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Biggest brain wash in the world!

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Who ruled India from Indus Valley for 800 or 900 years?

No information in our History books!
Who ruled India from 1700 BC to 600 BC?
No information in our History books!!
Indian king list starts from Buddha’s (600 BC) time only. Why?

Indian History books were written by the British when they ruled India. We are following the same old syllabus till this day! All other country books written by them have been completely revised or completely dumped. Sumerian, Egyptian and Greek history have been updated with latest discoveries. Even though contradictions and overlapping were there in different Kings’ lists found in different places they have been reconciled. But the world’s biggest wonder is no Indian scholar raised any question about the big blunders or the big gaps in Indian history.

Google for any ancient country’s king lists you will get some names from 3000 BC. Google for Indian king list (except Wikipedia) you will get only from Buddha’s time. What is the question that should have come to our mind?
You say that Indus Valley Civilisation existed between 2500 BC and 1700 BC. Who were the kings that ruled India from Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa? Like Tamil Nadu had three main kingdoms and several small kingdoms simultaneously Indus also might have had several kingdoms. Who were they? For 800 years, a minimum of 45 kings for one place alone must be there. If there were kings ruling different parts, then there must be at least 150 kings. In ancient Tamil Nadu we had two Chola kings, two Chera kings and two Pandya kings ruling at the same time. In the north, we had hundreds of kings ruling simultaneously.

If Nandha dynasty started in the fifth century BC, what happened for 1200 years before them? Another 60 to 80 kings must have ruled from one capital city alone. Ancient India had at least 16 Janapadas or 56 Desams. Thousands of kings must have ruled before Buddha’s period. Mahabharata and Tamil Sangam anthology ‘Purananuru’ compare the number of kings in the world (India) to ‘stars in the sky’ or the ‘sand particles on sea shore’ or the ‘rain drops’. That means innumerable, uncountable and numberless. What were their names? Can there be a vacuum for2000 years? Was India ruled by mysterious people?

No one has asked this question to his or her history teacher. No Indian scholar worth the name “scholar” has addressed this issue. If they can prepare a list for Sumerian and Egyptian cultures, why did not they do it for India?
The so called Indian scholars were ready to play second fiddle to Western scholars. The British were so clever they never raised this issue in their books. They made a big blackout for 1900 years (From 2500 BC to 600 BC= Buddha’s time). This is the BIGGEST BRAINWASH IN THE WORLD!

143 KINGS Ruled before Megasthanes

Greek Ambassador Megasthenes (350 BC to 290 BC) who visited India in 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] century BC said that India was ruled by 143 generations before his time. That list is actually in the Puranas (Hindu mythology). But British and the ‘jaundice eyed’ Indian scholars turned a blind eye to it. Marxist scholars were happy in interpreting Mahabharata and Ramayana as “class wars”!
Like the contradictions in Puranas regarding kings, Sumerian and Egyptian lists also had lots of contradictions, pre historical matters giving each Sumerian king 30,000 or 25000 years rule. But yet the scholars reconciled all those data and made one list. But Indians accepted a list only from Buddhist time leaving 2000 years before him in the dark. This is due to a brainwash.

Not only British did blackout a big historical period but also said there were big clashes between Aryans and Dravidians. This has no proof in Tamil or Sanskrit literature. They interpreted everything in that angle and made Indians believe it. Indians also believed that the “barbaric Aryans defeated the coward Dravidians who ran helter-skelter and hid themselves in hills. The civilized Dravidians ran up to the land’s end Kanyakumari and forgot all their brick buildings and started living in caves like primitives”. The foreign scholars knew the pulse of our people and they knew how they can brainwash us. They did brainwash our scholars and laymen. They told us that the Tamils came from the Mediterranean areas. Otherwise we would have asked our History teachers a lot of questions about 2500 BC to 600 BC. Otherwise our famous historians would have written a long list of kings. Since they were brainwashed, they never told us what happened in the Indus Valley or elsewhere in India for more than 1500 years.

A few foreign scholars like Pargiter did some research into Puranic king lists and even dated them. But they were rejected as fiction! Only now we find such data in Wikipedia, but not in history books.

