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Hinduism: They Laughed


Active member
Hinduism: They Laughed

When Hindus were wishing each other with Namaste - They laughed

When Hindus were washing hands and legs before entering home - They laughed

When Hindus were worshiping Animals - They laughed

When Hindus were worshiping Plants Trees Forests - They laughed

When Hindus were primarily having Veg diet - They laughed.

When Hindus were doing Yoga - They laughed.

When Hindus were worshiping God and Goddess - They Laughed

When Hindus were burning the dead - They laughed

When Hindus bathed after attending a funeral - They laughed

Well guess what ? No body is laughing now..

So Its Rightly Said; "Hinduism Is Not A Religion, It Is A Way Of Life

Courtesy: intellibriefs.blogspot.com
இந்து சமயம் ஓர் மதமல்ல.

மனித வாழ்வியல் நெறி.

இந்து சமயத்தின் வழிபாட்டு முறைகளை மூட நம்பிக்கை எனக் கூறுகிறார்கள் பகுத்தறிவு வாதிகள்.

எதை எதை எல்லாம் அவர்கள் மூடநம்பிக்கை என்று சொன்னார்களோ அதைத்தான் இன்று உலகம் தேடி ஓடிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது.

அதுதான் இந்து தர்மம்.

அதிரடியாக தொடர்ந்து ஐரோப்பாவில் குறிப்பாக இத்தாலியில் பலியெடுக்கின்றது கொரோனா.

கொரோனாவினால் அதிக உயிர்கள் பலியானது சீனாவில். இரண்டாவது இடத்தில் இத்தாலியும், மூன்றாவது இடத்தில் ஈரானும், நான்காம் இடத்தில் தென் கொரியா வும் உள்ளன.

இத்தாலியைத் தொடர்ந்து பிரிட்டன்,ஸ்பெயின், ஜெர்மன் ஆகிய நாடுகளில் கொரோனா பரவிக் கொண்டிருக்கின்றது.

தேவாலயங்களை மூடி விட்டார்கள்.

ஞாயிறு திருப்பலிக்கு வராதது சாவுக்கு ஏதுவான பாவம் என சொல்லும் கிறிஸ்தவம், ஆலயம் வந்து சாகவேண்டாம் என தேவாலயக் கதவுகளை அடைத்துவிட்டது, திருப்பலியும் இல்லை, நற்கருணையும் இல்லை, பாவ மன்னிப்புமில்லை.

கிறிஸ்தவ வழிபாடு யூத வழிபாட்டின் தொடர்ச்சி. அதாவது கூட்டு வழிபாடு,மொத்தமாக கூடித்தான் பிரார்த்திப்பார்ககள், கொஞ்சம் அதிகமாக நேரம் எடுக்கும் விஷயம் என்பதால் நோய் பரவ வாய்ப்பு உள்ளது என முடிவெடுத்து தேவாலயங்களை மூடி விட்டார்கள்.

இந்நிலையில் #இந்துக்களின் ஆலய பிரவேசத்தையும் வழிபாட்டு முறைகளையும் கவனியுங்கள்.#ஆச்சரியமான பல விஷயங்கள் புலப்படும்.

இந்துக்களில் கூட்டு வழிபாடு பெரும்பாலும் இல்லை. மாறாக யாரும் எப்பொழுதும் வரலாம். வழிபடலாம்.

🙏இந்து ஆலயங்களில் வழிபாட்டுக்கு முன்பு சம்பிரதாயப்படி கை கால்

கழுவிவிட்டுத்தான் உள்ளே செல்ல வேண்டும், இதனால் நோய் பரவும் முதல் வழி தடுக்கப் படுகின்றது.

🙏ஆலயத்தில் சுவாமிக்குக் காட்டும் தீபத்தில் கையினை வைக்கும் பொழுதும், அக்கையினை கண்ணில் வைக்கும் பொழுதும் கிருமிகள் இருந்தால் அழிந்து விடும், கற்பூரம் ஏற்றி கண்ணில் ஒத்துவதன் உண்மைத் தத்துவம் இதுதான்.

🙏கையினால் முகத்தை தொடாதீர்கள், கண்ணை மூக்கை தொடாதீர்கள். அடிக்கடி கழுவுங்கள் என இப்போது உலகம் ஒப்பாரி வைக்கும் வேளையில்....

🙏தீபச் சுடரில் கைகளை காட்டி சூடேற்று. அதை முகத்துக்கும் கொடு நோய் பரவாது என என்றோ சொன்ன மதம் இந்துமதம்.

🙏கர்ப்பக் கிரகத்தின் முன் வழிபாடு முடிந்ததும், கொடுக்கும் விபூதியினை நெற்றியில் பூசினால் நோய்க் கிருமிகள் முகத்தில் அண்டாது. அது கிருமி நாசினி , பசு சாண சாம்பல் இருக்குமிடம் கிருமிகள் வராது.

🙏சாம்பிராணி புகையில் காற்றில் பரவும் கிருமிகள் அழிந்து விடுகின்றன. ஆலயமெங்கும் புகை பரப்பும் நோக்கம் அதுதான்.

🙏ஆலயமெங்கும் தீபம் ஏற்றப்படும் தத்துவமும் இதுவே, அதுவும் நெய்யிலும் இன்னும் சில எண்ணெயிலும் எரியும் நெருப்பு கொடுக்கும் சக்தி விஷேஷமானது.

🙏இவை அனைத்தும் வீட்டில் விளக்கேற்றி, சாம்பிராணி போட்டு, கற்பூர தீபம் காட்டி சுவாமியை வழிபடும் போது, வீடும் நோய்க் கிருமிகளிடம் இருந்து பாதுகாக்கப் படுகிறது.

🙏ஆலயங்களில் தரப்படும் சில பொருட்கள் கலந்த தீர்த்தம் மருத்துவ குணம் வாய்ந்தது, சர்வ கிருமி நாசினி, குடித்தால் தொற்று நோய் எளிதில் அண்டாது, அதை கைகளில் தேய்த்து கொண்டால் நோய் தடுக்கப்படும்.

