I want to make the following observations.
1.All evidence points to the fact that brahmanas migrated from north india through the ages.
2.There are puranic accounts of agasthya,parashurama coming south.
3.Manu explicitly says that people who have migrated from aryavartha are inferior.
4.North indian brahmanas are generally fair skinned.They don't have existential problems about nativity,language etc.There are substantial non-brahmana savarnas.They are not touchy on issues of achara.
5.Tamil brahmanas are sub classified as brahacharana(long marchers),ashtasahasra(eight thousand numbers),vadama (choladesa,vadadesa).This might sound like vetti thinnai pecchu.what does this indicate?Brahmanas have been continuosly migrating south.Perhaps,that is why maaran likes north indians.
6.At the very dawn of recorded tamil history,one finds a tamil grammar work,tolkappiyam,written by a tamil brahmin.The first recorded work in tamil sets out to be a codification of the language.What was the impetus?was a brahmana responding to the tamil anxiety to protect themselves from others?was a new social economic system threatening them? something different from the traditional mores?
7.The parallel is striking.The non brahmanas were engulfed in the early 20th century.The traditional mudaliar has also lost in the bargain.Reservation is his last ditch effort to protect his place in his native land.
8.Tamil brahmanas are brahmanas.This means their primary loyalty is to vedas and upanishads.One must remember there was no political entity called tamilnadu then,only cholas and pandyas who are mentioned even in the epics.
9.The primary loyalty of vellalas is to TN.They are to TN,what brahmanas are to india.vellalas are the land owning gentry of the northern districts.The naidus came much later.The vellalas share power with thevars in the chola territory,who are altogether absent in northern tamilnadu.the gounders play the role of thevars and vellalas in erode and coimbatore.vellalas are insignificant in pandya land.The pandya kingdom is water scarce.
10.There was a significant flowering of tamil literature in the sangam age,noted for secular poetry.religious poetry is far and few in between.even here the earliest poetry is to the composite god murukan.(i seek forgiveness in acharyal and iswara)
11.this is followed by the 'kalapira interregnum'.and the pallava age.
12.the basic elements of tamil history are charted out.the interplay of two elements.(like JJ and karunanidhi)
13.Only vellalas are a presence throughout TN.even their strength is suspect.
14.there are fundamental contradictions between gounders,saiva vellalas and thevars.
15.the pallava age is a synthesis of tamil and bhakti.finds its finest expression in the alwars and temple sculpture.
16.Influence of sanskrit and other northern influences.
17.the chola age is a revival of tamil centred bhakti.conflict between sri ramanuja and saivism.sri ramanuja's family a recent migrant.Later cholas from andhra,whose coastal plains similar to TN.smartha-vellala alliance in thanjavur.
18.chola excesses give rise to pandyan kingdom,before swept away by malik kafur.
19.Enter vijayanagar kingdom,nayaka-vaishnava alliance,kannada,telugu,vadadesavadama?,brahmanas in TN.
20.British rule,modern age.fears of telugu-kannada nayaks make them support justice party,DMK,rise of PMK.
I want to make the following observations.
1.All evidence points to the fact that brahmanas migrated from north india through the ages.
2.There are puranic accounts of agasthya,parashurama coming south.
3.Manu explicitly says that people who have migrated from aryavartha are inferior.
4.North indian brahmanas are generally fair skinned.They don't have existential problems about nativity,language etc.There are substantial non-brahmana savarnas.They are not touchy on issues of achara.
5.Tamil brahmanas are sub classified as brahacharana(long marchers),ashtasahasra(eight thousand numbers),vadama (choladesa,vadadesa).This might sound like vetti thinnai pecchu.what does this indicate?Brahmanas have been continuosly migrating south.Perhaps,that is why maaran likes north indians.
6.At the very dawn of recorded tamil history,one finds a tamil grammar work,tolkappiyam,written by a tamil brahmin.The first recorded work in tamil sets out to be a codification of the language.What was the impetus?was a brahmana responding to the tamil anxiety to protect themselves from others?was a new social economic system threatening them? something different from the traditional mores?
7.The parallel is striking.The non brahmanas were engulfed in the early 20th century.The traditional mudaliar has also lost in the bargain.Reservation is his last ditch effort to protect his place in his native land.
8.Tamil brahmanas are brahmanas.This means their primary loyalty is to vedas and upanishads.One must remember there was no political entity called tamilnadu then,only cholas and pandyas who are mentioned even in the epics.
9.The primary loyalty of vellalas is to TN.They are to TN,what brahmanas are to india.vellalas are the land owning gentry of the northern districts.The naidus came much later.The vellalas share power with thevars in the chola territory,who are altogether absent in northern tamilnadu.the gounders play the role of thevars and vellalas in erode and coimbatore.vellalas are insignificant in pandya land.The pandya kingdom is water scarce.
10.There was a significant flowering of tamil literature in the sangam age,noted for secular poetry.religious poetry is far and few in between.even here the earliest poetry is to the composite god murukan.(i seek forgiveness in acharyal and iswara)
11.this is followed by the 'kalapira interregnum'.and the pallava age.
12.the basic elements of tamil history are charted out.the interplay of two elements.(like JJ and karunanidhi)
13.Only vellalas are a presence throughout TN.even their strength is suspect.
14.there are fundamental contradictions between gounders,saiva vellalas and thevars.
15.the pallava age is a synthesis of tamil and bhakti.finds its finest expression in the alwars and temple sculpture.
16.Influence of sanskrit and other northern influences.
17.the chola age is a revival of tamil centred bhakti.conflict between sri ramanuja and saivism.sri ramanuja's family a recent migrant.Later cholas from andhra,whose coastal plains similar to TN.smartha-vellala alliance in thanjavur.
18.chola excesses give rise to pandyan kingdom,before swept away by malik kafur.
19.Enter vijayanagar kingdom,nayaka-vaishnava alliance,kannada,telugu,vadadesavadama?,brahmanas in TN.
20.British rule,modern age.fears of telugu-kannada nayaks make them support justice party,DMK,rise of PMK.