1340 BC Vedic Inscription

Max Muller’s (1823-1900) blunder was exposed when they discovered an inscription with Vedic Gods names in the same order as we see them in the Rig Vedic Mantra! It was discovered in Bogaz Koy in Syria. They never included it in the text book or corrected Max Muller’s wrong date. They discovered ten letters written by Dasaratha to an Egyptian Pharaoh. They never included it in our text book. By the time we discovered all, Max Muller was dead (1900). They have discovered a Sanskrit manual for training horses which was dated-1400 BC. They never included this fact in the history book.
If Vedic Gods were in the Hittite treaty in Syria in 1400 BC, the Vedas must have existed long before this date. Otherwise they wouldn’t have quoted them in the same order in a treaty, as we see it in Rig Veda.

Sanskrit inscriptions in hundreds were discovered throughout South East Asia from second century AD. Hindus ruled S E Asian countries for 1300 years. They never said anything in our history books. Had a person like Sardar Patel or Netaji Subash Chandra Bose ruled India they would have re written the history of India and all these facts would have found a place.
Harijan leader and Father of Indian constitution BR Ambedkar, Swami Vivekannda, Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi and many others spoke against Aryan Dravidian divisions. There was not a word about it the text books. In short, no views that went against the old British view were included.

It is not too late to educate the ‘brainwashed’ Indians. We have to rewrite our History books. We have to include what the NASA scientists and Indian nuclear scientists have found about Saraswati River. We have to include Tilak’s view of the date of Rig Veda (6000 BC). We have to mention all the mysterious kings mentioned in the RV and the Vedic literature. There were hundreds of kings in the Vedic literature. Leave alone the Puranas and the epics.

Our children knew Shakespeare but not Kalidasa or Ilango. Our children knew Homer and Virgil but not Bhasa and Tamil poet Paranar. Our children knew Egyptian Pyramids and China’s Great Wall but not hundreds of Indian temple wonders. They knew more about Bible and Koran than Dhammapada or Upanishads. This is a shame on our scholars. At least one chapter or lesson must be added on all these subjects. Sanskrit and Tamil sources must be used to give them a bird’s eye view of our 2500 year old maritime trade. When we have found inscriptional evidence from 1400 BC in Syria for Vedic Gods we must have corrected the date of Vedas. Indian ‘scholars’ are still parroting Maxmuller’s date for the Vedas.

Please read my old posts:

1.Dravidian Queen 1320 BC and 2. How old is Indian Civilization? Contact [email protected]
I know that this is usually a point of big debate, but I agree with you that there would have been kings before the Maurya empire. After all the Mahabharata which is a semi-historical account explicitly mentions various kingdoms. Even Ramayana mentions historical places such as Mithila which is today in North Bihar.

However I am not a proponent of a big conspiracy theory. One big problem for us Hindus was that our tradition was mostly oral and not generally written down before the time of Ashoka. Hence the previous era is generally classified as pre-history.
No one can leave such a big gap of 2100 years. They have to fill in the vacuum. India couldn't have lived without kings for 2100 years. We have a derogatory word for kingless period =ARAJAKAM. At least now, they can rectify the mistake. If Hindu scholars learn cuneiform script there are thousands and thousands of clay tablets where in we can find our Kings names. I have already identified some of them. I am waiting for confirmation from someone who knew cuneiform. Scholars read some names differently.
In the Tamilnadu context the Aryan-Dravidian divide is used politically. Need to rectify this and make all Hindus in TN to start liking Sanskrit
However I am not a proponent of a big conspiracy theory. ....

Conspiracy by whom?

I am quoting from a book by DeRisi, Professor of Physics, titled: Lost Discoveries : A History of Science revisited, page 11 onwards:

………. the failure to acknowledge the successes of non-Western cultures derives not just from ignorance but from a conspiracy. Martin Bernal, a professor of government studies at Cornell University, is the author of Black Athena, a series of books that challenges our Greek-rooted view of history. Bernal believes that the roots of Greek civilization are to be found in Egypt and, to a lesser extent, in theLevant—the Near East of the Phoenicians and the Canaanites. Using linguistic analysis, he determined that 20 to 25 percentof the Greek vocabulary derived from the Egyptian. The roots of European civilization are Afro-Asiatic. The Greeks knew thisand wrote about it, telling of Egyptian colonies in Greece during the Bronzeand even the Iron Ages. The great Greek wise men, including Pythagoras,Democritus, and even Plato, traveled to Egypt and brought back Egyptian ideasand knowledge. (We have Democritus’s own writings to acknowledge that his mathskills were honed in the shadow of the pyramids.) The Greeks acknowledged their debt to Egypt. This “ancientmodel" held that the Greek culture had arisen as the result of colonization,in around 1500 B.C., by Egyptians and Phoenicians, and that the Greekscontinued to borrow heavily from Near Eastern cultures. lt was the conventionalwisdom among Greeks in the classical and Hellenistic ages. This ancient model,writes Bernal, was also embraced by Europeans from the Renaissance through thenineteenth century. The Europeans, says Bernal, were enamored of Egypt.

For several centuries, Europe believed that Egypt was the cradle of civilization. This began to change in the eighteenth century when Christian apologists worried about Egyptian pantheism, and ideasof racial purity began taking hold among Locke, Hume, and other English thinkers.This led to …….. a nineteenth century…(that)..denied the existence of Egyptian settlements. Later, as anti-Semitism grew during the late nineteenthcentury, ….(they) also denied Phoenician cultural influences.

The….. model was refined throughout the years to establish ancient Greece as distinctly European. Accordingly, there had been an invasion from the north-
unreported in ancient tradition- that had overwhelmed the local Aegean or pre-Hellenicculture. Thus, Greek civilization was now seen as the result of the mixture of …..Hellenesand their indigenous subjects. It is this …….model that most of us were taughtduring the twentieth century. Bernal advocates a return to a…. model, which issupported by the historian Herodotus and other ancient Greeks.

IN ITS JANUARY 14, 2000, issue, on theoccasion of the beginning of the third millennium, Science magazine, inconjunction with the American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS), published a time line, called “Pathways of Discovery," thatdetailed ninety-six of, the most important scientific achievements in recordedhistory: The Science time line included some sophisticated choices that manyeducators would have missed: Wilham Ferrel’s 1856 work on ocean winds andcurrents, the 1838-39 cell theory of Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, andWilliam Gilbert’s 1600 theory that the earth behaves like a huge magnet.

Of those ninety-six achievements, only twowere attributed to non-white, non-Western scientists: the invention of zero inIndia in the early centuries of the common era and the astronomicalobservations of Maya and Hindus in A.D. 1000. Even these two accomplishmentswere muted by the editors of Science. The Indians were given credit only for creatingthe “symbol for zero," rather than the concept itself. The Mayan and Hindu“skywatchers" (the word astronomer was not used !) made their observations, according to the journal, for “agriculturaland religious purposes" only.

Most interesting is the first entry in thetime line: “Prior to 600 B.C., PrescientificEra." Science proclaimed that during this time, before the sixth-centuryB.C. pre-Socratic philosophers,"Phenomena [were] ex-plained within contexts of magic, religion, andexperience." Science thus ignored more than two millennia of history,during which time the Babylonians invented the abacus and algebra, theSumerians recorded the phases of Venus, the Indians proposed an atomic theory,the Chinese invented quantitative chemical analysis, and the Egyptians built pyramids. In addition, Science gaveJohannes Gutenberg credit for the printing press in 1454, though it wasinvented at least two centuries earlier by the Chinese and Koreans. Anessential precursor to the printing press is paper, which was invented in Chinaand did not reach Europe until the 1300s." Science cited Francis Bacon’swork as one of its ninety—six achievements, yet ignored his opinion thatinventions from China created the modern world.

Pre-columbian achievements in the New World have long eluded traditionalists.The Maya invented zero about the same time as the Indians, and practiced a mathand astronomy far beyond that of medieval Europe. Native Americans builtpyramids and other structures in the American Midwest larger than anything thenin Europe.

MANY TRADITIONAL Western historians believe that little original science was conducted after the collapse of the Greek civilization; that the Arabs copied the work of Euclid, Ptolemy, Apollonius, etal.; and that eventually Europe recouped its scientific heritage from the Islamic world. During the Middle Ages, Arab scholars sought out Greek manuscripts and set up centers of learning and translation at Jund-i-Shapur in Persia and Baghdad in Iraq.

Western historians don’t often like to admit that these same scholars also sought manuscripts from China and India, and created their own science.
Will be posting more later.
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Historian Glen Bowersock of the Institute for Advanced Study writes that “the classical antecedents of western civilization have long served to justify the study of ancient Greece and Rome,”but he admits that “the porousness of Greek culture and the parallels to its achievements in other cultures have never been a secret .... The Greeks did not emerge, like Athena from the head of Zeus, fully equipped with their arsenal of culture .... An expression like ‘the Greek miracle’ was a catchy phrase for great drama, heroic statues and the Parthenon, but all this had its historical context. For the Greeks themselves, the context was Phoenicia and Egypt."
Dear Naina Marbus

Thanks for very interesting excerpts. Europeans are always biased. When they take a bigger geographical area they always attribute all the good things to the Greeks. When they take a narrow geographical approach, French say that they discovered more, British say they discovered more and the Americans say they discovered more. If we go to the origin of those discoveries or inventions it was not Europeans ,but Asians. If we read Soviet Union books (now Russia), we wouldn't even mention of any one other than Russians!
Mithila (Sanskrit: मिथिला, mithilā) was a city in Ancient India, the capital of the Videha Kingdom. The name Mithila is also commonly used to refer to the Videha Kingdom itself, as well as to the modern-day territories that fall within the ancient boundaries of Videha: Mithila (India) and Mithila (Nepal). The city of Mithila has been identified as modern day Janakpur in Dhanusa district of Nepal. The Mithila kingdom existed in the eastern Gangetic plains in areas which is today spread over more than half of Bihar state of India, and parts of adjoining Nepal
The legend of Mithila extends over many centuries. Both Gautama Buddha and Vardamana Mahavira are said to have lived in Mithila. It also formed the center of Indian history during the first millennium, and has contributed to various literary and scriptural works.
The name Mithila is derived after Mythical King 'Miti'. He was supposed to have been created from body of his father King Nimi. He established the capital of his kingdom at Mithilapuri and hence the region came to be called Mithila. Since he was born out of body of his father, he took the title Janaka. After this, the Kings of Mithila were called Janaka. The most famous Janaka was Kushadhwaja, father of Sita. He was 21st Janaka of Mithila. This Dynasty was also called Videha Janaka. There were 57 kings in the dynasty of Videha Janaka.

I had a heated discussion in another thread about "bharat". We try to promote ourselves at the expense of others. May it be Nepal, Muslims, Buddhist, and others. People in this site do not care about the feeling of others. This site is open to all, and there are members from other region and groups read our sentiment through our writings.
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Dear Sri Swaminathan,

You have taken-up an important subject which needs in depth analysis from various angles. To start with according to my understanding there is no single India as such. Our Country is a multi-religious, racial, linguistic, social and cultural conglomeration. The geographical area has been changing constantly according to the rulers of the sub-continent time to time. Interestingly our own present Constitution states "India, that is Bharat, shall be a union of states." an ambiguous definition, unlike other legal terms used in the Constitution. When the British left the Country India was limited to the area ruled by them called Provinces. By the time the Constitution was enacted the area increased considerably due to the accession of States ruled by independent native rulers.

We as a nation never had or have sense of history or respect for heritage. If we accuse the foreign Historians for their biased writing, we must accept that our historians are no way different, most of the modern historians try to colour it with their own views instead of truth and reality. We allowed our heritage buildings and relics to be demolished, due to our weakness of internecine feuds. It was under the initiative of Lord Canning, Viceroy of India, Archaeological Survey of India was started under Sir Alexander Cunningham in 1861. But the foundation for this was laid by the Asiatic Society established by Sir William Jones in 1784. We cannot dismiss the yeoman service done by the ASI all these years in conserving and restoring the dilapidated heritage structures. What ever left to us today is because of their efforts only.For instance in the rock edicts and the pillars found in India and abroad the name of Emperor Ashoka is mentioned as "Devanam piya or piyadasi" in Brahmi .For a long time it was not known that Ashoka was the "Devanam-priya". Thanks to ASI,It was only in 1915 the name was confirmed as that of Ashoka which was mentioned in a minor rock edict found in a village near Raichur in Karnataka, confirmed by another one found in Gujarat. It is not fair to ignore or belittle the efforts of the Britishers in recovering our ancient civilization like that of Indus valley. It was an English solder James Lewis,a deserter from East India Company's Bengal artillery who discovered ruins of Harappa in 1820 under the pseudonym Charles Masson. His narratives on his journey in Baluchistan and other places opened up a new window on Indus valley Civilization.

As you have rightly pointed there are quite a number of silent zones or gaps in our long history to be filled in. We have to rely on our ancient scriptures and epics for knowing our past or to be traced from books written by foreign travelers and rulers. Interestingly Ramayana and Mahabharata give Social, and Geographical details of our past. If I am correct Moguls were the first to write about their rule, like Babur-nama (Tuzk-e Babri) in Turki by Babur and Akbar-nama and A'in-i Akbari by Abu'l-Fazl in Persian, followed by others as well. Similarly the Foreign travellers like Megasthanes , Fahien, Hiuen Tsang, Al biruni, Marco polo, Nicolo Conte, Abdul Razzak, Damingo Paes, Al Masudi and Athanatian Nikiten, have left a lot of Historical and Social information about the places that they have visited.

With these few words let me conclude my post for the present and enter the thread later after reading the posts of other learned members.. As a matter of principle I do not enter into controversial threads, but History and Heritage are my favourite subjects, and I feel it is a privilege and pleasure to discuss the subject when it is taken up for discussion by learned members like you.

Warm Regards,
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Brahmanyan ji,
Beautifully written, and well presented.
I did write in similar vein in another thread, but got smacked by members.
Your style and content is beyond reproach, and non controversial.
dear Brahmanyan sir !
your feeling
We as a nation never had or have sense of history or respect for heritage. If we accuse the foreign Historians for their biased writing, we must accept that our historians are no way different is really making us also to feel the same
like charity begins at home , if we start showing interest to know about our own family generations, interest will grow in our own indus valley and national history.(let us forget which is real Bharath-By the time the Constitution was enacted the area increased considerably due to the accession of States ruled by independent native rulers.)
Let me add another controversial point. If the British had not arrived, TN would not be a part of India today. Historically it has not been a part of based Indian empires which were ruled from Delhi / UP / Bihar.
This is a typical psec view. Buried truth, hidden truth and obfuscated truth must be rescued from the 'do gooder' souls. For a change read what history is taught in pakistan's schools.

'tamaso ma jyotir gamaya' is the need of the day in all areas. All west propped theories on Bharat's rich past are getting disproved. One century of dark cloud spread by the so called indologists has started thinning. The new generation of historians, with the help of new tools and technology, will demolish the current theories propunded by indologists and JNU left tilting professors.

I had a heated discussion in another thread about "bharat". We try to promote ourselves at the expense of others. May it be Nepal, Muslims, Buddhist, and others. People in this site do not care about the feeling of others. This site is open to all, and there are members from other region and groups read our sentiment through our writings.
It is really bizzare to see many of the people in this forum blaming the British for our history. if they had not preserved our history, inscriptions & recorded them painstakingly, nothing would have been left by the fools that went around burning & destroying everything in the name of fighting for freedom. Had the British ruled us, we would have been prosperous instead of having 800+ Mil people under dire poverty !!

After 65 yrs of so called independence, what is this nonsense of brain wash !!. what are all our historians doing, eating crap !! - LOL !!!
It is really bizzare to see many of the people in this forum blaming the British for our history. if they had not preserved our history, inscriptions & recorded them painstakingly, nothing would have been left by the fools that went around burning & destroying everything in the name of fighting for freedom. Had the British ruled us, we would have been prosperous instead of having 800+ Mil people under dire poverty !!

After 65 yrs of so called independence, what is this nonsense of brain wash !!. what are all our historians doing, eating crap !! - LOL !!!

I strongly disagree with your post.
I do agree with the first part, but the second part is utter rubbish. The british were a parasite on India, and Indians. They drained us and stunted our growth. They stole from all their colonies and enslaved their subjects. May be you or your ancestors enjoyed special privilege under British rule, but the average person suffered. Your conclusion is erroneous.
Had the British ruled us, we would have been prosperous instead of having 800+ Mil people under dire poverty !!

