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A "Dear daughter" letter from a mother

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I read this letter supposedly written by a mother to her daughter in a group discussion site. Thought I should share it here for the poignancy of the content.

My dearest daughter,
The day that you see me old, I ask that you have patience and that, above all, you try to understand, My dearest daughter.............

If when I talk to you, I repeat the same things, a thousand and one times, don't interrupt me to point out that I have already told you that. Instead, please listen to me, and remember a time when you were a little girl, I would read you the story again and again, night after night, until you went to sleep.

When I do not want to have a shower, do not scold me, and please do not try to embarrass me. Remember, instead, a time, when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented , in order to get you to bathe, when you were little girl.
When you see my ignorance of new technologies, give me the necessary time to learn, and please don't roll your eyes, or look at me with a mocking face. Remember my dearest, I taught you how to do so many things......... to eat properly....to dress and groom yourself, and how you can confront and deal with life.

The day you notice that I have grown old, my dearest daughter, please have patience and above all, please try to understand me. If, occasionally I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation, let me have the necessary time to remember, and If I cannot do it, don't become nervous, or impatient, or arrogant.
Instead, just know in your heart, that the most important thing for me, is to simply be with you and have you listening to me.

And when my old tired legs, won't let me walk as before, give me your hand......... in much the same way I did for you, when you made your first steps.

And when someday when I tell you that I do not want to live any more....... that I am ready to die......please do not get upset or angry...... because, one day, my dearest daughter, you will understand. Until then, just try to understand that at my age, we reach a point where we do not live any more, We just exist.

When this day comes for me you should not feel sad, and or incompetent for seeing me like this. Instead, I ask that you be with me, that you try to understand me and that you help me.
Help me as I journey to the end of my life with love and with deep understanding of appreciation for the gift of the time and love we were blessed to share together. I will thank you........ by a smile.........and by the immense love I always had for you.

I love you ........ My dearest daughter,

Your mother
I have a feeling this mother must have had some memory lapses ala Ghajini and wrote all this down fast before she forgets it!

Sounds weird and unusual must be a very depressed individual writing this.
I have a feeling this mother must have had some memory lapses ala Ghajini and wrote all this down fast before she forgets it!

Sounds weird and unusual must be a very depressed individual writing this.

I think you are the type who counts the trees instead of seeing the woods.:tsk:
I think you are the type who counts the trees instead of seeing the woods.:tsk:

Nope..I count the leaves and look for the roots!!LOL

Dear Mahakavi,

The letter sounds very depressed.
I have seen many depressed individuals in life who are actually quite poetic and descriptive when they having a depressed moment.

They pour out their hearts in their words.

The woman above must be staying with a daughter who does not pay her attention and thinks that her mum has slowed down with age.

The woman feels the indifference of her daughter and has decided to pen down her thoughts to let the daughter know that infancy and senility is actually not poles apart.
Both are helpless and depend on another person.

The woman here is crying out to her daughter to be a "Mother" to her instead of being a Daughter.

This is my opinion as a doctor but you know what???

There is another possibility...the woman who wrote it could also be high on Marijuana or Alcohol!!LOL
Nope..I count the leaves and look for the roots!!LOL
Dear Mahakavi,
The letter sounds very depressed.
I have seen many depressed individuals in life who are actually quite poetic and descriptive when they having a depressed moment.
They pour out their hearts in their words.
The woman above must be staying with a daughter who does not pay her attention and thinks that her mum has slowed down with age.
The woman feels the indifference of her daughter and has decided to pen down her thoughts to let the daughter know that infancy and senility is actually not poles apart.
Both are helpless and depend on another person.
The woman here is crying out to her daughter to be a "Mother" to her instead of being a Daughter.
This is my opinion as a doctor but you know what???
There is another possibility...the woman who wrote it could also be high on Marijuana or Alcohol!!LOL

Perception is a tricky matter. We perceive what we can and what we want to. Our mind is like a radio antenna which can receive only the signals that it is tuned to receive at the moment. I am basically a scientist and I spend considerable amount of time perceiving situations at the atomic level and contemplating about them. But when I see a 22 years old 35-25-35 curvaceous beauty I do not think about the atoms and sub-atomic particles that chiselled out those curves. I go mad looking at that beauty. What Renuka has done here is a diagnosis and prognosis which are the perceptions of a Doctor and so they are just clinical. What the mother has said in the post is a lot of other things mainly a lot of emotion. You take away all the emotions and what you get is what Renuka has presented. May be, when Renuka is in another mood, when she is more mellowed (when she is 'tuned' as a scientist would call it) she would perceive the whole issue from an entirely different angle.

I read this letter supposedly written by a mother to her daughter in a group discussion site. Thought I should share it here for the poignancy of the content.

My dearest daughter,
The day that you see me old, I ask that you have patience and that, above all, you try to understand, My dearest daughter.............

If when I talk to you, I repeat the same things, a thousand and one times, don't interrupt me to point out that I have already told you that. Instead, please listen to me, and remember a time when you were a little girl, I would read you the story again and again, night after night, until you went to sleep.

When I do not want to have a shower, do not scold me, and please do not try to embarrass me. Remember, instead, a time, when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented , in order to get you to bathe, when you were little girl.
When you see my ignorance of new technologies, give me the necessary time to learn, and please don't roll your eyes, or look at me with a mocking face. Remember my dearest, I taught you how to do so many things......... to eat properly....to dress and groom yourself, and how you can confront and deal with life.

The day you notice that I have grown old, my dearest daughter, please have patience and above all, please try to understand me. If, occasionally I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation, let me have the necessary time to remember, and If I cannot do it, don't become nervous, or impatient, or arrogant.
Instead, just know in your heart, that the most important thing for me, is to simply be with you and have you listening to me.

And when my old tired legs, won't let me walk as before, give me your hand......... in much the same way I did for you, when you made your first steps.

And when someday when I tell you that I do not want to live any more....... that I am ready to die......please do not get upset or angry...... because, one day, my dearest daughter, you will understand. Until then, just try to understand that at my age, we reach a point where we do not live any more, We just exist.

When this day comes for me you should not feel sad, and or incompetent for seeing me like this. Instead, I ask that you be with me, that you try to understand me and that you help me.
Help me as I journey to the end of my life with love and with deep understanding of appreciation for the gift of the time and love we were blessed to share together. I will thank you........ by a smile.........and by the immense love I always had for you.

I love you ........ My dearest daughter,

Your mother

Shri Mahakavi,

Thank you very much for sharing the above...

It has a significant moral message, like there exists another one, that is, from a Father to his Son.

Such messages do help even loving daughter and son who care their parents well. Out of our hectic schedules, worries and lack of time & patience, many a times we end up showing frustration, anger and our mocking face towards old people who turn out to be like kids and obviously fail to cope with generation gap.

Many a times we end up doing this without our own knowledge and deliberate intentions. Many a times we take for granted that, "Ahh!!! She is my mother. I take care of her and fulfill her with what she needs. It's only me who would be supporting her until her death. Thus, there is nothing to feel guilty or even find mistakes in me, in the manner I react to her".

The letter reveals the truth of the love, responsibilities, commitments and care of a mother towards her daughter, right from her daughter's stage of infancy. It also reveals the truth behind the scene, taking place inside the four walls, performed by children towards their parents. And it poignantly expresses the feelings of a Old Mother who can not digest the way she can be treated by her own daughter.

It also reveals that, a mother continuous to love and bless her children, no matter how old and matured her children are.

Such good articles are must for us to understand the feelings of our old parents and keep our self in right track...All that old parents require from us is, our love, humbleness, patience and kind considerations towards them.

Perception is a tricky matter. We perceive what we can and what we want to. Our mind is like a radio antenna which can receive only the signals that it is tuned to receive at the moment. I am basically a scientist and I spend considerable amount of time perceiving situations at the atomic level and contemplating about them. But when I see a 22 years old 35-25-35 curvaceous beauty I do not think about the atoms and sub-atomic particles that chiselled out those curves. I go mad looking at that beauty. What Renuka has done here is a diagnosis and prognosis which are the perceptions of a Doctor and so they are just clinical. What the mother has said in the post is a lot of other things mainly a lot of emotion. You take away all the emotions and what you get is what Renuka has presented. May be, when Renuka is in another mood, when she is more mellowed (when she is 'tuned' as a scientist would call it) she would perceive the whole issue from an entirely different angle.


Very well said Shri Raju.

Many people suffer from Over Brilliancy and Over Confidence, such that, they fail to realize how wrong they are and how justifiable are the needs and emotions of others/old parents.

Whatever profession we be into, whatever the level of our Status be, how ever Educated we be, however Brilliant we be and how ever Confident we be, We are just plain humans and we would go through the same phases of human life, carrying our Human feelings and emotions. Human feelings and emotions are the same for all. Just that, ironically some could realize the feelings and emotions of others/old parents only after finding one self in the same challenging circumstances.

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I found that letter in the OP depressing too. An elderly lady does not have to plead so much; the daughter would be doing the needful automatically or she would have arrangements for care. Such helpless conditions don't happen overnight unless that elderly lady suffered a stroke. These conditions develop over a period of time. We always develop a strategy for such setbacks. Elderly persons don't just 'exist'; they live. Care provisions are available all the way up to death. Three persons went while I was watching ( I don't work in aged care anymore). I liked everyone of them. There was one elderly lady; she was so fond of me. She used to walk around until she was 102. When she left, she was in bit of a pain, her daughters, grand daughters and famil was present. He daughters expected me to give pain-relief medications. I didn't. Encouraged every member to talk to the old lady. I explained the family, that old lady can hear well and would understand every word. ( usuall pain medications relax the muscles; that includes the lungs. If the lungs are relaxed, breathing gets reduced).

I see artificial emotions infused in that letter. Elderly person are much more dignified than that. If an elderly person gets reduced to that condition, I don't know what to say.

May be, when Renuka is in another mood, when she is more mellowed (when she is 'tuned' as a scientist would call it) she would perceive the whole issue from an entirely different angle.


Dear sir,

Not really..I am not too much of a sentiment person.I might be affectionate but NOT sentimental types.
I never attach importance to many things.
Even marriage gifts I received from many people I actually gave it away for other weddings!!LOL
I repacked it and I thought why keep so much stuff..so recycle things.

This types of emails circulate non stop on the internet.
In fact I showed my mum this OP and she was laughing saying "looks like its out of a tear jerker Mother's day movie"

Ok I will give you another example of a tear jerker email everyone will fall for.
I am sure many of us must have read the story about a blind girl who had a sighted boyfriend whom she loved and one day when she got a pair of corneas and was transplanted into her she wanted to see the man whom she loved so much.

She was disappointed that he was NOT good looking and didn't like him and only then she got to know that he had donated his eyes to her.

So I am sure everyone will go weak and fall for this drama.

You see its utter illogical..cos Living Donors Cornea are NOT done and further more a blind person receives only ONE cornea and NOT two.

So you see my dear sir...always look beyond what we receive in emails.

Real life is much different.

I found that letter in the OP depressing too. An elderly lady does not have to plead so much; the daughter would be doing the needful automatically or she would have arrangements for care. Such helpless conditions don't happen overnight unless that elderly lady suffered a stroke. These conditions develop over a period of time. We always develop a strategy for such setbacks. Elderly persons don't just 'exist'; they live. Care provisions are available all the way up to death. Three persons went while I was watching ( I don't work in aged care anymore). I liked everyone of them. There was one elderly lady; she was so fond of me. She used to walk around until she was 102. When she left, she was in bit of a pain, her daughters, grand daughters and famil was present. He daughters expected me to give pain-relief medications. I didn't. Encouraged every member to talk to the old lady. I explained the family, that old lady can hear well and would understand every word. ( usuall pain medications relax the muscles; that includes the lungs. If the lungs are relaxed, breathing gets reduced).

I see artificial emotions infused in that letter. Elderly person are much more dignified than that. If an elderly person gets reduced to that condition, I don't know what to say.


Dear Raghy ,

I could not agree more with you..see how two ordinary people like me and you think so alike.

We are just down right brutally Honest.

And guess what!!
I like ourselves!!!
We are happening!!LOL
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Very well said Shri Raju.

Many people suffer from Over Brilliancy and Over Confidence, such that, they fail to realize how wrong they are and how justifiable are the needs and emotions of others/old parents.

Whatever profession we be into, whatever the level of our Status be, how ever Educated we be, however Brilliant we be and how ever Confident we be, We are just plain humans and we would go through the same phases of human life, carrying our Human feelings and emotions. Human feelings and emotions are the same for all. Just that, ironically some could realize the feelings and emotions of others/old parents only after finding one self in the same challenging circumstances.

Dear Ravi,

You are so right.I could NOT agree more with you.

Over confidence and over brilliance should NEVER be there in a human being.

Some people are so overconfident even in marriage.

They are so sure they will love their spouse without any decline ever.

One should never be OVER CONFIDENT cos God knows what will happen tomorrow.
Very well said Shri Raju.

Many people suffer from Over Brilliancy and Over Confidence, such that, they fail to realize how wrong they are and how justifiable are the needs and emotions of others/old parents.

