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2010 health checklist

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Well-known member
Dear all kindly read this brief article.
This article was take from Diet & Fitness Blog eDietHealth eLiving.
By Shawn McKee
Staff Writer

Every year you make a list of things to change, and every year you change some things while leaving the rest for next year's resolutions. What you need is a checklist -- something that prioritizes the important things you need to do this year, this decade and for the rest of your life. Like an owner's manual for your body...

Luckily, Dr. Manny Alvarez has just what you need. He's the author of The Checklist: What You and Your Family Need to Know to Prevent Disease and Live a Long and Healthy Life. A combination of extensive research and common sense, The Checklist is a step-by-step guide that skips straight to the important facts, tests and precautions that should be observed in every decade of life -- from prenatal to postretirement.

Whether you're a sporty new model or a garage-kept classic -- or even if you haven't been following the recommended maintenance program -- it's never too late for a tune-up or too early for an overhaul.

"Early prevention is the key to good health," says Alvarez. "You'll feel better along the way, and when you get to your senior years, you'll be able to live a healthy and joyful life, instead of being hobbled with disease and medical problems."

He outlines a very specific preventative strategy based on your age, showing how to maintain your body in each decade to reach your next significant milestone healthier and happier than you thought possible. Alvarez wants to erase the concept of age and have you cruising like a well-kept classic instead of a rundown jalopy.

One of the biggest priorities in keeping you running on all cylinders down this long and winding road we call life is streamlining yourself from the start, he says.

"If obesity starts as a child, it will certainly have implications later in life," Alvarez says. "As you get older, being obese becomes increasingly more challenging. You're dealing with the cumulative stress of excess weight, plus, the higher incidence of eating disorders, diabetes, gastrointestinal and joint problems."

He recommends what he calls "nutrition from conception." He suggests tackling preventable problems -- such as obesity -- from an early age to stave off the consequences that accompany hauling excess weight around for several decades.

The tenets of his program are simple: nutrition, exercise and big-picture implications of your actions. One important aspect of this is taking the fear out of living. Get preventive tests to acquire early recognition of problems on the horizon.

"Don't be afraid," he says. "The earlier it's caught, the more treatable and curable the problem will be."

Just like life itself, maintaining your health is a constant process, and the choices you make when you're young will affect the way you live when you're older. Alvarezexplains it with this analogy:

"The results will be better the earlier you start -- like return on your investment. The earlier you start saving, the better your return. The earlier you start taking care of yourself, the better you'll feel down the road."

If you've spent the last 10, 20 or 30 years as the pedal-to-the-metal, free-spending, live-for-today type, don't worry -- it's never too late to change. So what exactly are you waiting for?

If all you require is a roadmap to hit the highway to better health, you're in luck because eDiets is like the last gas station before a bridge to oblivion. Don't be afraid to stop and ask for directions.

Highway to Health

20s: "This is an important decade for developing the right habits: eating right, not smoking, exercising and knowing future problems that can arise from your lifestyle choices today. You are at the peak of your physical health, so develop proper habits for the rest of your life."

30s: "Now we can assume responsibility for our lives and our health," says Alvarez. "Age issues begin to arise. Start thinking about your first oil change -- start focusing on preventative tests like skin checks, cholesterol readings, regular trips to the gynecologist and real attention to weight management."

Alvarez calls this the most important decade -- the "make-or-break" years.

40s: Family and professional obligations lead to stress, which becomes a major factor in mental and physical health in this decade. Your time restraints lead to a lack of exercise and time to prepare healthy meals, which contribute to obesity. It's important to recognize how stress affects your medical conditions, sexual function, weight and overall well-being.

"This is when most people suddenly realize they need to take care of themselves, which is good because it's really never too late to start doing something good for yourself."

50s: "The most important thing is to listen to your body. You'll experience changes in metabolism, hormones and be at increased risk for diabetes, which makes the preventative tests for certain at risk organs like prostate (men) and breast cancer (women) even more crucial than before."

60s and Beyond: Retirement can be a new beginning. So focus on the big issues: heart, cholesterol, lungs, eyes, hearing, colon cancer prevention and macular degeneration. For the most part, if problems can be identified early, they can be managed appropriately.

"Be proud of getting into this age bracket," says Alvarez. "Now just remember this: Youth is a state of mind. You can be old at 30, and young at 70."

Notice the warning signs along the roadside, follow the health highway and, most importantly, keep on truckin'.

If you need help planning out what and how often to eat during the day for weight loss, eDiets can help. Our plans are customized to your specific needs. Learn more about how eDiets can help you lose weight today!

Like this post? Check out these, too:
-- 10 Best Ways to Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions
-- 75 Tips for Managing Stress
-- How to Get Started on a Fitness Program
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@ renukakarthikayan
article u hv postd is nice, so developing a good eating habit is very very important.as far from ur personal opinion can u throw some light on how to reduce the weight and give some tips like do XYZ....exercise regularly, drink water, good diets(food) ,lil..........., etc.
thnxs in advance
@ renukakarthikayan
article u hv postd is nice, so developing a good eating habit is very very important.as far from ur personal opinion can u throw some light on how to reduce the weight and give some tips like do XYZ....exercise regularly, drink water, good diets(food) ,lil..........., etc.
thnxs in advance

dear Sir,

I will give you my personal opinion on weight loss, diet & exercise.
Firstly you must have a goal.
What is your goal?
What are you looking for?
How much weight do you want to lose?
  • do you want to build muscle?
  • how do you want to exercise?
  • how can you find time to exercise?
  • how would you modify your diet?
  • how do you want to look?
lots of questions i have asked.
Most important is DISCIPLINE.
Many make new year resolutions and forget it by Makara Sankranti(Pongal).

OK my personal advice will be first programming your mind.
You have to know what you are looking for.
Then you can start.

Cardiovascular exercises 4-5 times a week.
Types of Cardiovascular exercises:
  • Brisk walking
  • Jogging
  • Bicycling/Stationary Bike
  • Swimming
  • Skipping(High impact)
  • Rowing Machines in gyms
  • Stepper Machines in gyms
  • Walker types of machines in gyms(Low impact,gravity eliminated)
Try any of the above 4-5 times a week for about 30mins.
Start slowly for the first one to two weeks and soon your body will crave for a higher intensity.
Rest if you are not in the mood to exercise and rest if you are having too much PAIN.

Intensity to work out.
Heart rate is important.work out at Target Heart Rate.
Target Heart Rate is 60-70% of( 220-age).
Work out at that zone.Check your pulse when you exercise.
Too high intensity can cause injury and burn muscle tissue and too low intensity will burn only glycogen and make youmore hungry post work out.

Weights are also important to bulid muscle tissue.
Muscle hpertrophies with repeated isotonic exercise and you will look more toned and defined.
Muscle building exercises can be done after cardiovascular work out.
Never ever hit the weight without at least 20 min warm up.
You will be inviting injuries,
On alternate days you can do Upperbody & Lower body work outs.

Other good toning exercises are Yoga and Pilates.
very relaxing and really tones if you are not really a weight carrying type of guy.
Dont shy away from Pilates(most women do it)
Pilates is like a mild aerobic form of Yoga.It was developed post world war 2 for rehabilation of war injured soldiers.

Now coming to diet.
Diet is of utmost importance in losing weight.
Keep oil intake low.
Try to steam food or saute it.
Having Moodakas are good because it is steamed.
Take blended fruits and milk shakes sans sugar for breakfast.
Have good protein intake.
Curd rice is fine for lunch with vegetables.
Night try to stick to Capati,Garbenzo beans cooked with less oil,dhall etc.
Eats lots of green vegetables, lowers cholesterol because of high fibre content.
Drink more fluids but not aerated ones(too much sugar)
you dont actually need isotonic drinks also unless running in marathon.
Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
You will know you are well hydrated when your urine is clear in colour.
Eat almonds and cashew nuts.
takes red grapes its good for cardiovascular health.

Take Vitamins supplements on of off esp Vitamin B complex.
Keep intake of tea/cofee to a minimum can be dehydrating.

Also pay attention to mental wellbeing.
thats all for now.
if i can think of more i will post.

Meanwhile try what I have suggested and when you start looking like actor Sarath Kumar, please post your photograph in TB forum for all to see.

bye for now
Dear Smt Renuji,

Thanks for posting the article and the tips to good health. Very very useful. I am just sooo lazy to exercise and have made a new year resolution to start and 3 days into the new year, I've only exercised once :(.

I have a huge problem with acne. It is just so annoying. When I was in my teens it was quite bad all over my face and now it has improved but only slightly. Now I break out mostly on my jawline, neck, back and lower cheeks every month. I've tried every gel, cream, antibiotics, tretinoin, retin-a, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, tea tree oil....you name and I've most probably tried it. But I still get acne. I wish it would stop as i'm so fed up of it :Cry:
Dear amala,
Acne has many causes.
Sometimes even hard to pin point the exact cause.
I need to know a few points from you: age, body weight,menstrual cycle pattern, which you can private message me as you cant list all this down in a public forum.
Causes of acne in youth and adulthood may differ.

If you have tried all the above methods which you have mentioned and it has failed,you can try taking Neem capsules from Himalaya Pharmaceuticals or any other reputed company.
Neem capsules really work but need to be taken for at least 3 months.
You can was your face with Tea Tree Face wash.
The Body Shop range of Tea Tree Face care are good.
Use the Tea Tree Facial Toner after a wash.
Do not forget to mosturize your face with a light mosturizer as in acne skin can be oily at the same time dehydrated.
Drink lots of water.
Avoid aerated drinks.
Stress can also cause acne.
Lead a stress free life and be happy.