After 65 yrs of so called independence, what is this nonsense of brain wash !!. what are all our historians doing, eating crap !! - LOL !!!
Boss Please you are insulting our freedom fighters, and the sacrifices they made!! You are insulting the precious lives they laid down so that people like you can , after 65 years say ,that what they did was barbarism and they were fools.
Even animals and Birds dont like cages and walls around them and want freedom... Where are you from, Boss.. still want to be ruled by somebody.. !!!LOL

Take a Chill Pill and cool down Sir!! Cheers
recently read in kumudam..

ARUN SHOURIE answer a question from audience . " why media is not highlighting atrocoties of governing class? "

media relation with power class is like water and fire. they can't go too close.

also he continues " media is like dog holding the bone in the mouth , how to bark"

very picturesquely said.
but they taught one good thing to the government, how to print money and create wealth. didn't they prasad ji?
They gave us a Country as opposed to multiple small fiefdoms. They gave us an international language for business. They gave us a Railways and other things. They found our lost culture and nicely packaged it. I am fully aware that we have to be thankful to the British for good things. But there is a limit. Independence is greater than all those things. Like Mr. Manoharkumar ji states, we do not want to be ruled by some other country. Even America fought against British, to be free.
The recent posts in the thread have turned towards discussing the pros and cons of foreign rule vis-a-vis National rule. Let us understand clearly that the British did not come to India to rule the Country. The English have not taken India., we have given it to them. They are not in India because of their strength, but because we keep them. Let us now see whether these propositions can be sustained. They came to our country originally for purposes of trade. Recall the Company Bahadur. Who made it Bahadur? They had not the slightest intention at the time of establishing a kingdom. Who assisted the Company's officers'? Who was tempted at the sight of their silver? Who bought their goods? History testifies that we did all this. In order to become rich all at once we welcomed the Company's officers with open arms. We assisted them....." Thus said Gandhiji in his first book "Hind Swaraj" written in 1908.

We must also understand that East India Company was formed in England to do business to earn money to be sent to their home land.
But when they tasted power, they expanded their grip all round to benefit themselves. In the process they were forced to establish Governance in the model which they know in their Country. In the long period of three hundred and odd years of British rule, in spite of plundering national wealth, we cannot deny the fact they gave stable institutions like system of Governance, Education, Finance,welfare of health, Railways, Roads and transportation.

Today in the process of money making both governing and the governed have thrown our innate moral code called "Dharma" to the winds. Gandhiji desired India to develop in accordance with its cultural heritage. He was particular that we should not copy the British way of governance. But our Constitution has retained the British unwritten system. The result is that we neither have the self discipline of the west nor the culture of the east.

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All for the greater glory of Nehru, Indira and Rajiv!

Whoever comes to power must rename all nehru-indira-rajiv-projects; there is a long line of qualified, respectable, honest and deserving people, freedom fighters, and from other walks of life. Will the BJP do it. Only Jayalalitha has the courage to scrap or rename all kalaignar tagged projects.

"The list of 450 Government programmes, schemes, institutions, etc, named after these three members of the Nehru-Gandhi family broadly fall into the following categories: Central Government programmes and projects (12); State Government Programmes (52); universities and educational institutions (98); ports and airports (6); awards, scholarships and fellowships (66); sports tournaments, trophies and stadia ( 47); national parks and sanctuaries (15); hospitals and medical institutions (39); national scientific and research institutions, chairs and festivals (37); and, roads, buildings and places (74)."

All for the greater glory of Nehru, Indira and Rajiv! | Niti Central
Post#23. What a waste of space.
Yes changing the name of Madras to Chennai changed the corruption, it improved the life style of people, the poor people of Madras became rich overnight.
Can you point out one positive thing that happens by changing the name other than giving work to painters and printers. The poor tax payer has to bear the useless cost. As usual you do not make any sense, on the other hand it is utter non-sense. Who ever gave this job must be fired.
In response to Mr. Brahamanyan's post, I was thinking which Eastern culture has developed to its current state without Western influence. Not China, not India, not Dubai. Perhaps the closest nation is Japan but that too had lot of American influence before World War II. Even the Japanese generals who bombed Pearl Harbour were educated in American universities.

I guess no great civilization can thrive in isolation.
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