🙏கோயில்களில் பிரசாதம் என தரும் தேங்காய் முதல் மிளகு கலந்த பொங்கல் வரை எல்லாம் மருந்தே.

🙏அது வைஷ்ணவ ஆலயமாக இருந்தால் துளசியும், அம்மன் கோவிலாக இருந்தால் கொடுக்கப்படும் வேப்பிலையும் சிறந்த நோய் தடுப்பு மருந்துகள்.

🙏ஆலய மணி ஒலிக்க ஒலிக்க வழிபாடு நடத்துவது ஏன்? ஆலயமணியின் சில அதிர்வுகள் நுண்ணிய அதிர்வுகளை ஏற்படுத்தும் என்கின்றார்கள், மெல்லிய எலக்ட்ரிக் ஷாக் சிகிச்சைக்குரிய அதிர்வினை அது கொடுக்கும், ரத்த ஓட்டம் சீர்படும். இசை ஒலிக்கப்படும் தத்துவமும் இதுவே

🙏கோவில் எல்லோரும் வரும் இடம். விக்கிரகங்களையும் ஐயரையும் எப்பொழுதும் மிகவும் சுத்தமாக இருக்கச் சொன்னார்கள். அர்ச்சகர் தள்ளி நிற்பதும் அதிகம் தொட்டுப் பேசாததன் காரணமும் இதுதான்.

🙏மாமிச உணவு உடல் வெப்பத்தை கூட்டும். ஆலயங்களில் கூடுதல் வெப்பம் நிலவும் என்பதாலும் அசைவ உணவினை உண்டவர்க்கு ஆலயத்தில் அனுமதி இல்லை என்றார்கள்.

🙏அடிக்கடி காலையும் மாலையும் சில விக்ரகங்களை அபிஷேகம் என‌ கழுவுகின்றார்களே அதுவும் மருத்துவம் தான்.

🙏அக்காலத்தில் விக்கிரகத்தை தொட்டு வணங்கும் வழக்கம் இருந்தது, பலர் தொட்டு செல்லும் நிலையில் நோய் பரவிவிட கூடாது என்பதற்காக அடிக்கடி நீரும் இன்னும் சில வஸ்துகளும் இட்டு கழுவி சாம்பிராணியிட்டு சுத்தமாக்கி வைத்தார்கள். கற்பூர தீ கூட கிருமி அழிக்கும் தன்மை கொண்டதே,

🙏நறுமண பூக்களால் அலங்கரித்தார்கள், நல்ல மணம் கூட சில நல்ல விஷயங்களை கொண்டுவரும்.

🙏திதி கொடுத்தல் இன்னும் சில விஷயங்களில் அர்ச்சகர் எமது கையில் தர்ப்பை கட்டுகின்றாரே ஏன்? தர்ப்பையில் நோய் கிருமி பரவாது என்பதை அன்றே அறிந்திருந்தது இந்து சமூகம்.

🙏இந்துக்கள் எதெல்லாம் செய்ய சொன்னார்களோ அதெல்லாம் நோய் தடுப்பென்றும், எதெல்லாம் தீட்டு என்றார்களோ அதெல்லாம் நோய் பரப்பும் விஷயம் என்பதை இப்போது மௌனமாக ஒப்புகொள்கின்றது உலகம்.

🙏தொற்றுநோய் என புத்த விகார் முதல் மேற்கத்திய தேவாலயம் வரை மூடப்பட்ட நிலையில், இந்து ஆலயங்களின் அன்றாட நிகழ்வுகளில் ஒழிந்திருக்கும் நோய் தடுப்பு முறையினையும் அக்காலத்திலே மிக நுட்பமாக செய்யபட்டிருக்கும் ஏற்பாடுகளையும் பற்றி வியந்து கொண்டிருக்கின்றது உலகம்.

இங்கு எதுவும் மூட நம்பிக்கை அல்ல, புரிந்து கொள்ள முடியாத மூடர்களின் கூட்டமே அப்படி சொல்லுமே அன்றி,

அறிவுள்ள உலகம் நெருக்கடியான இந்நேரத்தில் இந்து ஆலயங்களின் பெருமையினை உணர்ந்து செயல் பட்டுக் கொண்டிருக்கின்றது.

ஆம், இந்து சமயம் ஓர் மதமல்ல.

மனித வாழ்வியல் நெறி.
I see similar posts everywhere.
But lets not forget..infective diseases are still very high in 3rd world scenarios despite namaste or anything.

Pollution is still very high.
Infant mortality rate is still quite high.
Malnutrition is still high.

I dont think its about laughing at anyone...no one laughs for a namaste ..not only India has namaste...even Thailand has...Japanese bow to each other.

Ancient Greeks used to cremate too.

Lets not forget its still western medical science which is being used to curb Covid 19.

In the time where the world is in total shut down lets not chest thump that my lifestyle better than yours scenario.

Vasudeiva kutumbakam of Hinduism wont be chest thumping.

In times like this we can see the very best or very worst of each human.

Where I am staying is a total shut down for 2 weeks...all places of prayer have been shut.
For the very time in my life I am hearing an Azan that finishes with the advice " kindly pray at your own homes"

The temple near my home too is closed.
Only the priest comes for his duties alone..no temple bell heard too.

Its not a nice thing to see...so please wish the world a speedy recovery as in Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.
When it was Dengue outbreak, Tamil Nadu Government was pushing 'NILAVEMBU KASHYAM' a Siddha concoction of nine herbs.

We do have meaningful belief on our rich cultural values, best social practices,etc involving religious observations like fast, Bathing, Cleanliness, Hygiene, prayer, Meditation, etc and so there is nothing wrong in chest thumping.

Let us not forget that practicing of Hindu cultural habits is more preventive and let us keep in memory our ancient sage Sushruta and his Sushruta Samhita. We have every reason to chest thump.

India touts traditional remedies to combat new coronavirus

As scientists race to find a vaccine for the deadly Wuhan virus, the Indian government said Wednesday that ancient homeopathy and Ayurveda remedies could hold an answer.

