ஊக்கபானம் ஊற்சாக பானம்
Since curtain were down in coimbatore yesterday I thought curtain should be down in our forum also though people do post in the thread செம்மொழி மாநாடு Hence this new thread in continuation of that Quote Kunjuppu
When the mind the crosse into the realm of unbridled imagination, which certainly the consumption of alcohol helps
And even says about கூஜா carnatic singers to enhance their performance in alapana. This I think is "Omar Khayam syndrome" (Book of verse Jug of vine and you my dear in wilderness Oh wideness is paradise and similar literary verses ) LSD enhances your thinking performance Do we prescribe to average performer? Steroid Anabolic verity Testosterone and derivatives enhances your physical capabilities, do we prescribe that for average sportsmen? Why then test their urine and disqualify them and take away the medals given to them? Oh come on what is the justification for alcohol. if performance is because of alcohol? Jambu:shocked:
Since curtain were down in coimbatore yesterday I thought curtain should be down in our forum also though people do post in the thread செம்மொழி மாநாடு Hence this new thread in continuation of that Quote Kunjuppu
When the mind the crosse into the realm of unbridled imagination, which certainly the consumption of alcohol helps
And even says about கூஜா carnatic singers to enhance their performance in alapana. This I think is "Omar Khayam syndrome" (Book of verse Jug of vine and you my dear in wilderness Oh wideness is paradise and similar literary verses ) LSD enhances your thinking performance Do we prescribe to average performer? Steroid Anabolic verity Testosterone and derivatives enhances your physical capabilities, do we prescribe that for average sportsmen? Why then test their urine and disqualify them and take away the medals given to them? Oh come on what is the justification for alcohol. if performance is because of alcohol? Jambu:shocked: