What is your opinion if Brahmin (preist) is widow???
whether he can perform marriage????
Whether widow rules are only for Ladies...
why it is not applicabel to Gents??????????
With all due respect Kunjuppuji, I don't see how its feasible for women to be vaadhyaars because of issues like "madi" and menstruation etc. Its different for churches to have women priests and vicars because they don't have this issue.
Dear All,
I feel the gender of a preist should not really matter as long the work is done well.
I have always wondered why should the marital status of an individual affects his/her position in society with regards to religious and social events.
Each one of us is here to work out our individual karma and whether spouse is alive or not should not really affect our individualized karma.
I remember an event a few years ago where all the Sumangalis old ladies were having a pooja and a chinese middle aged divorcee wanted some kumkum after the pooja and all these sumangalis refused to give her and were talking among them selves that these divorcee could ruin the sanctity of their pooja.Poor thing felt so bad.Being a chinese she would religously follow all prayers and bhajans but yet she was discriminated upon.
I really wondered what those sumangalis gained with their pooja that day.
Dont they realise that each one of us have an individualized karma and another persons marital status is never going to affect anothers husbands life span.
I guess they did not understand ourlife span has already been wriiten on the day we were born as death is just birth turned inside out.
All of us have come into this world with a Date of manufacture and Date of expiry bar code and I feel another persons bar code is never going to affect us.
When Jeevaatma is eternally wedded to Paramaatma...who is really a widow or a widower?
Founder of the temple Sri Anvanandaji (Late Sri Parthasarathi Iyengar) is a great reformist.