The ministry that promotes the country’s booming yoga, naturopathy and homeopathy sectors released an advisory listing herbal oils to be rubbed into the scalp to purportedly ease the symptoms.

It also suggested ingesting Arsenicum album-30, a homeopathic treatment.

“The dose should be repeated after one month by following the same schedule in case coronavirus infections prevail,” the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy) said in a statement”

The ministry also issued general advice on maintaining personal hygiene to prevent the spread of the virus.

The advisory came as the Dalai Lama, in exile in Dharamsala in India, said on Facebook that followers concerned about the virus should chant a mantra that would be “helpful” in dealing with the situation.


The Unani system is a mix of traditional medicines from Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Persia, India, China and other Middle East countries, according to the ministry.

Apart from the recommended Ayurvedic, homeopathy and Unani treatments, the ministry also advised Indians who fear they have been infected to “wear a mask and contact your nearest hospital immediately.”

Read more at:

King Institute cleared Nilavembu drink
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Sanatan Dharma is more scientific

Health and health care--a Hindu perspective.
Naidoo T.

In the Hindu tradition, 'health' means the continued maintenance of the best possible working of the human body under normal, and sometimes even abnormal, environmental conditions. Hindu religious teaching on healthy living and ethical considerations culminate in spiritual objectives if the injunctions contained in the system are followed. Hatha yoga is a system of bodily care that is conducive to such health, which also corrects disease via the regulation of muscular action and in other ways. Other systems of medicine, such as Ayurveda and other traditional systems in Hindu culture, have been devised for the good of humanity. It is, however, the holistic approach to health in Hinduism that calls attention to such causes of ill health as climatic extremes, bacterial attack, nutritional deviance, stress, and other forms of emotional imbalance. A state of good health is within the reach of most persons if they cultivate habits that are conducive to physical and spiritual well-being. The concept of preventive medicine is probably also based on the tenet that the attainment of good health is a religious duty, and corresponding injunctions are found in abundance in Hindu scriptures. It is not the training of students in the medical profession that is most important for health care, but rather their concern for health and their willingness to apply themselves to the observation of the rules they would wish their patients to observe.

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இப்போது வந்து உள்ள (கொரோனா) போல காலரா, அம்மை நோய்கள் போன்ற நோய்கள் நம் கிராமத்தில் வந்து ஒன்றுக்கு மேற்பட்ட நபர்கள் இறக்க நேரிட்டால், நம் முன்னோர்கள், "தெய்வ குற்றம்' ஏற்ப்பட்டுவிட்டது என்று உடனே கோயில் திருவிழா ஏற்பாடு செய்து "காப்பு" கட்டி விடுவார்கள்.

கிராமத்தில் நான்கு திசைகளிலும் நான்கு அம்மனுக்கு சிலைகள் வைத்து வேப்ப மரத்தை எல்லை காக்கும் எல்லையம்மனாக கருதி வழிப்பட்டனர்.

அம்மனுக்கு காப்புக் கட்டி திருவிழா வைப்பார்கள்.

இதனால் இந்த ஊர் மக்கள் வெளியூர் செல்ல மாட்டார்கள்.
வெளியூர் மக்கள் இந்த ஊருக்கு வர மாட்டார்கள்,
இதனால் நோய் பரவாமல் தடுக்கப்படும்.
மேலும் வீதியெங்கும் வேப்பிலை தோரணமும்,
வீட்டு வாசலில் வேப்பிலை,மாவிலை கொத்து சொருகி வைப்பதுடன், மாட்டுச் சாணம் தெளித்து மாவு அரிசி கோலம் போட்டு செம்மண் கரைத்து கோலத்தைச் சுற்றி வட்டமிடுவார்கள்.
இவை அனைத்தும் கிருமி நாசினிகள், கண்ணுக்குப் புலப்படாத கிருமிகளை அழிக்கக்கூடியது.
மேலும், விரதம் இருக்கும் பக்தர்கள் மஞ்சளை அரைத்து தண்ணீரில் கலந்து பருத்தி ஆடைகளை அதில் முக்கி உலரவைத்து அணிவார்கள்.
பருத்தி ஆடையில் மஞ்சளை தடவி அணிந்தால் கிருமிகள் நம் உடலை அண்டாது.
அரைத்த மஞ்சள் தண்ணீரை வீட்டிலும் வாசலிலும் தெளிப்பார்கள். இது வீட்டில் உள்ள விஷக்கிருமிகளை அழிக்க வல்லது.
இதனால் திருவிழா முடிவதற்குள் நோய்கள் குணமாகிவிடும்.
இவ்வாறு தான் நம் முன்னோர்கள் கடவுளை நம்பி கடவுள் மேல் பாரத்தை போட்டு நலமுடனும் பல வருடங்களாக வாழ்ந்துள்ளனர்.
தற்போது இதை தான் விஞ்ஞான ரீதியாக 14 நாட்கள் தனிமையும் வெளியூர் செல்ல வேண்டாம் எனவும் கூறுகிறார்கள்.
சுத்தமாக இருங்கள் (கை) கழுவுங்கள் எனக் கூறி பயமுறுத்துகிறார்கள்.
நம் முன்னோர்கள் கடவுளை வழிபடும் வழக்கம் மூலம் சுகாதாரத்தை, நோய்த்தடுப்பை செயல் படுத்தினார்கள்.
இதனால் பயமின்றி நலமுடன் வாழ்ந்தனர்.
இந்த பழக்கவழக்கங்கள்தான் இப்போதைய பகுத்தறிவாளர்களால் மூடநம்பிக்கை எனக் கூறி பல வழிகளில் நமது நல்ல பழக்கம் வழக்கங்கள் நடைமுறையில் தடுத்து நிறுத்தப்பட்டது.
எனவே, நம் முன்னோர்கள் கடைப்பிடித்த பல வழிமுறைகளை கண்ணை மூடிக்கொண்டு பின்பற்றுவதால் நன்மைதானே அன்றி கேடில்லை என்று உறுதி.

நன்றி : இந்து சமயவகுப்பு
Nobody laughed about Hinduism in the past nor now. Playing victimhood after killing many is a favourite pastime of our sanghis, this is how the mind rigged person reacts. They will kill and then blame the victim for instigating them, and then play victimhood.

