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kuruvi kootam

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While coming out after Upakarma, I was handed a pamphlet. I am reproducing its contents here without any comments of my own.
Kuruvi Kootam

15% - 20% of Brahmin youngsters are not getting married.

40% - 50% of the Brahmin couples follow one child norm. In the last 20 years, we haven’t seen 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] child in our community.

The average marriage age of the people is on the increase and it is anywhere between 30 to 40 years.

Below 45 years- No doctors/ No lawyers/ No IAS or IPS officers/ No teachers or professors, none in Government jobs, No language experts, No historians, None in Defence forces, No politicians, No Agricultural scientists and the list goes on…..
Software revolution helped us to improve the standard of life. Our previous generation brought pride to Tamils/ Indians (Eg. 3 Nobel winners out of 4 Indians are Tamil speaking Brahmins) in all fields across the world, but we reduced our role to Tech Coolies.

The community which had dedicated itself to the service of God for ages, the culture/ tradition which has been continuing for thousands of years, is in the verge of mass extinction, like sparrows,

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Below 45 years- No doctors/ No lawyers/ No IAS or IPS officers/ No teachers or professors, none in Government jobs, No language experts, No historians, None in Defence forces, No politicians, No Agricultural scientists and the list goes on…..
The other paragraphs may be correct. But not the one in quote! :nono:
dear sir !
the following sentences are truly explain the status of the many community &not only brahmins.
Software revolution helped us to improve the standard of life. Our previous generation brought pride to Tamils/ Indians (Eg. 3 Nobel winners out of 4 Indians are Tamil speaking Brahmins) in all fields across the world, but we reduced our role to Tech Coolies.

the community(identity) is in the verge of mass extinction, like sparrows,

I.T field might be one of the major reasons for Tambrams' extinction because many girls in this community marry other caste

guys just because they earn more money than the non I.T Tambrams. If the Tambram guy marries a girl from other castes, she

becomes a brahmin lady - we accept! But if it happens to be an IC marriage, this guy has to convert!! Anyway, we are heading
towards extinction which can be named in a stylish manner - Globalization!! :grouphug:

P.S: Nice track for Renu!
Some of the fundamental reasons for this state of affairs:

- Both girls and boys are more career oriented.
- Listneing to parents' advice is on the decline.
- They may not disobey directly - but come out with some reason or other for disobeying.
- With a lot of friends circile - acquired through schools / colleges / professional courses, they think that "time pass" with friends are the ultimate happiness in life.
- Afraid of marriages / child birth and associated respsonsibilities
- NO fundamental interest in changing their way of life a little bit for a married life (pl also refer the thread "{Happily divorced).
- Increaed time spent on officie or office related work
- NO language barrier as more often medium of communication is english.
- Having an impression that only love marriages work
- Refusal to believe that traditional method of "seeing a girl" and conclusion of marriage will also work
- In other words we can call the group of Tam youngsters in the age group of 22- 30 as a confused group but refusing to accept that they are confused group, always think that they are always right, always think that their parents are traditional and may not be in a position to accept the current way of life etc.etc.etc.
- Only time will tell how far they are correct - may be 10-15 years down the line, there may not be any need for Nursery schools or Kindergarden schools in "modern" cities.

Venkat K
the fruits of IT revolution is enjoyed by every community, i believe!!

NB's have better share there too, added to the rest of the fields, where as tb's of shunned those sectors totally.

serving of non veg food in the IT canteens, itself is an indicator, that brahmins dont have much monopoly out there, than whats perceived to be!
Below 45 years- No doctors/ No lawyers/ No IAS or IPS officers/ No teachers or professors
Though this may be true to some extent in IAS and IPS, Doctors and Lawyers are also on the decline. Yes in Teaching it has gone down completely. It is a sad loss to our state as all the current level Politicians, or for that matter any one above 50 in a high position in his own field owes it to his brahmin teachers for their position.

How many times we have seen , heard, talks by these people that how much they remeber so & so sastri teacher, Iyer teacher for their growth. I can quote with pride that a chairman one huge university in TN was a student of my uncle Mr.Ramamurthy Iyer in gudiyattam town near Vellore and when ever time permits or he comes for any function he would try & meet him. When my uncle went to meet him in his sprawling university he personally took him around and saw him back to his car much to the astonishment of the Security guards.

