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This thread is opened just to share sensational news, breaking news, Headlines on all topics...to update members

It is my earnest effort to serve as a NEWS CHANNEL.

But may not be able to cover all areas, fields of activity, like Science and Technology, Sports, Religion, etc.. it is vast...

Wish to cover current affairs and politics..

Please feel free to offer your valued opinions...

To start with..


Some of the Medias don’t follow the well established ethics at times..

Where is neutral and fair reporting…?

There are occasions of ‘Twisting of facts, paid news, Biased reporting, distoring, etc etc

Are they taking advantage of ‘freedom of speech’ enshrined in our Constitution..??

One Central Minister recently remarked certain medias as ‘Presstitude’..

Readers’ comments: Media should not have publicised CAG report on India’s ammunition shortage

Media ethics debate

It is very wrong for the media to disclose the findings of the CAG report about India not having enough ammunition to fight a long war (“Indian Army lacks ammunition and cannot fight a war longer than 10 days, says CAG report”). Given the current tension with China and Pakistan, such news will definitely boost our neighbouring countries’ confidence. It could encourage them to attack our motherland.

Media outlets should think before positing news such as this that could have a detrimental effect on our country and security. – Sachin Patel
Such information should not have been made public. The CAG should have filed the report as a classified one. The news comes as a shock and is embarrassing for the Indian government given the stand-off with China at the Dokolam tri-junction and the aggressive stance taken by China. – Anil Jadhav
Medium matters

The author needs to do more research before making sweeping claims such as “research supports learning in one’s home language” (“Switching medium of instruction in schools from local languages to English is not educational reform”).

Read more at: https://scroll.in/article/844767/re...cised-cag-report-on-indias-ammunition-shortag
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India losses a shining star…

Udupi Ramachandra Rao, eminent space scientist and former ISRO chairman, dies at 85

UR Rao was associated with the launch of India’s first satellite Aryabhatta.

Renowned Indian space scientist Udupi Ramachandra Rao, a man known to have driven India’s space programme, passed away in Bengaluru on Monday, said a space agency official. He was 85.

A man known to have headed many of India’s successful space missions, UR Rao was the Chairman of ISRO for a decade from 1984 to 1994.

"Rao was in a private hospital till recently for treatment as he had a heart ailment and was recovering at home. Our (ISRO) doctors were attending to him," said the official.

ISRO Chairman A.S. Krishna Kumar, senior space scientists and many officials of the space agency rushed to Rao's house to mourn his death and console his bereaved family.

"Saddened by the demise of renowned scientist, Professor U.R. Rao. His remarkable contribution to India's space programme will never be forgotten," tweeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Read more at: http://www.thenewsminute.com/articl...entist-and-former-isro-chairman-dies-85-65641

Click here to know who is Professor U. Ramachandra Rao
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I fail to understand this thread. It is posted in the section "news and Updates".
I think the site moderator created this section, for members to start new threads.
So what is the point of starting a thread called news-updates?

Of course, I can ignore the thread, but I felt it is little confusing and may even be rude to the site owner (my opinion).
I fail to understand this thread. It is posted in the section "news and Updates".
I think the site moderator created this section, for members to start new threads.
So what is the point of starting a thread called news-updates?

Of course, I can ignore the thread, but I felt it is little confusing and may even be rude to the site owner (my opinion).

Prasad Ji,

At the outset let me thank you for visiting this thread.

The idea is very simple... it is to share breaking news in 'One' dedicated thread by me.

Instead opening different threads under various captions.... it may be a collection of best and selected materials which will intrigue every reader to dig into the whole content one by one.

You are right the Moderator has created a section, wherein one can visit for news and updates...

But in this thread only NEWS that I come cross and selected by me as worth of sharing with the members will be posted

And if you feel that caption of the thread is confusing, why don't you suggest a caption.....?

I can very well request the Super Moderator to change the caption accordingly.... :-)
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It is an open forum and I think Praveenji is doing an excellent job.
You are free to compile "news" according to you, which may or may not be NEWS to me.
If a news is posted then it gives others a chance to review it and comment on that specific news.
But the selected "news" has your bias accordingly may not be of interest to others.
I read the heading if it interests me I read the detail if the heading is not interesting I ignore the post.
Having said this I am not going to visit this thread anymore.

