Dear All
I have had great experiences (mostly worldly) when i listened to sundara kandam.
The first time was in 2007, when i was almost on the brink of despair professionally. Everything was going against in a tough negotiation. You may not believe it but the fruits i got were of very high nature.
Then again i turned back - was not religious again
. Most recently i read it again and my heart is at peace. IN another very tough negotiation, i was able to come out successfully. Not only that my religious fervor got a new high. I certainly believe that reading sundara kandam or listening to it has immense benefits both spiritually and materially.
I just wanted to share this with you all and see, hear of any such experiences in this forum
I have had great experiences (mostly worldly) when i listened to sundara kandam.
The first time was in 2007, when i was almost on the brink of despair professionally. Everything was going against in a tough negotiation. You may not believe it but the fruits i got were of very high nature.
Then again i turned back - was not religious again

I just wanted to share this with you all and see, hear of any such experiences in this forum