Whatever profession we be into, whatever the level of our Status be, how ever Educated we be, however Brilliant we be and how ever Confident we be, We are just plain humans and we would go through the same phases of human life, carrying our Human feelings and emotions. Human feelings and emotions are the same for all. Just that, ironically some could realize the feelings and emotions of others/old parents only after finding one self in the same challenging circumstances.

Yes, it is important to realize that today's youth will be tomorrow's old people. What they mete out to their parents may come back to haunt them. Ignoring that possibility into the future and acting cocky today has its own perils.
Dear Renuka,

Let us take another look at it.

The mother said all these things:

1. you try to understand

2. If when I talk to you, I repeat the same things, a thousand and one times, don't interrupt me to point out that I have already told you that. Instead, please listen to me,

3. When I do not want to have a shower, do not scold me, and please do not try to embarrass me

4. When you see my ignorance of new technologies, give me the necessary time to learn, and please don't roll your eyes, or look at me with a mocking face.

5. The day you notice that I have grown old, my dearest daughter, please have patience and above all, please try to understand me. If, occasionally I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation, let me have the necessary time to remember, and If I cannot do it, don't become nervous, or impatient, or arrogant. Instead, just know in your heart, that the most important thing for me, is to simply be with you and have you listening to me

6. And when my old tired legs, won't let me walk as before, give me your hand

7. when someday when I tell you that I do not want to live any more…. When this day comes for me you should not feel sad, and or incompetent for seeing me like this

8. Help me as I journey to the end of my life with love and with deep understanding of appreciation for the gift of the time and love we were blessed to share together. I will thank you........ by a smile.........and by the immense love I always had for you

You perceived all this as:

1. this mother must have had some memory lapses ala Ghajini and wrote all this down fast before she forgets it!

2. Sounds weird and unusual must be a very depressed individual writing this

3. I have seen many depressed individuals in life who are actually quite poetic and descriptive when they having a depressed moment.They pour out their hearts in their words.

4. The woman here is crying out to her daughter to be a "Mother" to her instead of being a Daughter

5. There is another possibility...the woman who wrote it could also be high on Marijuana or Alcohol!!LOL

Sri Raghy perceived this as:

1. I found that letter in the OP depressing too

2. I see artificial emotions infused in that letter

3. Elderly person are much more dignified than that.

What I perceived is given below:

1. The piece is written by some one who has first hand knowledge of what happened to a mother.

2. The person who wrote is very articulate.

3. It is the voice of a mother which pleads for attention and compassion which is perhaps lacking. It may even be that the old person feels highly insecure and has made up all this. But it is certainly not a story which has been cooked up.

4. There is certainly a lesson or a message for those sons and daughters who are tending to their parents at home.

5. Even if it is the product emanating from the fertile imagination of a imaginery mother, the emotions and sentiments are real and so there is no need to ignore them.

6. There is no scope for me to feel depressed reading the piece because “I am not sentimental about such realities”. I would only like guard myself against being in the place of the mother or her daughter.

7. To me because the situation can be a real life situation and the charaacters can be real life ones, the issue highlighted is relevant and just for these reasons I do not dismiss it out of hand.

The perceptions differ. I go my way - chastened by the warning that I read in this and you go your way- confident that such things do not happen in the domain of your experience and Mr. Raghy can go his way - confident that there is always a way of taking care of such eventualities.

Perception is a tricky matter. We perceive what we can and what we want to. Our mind is like a radio antenna which can receive only the signals that it is tuned to receive at the moment. I am basically a scientist and I spend considerable amount of time perceiving situations at the atomic level and contemplating about them. But when I see a 22 years old 35-25-35 curvaceous beauty I do not think about the atoms and sub-atomic particles that chiselled out those curves. I go mad looking at that beauty. What Renuka has done here is a diagnosis and prognosis which are the perceptions of a Doctor and so they are just clinical. What the mother has said in the post is a lot of other things mainly a lot of emotion. You take away all the emotions and what you get is what Renuka has presented. May be, when Renuka is in another mood, when she is more mellowed (when she is 'tuned' as a scientist would call it) she would perceive the whole issue from an entirely different angle.