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@ Dr ji,
thankyou very much for ur timely and effective response.i will try as far as possible to follow ur advice.one more query is there ,this is not the platform to ask such question (pardon),but i think this might be useful for some others also. Iam having the problem with sinusitis, in the initial stages i neglected that but as time passed it grew to monster form,now im having severe headache followed by blockage(breathing difficulty).I consulted an ENT Dr, she advised me to take CT& X Ray PNS, and also one steroid tablet and spray and told me that im having allergic Rhinitis and steroids are inevitable . I purposefully avoided the steroids.is it necessary for a steroid or any other suppliment recommendations?

thanxs in advance
@ Dr ji,
thankyou very much for ur timely and effective response.i will try as far as possible to follow ur advice.one more query is there ,this is not the platform to ask such question (pardon),but i think this might be useful for some others also. Iam having the problem with sinusitis, in the initial stages i neglected that but as time passed it grew to monster form,now im having severe headache followed by blockage(breathing difficulty).I consulted an ENT Dr, she advised me to take CT& X Ray PNS, and also one steroid tablet and spray and told me that im having allergic Rhinitis and steroids are inevitable . I purposefully avoided the steroids.is it necessary for a steroid or any other suppliment recommendations?

thanxs in advance

Dear Sir,
In Sinusitis/allergic Rhinitis at times Steroids are invariably needed.
Dont confuse all steroids with Anabolic steroids which makes muscle hypertrophy.
The intranasal corticosteroid spray has hardly any systemic effects.
It acts locally at the nasal tissue.
it is needed to decrease inflammation and hyperresponsiveness of nasal tissue.
it is mostly prescribed for 3months for moderate cases or even longer in serious cases.

There is an unproven study that citrus fruits can aggrevate sinusitis. Just avoid to be on the safer side.
Citrus fruits are oranges/lemons.
also try to find the cause of your allegic rhinitis.

try to identify the trigger or causative factor.
if you have aircond in your workplace or bedroom make sure it is regularly serviced.
an unserviced aircond is a reservoir for fungus and bacteria which spreads to the room when aircond is on.

avoid carpets in the living room which tends to harbour dust mites another causative factor in most allergies.
Also change you pillow and mattress if old.

Certain Yogaasanas also have benifits for rhinitis and sinusitis.
Look up a good yoga book or a aproach a good yoga guru.

you know something you still havent answered my question in the previous post regarding exercise where i had stated for you to post your photo for everyone to see once you start your workout and start to look like Sarath Kumar.

bye for now.
you are most welcome to post your medical queries.
i can help wherever i can.

@renka ji

namaste. thnxs for ur quick reply , firstly i have not forgotten the thing about photo ,surely i will add , i have started only now, let me become like SharatKumar.secondly the thing about sinus ,any need for CT& X Ray PNS ?i hv not taken yet,thats y. im hvng some problem like when we r frying something i causes me continuos sneezing and also the some agarbathi fume.
i have read one method like finding the causative thing of allergy and introducing that to the body to produce the antibodies so that further any attack is resisted by body .is it advisable any success?? also i hv read like citrus fruits palliate the Sinus blockage ,making a smooth sinus canal flow.
lot more queries are in queue for you.....:rockon:
thnxs in advance
@renka ji

namaste. ...............secondly the thing about sinus ,any need for CT& X Ray PNS ?i hv not taken yet,thats y. im hvng some problem like when we r frying something i causes me continuos sneezing and also the some agarbathi fume.
thnxs in advance

some personal experience tips on sinus( otherwise, I am not a qualified person to comment on this).

In early stages or mild attacks, mild saltwater, a few drops can be a substitute for a nasal drops.

Early morning, just after getting up, drinking comfortably warm water , and gargling with warm water with a little salt , clear the throat and will open the sinuses.
Applying warm water sponging/ pouring lightly tolerably warm water over external nose will help drain the fluids. This can be done when taking bath also.

Sometimes , neck pain also will be there. Then after drinking warm water, warm water sponging or applying hotwater bag on the neck and back will ease pain and bring comfort.

Many times, agarbathi fumes exaggerate clogging, and swelling.

Mild steam inhalation with or without aromatic oils(like eucalyptus,menthol) give comforting results. Over heat/over oil will cause bleeding sometimes

It is better to avoid chilled foods and drinks.

Doctors can find out if there is a deviated Nasal Sceptum.Then surgical correction may be needed .

Sneezing ,and clearing nose using much pressure will only aggravate situation.

(probably this will bring out more expertise answers and guidance from qualified doctors)

if the attacks are strong and chronic, then , as Renukaji advised ,

"In Sinusitis/allergic Rhinitis at times Steroids are invariably needed.
Dont confuse all steroids with Anabolic steroids which makes muscle hypertrophy.
The intranasal corticosteroid spray has hardly any systemic effects.
It acts locally at the nasal tissue.
it is needed to decrease inflammation and hyperresponsiveness of nasal tissue.
it is mostly prescribed for 3months for moderate cases or even longer in serious cases"

is required.

in my teens i had sinusitis. it was painful, as i could not move my head in any directions. if i bend, it felt as if the whole nose was falling.

consulted three different e.n.t surgeons in madras. one suggested putting a needle through my nose, and removing the fluid connected. the other wanted full surgery.

the third one, told me to take lot of vitamin C. which i did, and recovered fast.

the lesson learned, is that to get a second opinion on any serious disease. avoid surgery if alternatives are offered.

thank you.
@renka ji

namaste. thnxs for ur quick reply , firstly i have not forgotten the thing about photo ,surely i will add , i have started only now, let me become like SharatKumar.secondly the thing about sinus ,any need for CT& X Ray PNS ?i hv not taken yet,thats y. im hvng some problem like when we r frying something i causes me continuos sneezing and also the some agarbathi fume.
i have read one method like finding the causative thing of allergy and introducing that to the body to produce the antibodies so that further any attack is resisted by body .is it advisable any success?? also i hv read like citrus fruits palliate the Sinus blockage ,making a smooth sinus canal flow.
lot more queries are in queue for you.....:rockon:
thnxs in advance

dear Sir,
You are talking about immunotherapy for allergic conditions.
I will just click and paste a link for you.
Its quite a vast topic.
this article is quite informative but rather technical.
Xrays/CTscans and even MRI are employed to ascertain the extend of mucosal involvement and torule out any Deviated Nasal Septum or even any intramaxillary growth causing sinusitis like symptoms.

Regarding citrus fruits as I had mentioned earlier its unproven but on a personal basis i have seen citrus fruits aggrevate sinusitis even in me and my patients.
I cant even take cheese as it aggrevates my sinusitis.

Titre du document / Document title

Advances in upper airway diseases and allergen immunotherapy Auteur(s) / Author(s)

NELSON Harold S. (1) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)

(1) National Jewish Medical and Research Center, ETATS-UNIS
Résumé / Abstract

Evidence for one airway continues to accumulate. Nasal allergen challenges increase lower airway inflammation, and nasal corticosteroid treatment reduces lower airway inflammation. Allergic respiratory inflammation might even spread systemically to involve nonrespiratory organs. Eosinophilic enteritis and eosinophilic esophagitis are reported during pollen seasons in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Chronic hypertrophic sinusitis (CHS) is found in the majority of patients with asthma. Like asthma, the histology of CHS is characterized by epithelial damage, basement membrane thickening, and eosinophilic inflammation. The damaged epithelium might explain the acute bacterial exacerbations seen in patients with CHS. Studies have extended evidence of the safety and efficacy of the second- and third-generation antihistamines to younger children and to patients with perennial rhinitis but continue to show improvement of symptom scores over that seen with placebo of less than 20%. Studies on antihistamine use in the first trimester in nearly 500 women (65% taking loratadine) revealed no increase in the complications of pregnancy or congenital anomalies. Positive skin prick test responses to birch in asymptomatic young adults predicted later development of clinical allergic rhinitis. A dose response was demonstrated for immunotherapy with cat dander extract. The best results were in subjects receiving a dose containing 15 μg of the major cat allergen Fel d 1 (equivalent to approximately 2500 bioequivalent allergen units). Both topical intranasal immunotherapy and high-dose sublingual immunotherapy have been repeatedly proved to be safe and effective in double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells secreting IL-10, TGF-β, or both appear important in normal individuals and in patients treated with allergen immunotherapy in maintaining or restoring normal TH1/TH2 balance and overall suppression of both phenotypes. Revue / Journal Title

Journal of allergy and clinical immunology ISSN 0091-6749 CODEN JACIBY

If you want to try ayurveda you can also give it a shot.
Septilin from Himalaya Pharma has undergone alot of clinical trials in the treatment of Upper airway, sinusitis,pharygitis,tonsillitis and various allegic skin conditions.
I have put the link for you to read the clinical case studies done.


just a word of concern: Many ayurvedic preparations contain a compound called Makardhwaj which contains a small amount of mercury.
You can further enquire from a pharmacist regarding the safety limit of mercury in ayurvedic preparations.
DrSundaram of TB forum can surely help you in this.

Sanskrit / Indian Name:
English Name:
Sulphide of Mercury
Makaradhwaj is a well-known inorganic preparation of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia. Chemically, it is red sulphide of mercury and gold in uncombined form. It is a sublimed product made from pure mercury, sulphur and gold.
Eight parts of mercury and one part of gold leaf are mixed together to form an amalgam. To this mixture 16 parts of sublimed sulphur are added and the resulting mixture is ground very thoroughly in a stone mortar for 24 hr. or more until the whole is converted to a lusterless, fine, impalpable powder of uniform consistence. This mixture is then placed in a narrow mouthed bottle and is gradually heated on a sand bath. On heating, the bottle is filled with reddish fumes of various hues. On cooling Makaradhvaja is found deposited in the inner surface of the neck of the bottle.
It is seldom used alone. In the majority of cases, it is mixed with various drugs called ‘anupana’ or adjuvants. In cases of indigestion and diarrhea, Makaradhvaja is mixed with powdered bael fruit (Aegle marmelos); in cases of fever and cough it is given with the juices of ginger, betel (Piper betel) and tulsi leaves (Ocimum tenuiflorum). Generally, honey is used in the absence of proper adjuvants. The medicine can be used both for adults and children, the dosage being regulated according to age. Makaradhvaja, when taken regularly, is believed in indigenous systems of medicine to be a wonderful tonic and is said to increase longevity in a patient.
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"let me become like SharatKumar"

Sharatkumar needs regular exercises to trim down.

ஊர்வசி! ஊர்வசி! டேக் இட் ஈஸி ஊர்வசி!
ஊசி போலே ஒடம்பிருந்தா தேவை இல்லே பார்மசி! :)

"let me become like SharatKumar"

Sharatkumar needs regular exercises to trim down.

ஊர்வசி! ஊர்வசி! டேக் இட் ஈஸி ஊர்வசி!
ஊசி போலே ஒடம்பிருந்தா தேவை இல்லே பார்மசி! :)


Ok Raghy, waiting to see your photos soon.
ஊர்வசி! ஊர்வசி! டேக் இட் ஈஸி ஊர்வசி!
ஊசி போலே ஒடம்பிருந்தா தேவை இல்லே பார்மசி! :)


:) Not true RaghyJi, we still need pharmacy to fatten us up with appetite enhancers etc!!


Terima Kasih very much for the advice.
Kepada saudari Amala,(dear sister Amala)

Salam Sejahtera.(Greetings)
Bagus Jugakan!(isnt it great)
Kita boleh cakap dalam Bahasa Melayu kat sini.(we can also speak in Malay here)

Yang benar,(yours truly)

20-Minute Home Fitness Workout


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 15 Comments

Raphael Calzadilla, BA, ACE, RTS1
eDiets Chief Fitness Pro
If you've suddenly been hit with a busy schedule or just need something quick, I have the home fitness workout for you.
This series of fitness workout movements will take about 20 minutes or less. Yep, you're reading correctly -- just 20 minutes. You can do them 3-4 times per week. Your entire body will be stimulated, and you'll feel rejuvenated without all the added stress of having to go to the gym.

I've designed this routine so that one exercise stimulates multiple muscle groups. This way, you'll get the best bang for your buck in the least amount of time. Perform each exercise in succession. After completing one movement, immediately continue to the next one. After you've completed all the movements, perform them one more time. Attempt 20-25 repetitions of each movement. Don't worry if you can't perform all the reps -- it will come. If you're a beginner, take your time and go at your own pace.

1. BENT KNEE PUSH UPS Start with your hands and knees on a mat. Your hands should be shoulder width apart and your head, neck, hips and legs should be in a straight line. Do not let your back arch and cave in. Maintain a slight bend in the elbows. Lower your upper body by bending your elbows outward and stopping before your chest touches the floor. Contracting the chest muscles, slowly return to the starting position. Inhale while lowering your body. Exhale while returning to the starting position. After mastering this exercise, you may wish to try the full push-up.

2. LUNGE (with household cans) Stand straight with your feet together. Hold a can in each hand and keep your arms down at your sides. Step forward with the right leg and lower the left leg until the knee almost touches the floor. Contracting the quadriceps muscles (front of the thigh), push off your right foot slowly, returning to the starting position. Alternate the motion with the left leg to complete the set. Inhale while stepping forward. Exhale while returning to the starting position.

The step should be long enough that your left leg is nearly straight. Do not let your knee touch the floor. Make sure your head is up and your back is straight. Your chest should be lifted, and your front leg should form a 90-degree angle at the bottom of the movement. Your right knee should not pass your right foot, and you should be able to see your toes at all times. If you have one leg that is more dominant than the other, start out with the less-dominant leg first. Discontinue this exercise if you feel any discomfort in your knees.

3. ABDOMINAL BICYCLE MANEUVER Lie on a mat with your lower back in a comfortable position. Put your hands on either side of your head by your ears. Bring your knees up to about a 45-degree angle. Slowly go through a bicycle pedaling motion, alternating your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee. This is a more advanced exercise, so don't worry if you can't perform a lot of them. Do not perform this activity if it puts any strain on your lower back. Also, don't pull on your head and neck during this exercise. The lower to the ground your legs bicycle, the harder your tight abs have to work.
4. BENCH DIPS Using two benches or chairs, sit on one. Place palms on the bench with fingers wrapped around the edge. Place both feet on the other chair. Slide your upper body off the chair with your elbows nearly but not completely locked. Lower your upper body slowly toward the floor until your elbows are bent slightly more than 90 degrees. Contracting your triceps (back of the arm), extend your elbows and return to the starting position (stopping just short of the elbows fully extending). Inhale while lowering your body and exhale while returning to the starting position. Beginners should start with their feet on the floor and knees at a 90-degree angle. As you progress, move your feet out further until your legs are straight with a slight bend in the knees.

5. ABDOMINAL DOUBLE CRUNCH Lie on the floor face up. Bend your knees until your legs are at a 45-degree angle with both feet on the floor. Your back should be comfortably relaxed on the floor. Place both hands crossed on your chest. Contracting your abdominals, raise your head and legs off the floor toward one another. Slowly return to the starting position (stopping just short of your shoulders and feet touching the floor).

Exhale while rising up and inhale while returning to the starting position. Keep your eyes on the ceiling to avoid pulling with your neck. Your hands should not be used to lift the head or assist in the movement.

There you have it! Five fitness workout exercises performed for two cycles in just 20 minutes. You'll begin to notice a tighter feel in your muscles in a few weeks, and you will naturally perform more reps as time progresses -- all in 20 minutes or less.
Per se, Pharmacist need not necessarily have access to know of a herbal product and that too with reference to an ayurvedic product . Pharmacist at graduation level is taught about preparation of modern medicines at lab levels and then on to industrial scales. What Smt Renuka thought, must be, perhaps, as prevalent in her region, with due respects to her care to have referred me for the clarification. Particularly about me I was specialisng more on Medical Pharmaceutics which deals with various aspects of ensuring a Pharmaceutical products to be safely made / released by the manufacturer, to say very briefly and that was more so dwelt in detail at my Ph.D. Now coming to the subject matter I had developed interest on personal level on natural products ,Vz: homoepathy and Herbal medicines. The manufacturers of such formulations normaly do not and can not have a validated, proven and uniform procedures of removing toxic substances of heavy metals out of which Mercury is one. By inherence, they are bound to be so, since many raw materials are grown as wild and collected from jungles and from forests. Other heavy metals to name are copper, lead, cadmium, arsenic and so on. The permissible toxicity range is very wide and often changed. These heavy metals pose danger to kidney's performance if such preparations are on long term usage by virtue of gradual accumulation. Hence it is better if any one is taking homoe /herbal medicines for a long period they have to be alert about this, in GENERAL .
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Very important point mentioned by Sri.Dr Sundaram Sir,

"Hence it is better if any one is taking homeo /herbal medicines for a long period they have to be alert about this, in GENERAL ."

Many alopathethic (English medicines) medicines react, sometimes quite violently against herbal medicenes. So, as Sri.Dr Sundaram cautioned, it is very important to let the nurse, doctor, pharmacist to know about the regular intake of not only herabal medications but also any medication; also important to mention about food allegies. For example, anaphylaxis reactions can casuse inflammation of the airway so fast, it has to be reversed in 10 to 15 minutes to avoid fatal situations.
More on allergies here:-

Allergy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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7 Ways to Protect Your Eyesight

Friday, January 1, 2010
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By eDiets Staff

How much time do you spend in front of the computer? While eDiets members know first-hand many of the benefits that being online can provide, extensive computer work can take its toll on your eyes.

Imagine having to hold your arm straight out in front of you for an extended period of time without moving it. That's the kind of strain that extended computer use puts on the muscles responsible for focusing your eyes, according to natural vision-care expert Martin Sussman.

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"Sixty to 90 percent of computer users suffer from some form of eye strain," says Sussman, who is the director of the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision. Sussman conducts classes and workshops throughout North America to teach people simple ways to prevent computer-induced eyestrain.

According to Sussman, such eyestrain can lead to worsening vision, neck and shoulder stiffness, fatigue and stress headaches. "When you are working at the computer, you are usually concentrating," says Sussman. "Your breath becomes more shallow, which leads to a build-up of lactic acid in the body. Your field of vision decreases, as you become overly focused on the screen."

Since computer use is a reality of modern life, Sussman offers seven basic tips to help computer users preserve their vision:

1. Look away from the screen regularly. "Computer work requires your eyes to focus at the same distance for extended periods of time," says Sussman. "If you were holding your arm straight out in front of you, putting it down every few seconds would help relieve the tension.

The same thing is true with your eyes. Shift your focus and look off into the distance." Sussman says focusing on an object far away, such as the water cooler down the hall or a tree outdoors, is a simple stretching exercise for your eye muscles. If you are in a cubicle, Sussman suggests putting a pocket mirror on top of your computer. "Looking into a mirror will have the same effect as looking off into the distance."

2. Position your monitor properly. "Ideally, your monitor should be at least 18-24 inches away from your eyes," says Sussman. "Your line of sight should also be above the computer screen." Sussman says people should make their desk and keyboard fit their bodies.

"When you work on the computer, it is important to keep your posture upright," he says. "The angle of your joints is also critical. Your wrists should be below your elbows. Your knees should be below your hips. Your feet should be on the floor. You may even want to put the keyboard on your lap some of the time."

3. Use friendly lighting. According to Sussman, bright fluorescent lights are a poor choice. Dimmer lights are better for your eyes. "Your computer screen emits light by itself," says Sussman. "Therefore, the room should be lit with indirect, dim light."

If you do work in an office with fluorescent lighting, he recommends you position your computer screen perpendicular to the line of light. He also suggests that you use a desk lamp for reading and doing other close work at your desk.