Can we expect that dedication and strain that those teachers took in those days in the present scenario. Same is the case in law, and Medicine. The dedication and sincere efforts put in by "US'' brahmins can never be matched except by robots. that is reason why these politicians in TN have brahmin lawyers, accountants, etc to take care of theri businesses, though they are anti-brahmin. I am proud that we have served the society at its glory and now lets give chance to others and let them prove they are better than us.

the fruits of IT revolution is enjoyed by every community, i believe!!

NB's have better share there too, added to the rest of the fields, where as tb's of shunned those sectors totally.

serving of non veg food in the IT canteens, itself is an indicator, that brahmins dont have much monopoly out there, than whats perceived to be!

But I am sure veg food is also available.
In India most food is veg only and the non veg is just one item dish.

In Malaysia and other countries in cooking of Chinese and Malays even their vegetable dishes contain non veg items like prawns, anchovies.

Only Indians have vegetable dishes that are 100% vegetarian and the Non Veg is just a single dish for the day.

But why worry about monopoly..no one needs to monopolize anyone.

What goes into another person's GI tract should not matter to us.

I remember one incident in some 2004..I had a Hindu Tamil Nurse who was Non Veg.
I also had a Malay Muslim nurse.

Then one day the Hindu nurse stormed into my room angrily saying that the Malay nurse is eating beef in the clinic.

I was wondering why this Hindu nurse was over reacting.

She then got real mad when I told her "yes I know..she is a muslim and beef is not forbidden for her"

The Hindu nurse said "But doctor we are Hindus and do not want to see anyone eating beef in front of us"

Then I told her "You see I am a vegetarian..if you want me to stop someone from bringing beef to the clinic that means I should also not allow you to bring any non veg into clinic..for me all chicken,fish,mutton,beef etc are the same...so just let others eat what they want and you eat what you want"

That nurse thought I was not Hindu enough!!LOL
So she resigned right away.

I really do not see the logic of a Hindu who is a non veg making a big fuss about others eating beef.

Just like some animal right activist here..100% non veg and claim to fight for animal rights.
Once an animal right activist wanted a donation from me and asked me "what do you do for animal rights?"

I gave the donation and replied "I do not eat animals..that is my contribution for animal well being"
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Talking about food...... The Tambram culture is fading away because many of them have started eating n.v stuff.

'konnAp pAvam; thinnAp pOchchu' may be their attitude! :thumb:

Dr. Renu is very very broad minded. I can not sit near an n.v. eater and enjoy my food. Last year, I attended Ram's nephew's

a wedding at Thiruvananthapuram. The bride was NB and so most of the items were n.v stuff in the reception dinner and the

wedding dinner. Only the wedding lunch was pure vegetarian. Even the ladies finger curry and cauliflower curry resembled

I took curd rice and pickles and went in search of a corner to fill up my stomach!! :pout:

Talking about food...... The Tambram culture is fading away because many of them have started eating n.v stuff.

'konnAp pAvam; thinnAp pOchchu' may be their attitude! :thumb:

Dr. Renu is very very broad minded. I can not sit near an n.v. eater and enjoy my food. Last year, I attended Ram's nephew's

a wedding at Thiruvananthapuram. The bride was NB and so most of the items were n.v stuff in the reception dinner and the

wedding dinner. Only the wedding lunch was pure vegetarian. Even the ladies finger curry and cauliflower curry resembled

I took curd rice and pickles and went in search of a corner to fill up my stomach!! :pout:

Dear RR ji,

I was non veg till the age of 19.

I gave up eating Non Veg at the age of 19 becos I was always feeling guilty that animals died to become my meal.I also stopped using leather products at age 19.

I also gave up wearing silk at the age of 28.

For me it was because of compassion I gave up Non Veg and also Non Veg food always made me a bit sleepy and less alert.
I could think much better after becoming Veg.

It is not that I am broad minded ..it is becos I really respect animals and have compassion for them that I do not want to look down upon their dead cooked up bodies that people consume.

I have noted that many TBs are actually Veg as a lifestyle and the moment they land here in Malaysia many start eating Non Veg.

So if compassion is the grounds for becoming a Vegetarian..one always remains a vegetarian .

On the other hand if Vegetarianism is only a lifestyle..many might start eating Non Veg when lifestyle and perception changes.