I am also a scientist but that doesn't preclude me from being a humanist. As you rightly said about the curvaceous 35-25-35 that you look at the whole assembly rather than the proteins, fat, and skin in that buildup, human emotions (although caused by chemical reactions and nerve transmissions) have to be understood (not necessarily sympathetically all the time but certainly with empathy) in their entirety. It is like evaluating the human beings' worth by taking all the chemicals in their bodies. If you do that way a human being is worth $6.95 (based on the value of so much water and the atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur).
dear renukaji !
your observation is the correct analysis
in old age she feels helpless and drained her feelings by that sort of letter.you can observe inmany house the old people call their daughter &son as their amma and appa. enna petha rajaa... in extreme condition ,they will say that you can understand our feeling when you attain our age.
post 6#
dear ravi !
the very old people wll not be happy with the facility alone offered by their wards.they want our personal affectionate touch and spending time with them. money &other luxury item are all secondary . even when you say them that i am belongs not only to you & i always become sufficiently old-they will take it. we are always kid to them &expect us to listen to them. they are reborn babies.their weeping or arrogance will be the weapon
post 6#
dear ravi !
the very old people wll not be happy with the facility alone offered by their wards.they want our personal affectionate touch and spending time with them. money &other luxury item are all secondary . even when you say them that i am belongs not only to you & i always become sufficiently old-they will take it. we are always kid to them &expect us to listen to them. they are reborn babies.their weeping or arrogance will be the weapon

People who cannot accommodate such grievances from their parents are better off not keeping their parents with them in their home. Yes, the parents when they get old are like babies and they do not follow logic. But they very well remember what they did to their children when they were young (staying sleepless through the night when the child had a fever, and doing so many services that no other person would do). It requires extreme patience sometimes to put up with such naggings. But one has to see the real grievance in such nagging. Life is so mechanical these days. But when these youthful children get old, I can't think of the treatment they will get from their children, if at all the children decide to keep them in their household or even visit the parents.
Sri. Raju, Greetings.

I refer to your message in post #13. Yes, I am fairly confident there are ways to accomadate such eventualities. You highlighted 8 items as 'the mother said all these things'. Well, all those things and much more things not mentioned there are the usual eventualities. No matter how much the children love their parents, most often, it is very hard for them to look after their parents. Aged care is a 24 hour job. Children have their own family to look after too. If they try to look after their parents, they get burned out and get angry towards the elders. That's where the professionals come in; to take care of the elders all through the day and night. Sometimes it takes 4 to 5 persons through 18 hours in a day/night from the time they get up to the time they go to bed.

That mail did not talk about incontinence. Elders are susceptible for that. In fact, that is the first thing we pay attention to. We carefully record bowel habits and urine output on dailt basis. I don't care if they don't like a shower; but I will pay a lot of attention towards health. That mail did not talk about balanced diet; did not talk about feeding them; did not talk about their refusing to open their mouth. Professionals manage everything. I sat with elderly people so many times, just like feeding a baby, use all sorts of diversional tactics to have them fed!

Haven't we seen the children cry for their mother? Well, the elders would suddenly demand to talk to their daughter/son late at night. If we don't comply they would start shouting /screaming.. I have made phone calls to England/Germany/Canda etc to fulfill their desires! But any professional completely gets stumped when they demand to talk to their mother! Once in my personal case, I got bewidered when a lady of 80 demanded to talk to her mother.. lucky for me, instead of diverting her, I actually went through her details and found her mother alive! What's more, I did make a phone call for her!

That mail is just a scratch on the surface. I did not even talk about elderly people after a stroke or after a fall with a hip fracture or ones suffer severly with arthritis. Elderly people with dementia and Alzheimers is more complicated. I look after people with mental illness.

We have to find a way to take care of situations. Health care professionals can't afford to get emotional.
Dear Renuka,

Let us take another look at it.

The mother said all these things:

1. you try to understand

2. If when I talk to you, I repeat the same things, a thousand and one times, don't interrupt me to point out that I have already told you that. Instead, please listen to me,

3. When I do not want to have a shower, do not scold me, and please do not try to embarrass me

4. When you see my ignorance of new technologies, give me the necessary time to learn, and please don't roll your eyes, or look at me with a mocking face.

5. The day you notice that I have grown old, my dearest daughter, please have patience and above all, please try to understand me. If, occasionally I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation, let me have the necessary time to remember, and If I cannot do it, don't become nervous, or impatient, or arrogant. Instead, just know in your heart, that the most important thing for me, is to simply be with you and have you listening to me

6. And when my old tired legs, won't let me walk as before, give me your hand

7. when someday when I tell you that I do not want to live any more…. When this day comes for me you should not feel sad, and or incompetent for seeing me like this

8. Help me as I journey to the end of my life with love and with deep understanding of appreciation for the gift of the time and love we were blessed to share together. I will thank you........ by a smile.........and by the immense love I always had for you

You perceived all this as:

1. this mother must have had some memory lapses ala Ghajini and wrote all this down fast before she forgets it!