In every discussion, oh no, look at liberals, how they are painting us bad. After all, we only just killed a lot of innocent people.....astonishing...

This is how the open Sanghis lie - 80% majority Hindus are basically victims in our country due to deliberate anti Hindu policies of the secular parties.

Despite the fact that there are hardly any MPs or MLAs in centre or state legislative bodies. No Muslims in corporate top jobs, entrepreneurs, or govt banks or psu's or govt bodies.

Lying, playing vicrimhood, and look to gain sympathy, brain wash youngsters to supporting their evil plans to marginalise, pillory the minority Muslims and Christians.
It is high time that we need to learn the art of abuse through the postings from the chronic mind rigged persons who also suffer from selective amnesia forgetting the whole history, come here to rant their poisoned theories, spew venom on others who post counters, mudslinging, repeating bundle of lies everyday like China War is Imminent, etc etc. One can easily find the counter-narrative from the leftists are more fractured and unorganised. These biased minds try to masquerade as intellectuals and shoot postings pouring devastating venom.

Just scratch a liberal, you will find him coming out nothing meaningful except abuse. They are in fact, as defined, textual Western Theory driven book worms with a mindset of a frog-in-the well.

The leftists' biased preaching is so well oiled and coordinated that they never for a moment forget their agenda of abusing the opponent consistently.

Here is a piece to show how tragic struck Hindus more particularly Pandits and how the leftists forget.

Exodus of Kashmiri Pandits: What happened on January 19, 26 years ago?

26 years ago on this day, Kashmiri Pandits had witnessed a hysteric, macabre night in the form of blaring threats and slogans, asking them to flee their homeland, convert or die.

The cold, dark night of January 19, 1990, had stirred into life the worst nightmares of Kashmiri Pandits living in the valley. Screaming from loud speakers and crowded streets was a message for the Sikhs and Hindus living in Kashmir -

Ralive, Tsaliv ya Galive (either convert to Islam, leave the land, or die).

The threats had been coming in for a long time, but the night of January 19 is said to have seen a demented assault of a different level. Even 26 years later, Kashmiri Pandits shiver remembering the night that forced them into exodus.

Several authors have penned down accounts and personal experiences of the exodus over the years. What remains common in these descriptions is the fright that gripped this particular night.

"As the night fell, the microscopic community became panic-stricken when the Valley began reverberating with the war-cries of Islamists, who had stage-managed the whole event with great care; choosing its timing and the slogans to be used. A host of highly provocative, communal and threatening slogans, interspersed with martial songs, incited the Muslims to come out on the streets and break the chains of 'slavery'. These exhortations urged the faithful to give a final push to the Kafir in order to ring in the true Islamic order. These slogans were mixed with precise and unambiguous threats to Pandits.They were presented with three choices - Ralive, Tsaliv ya Galive (convert to Islam, leave the place or perish). Tens of thousands of Kashmiri Muslims poured into the streets of the Valley, shouting 'death to India' and death to Kafirs...

Read more at:

Please wake up Folks......

PS: Few with poisoned minds may come here to preach, drop venom, lot of theories touching karma, sin, Kali Yuga,etc. Don't fall prey to their FAKE theories which are destined to dust-bin.
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Some people want to live in delusion, I can understand that. But to call facts as fake is preposterous.
History teaches us that India is not immune to Pandemics, we have had our share of it.

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).


The inconvenient truth, to contradict this fake nationalism.
The topic is about Hinduism

Some who live in delusion and absolute ignorance always wish to opt for knee jerk response

We can understand their anxiety to post something and thus gain attention.

It is not posting irrelevant issues is quite preposterous....?

Are not we supposed to maintain ethics of the Forum by strictly adhering to the rules laid down…?

Such attempts are considered nothing but to derail the thread and thus kill it.

For example, in another thread while serious discussion was going on, on South India Brahmins Intelligence, this member suddenly posted a text asking as to why the names of south Indian Brahmins not found in Billionaires list of India.

Basically, Intelligence is different from richness. It is rightly said all rich people cannot be intelligent while all intelligent people cannot be rich.

To sum up, a scientist is different from a Billionaire. Both are not definitely same.

What to do with such members who live in delusion and trying to attack others who try to strictly follow the ethics.

While the topic is about Hinduism, bringing text on Epidemics of India is preposterous.

Do India consist only Hindus……???

There is substantial population of other religions live in India. Is the member ignorant of this…??

That posting of my friend is totally irrelevant and I cannot waste my time in replying it.

While C n P is good, irrelevant posting is preposterous.

And truth is always bitter. LOL
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Only smart people are rich. Smartness is different than purely bookish intelligence.
A fool and his money are always get parted.
There are intelligent, but poor people.
And you sir play the victim whenever it suits you.
No sane person one laughs at the Hindu way. Unfortunately, the people you met or know are people like you, ignorant maybe. So your world view is warped.

Just as your facts are all made up by you or cooked in your friend's laboratory.

You post unscientific and unproven methods that might prove wrong and kill people, unfortunately, they even might be Hindu. The snake oil you are peddling might be placebo, but seriously ill might not get the right medicine.
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Photos: Medicine replaces shamanism among Myanmar’s far-flung Nagas

Medical Action Myanmar (MAM) doctor Zaw Min Lay (R) treats a member of a Naga tribe at a mobile clinic. Mon’s six-year-old son, Mg Taing Khite, is one of about 300 such cases in the area, his legs so bowed and painful, he was unable to walk just a few months ago. Thanks to a course of vitamin D and calcium supplements, Mg Taing Khite now cavorts around with the village’s other kids. (Ye Aung Thu / AFP)