BTW RR Ji, I have also have cut up many decomposing human corpses with maggots all over with missing eye balls etc ..so even if I am sitting next to Hannibal Lecter it would not really matter as long as he does not eat me!!LOL
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Ok some more stories..

Once I had a patient a Tamil Non Brahmin Malaysian woman who got married to a TB man from India.

She came to the clinic vomiting non stop.

She was dressed very conservatively that I assumed that she was from India too and only when I saw her name and ID number I knew she was Malaysian.
Her name also had her caste name(some Devar I think).

Ok then she told me that she was having some vegetarian noodles and by mistake there was a prawn in it and she said she started vomiting by just looking at the prawn.

I asked her if she had been vegetarian since birth and she said she became veg about a year ago after getting married to her TB husband.

Then I told her that means last year you were still eating non veg and prawn noodles too?

She said yes.Then I told her so why you vomiting all now.
It has to be some other reason why you are vomiting.

Then I checked her and found out that she was pregnant and that was the cause of the vomiting.!!

She looked dressed up like a typical TB and also picked up TB style of Tamil well.
But surprisingly her TB husband from India looked like a very happening modern guy.

Strange but true!

Dear Renu,

I should tell you the reason why I took Math as my main subject! I was afraid of dissections in Zoology and allergic to history!

I wanted to take up Music as my main but the ancillary subject - history - threatened me!! :fear:
Madam JJL in first stint as CM gave lots of opportunities to TB and as per my understanding there were more than 20 MLA's...But in subsequent elections TB's were not chosen because of winnability, anti brahminism etc...

We have to struggle and make ourselves felt politically...I am not sure about other forward communities such as Nagarathar, Pillaimar...Are they also wallowing in pit and finding it difficult to come out

Having the 3rd child or more has not been chosen by our community because of financial issues....

Regarding the comment on IT, it has attracted our community because of wealth that it generates & the opportunities that it throws...

I know two TB girls whose parents are Doctors, but they are not interested in the profession...They prefer to study Engineering and plunge into IT

In the 70'S & early 80's when getting into professional Engg & Medicine courses were a nightmare for the community lots of them joined CA & most of these are very successful even today

Tomorrow if there is a major opportunity coming in Bio medical field then probably our community would not take much taime in making the switch

What is the real issue then

It is an internal threat which is acute even in Chennai where 30% girls are marrying outside the community (it is less with boys, may be in single digit)...The problem gets more acute in other metropolitan cities..Combine this with low birth rates in the community.....It is like a time bomb...We would reach the status of Parsis who would be wiped out this century as their population is dwindling

I think our community boys & girls are experiencing new born freedom with mobiles, internet and gaming cafes....They have lost touch with the cultural moorings-the chains, ropes and anchors that bind us and help us to trace our hoary traditions...We are not able to to coalesce our community and it gets drifted.

Is there a solution to this self inflicted destruction, only time would tell
Madam JJL in first stint as CM gave lots of opportunities to TB and as per my understanding there were more than 20 MLA's...But in subsequent elections TB's were not chosen because of winnability, anti brahminism etc...

We have to struggle and make ourselves felt politically...I am not sure about other forward communities such as Nagarathar, Pillaimar...Are they also wallowing in pit and finding it difficult to come out

Having the 3rd child or more has not been chosen by our community because of financial issues....

Regarding the comment on IT, it has attracted our community because of wealth that it generates & the opportunities that it throws...

I know two TB girls whose parents are Doctors, but they are not interested in the profession...They prefer to study Engineering and plunge into IT

In the 70'S & early 80's when getting into professional Engg & Medicine courses were a nightmare for the community lots of them joined CA & most of these are very successful even today

Tomorrow if there is a major opportunity coming in Bio medical field then probably our community would not take much taime in making the switch

What is the real issue then

It is an internal threat which is acute even in Chennai where 30% girls are marrying outside the community (it is less with boys, may be in single digit)...The problem gets more acute in other metropolitan cities..Combine this with low birth rates in the community.....It is like a time bomb...We would reach the status of Parsis who would be wiped out this century as their population is dwindling

I think our community boys & girls are experiencing new born freedom with mobiles, internet and gaming cafes....They have lost touch with the cultural moorings-the chains, ropes and anchors that bind us and help us to trace our hoary traditions...We are not able to to coalesce our community and it gets drifted.