4. Minimize glare on the computer screen. "If you see a lot of reflected images on the screen before you turn your computer on, you have glare," says Sussman. He recommends blocking excessive sunlight by using window shades, blinds or drapes. Antiglare screen guards and hoods can also be effective. Or, Sussman says, you can always move your computer to a part of the room where sunlight doesn't cause glare on the screen.

5. Take regular, short breaks. According to Sussman, taking a five-minute break every hour helps to reduce eye strain. Break time provides a good opportunity to oxygenate your blood with some whole-body stretches, hydrate with a drink of water and relax by taking some deep breaths. All of these activities help support good eye health.

6. Blink more often. Computer rooms are notoriously dry, and blinking is your body's natural way to lubricate your eyes and prevent them from getting dry.

7. Position yourself directly in front of the computer. If you position yourself off to the side, you will cause unnecessary strain to your eye and neck muscles.
Health News Blog

7 Ways to Protect Your Eyesight

Friday, January 1, 2010
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By eDiets Staff

How much time do you spend in front of the computer? While eDiets members know first-hand many of the benefits that being online can provide, extensive computer work can take its toll on your eyes.

Imagine having to hold your arm straight out in front of you for an extended period of time without moving it. That's the kind of strain that extended computer use puts on the muscles responsible for focusing your eyes, according to natural vision-care expert Martin Sussman.

Controlling your weight now can prevent health problems in the future. With eDiets meal plans, you have access to hundreds of calorie-controlled recipes to help you shed unwanted pounds. Try one today and save 25%!

"Sixty to 90 percent of computer users suffer from some form of eye strain," says Sussman, who is the director of the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision. Sussman conducts classes and workshops throughout North America to teach people simple ways to prevent computer-induced eyestrain.

According to Sussman, such eyestrain can lead to worsening vision, neck and shoulder stiffness, fatigue and stress headaches. "When you are working at the computer, you are usually concentrating," says Sussman. "Your breath becomes more shallow, which leads to a build-up of lactic acid in the body. Your field of vision decreases, as you become overly focused on the screen."

Since computer use is a reality of modern life, Sussman offers seven basic tips to help computer users preserve their vision:

1. Look away from the screen regularly. "Computer work requires your eyes to focus at the same distance for extended periods of time," says Sussman. "If you were holding your arm straight out in front of you, putting it down every few seconds would help relieve the tension.

The same thing is true with your eyes. Shift your focus and look off into the distance." Sussman says focusing on an object far away, such as the water cooler down the hall or a tree outdoors, is a simple stretching exercise for your eye muscles. If you are in a cubicle, Sussman suggests putting a pocket mirror on top of your computer. "Looking into a mirror will have the same effect as looking off into the distance."

2. Position your monitor properly. "Ideally, your monitor should be at least 18-24 inches away from your eyes," says Sussman. "Your line of sight should also be above the computer screen." Sussman says people should make their desk and keyboard fit their bodies.

"When you work on the computer, it is important to keep your posture upright," he says. "The angle of your joints is also critical. Your wrists should be below your elbows. Your knees should be below your hips. Your feet should be on the floor. You may even want to put the keyboard on your lap some of the time."

3. Use friendly lighting. According to Sussman, bright fluorescent lights are a poor choice. Dimmer lights are better for your eyes. "Your computer screen emits light by itself," says Sussman. "Therefore, the room should be lit with indirect, dim light."

If you do work in an office with fluorescent lighting, he recommends you position your computer screen perpendicular to the line of light. He also suggests that you use a desk lamp for reading and doing other close work at your desk.

4. Minimize glare on the computer screen. "If you see a lot of reflected images on the screen before you turn your computer on, you have glare," says Sussman. He recommends blocking excessive sunlight by using window shades, blinds or drapes. Antiglare screen guards and hoods can also be effective. Or, Sussman says, you can always move your computer to a part of the room where sunlight doesn't cause glare on the screen.

5. Take regular, short breaks. According to Sussman, taking a five-minute break every hour helps to reduce eye strain. Break time provides a good opportunity to oxygenate your blood with some whole-body stretches, hydrate with a drink of water and relax by taking some deep breaths. All of these activities help support good eye health.

6. Blink more often. Computer rooms are notoriously dry, and blinking is your body's natural way to lubricate your eyes and prevent them from getting dry.

7. Position yourself directly in front of the computer. If you position yourself off to the side, you will cause unnecessary strain to your eye and neck muscles.

in addition you can watch this video also
YouTube - Computer Eye Strain Eye Exercises

Common Laptop/Netbook Positions to Avoid

visit this site:

Avoid computer eye strain - Ergonomics - Lifehacker

here is how to increase refresh rate

In Windows XP

  • Go to Control Panel>appearance and theme>>Display
  • In Settings> Advanced>Monitor
  • Always Check the box for ‘Hide modes that this monitor cannot display’ to avoid hardware disputes. This will then give a drop down list of refresh rates that your monitor safely supports and you may set it up without error. You may also check your manufacturer’s documentation for information about the settings that your monitor supports.
  • And then increase the monitors refresh rate. Most users agree it should be 75 Hz or more for optimal results. My computer was set to 60 Hz, the minimum by default.
PL read the monitor supported refresh rate this is VERY VERY important !!!!!!!!!!!!
Note: If you specify a refresh rate that is too high for your monitor, your screen may become unusable and your hardware may be damaged

how to enable clear fonts:

  1. Right-click the desktop[COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important][/COLOR][/COLOR] and select Properties.
  2. Click the Appearance tab.
  3. Click Effects.
  4. Under Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts, select ClearType.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OK on the main dialog box.
Health News Blog

7 Ways to Protect Your Eyesight

Friday, January 1, 2010
Add Comment | Email Page | Bookmark Page | Post on Twitter | Post on Facebook

Controlling your weight now can prevent health problems in the future. With eDiets meal plans, you have access to hundreds of calorie-controlled recipes to help you shed unwanted pounds. Try one today and save 25%!

"Sixty to 90 percent of computer users suffer from some form of eye strain," says Sussman, who is the director of the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision. Sussman conducts classes and workshops throughout North America to teach people simple ways to prevent computer-induced eyestrain.

According to Sussman, such eyestrain can lead to worsening vision, neck and shoulder stiffness, fatigue and stress headaches. "When you are working at the computer, you are usually concentrating," says Sussman. "Your breath becomes more shallow, which leads to a build-up of lactic acid in the body. Your field of vision decreases, as you become overly focused on the screen."

Since computer use is a reality of modern life, Sussman offers seven basic tips to help computer users preserve their vision:

1. Look away from the screen regularly. "Computer work requires your eyes to focus at the same distance for extended periods of time," says Sussman. "If you were holding your arm straight out in front of you, putting it down every few seconds would help relieve the tension.

The same thing is true with your eyes. Shift your focus and look off into the distance." Sussman says focusing on an object far away, such as the water cooler down the hall or a tree outdoors, is a simple stretching exercise for your eye muscles. If you are in a cubicle, Sussman suggests putting a pocket mirror on top of your computer. "Looking into a mirror will have the same effect as looking off into the distance."

2. Position your monitor properly. "Ideally, your monitor should be at least 18-24 inches away from your eyes," says Sussman. "Your line of sight should also be above the computer screen." Sussman says people should make their desk and keyboard fit their bodies.

"When you work on the computer, it is important to keep your posture upright," he says. "The angle of your joints is also critical. Your wrists should be below your elbows. Your knees should be below your hips. Your feet should be on the floor. You may even want to put the keyboard on your lap some of the time."

3. Use friendly lighting. According to Sussman, bright fluorescent lights are a poor choice. Dimmer lights are better for your eyes. "Your computer screen emits light by itself," says Sussman. "Therefore, the room should be lit with indirect, dim light."

If you do work in an office with fluorescent lighting, he recommends you position your computer screen perpendicular to the line of light. He also suggests that you use a desk lamp for reading and doing other close work at your desk.

4. Minimize glare on the computer screen. "If you see a lot of reflected images on the screen before you turn your computer on, you have glare," says Sussman. He recommends blocking excessive sunlight by using window shades, blinds or drapes. Antiglare screen guards and hoods can also be effective. Or, Sussman says, you can always move your computer to a part of the room where sunlight doesn't cause glare on the screen.

5. Take regular, short breaks. According to Sussman, taking a five-minute break every hour helps to reduce eye strain. Break time provides a good opportunity to oxygenate your blood with some whole-body stretches, hydrate with a drink of water and relax by taking some deep breaths. All of these activities help support good eye health.

6. Blink more often. Computer rooms are notoriously dry, and blinking is your body's natural way to lubricate your eyes and prevent them from getting dry.

7. Position yourself directly in front of the computer. If you position yourself off to the side, you will cause unnecessary strain to your eye and neck muscles.

in addition you can watch this video also
YouTube - Computer Eye Strain Eye Exercises

Common Laptop/Netbook Positions to Avoid

visit this site:

Avoid computer eye strain - Ergonomics - Lifehacker

here is how to increase refresh rate

In Windows XP

  • Go to Control Panel>appearance and theme>>Display
  • In Settings> Advanced>Monitor
  • Always Check the box for ‘Hide modes that this monitor cannot display’ to avoid hardware disputes. This will then give a drop down list of refresh rates that your monitor safely supports and you may set it up without error. You may also check your manufacturer’s documentation for information about the settings that your monitor supports.
  • And then increase the monitors refresh rate. Most users agree it should be 75 Hz or more for optimal results. My computer was set to 60 Hz, the minimum by default.
PL read the monitor supported refresh rate this is VERY VERY important !!!!!!!!!!!!
Note: If you specify a refresh rate that is too high for your monitor, your screen may become unusable and your hardware may be damaged

how to enable clear fonts:

  1. Right-click the desktop and select Properties.
  2. Click the Appearance tab.
  3. Click Effects.
  4. Under Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts, select ClearType.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OK on the main dialog box.

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