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Fundamentals of Spirituality!!

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Science and Spirituality

Our Solar system has sun and nine planets revolving around it. They are of varied sizes. They move in their own orbit at their own speed. They never collide with each other. In the universe, countless stars, innumerable number of galaxies exists in such a precise manner. The various attractive and repulsive forces are responsible for these precise motions.

The universe consists of varied forces, energies like attractive and repulsive forces between stars, gravitational forces of planets, magnetic forces, atmospheric pressure forces, immeasurable natural forces, electromagnetic field forces by which all communications like radio, televisions, cell phones, satellite links work ,moving sound pressure forces, light energies and various atomic energies.

“All the planets create whirling wave and spreading wave. The whole universe is whirling wave and spreading wave”

The divine power is taking care of us because we are not existing as separate entities in the universe. We are not apart from the universe but we are a part of the universe. The universe is taking care of itself all the time, and therefore when we place ourselves in its care, we will never experience any lack. How do we place ourselves in its care? We do so by trusting in the directions that it gives to us and to act upon them in every moment. We are not living our own lives, it is the universe that is living through us.

The universe is one gigantic being and we are all parts of the same being. The universe is living and expressing itself through all parts of itself. We were created as part of the universal work that is in operation. Therefore the work that we came to do is not our own but the work of the universe. Everything we need to experience a life full of joy, fulfillment and abundance is present when we walk the path that the universe has for us. It is only when we walk our own path that we experience lack, frustration and fear.

Mind and thought There are some tiny energy particles which constitute the life force for our body. The consciousness or character (what we have) is present in those energy particles. That life force is nothing but the “Soul”. The lifeforce spins or rotates continuously in our body. Due to the spinning of the life forces a biomagnetic wave will be generated.

The human mind uses those biomagnetic wave to work and vice versa. I mean whenever we think something, the biomagnetic wave is disturbed or affected. Affected means, whatever we think or do that will get imprinted in the base or the genetic centre(Soul/lifeforce). The reflection of those imprints from the lifeforce in action is nothing but the “thought”. The extended activity of the lifeforce/soul is nothing but the “mind”. I mean the functionality of the soul also consistantly changes according to the frequency of the biomagnetic wave and acts accordingly (gives pain or pleasure) which is nothing but the function of mind.

In other words, when we think something, the biomagnetic wave will be disturbed. The transformation of biomagnetic wave causes you pain or pleasure depending upon whether the thought is good or bad. All these are functioned by the genetic centre “Soul/lifeforce”.

The Science of Spirituality

As I said already when you think something, the biomagnetic wave will be disturbed. This biomagnetic wave will emit energy and will be spreading in the whole atmosphere. This biomagnetic wave is generated from the spinning of lifeforce. The lifeforce/soul contains the imprints. So this biomagnetic wave will also carry those imprints when it is traveling in the atmosphere.

As we know this biomagnetic wave is nothing but the combination of energy particles(because it is generated from the spinning of energy particles in the life force/soul). When this wave hits another energy particle in the atmosphere, it can be of another person or of atmosphere. The imprints or the character of the energy particle in the biomagnetic wave/energy will become the imprints or the character of the energy particle which it hits. So the second particles which get those imprints and it character will change.Hope you all know the law that "Energy can neither be created,nor be destroyed but can be transformed from one fom to another"

Now we have an absolute static cosmic universal magnetic field in the atmosphere which is the base of the whole science. That static cosmic universal magnetic field will oppose the traveling biomagnetic wave. So the imprints/character of the biomagnetic wave will be reflected back to the person.Thats why “what you sow is what you reap“. Relate this with Newton's law, "To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".

This is the basis of the evolution. As I said this process continues for ever, I mean the biomagnetic wave travels, hits an energy particle, transfers the character/imprints to that energy particle and this process continues. This is where the evolution starts. The character of the energy particles keeps on changing because of different clashes and each energy particle gets different character like sun,moon,starts,sky,water,tress,animals and finally the transformation is man which is of absolute consciousness and the sixth sense.

Magnetic force or energy exists all through the universe pervading everywhere. This universal magnetic force is called as Almighty or Paramathma or God by the Scriptures. This magnetic force exists all through the universe. In human beings also this magnetic force or energy exists. This bio magnetic force is called as Jeevathma or soul or athma.The merging of this biomagnetic force with the universal magnetic force is termed as Samadhi or Perfection. The jeevathma or soul merges with Paramathma or God as one. This commune is said as Samadhi by the Scriptures.
At this stage the soul is in its eternal life. The fraction, soul has reached its destination, the Totality, for which it has journeyed for lives in search of this Perfection. This is the eternal life, all the religions insist on as

“If anything is desired, freedom from births should be desired”.

