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Logical Understanding and Applications of Spirituality- Discussions

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Spirituality has taken a hit just because of some "counterfeit Saamiyars" who are bent upon squeezing people to mint money. Today some one really interested to turn spiritual don't know where to go and whom to believe? If you really want to attract towards spiritualism, Sravanaji, first try and make people understand what real spiritualism is and how to become familiar with it.
Spirituality has taken a hit just because of some "counterfeit Saamiyars" who are bent upon squeezing people to mint money. Today some one really interested to turn spiritual don't know where to go and whom to believe? If you really want to attract towards spiritualism, Sravanaji, first try and make people understand what real spiritualism is and how to become familiar with it.

Rightly said Shri Ganesh. My efforts are in the direction you have suggested
Spirituality and Logic are contradictory and not complimentary But can coexist peacefully with out stepping into others domain -There is no logicaal spirituality When a situation is logically illogical it is explained spiritually!

In the below episode all explanations by Ramunaja are great spirituality and need not be logical Spirituallity cannot be understood logically It is personal experiance defying Logic Logic has few set laws to be satisfied -

As Ramanuja stood before the cadaver of Alavandar, he noticed that three fingers of Alavandar’s right hand were folded and clenched. “Were his fingers always like this?” queried Ramanuja. “No, no” came the reply. He pondered on what could the folded fingers imply and came up with these destinations: “I will always remain in the fold of Vaishnavism. I shall dispel the ignorance of the common man, make him versed in the Dravida Veda and propagate the doctrine of surrender to God.” No sooner Ramanuja said this, one of the closed fingers of Alavandar straightened up. Ramanuja continued - “Taking into consideration all the available interpretations, I shall for the welfare of the people write the Sri Bhasya (commentary on the Brahma Sutras of sage Vyasa). The second finger of Alavandar now opened up. Ramanuja further continued: “In order to repay the grace of Vyasa who wrote the Vishnu Purana, I shall name one greatly learned Vaishnava after him.” The third finger straightened too

This incidence of closed finger of dead man strightening after Ramunja explantion of fingers kept closed - is Spiritual and again Ramunjas explation for the strightening finger Super Spiritual - talked about 999 years afte him even today ! This logic did not work with crowd that was with Ramunja at that time! Ramunjua explanation is a spiritual pursuit cannot be explained logically and it was personel pondering!!

Energy is the basis of everything, in fact everything that exists is energy. Something exists if it can be perceived by something else. I propose that the source of all energy is the energy that is beyond space and time. I call this energy pure spiritual energy. There has to be a reality beyond space and time because everything except that which is absolutely unchanging needs to have a cause and is created. Only a reality beyond space and time can be unchanging and so need not have a cause.

Since everything that exists is energy, space and time are also energies which which are caused by the unchanging energy.

Dear Sravna,

You wrote the above quoted text.

Actually why do you need to add the Spiritual tag to the word Energy?

Can't its just remain energy?
Dear Sravna,

You wrote the above quoted text.

Actually why do you need to add the Spiritual tag to the word Energy?

Can't its just remain energy?

OK good point. I agree. Thanks for the suggestion Renuka
Dear Sravna,

I feel energy is just energy...its our own perception and personalization that makes it "spiritual" or "non spiritual".

I will give you an example.

Many a times I have met some people whom I totally feel drained to be around with and some people who make me feel energetic and lively.

Well..its common to think that the person who makes me feel drained has "negative" energy and the person who makes me feel energetic has "positive" energy.

But actually I feel me feeling positive or negative has nothing got to do with any energy..its just me who seems to prefer the company of one over the other.

The "negative" person might make us feel uncomfortable with his/her body language....may be that person tends to make another feel uncomfortable with many sorts of questions or even have an irritating voice etc..so we start to feel negative.

Coming to those who make me feel energetic..its not that the person exudes positive energy but its just that I could find that person interesting cos he/she could be funny..lively..witty.intelligent, kind...smiley face etc..

So being in the company of a person whom I like surely makes me feel great and some might feel that person exudes positive energy.

In reality..energy here is a constant..nothing changed..its just our personalizing the constant energy that made us feel positive or negative.

Even in Geeta Lord Krishna says the Atma is neither Masculine,Feminine or Neuter.

Same way..take a cue from that..the Ultimate Atma itself is not described in any spiritual manner...its just so technically undefinable ..so why add the spiritual tag to energy?

Energy should be neither Positive(Spiritual),Negative(Non Spiritual) nor Neutral.
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We also see that the most evolved entities i.e, the humans are physically a solid form. But solids do not extend as much in space as liquids or gases do. And we have seen that the extent of evolution depends on how much the extension in space or time is. So how can we say that humans are the most evolved?


Pei Pisasu are more evolved than humans becos they have subtle bodies that can extend into other dimensions too!


There is no reason to believe there are dimensions beyond space and time. Let us keep it simple.

There is no reason to believe there are dimensions beyond space and time. Let us keep it simple.

Dear Sravna,

You have to answer me.

If you see the human body as solid..not capable of extending itself like liquid and gas and you feel based on this fact how can we say we are the highest evolved...so its only logical that Pei Pisasus are given their due credit of being more spiritual than us humans.

Its that simple.

Why are you not agreeing with me?
Dear Sravna,

You have to answer me.

If you see the human body as solid..not capable of extending itself like liquid and gas and you feel based on this fact how can we say we are the highest evolved...so its only logical that Pei Pisasus are given their due credit of being more spiritual than us humans.

Its that simple.

Why are you not agreeing with me?

Dear Renuka,

My point is humans actually do extend in space and time. In space, through subtle energies of the body and also in time through mind. I have not thought about whether something like ghosts can really exist.
I have not thought about whether something like ghosts can really exist.

What???? Hey Sravna...you say you have spiritual powers...how come you are doubting if other entities exists?

One with spiritual powers would be able to detect different energy levels and frequencies around them.

Some of us with no spiritual powers itself can detect Peis and Pisasus very well and also seen a few of them too.

I am disappointed Sravna..I thought by now you would have seen at least a Pei if not a Pisasu!
What???? Hey Sravna...you say you have spiritual powers...how come you are doubting if other entities exists?

One with spiritual powers would be able to detect different energy levels and frequencies around them.

Some of us with no spiritual powers itself can detect Peis and Pisasus very well and also seen a few of them too.

I am disappointed Sravna..I thought by now you would have seen at least a Pei if not a Pisasu!

Dear Renuka,

I am not lying. But let me get back to you later on this
We should understand that the thinking energy is a version of pure energy because anything coming out of timeless entity has to be the same entity, timeless entity being undifferentiated. The thinking energy should have been responsible for the creation of time, space, subtle elements and then physical energy and matter, life and mind arising out of interactions.

Dear Sravna,

At a microcosmic level..that is when we humans think..the brain uses up substrates as the energy source in the process of thinking.

At the Macrocosmic level...the what does the Universal Mind use as Thinking Energy?
Dear Sravna,

At a microcosmic level..that is when we humans think..the brain uses up substrates as the energy source in the process of thinking.

At the Macrocosmic level...the what does the Universal Mind use as Thinking Energy?


I am not what you mean. Can you elaborate?

I am not what you mean. Can you elaborate?

Ok I am pasting this here:

Energy travels to the brain via blood vessels in the form of glucose, which is transported across the blood-brain barrier and used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP),

Now coming to the Universal Mind that was instrumental in creation,time,space etc...what does it use to fuel its Thinking Process?
Dear Renuka,

The thinking energy is a projection of the pure energy. It is essentially the thinking version of pure energy. So it has all the energy it needs
Remember Renuka, at our level , self and external world are separated and so it would seem that we are drawing energy from an external source but at the highest level, there is only one reality and the entity is self powering
BTW Sravna...what are your references for your hypothesis.

I have not read any mention of references in your posts.
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