Is there a solution to this self inflicted destruction, only time would tell

"It is an internal threat which is acute even in Chennai where 30% girls are marrying outside the community (it is less with boys, may be in single digit)...The problem gets more acute in other metropolitan cities"

I would like to put my views here whether it is liked by others or not..For the past 10 or years.or 12 years.the dependency over the girl child by the parents has increased ....specifically the financial dependency.. In many no. of families which I have seen the income by the girl child is a must for running the family... Ofcourse it is change from boy's responsibility..to take care of the parents and most of the girls are inclined to do that till they get married...But this also opened a pandorabox box..by way of new find freedom as well as to decide and take care of themselfs by the female gender..Very unfortunetely..this also makes them to fall prey to emotional and as well as other circumstantial stresses...

To my knowldge It is always the girls who fallen VICTIMS of intercaste marriages..and some of these marriages take place because of illusion of better life style...So unless the girls realize.. the parents are better judges for selecting their life partners..it is not possible to stop or change the present scenario...

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Renukaji this was surprising. At least ask people to watch all Indian serials where one or the other episode shows this; only to learn this.
I appreciate the concern raised in the pamphlet referred to in the OP.

TBs, like any competitive species, chose what apeared as promising for their future. Vedas, Teaching, Judiciary, Govt. service/Bureaucracy, Science, Journalism, Accountancy, IT, Abroad, etc. If in this process, the community has to become extinct, it would. As vgane has mentioned, it is self inflicted.

Regarding inter-caste marriages, I share kk4646's views.

At the end of the day, one has to remain a human than to remain a so-called TB.
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post 5#
dear venkat !
you have listed all the reasons in a nice manner.but the last line
may be 10-15 years down the line, there may not be any need for Nursery schools or Kindergarden schools in "modern" cities.
is wild imagination
I noted when I was in India that most parents in India are reluctant to sell property or land to educate their children if at all the need for a private college education arises.

Out here in Malaysia most middle class families still are able to educate their children in Private Medical colleges abroad cos parents are willing to sell house and land.

Most of us Malaysians always have more than one house(I am not talking about Chinna Veedu!!LOL).

The main house will be the family house and the 2nd house will be bought for investment purposes and to be sold off when the time to educate a child arises.

Property value goes up over the years so the returns are good.
So parents can educate their kids with the money.

Some students who were in my class in India were not from rich homes in Malaysia.
Some were even from poor homes where parents sold ancestral land to educate the kids.
post 5#
dear venkat !
you have listed all the reasons in a nice manner.but the last line
may be 10-15 years down the line, there may not be any need for Nursery schools or Kindergarden schools in "modern" cities.
is wild imagination

Yes Sir, I agree it is an imagination - but the point is reluctance and views of some of the educated girls towards marriage and children. Even in our own house, we were 8 (brothers and sisters). For all eight of us now there are only 10 children (6X1+2x2). How many children will be there for these 10 - my imagination gone like this.

Venkat K
post 7 #
dear manohar kumar !
there are many to remember the the services of the olden day teachers who are devoted and service oriented . they never expected money in teaching the deserving student irrespective of their caste or religion even they are giving money from their pocket. recall a article in THE HINDU about a teacher in thaneer palli in trichy dist.now education department is having many christian &NB since the brahmins could not get into teacher training institute affected by reservation and capitation fees.
Brahmins should not make the mistake of parsis. We should accept into the brahmin fold whoever wants to enter. In the past whole communities were accepted as brahmins by induction. Anyway it is argued by all that guna and karma also decide the varna. So it is possible to increase the numbers before critical size is reached.

Yes Sir, I agree it is an imagination - but the point is reluctance and views of some of the educated girls towards marriage and children. Even in our own house, we were 8 (brothers and sisters). For all eight of us now there are only 10 children (6X1+2x2). How many children will be there for these 10 - my imagination gone like this.

Venkat K
23 italians become hindus


A few years ago some italians fro vatican visited india as tourists, visited temples in south india, and were impressed by hindu culture and vedas. Through internet, located Raja sastry from pondichery in 2001, invited him to italy and learnt veda mantras for three months. The group gave up meat and alcohol. Learnt more during their further visits to india and wanted to convert.

On 4th august, 23 italians took sivs deeksha, and took new names in a function in a temple near pondichery. The naming was officiated by raja sastry with proper vedic rituals.

23 Italian nationals converted into Hinduism | ??? ???????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? 23 ????????????? Dinamalar

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