like some Indians living in India who form their opinion about USA solely by reading a left wing news paper.
I have also opined about India & its leaders just as i have opined about America & its leaders.No one is perfect,including me.Is it wrong on my part,to let off steam,in a virtual forum?I dare not say this to anyone on their face,as either it will make them angry or hurt!
No, you have every right to vent. But some people may not respond to venting, magical assertions and conclusions made out of thin air and feelings and not out of logic. It is a funny read though.
Who the heck am i,in anycase? = A No body! ( aham brahmasmi ) i am not the body but a spirit soul!:flame:
I have not seen anyone who professes universal love on one hand and absolute hate towards some segments on the other hand. You sir, is not a no body. You definitely are somebody, with an agenda!
sb :thumb: