Manu smruti authored by manu, that is the traditional orthodox view. it is possible that interpolation, addition, regional variations - are all possible. Same can be said of veda vyasa, krishna, and almost of everyone else. We have several shades and flavours of the congress party, claimants, aims and policies - it is difficult to establish conclusive truth.
I believe in carrying the traditional version and not lose it, even though multiple modern interpretations based on new partial evidence or knowledge gained. The modern interpretations do have a short shelf life and get modified or rejected based on new found archaeological or literary evidences or say DNA studies. So tradition 'sruti - passed on by generations - knowledge must be conserved, preserved and must be used as a reference.
Sant tulsidas has made a reference to the destruction of the ram temple in ayodhya in one of his dohas - this reference is buried in the ayodhya verdict.
Our ancestors never bothered about copyrights and freezing of literary works; people were free to learn, copy and propagate religious lit and codes. It is accepted that smritis are location and time dependent and rules can be changed as long as they do not contradict the vedas.
We must do what is prescribed in vedas.
We must not do what is prohibited by the vedas.
When not explicitly stated, we must take the help of itihasa, puranas and acharyas, local customs, and prevailing practices.