Medical Action Myanmar (MAM) doctor Zaw Min Lay (R) treats a member of a Naga tribe at a mobile clinic. Mon’s six-year-old son, Mg Taing Khite, is one of about 300 such cases in the area, his legs so bowed and painful, he was unable to walk just a few months ago. Thanks to a course of vitamin D and calcium supplements, Mg Taing Khite now cavorts around with the village’s other kids. (Ye Aung Thu / AFP)
People wait to be attended to at a mobile clinic. Jang Ngon said she accepts modern medicine is easing out the family tradition of shamanism. She said it’s not easy to take up the shaman trade, reeling off a list of costly sacrifices of chickens, pigs and oxen. Besides, she added, she is getting older and her eyesight is going. “I tell educated people to go to the clinic instead.” (Ye Aung Thu / AFP)

People wait to be attended to at a mobile clinic. Jang Ngon said she accepts modern medicine is easing out the family tradition of shamanism. She said it’s not easy to take up the shaman trade, reeling off a list of costly sacrifices of chickens, pigs and oxen. Besides, she added, she is getting older and her eyesight is going. “I tell educated people to go to the clinic instead.” (Ye Aung Thu / AFP)
Women walk back from farming in Satpalaw Shaung village in Lahe township, Sagaing Division, Myanmar. With Malaria and tuberculosis screening out front and sacrifices to jungle gods out back, health worker Htan Pi and her shaman mother are an unlikely double-act in their isolated Myanmar village. Their family has been the local healers for generations in the northern community of Satpalaw Shaung near the Indian border. (Ye Aung thu / AFP)

Women walk back from farming in Satpalaw Shaung village in Lahe township, Sagaing Division, Myanmar. With Malaria and tuberculosis screening out front and sacrifices to jungle gods out back, health worker Htan Pi and her shaman mother are an unlikely double-act in their isolated Myanmar village. Their family has been the local healers for generations in the northern community of Satpalaw Shaung near the Indian border. (Ye Aung thu / AFP)
A general view of Tow Law village in Lahe township. This is Naga territory, a tribal region of former headhunters with myriad languages and customs. But trainee Htan Pi, 24, is helping usher in modern medicine thanks to a band of health mentors on motorbikes. (Ye Aungh Thu / AFP)

A general view of Tow Law village in Lahe township. This is Naga territory, a tribal region of former headhunters with myriad languages and customs. But trainee Htan Pi, 24, is helping usher in modern medicine thanks to a band of health mentors on motorbikes. (Ye Aungh Thu / AFP)
Htan Pi, a community health volunteer with Medical Action Myanmar (MAM) takes a blood sample to test for malaria at her home. Sitting on the porch of her family’s bamboo house that doubles as a clinic, Htan Pi who can administer basic health care insists she is not in competition with her mother -- the village shaman. “People come to me first and only go to my mum if they don’t get better,” she told AFP. (Ye Aung Thu / AFP)

Htan Pi, a community health volunteer with Medical Action Myanmar (MAM) takes a blood sample to test for malaria at her home. Sitting on the porch of her family’s bamboo house that doubles as a clinic, Htan Pi who can administer basic health care insists she is not in competition with her mother -- the village shaman. “People come to me first and only go to my mum if they don’t get better,” she told AFP. (Ye Aung Thu / AFP)

There might be hope for all Indians, in spite of modern-day Shamans.
There are umpteen number of postings which can also C n P here.

As expected, the self-professed and self-proclaimed judge started delivering judgements with your highly limited knowledge.

Some are seems to be wandering in dream world which is far from ground reality.

Just go this article and try to learn the ground reality

No sane person one laughs at the Hindu way. Unfortunately, the people you met or know are people like you, ignorant maybe. So your world view is warped.

Why does Bollywood glorify Islam and makes fun of Hindu culture?

I know that you don't live in India but that does not meant that you should not go through the news as to what is happening in India. You can very well update your knowledge and keep in touch the ground realities.

Just as your facts are all made up by you or cooked in your friend's laboratory.

You post unscientific and unproven methods that might prove wrong and kill people, unfortunately, they even might be Hindu. The snake oil you are peddling might be placebo, but seriously ill might not get the right medicine.

We know how to plan, prepare, prevent, protect, etc ...

We believe mother nature.

Most of us have faith upon traditional Indian medicines, consists of plants, herbs and trees, flowers, seeds, etc

There are plants and trees which are considered holy and called as ‘sacred tree’, ‘heal all’, ‘nature’s drugstore’, ‘village pharmacy’ & ‘panacea for all diseases’.

Medicines prepared out of the ingredients are considered best medicinal properties to prevent and to heal the number of diseases in many ways.

They are defined in the forms of Churnam, Kashayam, Bhasmam, etc It is considered a major component in Ayurvedic and Unani Medicine & it particularly prescribed for diseases.

Tulsi and Neem oil are also used for good health, to improve liver function, detoxify the blood, and balance blood sugar levels etc.

As such, we certainly need no advice from a dubious experts who post fractured texts without any proof and try to attack others. We know that they are nothing more than an empty barrel.

Try to protect you with your self-acquired fake scientific methods.

One among the Kumbakarnas who sleeps for generations. LOL
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10 Amazing Benefits of Giloy: The Ayurvedic Root of Immortality


Benefits: Giloy plant is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used and advocated in Indian medicine for ages. Here are 10 incredible benefits of giloy, from treating chronic fever to boosting digestion and immunity.


Chyawanprash is a delicious nutritive jam that has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years, offering a wide range of health benefits. In Sanskrit, the word, “prash” refers to a specially prepared food. It is said that two ancient sages of Ayurveda concocted this particular formula to restore youth to the elderly sage, Chyawan—thus the name, “chyawanprash”.1, 2 The transliteration from Sanskrit to English has resulted in a variety of spelling variations, including: chyavanprash, chyavanaprasam, and chyavanaprjasha.3, 1 Banyan Botanicals offers this preparation as chyavanprash.

Benefits of Chyawanprash
  • Rejuvenates all tissues in the body*
  • Supports overall strength and energy*
  • Promotes muscle mass*
  • Builds ojas for supporting a healthy immune response and youthfulness*
  • Supports healthy function of the heart and respiratory systems*
  • Tonifies the reproductive system*
  • Kindles agni (digestive fire)*
  • Gently encourages elimination*
  • Supports optimal urinary health*
Read more at:
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I have no issues with anyone saying some herbs help Covid 19 or even any future unknown diseases but the fact is this is a new virus and any herb or traditional medication does not have any evidence based study done yet so its best that the public should not be misled.