2. Sounds weird and unusual must be a very depressed individual writing this

3. I have seen many depressed individuals in life who are actually quite poetic and descriptive when they having a depressed moment.They pour out their hearts in their words.

4. The woman here is crying out to her daughter to be a "Mother" to her instead of being a Daughter

5. There is another possibility...the woman who wrote it could also be high on Marijuana or Alcohol!!LOL

Sri Raghy perceived this as:

1. I found that letter in the OP depressing too

2. I see artificial emotions infused in that letter

3. Elderly person are much more dignified than that.

What I perceived is given below:

1. The piece is written by some one who has first hand knowledge of what happened to a mother.

2. The person who wrote is very articulate.

3. It is the voice of a mother which pleads for attention and compassion which is perhaps lacking. It may even be that the old person feels highly insecure and has made up all this. But it is certainly not a story which has been cooked up.

4. There is certainly a lesson or a message for those sons and daughters who are tending to their parents at home.

5. Even if it is the product emanating from the fertile imagination of a imaginery mother, the emotions and sentiments are real and so there is no need to ignore them.

6. There is no scope for me to feel depressed reading the piece because “I am not sentimental about such realities”. I would only like guard myself against being in the place of the mother or her daughter.

7. To me because the situation can be a real life situation and the charaacters can be real life ones, the issue highlighted is relevant and just for these reasons I do not dismiss it out of hand.

The perceptions differ. I go my way - chastened by the warning that I read in this and you go your way- confident that such things do not happen in the domain of your experience and Mr. Raghy can go his way - confident that there is always a way of taking care of such eventualities.


Now I am really confused ala Ghajini after reading your post!!

The purport didn't seem too clear..but anyway no big deal yaar.

I still feel each one of us sees life differently from each other.

After all even the learned called God in many names and we ended up with so many religions so what can I say more of a mere mortal like me?
Dear Ravi,

Some people are so overconfident even in marriage.

They are so sure they will love their spouse without any decline ever.

One should never be OVER CONFIDENT cos God knows what will happen tomorrow.

Dear Renuka,

Having Over Confidence that, "I am capable of doing this than any one else. Thus am sure, I will be a Winner". This is Negative

Having Over Confidence that, "I am very intelligent and my opponent/enemy is not. I defeated him, I am defeating him and I would continue to defeat him. And that he would ever be in receiving end". This is Destructive.

Having Over Confidence that, "I can do anything that I fancy and come out of them unaffected. Because, I am a Born Champion". This is Negative, Destructive and Foolish.

The SELF CONFIDENCE that, "I am sure that I will Love my Spouse ever without any decline ever". This is neither negative nor destructive. It is one's determination to commit one self for collective betterment of the family. This Self Confidence helps a person with the tendencies of "never to give up in the challenges of spouse relationship", honestly and to the best of the abilities.

WEAK OR LOOSE OR EGOISTIC OR OPPORTUNISTS are those who in the pretext of "God Knows", "Fate Holds" and "Life Rolls", would shirk themselves off the spouse relationship, just at the Drop Of A Hat.

It is foolishness, fooling oneself and the other, having the OVER CONFIDENCE that, "Only GOD controls us in Toto AND we have to just live only with the sense of Self Fulfillment, feeding our Egoistic and Opportunistic tendencies, as a mere mortal human, aka Social Animal.

What I perceived is given below:

1. The piece is written by some one who has first hand knowledge of what happened to a mother.

2. The person who wrote is very articulate.

3. It is the voice of a mother which pleads for attention and compassion which is perhaps lacking. It may even be that the old person feels highly insecure and has made up all this. But it is certainly not a story which has been cooked up.

4. There is certainly a lesson or a message for those sons and daughters who are tending to their parents at home.

5. Even if it is the product emanating from the fertile imagination of a imaginery mother, the emotions and sentiments are real and so there is no need to ignore them.

6. There is no scope for me to feel depressed reading the piece because “I am not sentimental about such realities”. I would only like guard myself against being in the place of the mother or her daughter.

7. To me because the situation can be a real life situation and the charaacters can be real life ones, the issue highlighted is relevant and just for these reasons I do not dismiss it out of hand.


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