What if intellect and intelligence are not actually " related"?
Intellect does seem what we " feed" it..that is intellect functions on " Information Transmission" by information gathered in life through experience, studying and reading, hearing,seeing etc.
Some do it better than others hence they are known as intellectuals.
But is that really intelligence?
I feel that actual intelligence is when we are aligned with the Universal Intelligence and that is not being an intellectual but rather knowledge obtained is a direct revelation hence deeper understanding is possible.
We have been equating the " intellect" with intelligence.
When we say everyone has the same innate intelligence, it is actually right! Because everyone can strive to go beyond information and align with the Universal intelligence.
Everyone can log in if they have Shraddha and Bhakti.
Actual intelligence cant be measured on an IQ scale..cos IQ itself is just a measure of one's intellect but not the ability to align with the Universal intelligence.
Swami Vivekananda was at first an intellectual but Ramakrishna Paramhamsa was not an intellectual but Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was aligned with the Universal Intelligence which he eventually guided Swami Vivekananda toward it too..hence Swami Vivekananda became both an intellectual and aligned with the Universal Intelligence.
Lets take a baby..when a baby is born, it has innate reflexes to suck milk and its sympathetic and parasympathetic both function in sync.
We are born with all these becos at birth our intellect has not yet been filled with information but we are in a state of alignment with the Universal Consciousness hence are able to survive with basic instincts.
We always say animals do not have a well developed intellect.
Yes! True to some extent but animals are more in sync with the Universal Intelligence than us humans hence an animal is always within its Dharma in the wild.
So we humans are more intellectually developed than an animal but an animal is more sync with the Universal Intelligence than us.
We all have had experienced the state of sync as kids..thats why a true Guru does NOT TEACH you but he makes you UNLEARN.
Matthew 18:3
Truly I tell you, " He said, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the King of God"
Have you ever wondered why the Sanat Kumaras are potrayed as little kids and have access to Vaikunta?
Same story isnt it?
So long story is to tell you to " unlearn".
If your Kundalini is rising up and down it could be something blocking it ..may be you have to let go of the fact of being an intellectual and lay that down...the medha (intellect) is like a restless Ashwa( horse)...running here and is majestic yet constantly creating imprints with its hooves.
The one who does a 100 Ashwamedhas gains the kingdom of Indra( lord of the senses)
Why 100 times?
Because its actually very hard to surrender as in sacrifice the intellect!
The day one sacrifices the intellect, thats the day one is truly intelligent.
Do that..may be it might work for you.