One should never judge others by their appearance...

Sudha Murty of Infosys was called ‘cattle class’ at London airport. Here’s what she did

In her new book, Three Thousand Stitches, author and chairperson of Infosys Foundation, Sudha Murty sheds light on some of the prevailing biases in the society.

“Go and stand in the economy class queue. This line is for business class travellers,” a well-heeled lady told Sudha Murty at the International Heathrow airport in London.

The chairperson of Infosys Foundation was at the airport wearing a salwar kameez, which perhaps made her a misfit in the queue in question. But, what eventually got Murty’s goat was when she was called a “cattle-class person”.

That was when the otherwise calm 66-year-old wife of industrialist Narayana Murthy decided to give her fellow traveller a piece of her mind. Drawing on her personal experiences, Sudha Murty, in her new book, Three Thousand Stitches, sheds light on some of the prevailing biases in the society.

“Class does not mean huge possession of money. Mother Teresa was a classy woman. So is Manjula Bhargava, a great mathematician of Indian origin. The concept that you automatically gain class by acquiring money is an outdated thought process,” she writes in the book.

Read more at: http://www.hindustantimes.com/books...hat-she-did/story-n43OcajnLsPAZm709Q3b3O.html
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It is a shame on the part of self-centered politicians who tend to sleep comfortably and actively approach the public in person once

in five years, only for canvassing votes at the time of election.

Frustrated with official apathy, Secunderabad senior citizens fill potholes on their own


These stretches were in a bad condition and became worse after the recent rains resulting in several accidents
Over 70 people from Sainikpuri, Kapra and nearer localities gathered to fill up potholes along the stretches of Gough Road and National Security Guards hub road.

These stretches were in a bad condition which became worse after the recent rains resulting in several accidents, and leaving many severely injured.

76-year-old Gulshan Bamboat , who led the initiative, said, “It was a purely collective impulse. One day there was discussion on the WhatsApp community group and I proposed a shramadan for repair and then everyone agreed. I was also inspired by a 12-year-old boy, Ravi Teja, who voluntarily tarted repairing potholes after seeing a road mishap.”

Read more at: http://www.thenewsminute.com/articl...senior-citizens-fill-potholes-their-own-65679

Are we paying the price for rapid urbanization and encroachments…?


24 protected monuments have disappeared: Govt

NEW DELHI: Encroachments and rapid urbanisation have led to the 'disappearance' of 24 protected monuments in India over the years, Union minister of culture Mahesh Sharma said in Parliament on Monday. The sites and structures, the minister added, remain untraceable.

Sharma was responding to Lok Sabha questions on whether a large number of historical and protected structures in the country had been encroached upon by individuals or groups, and if the Centre had conducted a survey to ascertain the numbers of monuments that had gone missing.

Read more at: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...ave-disappeared-govt/articleshow/59747240.cms
We are victim of fake news like 'Plastic rice', etc.... what is real and what is not.... most of us tend to believe everything that was shared....

The people trying to fight fake news in India


Earlier this year, mobs in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand beat seven people to death in two separate incidents that horrified the country.

After the dust had settled, it transpired that the victims had been mistaken for child traffickers.

The trigger was a WhatsApp message that had gone viral, urging people to be careful of strangers as they most likely belonged to a "child lifting gang".

As the message passed on, police say hysteria increased. Villagers armed themselves and began attacking anyone they did not recognise, with tragic results.

Unlike in western countries, most of India's fake news spreads via WhatsApp and mobile phone messages, because for a majority of Indians, their first point of exposure to the internet is via their phone.

§ 'Fake news': What's the best way to tame the beast?

§ 'Rooney to China'?: The real impact of fake football news

§ Why people believe the myth of 'plastic rice'

India's telecom regulatory commission says there are more than one billion active mobile phone connections in India, and millions of Indians have started getting online in a very short space of time.

"Reach has exploded, thanks to the proliferation of smartphones and cheap data packages. Rumours spread further and faster," Pratik Sinha, the founder of Altnews.in told the BBC. `

"Suddenly people from rural areas in particular are inundated with information and are unable to distinguish what is real from what is not. They tend to believe whatever is sent to them."

Mr Sinha is one of a handful of people trying to "fight" the scourge of fake news in India.
Formerly a software engineer, he now runs Altnews fulltime, funding it with his own savings and ad revenue.

Read more at: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-40657074
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Stapling of packets must be stopped with to avoid pin getting into our food causing serious injuries...

FSSAI bans stapler pins in tea bags from January 2018

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has banned the use of stapler pins in tea bags from January 2018. FSSAI ban order issued under Section (15) FSS Act, 2006 has deemed that any loose staple pin consumed inadvertently with tea may cause a serious health hazard. Key Facts Currently, tea bags are either stapled or knotted.

According to industry estimates, the tea bag segment contributes 3-4% by value of total tea sales but it is one of the fastest growing segments at 50-60% year-on-year. The FSSAI order directs the concerned food business operators to discontinue the manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import of stapled tea bags by 1 January 2018. It also directs all food safety commissioners to take action to prevent the use of unsafe packaging materials by companies and take up measures for enforcement of its order.

About FSSAI FSSAI is a nodal statutory agency responsible for protecting and promoting public health in India through the regulation and supervision of food safety. FSSAI was established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and operates under aegis of Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

Read more at: http://currentaffairs.gktoday.in/category/india-national-current-affairs
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A welcome judgement indeed....

Vow of poverty: An age-old tradition practiced by priests and nuns has been upended in Kerala


Under the Canon Law, nuns and monks must give up ancestral property. A High Court judgement challenges that.

Bindu decided to become a nun when she was 16. Eleven years later, the day she turned 27, she decided she had had enough and left the order. “As I got older, I started to question, to reason,” she said. “I figured the best way for me was out.”

But when she returned to her family in North Kerala, confident that they would welcome support her, she was in for a shock.

“Far from being on my side, they were horrified,” she said. Even her younger brothers and sisters, some of whom were unmarried, showed no sympathy. “My family said I brought shame upon them by leaving... humiliated them.”

More than half of India’s Catholic priests and nuns come from Kerala – indeed, the majority of the Indian clergy serving in other countries are also from this South Indian state. A household where a family member is a priest or a nun is held in high regard by society here. Leaving the congregation here is not seen as exercising personal choice but an act of cowardice, one that is frequently penalised by denying ex-clergy members the right to their property.

This was how Bindu’s family justified their actions too: “They said because I had taken a vow of poverty when I joined the church, my share had been given to my siblings. This didn’t change even though I had left the convent.”

It was the beginning of a long struggle. Bindu had no savings because while in the convent, anything the clergy earned was to be given to their superiors. Once in the outside world, she had to survive in wretched poverty, hungry and hopeless.

Read more at: https://scroll.in/magazine/843273/v...y-priests-and-nuns-has-been-upended-in-kerala
Let it be a rumour....if implemented.. may prove adding fuel to the fire

Demonetisation again? There are signs of another currency ban coming

Is the Central government quietly planning another round of demonetisation? A large number of people believe the Rs 2,000 note will be scrapped. Now the talk has reached Parliament too.

The Opposition in Rajya Sabha today asked Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to clarify whether the government has decided to scrap the newly launched Rs 2,000 note. However, Jaitley did not respond even as many Opposition members insisted for clarification from him.

Recent weeks have seen a shortage of Rs 2,000 notes which many attribute to hoarding. Cash, especially black money, is easier to hoard in Rs 2,000 notes as notes of lower denominations need more space.


There are reports that the Reserve Bank of India has stopped printing the Rs 2,000 currency notes altogether and will not be bringing new notes in the current financial year.

What has further fuelled rumours of another round of demonetisation is the government launching Rs 200 note. With more Rs 200 and Rs 500 notes in circulation, the common people will not be impacted much by a ban on the Rs 2,000 note. The ban will be an effective step against black cash as demonetisation of Rs 2,000 currency note will hit hoarders more than the masses.

Rs 2,000 note had an important purpose when it was launched after demonetisation in November 2016. It was meant to ease the shortage of money supply. Now there is no such need.

If the government plans to increase supply of lower denomination notes such as Rs 500 and Rs 200 and restrict supply of Rs 2,000 note, it is quite possible that these steps would lead to demonetisation of Rs 2,000 note.

Read more at:

[h=1]Opposition seeks clarity on whether govt plans to scrap new Rs 2000 notes[/h][h=2]Echoing his views, Leader of Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad too sought clarification from the government on whether it was planning to introduce Rs 1,000 coins.[/h]
The Opposition in Rajya Sabha on Wednesday asked Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to clarify whether the government has decided to scrap the newly launched Rs 2,000 note and introduce a Rs 1,000 coin. However, Jaitley who was present in the House, did not respond even as the Opposition members insisted for clarification from him on the issue.

Read more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/in...ovt-plans-to-scrap-new-rs-2000-notes-4767859/
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Poor farmers praying for rain God........

Poor frogs suffering in the hands of farmers……..

Oh God...let this village receive plenty of rain.....

Frogs married to please rain god in Yadgir district of Karnataka
<Do not post this kind of pictures>

Though Yadgir district received 154.09 mm of rain as against the normal of 117 mm in June, it received just 31.02 mm of rain as against 153 mm in July.

Farmers, who had sown green gram, considered a short-term cash crop in the kharif season, are expecting a low yield, if the situation fails to improve in the coming days. This has forced people from rural areas to perform special pujas to Gods and Goddess seeking rain. In one such instance, residents of Naikal village in Shahpur taluk, performed “marriage” of frogs on Tuesday. The residents sung songs by taking the “bride” and “bridegroom” on a procession after the “marriage” ceremony. “We are helpless ... we can’t do anything but just pray to the rain god,” a woman said. Normally, people perform “marriage” of amphibians during dry spells to please the rain god. They follow all rituals and let the newly-wed couple free. “Performing the marriage of frogs will help in bringing rain ... this was our last resort for good rain,” another resident said.

Source: http://www.thehindu.com/news/nation...e-rain-god-in-yadgir-dist/article19360526.ece
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A nice welcome initiative and can be well followed by others....

Tirunelveli’s thoughtful Collector installs ‘wall of kindness’, citizens flock to donate


A first of its kind initiative in Tamil Nadu, thanks to Collector Sandeep Nanduri.

“Donate it, if you don’t need it! Take it, if you need!”

These words jump out at you on this colourful wall titled the ‘Wall of Kindness’. This isn’t your average street art meant to beautify the town walls. The ‘Wall of Kindness’ is in fact the Tirunelveli Collector’s latest initiative, launched on Monday, to help the needy. From books and toys to clothes and shoes, one can leave any useable item on the shelves attached to the Tirunelveli Collectorate compound wall. With shirts and trousers hung from pegs on the wall, a few curious people browse through the clothes and the items on offer.

“The entire concept is that poor people can benefit from what we do not use in our houses. It is just a place of exchange of goods. This concept is not a new one, it was started somewhere in Iran, it has been there in North Indian states and also in some of our neighbouring states. But in Tamil Nadu, it is the first time we have started it,” Tirunelveli Collector Sandeep Nanduri tells TNM.

Read more at: http://www.thenewsminute.com/articl...lls-wall-kindness-citizens-flock-donate-65801

Though there is epayment facility introduced to prevent corruption, most public are not aware of it.

Corruption is adeep rooted disease..

While mostpublic are willing to bribe to Officers for ‘speedy action’, few Officers ontheir part are more willing to indulgein corruption..

வாகனத்தை பதிவு செய்ய லஞ்சம்.. ஆர்டிஓவிடமே வாகனத்தை ஒப்படைத்து அசிங்கப்படுத்திய உரிமையாளர்!

திருப்பூர் : இரு சக்கர வாகனத்தை பதிவு செய்ய லஞ்சம் கேட்டதால் அந்த வாகனத்தை ஆர்டிஒவிடம் கொடுத்து அசிங்கப்படுத்தினார் வாகன உரிமையாளர்.

திருப்பூர் மாவட்டம் அங்கேரிபாளையத்தைச் சேர்ந்த நாகரா‌ஜ் என்பவர் சுயதொழில் செய்து வருகிறார். இவர் அதே பகுதியில் புதிதாக திறக்கப்பட்ட வாகன விற்பனையகத்தில், கடந்த 30ஆம் தேதி இருசக்கர வாகனம் ஒன்றை வாங்கியுள்ளார்.
வாகனப் பதிவிற்கு லஞ்சம் அந்த வாகனத்தை டீலர் வட்டார போக்குவரத்து அலுவலகத்தில் பதிவு செய்யவில்லை. அந்த வாகனத்தை பதிவு செய்ய வட்டார போக்குவரத்து அதிகாரிக்கு லஞ்சம் தரவேண்டும் என கூறிய கடை ஊழியர்கள், கூடுதலாக பணம் தரும்படி நாகராஜனை நிர்பந்தித்துள்ளனர்.

நடவடிக்கை இல்லை இதற்கு நாகராஜ் சம்மதம் தெரிவிக்காததால் கடந்த ஒரு மாதமாக வாகனம் நம்பர் போர்டு இல்லாத காரணத்தால் பயன்படுத்த முடியாமலே இருந்து வந்துள்ளது. திருப்பூர் வடக்கு வட்டார போக்குவரத்து அலுவலர் சிவகுருநாதனிடம் நாகராஜ் புகார் அளித்துள்ளார் ஆனால் ஒரு மாதமாகியும் எந்த நடவடிக்கையும் எடுக்கப்படவில்லை.

ஆர்டிஓவிடம் ஒப்படைப்பு இதனால் ஆத்திரமடைந்த நாகராஜ் தனது வாகனத்தில் நம்பர் பிளேட் இருக்கும் இடத்தில் ஆர்டிஓவிற்கு லஞ்சம் தர பணம் இல்லாததால் வாகனத்தை அவரிடமே அளிப்பதாக போர்டு மாட்டினார். மேலும் வாகனத்தை ஆர்டிஓ அலுவலகத்திலும் ஒப்படைப்பதற்காக கொண்டு சென்றார்.

Read more at: http://tamil.oneindia.com/news/tami...7-26-2017/articlecontent-pf254450-290908.html
Ganesh Ji,

Thank you for visiting this thread.

I am really sorry for not covering this sensational news.

Here is the latest one

Nithish has resigned thrice earlier … and each time he was reported to be growing stronger…

Perhaps this time also we will hope he will grow stronger and come back as C.M.

And BJP also appears to be growing stronger now with Bihar in his pocket...

On the contrary, yet another media has opined that it is going to be a loss for BJP

Let us wait and watch.

With Bihar in their pocket, Narendra Modi and Amit Shah have conquered the Hindi heartland

Bihar was the only big outlier. In a sea of saffron from Jammu and Kashmir to Maharashtra, Gujarat to Jharkhand, Bihar was the only state to resist the spread of the Bharatiya Janata Party. It even managed to deliver a crushing defeat to the BJP, at a time when Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Party President Amit Shah were pulling off resounding victories or canny takeovers across the land.

That is now in the past. Nitish Kumar’s decision on Wednesday to join hands with the BJP to return as Bihar chief minister, less than 15 hours after stepping down from the same post and ending an anti-BJP alliance, means the saffron party now controls almost the entirety of India’s heartland.

Read more at: https://scroll.in/article/845203/wi...-amit-shah-have-conquered-the-hindi-heartland

[h=1]Nitish Kumar’s homecoming is BJP’s loss; may arrest Narendra Modi-Amit Shah onward march in Bihar[/h]

The return of Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar to the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) fold will strengthen, in every likelihood, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s campaign for a renewed mandate in the 2019 General Elections to Lok Sabha. However, in the process, Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will have to pay a price for Nitish’s return. Its onward march in Bihar is going to be arrested, thereby impacting its long-term prospects in one of the more politically significant states of the country.

BJP, or for that matter the NDA, did lose badly in the 2015 Assembly election in Bihar when Nitish had parted ways. But despite being the loser, the BJP had, as a matter of fact, emerged as the largest political party in the state. Let's go by some hard facts. On a single-party basis, the BJP managed a vote share of nearly 24.8 percent, which was higher than 18.5 vote share of of Lalu Prasad Yadav’s Rastriya Janata Dal (RJD) and 16.7 per cent of the Nitish’s Janata Dal (United) or JD(U). The Election Commission data shows that BJP got over 91.5 lakh votes on a consolidated basis, followed by RJD's 67.9 lakh votes and about 62 lakh votes for JD-U. The Indian National Congress, which fought elections as part of the grand alliance with Lalu and Nitish, could manage a vote share of just 6.7 percent.

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/politics/n...-amit-shah-onward-march-in-bihar-3863233.html
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Will it be a cakewalk for Nitish.....?

Assembly floor test at 11 am tomorrow. Cakewalk for Nitish Kumar, BJP?

With the support of 132 MLAs in the Bihar Assembly, Nitish Kumar's floor test looks like a formality tomorrow but dissidence within the party may be a headache for JD-U

day after being sworn-in as the Bihar Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar will have to prove tomorrow that he has the majority in the Assembly along with other alliance partners including the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi has asked the Janata Dal (United) leader to prove his strength at a floor test at 11 AM tomorrow.

Read more at: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/...t-nitish-kumar-sushil-modi-bjp/1/1012636.html


Credibility at stake


Open Letter to Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on allegedly warming up to the BJP
Dear Nitish Kumar,

Dear Nitish Kumar,

There was a time when the opposition parties saw in you a future prime minister of the country, a political stalwart who could take the measure of the mighty BJP and storm to power at the Centre, riding on the plank of opposition unity.

But the tide has now turned and you, too, have been exposed as a politician seeking to cling to power at any cost even if it means saving your mahaghatbandhan with a corrupt-to-the-core Lalu Prasad Yadav and his sons.

True, the BJP has offered you outside support if you sever your links with the RJD and the Congress, but you more than anyone else should know that the BJP is a greedy party that hankers for power and might not play second fiddle to the JD(U) for long. It
will not hesitate to pull the rug from under your feet when the time is ripe.

Your decision to support the NDA presidential candidate, Ram Nath Kovind, has driven a nail into the opposition unity campaign. It is clear that you would not mind sleeping with the enemy if it can guarantee you the chief minister’s chair. Power is a great aphrodisiac but compromising to the extreme to retain it, is an act that erodes credibility.

Read more at: http://www.theweek.in/youzone/openletter/open-letter-nitish-kumar-credibility-at-stake.html
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NDA along with BJP is slowly and steadily growing......

Path to reforms eased as Narendra Modi turns enemies into friends

The NDA is expected to increase its strength in the upcoming polls, allowing Narendra Modi to accelerate the implementation of key national economic policies

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ability to turn enemies into allies is expected to help kick start controversial labour and land reforms as he expands his authority over the majority of India’s states.

With Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party back in power in the key eastern state of Bihar, the federal ruling coalition now controls 18 of 29 states, which represents 60% of the country’s gross domestic product. It’s also expanding its base in Karnataka and luring lawmakers from the rival Congress party in Gujarat, where state assembly elections are set to be held in December.

The BJP’s National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is expected to increase its strength in the upcoming polls, allowing Modi “to work across much of India with friendly state governments to accelerate the implementation of key national economic policies such as accelerated infrastructure development, labour law reforms, energy reforms and smart cities roll out,” said Rajiv Biswas, Singapore-based Asia Pacific chief economist at IHS Markit.

“Key proposed federal legislation on industrial relations and improving maternity and social security benefits can be gradually rolled out by friendly NDA state governments even if the federal legislation faces hurdles in the upper house,” said Biswas.

Bihar surprise

Since he came to power in May 2014, Modi has led the BJP to state election victories and expanded the party’s base. Among the big states he failed to capture were Bihar and West Bengal. But in a surprise political maneuver last week, Modi renewed his ties with regional party leader Nitish Kumar, who was regarded as a potential rival to him in national elections due in 2019.

Read more at: http://www.livemint.com/Politics/0l...d-as-Narendra-Modi-turns-enemies-into-fr.html
BJP's chances of spreading its wing in Tamil Nadu is unlikely....

Will BJP get hold of Tamil Nadu through AIADMK? All eyes on merger of EPS-OPS factions

The AIADMK leadership has inched closer to finalising a deal with the BJP on joining the NDA.

The BJP is slowly but steadily spreading its wings across the country. After Bihar, now the attention is once again on Tamil Nadu which is facing a volatile political situation.

Sources say that the AIADMK government has inched closer to the BJP. Chief Minister Edappadi Palaniswami held an emergency meeting on Tuesday evening with party MLAs. While officially ministers came out and said that they would not join NDA, sources say that BJP is working on it.

"The first agenda would be to merge OPS and EPS factions. Then induct them into the union cabinet," sources in the BJP said.

Also main on the agenda is to keep the Sasikala family away. But the merger is not that easy as it appears to be, say sources. BJP for now is in good terms with the EPS and OPS factions.

BJP is impressed with the administration of EPS and his ways of complying with the Centre on its policies. However, "EPS has not made any major comment against Sasikala family. But he is still in the good books of the Centre. EPS has the MLAS and the government under his control," said a senior EPS faction leader.

Read more at: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/bjp-tamil-nadu-aiadmk-merger-eps-ops-factions/1/1017461.html
Chennai….Delhi and now Bengaluru…..?

I-T raids on DK Shivakumar: Game of 'resort politics' vs 'raid politics' is a shame on democracy

7 April: Income Tax officials raid Tami Nadu minister C Vijayabaskar and dredge up evidence regarding distribution of Rs 89 crore funds ahead of RK Nagar by-election in Chennai. It fits in neatly into the BJP's grand design to throw the "bad guys" out of AIADMK and get the good ones to unite and back the party.

6 June:
CBI raids NDTV founder Prannoy Roy's offices and homes for allegedly causing a huge loss to ICICI Bank. This comes a few days after an anchor of the channel orders a BJP spokesperson to shut up and leave, live on TV. Sweet coincidence, if it was one.

2 August:
I-T officials raid Karnataka minister DK Shivakumar and stumble on crores of rupees. Shivakumar is the chief impresario of a dubious operation by the Congress to hole up Gujarat MLAs in a Bengaluru resort, apparently to keep them away from BJP's predators. Coincidence again?

Auric Goldfinger, the villain in Ian Fleming's 1959 novel Goldfinger, famously told James Bond:
Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time is enemy action. Miami, Sandwich and now Geneva...

Goldfinger, a gold smuggler, has a good reason to say what he does. First, Bond catches Goldfinger cheating in a card game in Miami. Then, Goldfinger unexpectedly finds himself playing golf with Bond in Sandwich and losing. After this, Goldfinger's thugs find Bond snooping around the smuggler's den in Switzerland and capture him.

Don't blame the people if they see the NDA government's actions the way Goldfinger sees James Bond's. What the people of India — credit them with some common sense, please — may very well be thinking of is this:

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/politics/i...politics-is-a-shame-on-democracy-3886693.html

புதிய 200 ரூபாய் நோட்டுக்கள் தீபாவளி முதல் ரிலீஸ்

டெல்லி: புத்தம் புதிய 200 ரூபாய் நோட்டுக்களை தீபாவளி பண்டிகை முதல் ரிலீஸ் செய்ய மத்திய அரசு திட்டமிட்டுள்ளது. கடந்த ஆண்டு நவம்பர் மாதம் உயர் பணமதிப்புடைய 1000 மற்றும் 500 ரூபாய் நோட்டுக்கள் திரும்ப பெறப்பட்டன. பணமதிப்பு நீக்க நடவடிக்கைக்குப் பிறகு மத்திய அரசு பல்வேறு நடவடிக்கைகளை எடுத்துவருகிறது. பழைய 500 மற்றும் 1000 ரூபாய் நோட்டுகளுக்குப் பதிலாக, புதிய 500 மற்றும் 2,000 ரூபாய் நோட்டுகள் புழக்கத்துக்கு விடப்பட்டன.

Read more at: http://tamil.oneindia.com/news/india/new-rs-200-notes-deepavali/articlecontent-pf255673-291644.html

RBI likely to release Rs 200 note next month


Those who are still in a daze from the government's demonetisation and consequent remonetisation drives better take note: a Rs 200 bill will soon join the string of banknotes in circulation. Top sources from the North Block have confirmed to India Today TV that the Reserve Bank of India will release the new note as soon as next month.

Read more at: http://www.businesstoday.in/current...ease-rs-200-note-next-month/story/257125.html
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'Real' life incidents resembling 'reel' life ..... to gain sympathy of general public ... so power hungry...?

Cong leader's cinema-style murder plot to get sympathy votes, gone horribly wrong in Hyderabad

Vikram was planning to contest as MLA in the general election and plotted the crime to gain sympathy from voters.
“Four months earlier, Vikram called Govind and detailed his plan to contest in elections and explained how he wanted to gain popularity through sympathy. Vikram asked him to procure a gun and stage the event, in such a way that police would assume the murder attempt was carried out by his political rivals. Govind agreed, for which he was paid Rs 5 lakh,” Mahender Reddy detailed.

As Govind was not confident of carrying out the task, he approached one of his friends Nanda, who demanded a remuneration of Rs 50 lakh for doing this. Nanda then approached Shaik Ahmed from Indore through his friend Babujan.

Subsequently, Shaik Ahmed bought a weapon for Rs 30,000 from Raees, another accused who has been arrested.

On July 23, Shaik Ahmed brought a two-wheeler from Govind in Pulivendula and later he, along with another accused Ghouse,
erased the engine and chassis number of the vehicle, to leave no clues.

Four days later, on the day of the incident, Nanda, Shaik Ahmed and Raees Khan assembled near the Film Nagar residence of Vikram. As per plan, the trio opened fire on Vikram and then fled on their bike.

As decided earlier and on the instructions of Vikram, the weapon used for the shooting was thrown into a water body in Hakeempet, The Times of India reported.

Read more at: http://www.thenewsminute.com/articl...thy-votes-gone-horribly-wrong-hyderabad-66162
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புதிய 200 ரூபாய் நோட்டுக்கள் தீபாவளி முதல் ரிலீஸ்

டெல்லி: புத்தம் புதிய 200 ரூபாய் நோட்டுக்களை தீபாவளி பண்டிகை முதல் ரிலீஸ் செய்ய மத்திய அரசு திட்டமிட்டுள்ளது. கடந்த ஆண்டு நவம்பர் மாதம் உயர் பணமதிப்புடைய 1000 மற்றும் 500 ரூபாய் நோட்டுக்கள் திரும்ப பெறப்பட்டன. பணமதிப்பு நீக்க நடவடிக்கைக்குப் பிறகு மத்திய அரசு பல்வேறு நடவடிக்கைகளை எடுத்துவருகிறது. பழைய 500 மற்றும் 1000 ரூபாய் நோட்டுகளுக்குப் பதிலாக, புதிய 500 மற்றும் 2,000 ரூபாய் நோட்டுகள் புழக்கத்துக்கு விடப்பட்டன.

Read more at: http://tamil.oneindia.com/news/india/new-rs-200-notes-deepavali/articlecontent-pf255673-291644.html

RBI likely to release Rs 200 note next month


Those who are still in a daze from the government's demonetisation and consequent remonetisation drives better take note: a Rs 200 bill will soon join the string of banknotes in circulation. Top sources from the North Block have confirmed to India Today TV that the Reserve Bank of India will release the new note as soon as next month.

Read more at: http://www.businesstoday.in/current...ease-rs-200-note-next-month/story/257125.html

here after...notes are releasing like movies on ponga/deepavali auspicious days.....what can we do?....
இந்நாள் வரை வந்தாரை வாழவைக்கும் தமிழகம் ......

Employee perks at this Chennai tea stall are probably better than at your company


At the Chicago tea stall, they’ve found the secret to great chai – happy workers.

At a times when even employees in the Information Technology (IT) sector are holding on dearly to their jobs, and big incentives are a faraway dream, a tea shop in Chennai is setting the benchmark for employee benefits. From gold rings to clothes allowances twice a year, the Chicago tea stall, has it all covered, even as it continues to thrive and grow across the city.

Tucked into a residential corner of Adyar, it is not an easy task to find this stall. But once you do manage to walk into the Kamarajar street, the crowds and the sweet smell of boiling tea will lead you right to this unassuming tea stall.
"We don't do anything great for them," shrugs Sukumaran. "We provide them with accommodation and food for free. Other than that, every year they are given one month's salary as bonus," he adds.

And what are their salaries you ask? The head cook receives Rs 740 a day, the tea master Rs 540 and each server at least Rs 400 a day. That would mean a server at the Chicago tea stall makes about Rs 10,000 a month, working for close to nine hours a day.

That is not all. "They get Rs 2,000 a year as clothes allowance. Those who have worked for 300 days in a year get a 2gm gold ring as a gift. On May Day, we take them to a five-star hotel and buy them all lunch," he adds.

Sukumaran is an active member of the CPI (M) in Tamil Nadu and makes no bones about the fact that all his actions are rooted in the ideology the party subscribes to. "As a communist, it is my duty to ensure my employees are happy. When someone has worked with me for long enough, I set up a new shop and let them run it. They pay me rent in return," he says.

Read more at: http://www.thenewsminute.com/articl...-stall-are-probably-better-your-company-66189

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