Here is where logic should prevail.

My personal advice is since Covid19 is a respiratory virus one firstly should take prevention and not be exposed to it as much as possible.

Only take any herb that has evidence to aid pulmonary function and respiratory function that too keeping in mind that it might not be the ultimate cure but more of a prophylaxis and just at times even a placebo effect to make a person panic less.

When we panic our immunity drops and we are more prone to any pathogen.

Also best is to avoid too much dairy products and go slow even with curds becos these are phlegm producing food and according to Ayurveda it has a "cooling "effect on the body so this is not what we really want now cos too much "cooling' effect can cause respiratory problems.

Moderation is the key to survival.
Some sites are recommending yogic breathing exercises..again proceed with caution cos make sure the air you are breathing in isnt having the virus hanging around and you breathe in with all your might only to cause a higher risk of infection.

Just dont try anything new in testing times cos when we try even a new exercise we havent done before the body experiences some microtears in the muscles and tissues of the body and we see microrepairs too..but now is not the time to be inflicting microtears even with deep yogic breathing becos we want the body to spend time in defence and not repairing its self inflicted microtears.

Remember at the end of the day if anyone of us were to be infected with Covid 19 virus its the trip to the Hospital that could potentially save our lives.

So the best now is not try to overplay herbs when there isnt solid evidence cos a simple minded person might not really seek proper intervention believing herbs can save him.
One can share information but please be mindful to have a disclaimer that "This isnt evidenced based"
Doctor Mam,

First, I know pretty well that I am not an authority to prescribe any medicine for CORONA19.

Next, I don't prescribe any medicine through my postings for CORONA19 virus.

Please try to understand the difference between texts that suggest to boost the immunity and thus to prevent any diseases more particularly, epidemic. But, I had never suggested or prescribed medicine for COVID19. There lies the difference.

We sincerely believe that prevention is better than cure.

There are more preventive measures suggested in Ayurvedic and everyone is free to share here till such a time we hear the news of successful manufacture of effective vaccination.

Besides, avoiding exposure to this virus, practicing preventive measures is really more beneficial than watching what others say and taking time to prepare counters.

We all know that currently there is no vaccine to prevent corona virus disease 2019, it is reported that it will take atleast minimum one year for the vaccination to actually hit the market.

We cannot offered to wait for the vaccination to arrive and made available in the especially when the virus spreading.

We all know that you are a Doctor following different system viz. Allopathy, the modern medicine and we are being shared with bunches of tips everyday in WhatsApp,Facebook, Twitter, etc as preventive measures.

Let us not forget the ancient and proven system and down play them.

I believe Ayurvedic is science based. It may take years for the scientists to agree on this.

PS: Ayurveda is commonly referred as ‘science of life’ because the Sanskrit meaning of Ayu is life and Veda is science or knowledge. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita (~400 BC–200 AD) and Ashtanga Hridaya of Vagbhata are main classics, which give detailed descriptions of over 700 herbs and 6,000 formulations. Madhav Nidan (~800 AD), a diagnostic classic, provides over 5,000 signs and symptoms. Life in Ayurveda is conceived as the union of the body, senses, mind and spirit. The concept of Prakriti or individual nature has a central role in Ayurveda therapeutics.

Bridging Ayurveda with evidence-based scientific approaches in medicine
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Doctor Mam,

First, I know pretty well that I am not an authority to prescribe any medicine for CORONA19.

Next, I don't prescribe any medicine through my postings for CORONA19 virus.

Please try to understand the difference between texts that suggest to boost the immunity and thus to prevent any diseases more particularly, epidemic. But, I had never suggested or prescribed medicine for COVID19. There lies the difference.

We sincerely believe that prevention is better than cure.

There are more preventive measures suggested in Ayurvedic and everyone is free to share here till such a time we hear the news of successful manufacture of effective vaccination.

Besides, avoiding exposure to this virus, practicing preventive measures is really more beneficial than watching what others say and taking time to prepare counters.

We all know that currently there is no vaccine to prevent corona virus disease 2019, it is reported that it will take atleast minimum one year for the vaccination to actually hit the market.

We cannot offered to wait for the vaccination to arrive and made available in the especially when the virus spreading.

We all know that you are a Doctor following different system viz. Allopathy, the modern medicine and we are being shared with bunches of tips everyday in WhatsApp,Facebook, Twitter, etc as preventive measures.

Let us not forget the ancient and proven system and down play them.

I believe Ayurvedic is science based. It may take years for the scientists to agree on this.

PS: Ayurveda is commonly referred as ‘science of life’ because the Sanskrit meaning of Ayu is life and Veda is science or knowledge. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita (~400 BC–200 AD) and Ashtanga Hridaya of Vagbhata are main classics, which give detailed descriptions of over 700 herbs and 6,000 formulations. Madhav Nidan (~800 AD), a diagnostic classic, provides over 5,000 signs and symptoms. Life in Ayurveda is conceived as the union of the body, senses, mind and spirit. The concept of Prakriti or individual nature has a central role in Ayurveda therapeutics.

Bridging Ayurveda with evidence-based scientific approaches in medicine
Dont get me wrong sir..i wasnt finding fault with you.
In fact my post did talk of some aspects of Ayurveda too.

I am not anti Ayurveda but i wrote the post just to make sure people dont fall for gimmicks too( not you..please dont get me wrong)

I see so many advertisements now online all sorts of ayurvedic meds and also astrologers selling their wares about rahu and ketu effect on corona.

The fact is no one predicted all these tru astrology but just trying to make use of the panic.

Some unregulated Ayurvedic meds do contain heavy metals and steroid mixtures especially Prednisolone( even Chinese meds use lots of it)...all of this decrease body immunity and would make us more vulnerable for an viral infection..
Many humans want to make money even during and outbreak..companies raise prices of facemasks and hand sanitizers too cos they know people are desperate.

So I want to caution people to just stick to prevention and a moderate lifestyle and not try any new meds which has no evidence base cos one might not know what is in that tablet or mixture they consume.
Dont get me wrong sir..i wasnt finding fault with you.
In fact my post did talk of some aspects of Ayurveda too.

I am not anti Ayurveda but i wrote the post just to make sure people dont fall for gimmicks too( not you..please dont get me wrong)
So I want to caution people to just stick to prevention and a moderate lifestyle and not try any new meds which has no evidence base cos one might not know what is in that tablet or mixture they consume.

Agreed Madam.

And BTW, thanks for spending time to go through this thread.
Just sharing the message which I just stumbled upon in face book.......


Source: Facebook

P.S: Please note that it is நோய் எதிர்ப்பு தன்மை ....
Hinduism: They Laughed

When Hindus were wishing each other with Namaste - They laughed

When Hindus were washing hands and legs before entering home - They laughed

When Hindus were worshiping Animals - They laughed

When Hindus were worshiping Plants Trees Forests - They laughed

When Hindus were primarily having Veg diet - They laughed.

When Hindus were doing Yoga - They laughed.

When Hindus were worshiping God and Goddess - They Laughed

When Hindus were burning the dead - They laughed

When Hindus bathed after attending a funeral - They laughed

Well guess what ? No body is laughing now..

So Its Rightly Said; "Hinduism Is Not A Religion, It Is A Way Of Life

Courtesy: intellibriefs.blogspot.com
Posting a counter to a thread is not derailing the thread. If the thread is misleading and prompting superstitious beliefs, it is not in the interest of our Brahmin community. There are thousand of Hindus living in various other countries and they have adapted to the same Sanatana Dharmam in a different ways, ina right or wrong way. Like the virus we need to adapt.
I follow herbal and Homeopathic system of medicines and use it for small ailments and it works. It has worked in case of my gall bladder issue for last 20 years now. I still get myself checked annually to see the progress of the gall bladder block. But if I have a acute symptoms I will still seek medical help rather than depending on Home grown remedies. I am flexible and open minded.

Just for your info, while Turmeric and garlic are good to boost immunity there can be severe problems if overused. garlic can cause bleeding internally if you don't stop it before an impending surgery. Turmeric is known to cause Kidney damage when taken in raw uncooked form and overdone.(it is not vey effective when heated). Hinduism or Sanatana Dharmam is only a way of life and we have adapt to science instead of saying Hindu way of life is fully scientific.

Our siddhas and saints were prophetic thru intuition rather than applying science as they had no means to do that. But that doesn't stop us from being scientific.

some examples
Hand washing with mere water is not enough in Corona cases. We have to use soap. That is an adaptation.

Namaste is good for "not getting" infected from others and "NOT infecting" others. But if you don't follow personal hygiene you can infect yourself by touching your left and right hands.

Yoga is good for a healthy individual. But if you have heart related issues Doctors would avoid using complicated postures (eg sirasasana).

Pranayama is good but today there are some better breathing techniques like "Lamaze" breathing, approved by major Scientific institutions, that increase your lung power and ensure that you can hold yr breath for long.

Though the whole thing started in China they have been able control the disease through Brutal methods of social distancing and lockdowns,increasing medical and health care capacities, use of robotics to admisniter patients etc. Like India, China's traditional medicines are popular world wide and they didn't advocate it is a cure though it can be preventive to boost immunity. Those who advocated it were punisghhed as it a stray noise in a pandemic.
They still used AI and mobile apps to track the infected and assess their risk to the society. Of course all this is possible because they are a Top Down society. We can learn from them.

I just want to know how many of our "blind faith" members will avoid medical treatment in the unfortunate event of someone in his family or community is infected. You cannot quote Hinduism and escape a Pandemic.
I just want to know how many of our "blind faith" members will avoid medical treatment in the unfortunate event of someone in his family or community is infected. You cannot quote Hinduism and escape a Pandemic.

I just want to know how long it will take to manufacture an effective vaccine for Coronavirus and get license for marketing....??

Our siddhas and saints were prophetic thru intuition rather than applying science as they had no means to do that. But that doesn't stop us from being scientific.

You are free to write your objections to the AYUSH i.e. Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy

Meanwhile, what is the remedy left out to the common man.

One must be aware that it is reported that there are atleast 40 vaccines being developed at laboratories of different companies which include biotech’s at US and other parts of the world.

Which will prove effective vaccine and which vaccine will get licensed, we will to wait and see.

And it may take how long …? Any idea…? No one has any idea about this.

Well, if there are more vaccines manufactured, it is an advantage.,

What if the vaccine takes time……?? till then…..?

OP signifies more about the preventive measures and precautions practiced in Hinduism


Search for immunity powers up sales of Ayurveda products


Even though the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy (Ayush) has issued an advisory recommending possible ayurvedic treatments, allopathic doctors say these products are not proven to cure an infection from the virus and can, at best, improve immunity.

Pharmaceutical companies like Himalaya, e-marketplaces such as Grofers and Milkbasket, as well as newage ayurvedic health brands like Auric said they were witnessing a surge in sales that could be attributed to the coronavirus concerns.

Milkbasket said sales of products like honey, chyawanprash and herbal teas which are touted to improve immunity had increased 17-18% monthon-month. January and February are usually the months with the best sales of these products, as most of North India ..

Read more at:

PS: Boosting the immunity is for prevention and certainly NOT for curing.
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I just want to know how long it will take to manufacture an effective vaccine for Coronavirus and get license for marketing....??

You are free to write your objections to the AYUSH i.e. Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy

Meanwhile, what is the remedy left out to the common man.

One must be aware that it is reported that there are atleast 40 vaccines being developed at laboratories of different companies which include biotech’s at US and other parts of the world.

Which will prove effective vaccine and which vaccine will get licensed, we will to wait and see.

And it may take how long …? Any idea…? No one has any idea about this.

Well, if there are more vaccines manufactured, it is an advantage.,

What if the vaccine takes time……?? till then…..?

OP signifies more about the preventive measures and precautions practiced in Hinduism


Search for immunity powers up sales of Ayurveda products

View attachment 9324

Even though the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy (Ayush) has issued an advisory recommending possible ayurvedic treatments, allopathic doctors say these products are not proven to cure an infection from the virus and can, at best, improve immunity.

Pharmaceutical companies like Himalaya, e-marketplaces such as Grofers and Milkbasket, as well as newage ayurvedic health brands like Auric said they were witnessing a surge in sales that could be attributed to the coronavirus concerns.

Milkbasket said sales of products like honey, chyawanprash and herbal teas which are touted to improve immunity had increased 17-18% monthon-month. January and February are usually the months with the best sales of these products, as most of North India ..

Read more at:

PS: Boosting the immunity is for prevention and certainly NOT for curing.
Please note that virus is a protein like what we have in our body but with a different structure. Once it is into our body it replicates and immunity boosters will not help unlsee tha viruas is slow acting as in case of HIV. The HIV and AIDs virus came in 1981, atleast 25milion people have died. So far none of the alternate medicines have worked consistently. There are reports by Dr S P Thyagarajan, a microbiologist from SRMC Chennai that some herbs (Keelanelli?) have been able to bring down viral load from millions to less than a few hundreds in case of AIDS pateints over continuous treatment over 10 years. But that is only in a few patients and it is random not consistent. If you try this in Corona , Ebola or SARS, which is a short span and fast acting the patient may die before these medicines take effect. We don't know much now. Will you take the risk for yr friends or family members? Just follow yr doctor.

Please get a statement from any of the alternate medicines experts that they have tested these on virus like AIDS or Flu and confirmed as a known cure. Even my Homeo doctor has asked not to take risk.

But Even for Corona virus the treatment regimen is shooting in the dark. The Chinese doctors have used a elaborate treatment regimen consisting of plasma transfusion, Choloroquine, Retroviral drugs (used in AIDS ect) for treating Corona and given it to WHO. US has confirmed that this will work and started using Chloroquine. Each virus has different levels of potency and the immunity booster you suggested can be used before the virus attacks (as a way of life) you and not after that. Even antoibiotics don't work. They work on bacteria.

You are free to believe what you want but don't give false hopes to other people. Please assure people with scientific reports with elaborate field trials before they can follow it.

By the time vaccines come after 12 to 18 months this virus may mutate. so it is like keeping our fingers crossed.

See this Video on drugs for Corona
Does Agnihotra Homa offer protection from Corona Virus?

The researches that continue to happen have revealed that Agnihotra fire and smoke remove biological, chemical and physical pollutants in the air.


The researches that continue to happen have revealed that Agnihotra fire and smoke remove biological, chemical and physical pollutants in the air.

It is reasonable to conclude that regular performance of Agnihotra Homa at a gap of 12 hours (sunrise and sunset) every day ensures continuous fumigation of the air around thereby preventing the threat from harmful viruses such as Covid-19.

With the pandemic spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19) across the globe, parallel researches are taking place to cure the infection and develop vaccines to prevent the infection[1]. A number of research findings are also pouring in from all sides to improve the immunity from the attack of this virus. But what goes missing is the realization that we indeed possess the most potent weapon against this virus in the form of the Vedic Homa called Agnihotra.

The name Agnihotra gained widespread attention soon after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy in 1984 when it was found that four or five families living near the Bhopal railway station remained unaffected by the poisonous gas that surrounds them. Seeing the inevitable staring at them the families decided to stay back and do Agnihotra Homa. And wonder of wonders they were the sole survivors in that part of the city affected by the leaking gas. This prompted researchers from Russia, Germany, and Poland to descend on the city to find out the causes for their survival. The scientists of the Indian Defence and Research Department also evinced interest in the research.

Read more at:
Posting a counter to a thread is not derailing the thread. If the thread is misleading and prompting superstitious beliefs, it is not in the interest of our Brahmin community. There are thousand of Hindus living in various other countries and they have adapted to the same Sanatana Dharmam in a different ways, ina right or wrong way. Like the virus we need to adapt.
I follow herbal and Homeopathic system of medicines and use it for small ailments and it works. It has worked in case of my gall bladder issue for last 20 years now. I still get myself checked annually to see the progress of the gall bladder block. But if I have a acute symptoms I will still seek medical help rather than depending on Home grown remedies. I am flexible and open minded.

Just for your info, while Turmeric and garlic are good to boost immunity there can be severe problems if overused. garlic can cause bleeding internally if you don't stop it before an impending surgery. Turmeric is known to cause Kidney damage when taken in raw uncooked form and overdone.(it is not vey effective when heated). Hinduism or Sanatana Dharmam is only a way of life and we have adapt to science instead of saying Hindu way of life is fully scientific.

Our siddhas and saints were prophetic thru intuition rather than applying science as they had no means to do that. But that doesn't stop us from being scientific.

some examples
Hand washing with mere water is not enough in Corona cases. We have to use soap. That is an adaptation.

Namaste is good for "not getting" infected from others and "NOT infecting" others. But if you don't follow personal hygiene you can infect yourself by touching your left and right hands.

Yoga is good for a healthy individual. But if you have heart related issues Doctors would avoid using complicated postures (eg sirasasana).

Pranayama is good but today there are some better breathing techniques like "Lamaze" breathing, approved by major Scientific institutions, that increase your lung power and ensure that you can hold yr breath for long.

Though the whole thing started in China they have been able control the disease through Brutal methods of social distancing and lockdowns,increasing medical and health care capacities, use of robotics to admisniter patients etc. Like India, China's traditional medicines are popular world wide and they didn't advocate it is a cure though it can be preventive to boost immunity. Those who advocated it were punisghhed as it a stray noise in a pandemic.
They still used AI and mobile apps to track the infected and assess their risk to the society. Of course all this is possible because they are a Top Down society. We can learn from them.

I just want to know how many of our "blind faith" members will avoid medical treatment in the unfortunate event of someone in his family or community is infected. You cannot quote Hinduism and escape a Pandemic.

Thank you Rameshjeyji for a wonderfully written post.
A balanced, rational, and informative post.
There are many peddlers of superstitious beliefs, you rightly said that we must counter it with sensible alternatives.
thank you again.

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