Law of Karma Cause and effect theory)

If you think good, that will be reflected back and you will get good. If you think bad, that will be reflected back and you will get bad. That’s it. What you sow is what you reap actually.

Karma is a concept in Hinduism which explains causality through a system where beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful effects from past harmful actions, creating a system of actions and reactions throughout a soul’s reincarnated lives forming a cycle of rebirth. The causality is said to be applicable not only to the material world but also to our thoughts, words, actions and actions that others do under our instructions. When the cycle of rebirth comes to an end, a person is said to have attained moksha, or salvation from samsara. Not all incarnations are human. The cycle of birth and death on earth is said to be formed from 8.4 million forms of life, but only in human life is an exit from this cycle possible.

Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering.

Each and everything happening in the world is based upon cause and effect theory(CHAOS theory). I mean everything has a cause. Everything happening in this world is the effect of some other cause in the past. It is cyclic. Everything happening in the life at each and every second (note this point each and every second) has a cause. Every action we perform at each and every second has an effect. Our action is the cause and the reaction for that action is the effect of the cause. Hope you got it!

Why you are very fair,why you are so lean,why you are short, why you studied in govt college,Why you have only sisters,why you are so emotional,why some people are born as handicapped,why some people are In-born poor/rich,why the character and appearance of each person is different,why you got married verylate?, Why tsunami came in 2004? Why you Joined Cognizant?, Why you are not promoted?Why you didn’t go onsite? Why your YEA appraisal is screwed? Everything is based upon cause and effect theory. God has not done anything. This is the effect of our own cause.

But as I said already the effect(ie. reaction) for the cause, will not be immediate, because it not a physical energy. It is the metaphysical energy (dynamic energy). That’s why “Karma from our earlier births are affecting us in our current birth and in our next cycle of births“.

The consequence or effects of one’s karma can be described in two forms: phalas and samskaras.

A phala (literally, fruit or result) is the visible or invisible effect that is typically immediate or within the current life. In contrast, samskaras are always those invisible effect that are produced inside the actor because of the karma, thus transforming the agent and affecting his or her ability to be happy or unhappy in this life as well as in future lives. The theory of karma is often presented in the context of samskaras.

Hindu scriptures divide karma into three kinds:

  • Sanchita is the accumulated karma. It would be impossible to experience and endure all karmas in one lifetime. From this stock of sanchita karma, a handful is taken out to serve one lifetime and this handful of actions, which have begun to bear fruit and which will be exhausted only on their fruit being enjoyed and not otherwise, is known as prarabdha karma.
  • Prarabdha Fruit-bearing karma is the portion of accumulated karma that has “ripened” and appears as a particular problem in the present life.ie., The effect of past karma or vasanas in current birth is called Prarabhda Karma.
  • Kriyamana is everything that we produce in the current life. All kriyamana karmas flow in to sanchita karma and consequently shape our future. Only in human life we can change our future destiny. After death we lose Kriya Shakti (ability to act) and do (kriyamana) karma until we are born again in another human body.

Sanskars or Samskaras

Now what is this cause? It is nothing but sanskars. Sanskars are the impressions,images or shadows of our thoughts,actions which are imprinted or tightly bonded to our soul like the glue. Sanskars are very tightly bonded in our soul(soul is like a ball and the sanskars are like the string wound/coiled on the ball). The original state or the real properties(characteristics) of the soul are love, peace, happiness, knowledge, power, purity and point of light. By nature, the soul is very very pure, but because of all the sanskars the soul has become impure. Inorder to discharge those sanskars, the soul needs a body. That’s why the soul takes a new birth after the death.

But in each birth, we human beings are kept on adding the sanskars because of our thoughts and action. Hence we have taken millions of births and rebirths and due to this millions of sanskars(good and bad) are bonded to our soul.

  • Each time when soul takes birth it will carry the sanskars of the previous birth.

In other words the soul is taking the birth only to unwind the sanskars completely. The sanskars should be discharged. What you sow is what you reap. What you sow will be recorded in our sanskars. It has to be discharged. That is the law of karma. then only the soul will go to its natural state. When all the sanskars are unwinded/discharged the soul will retain its natural state and it will go to paramdham(soul world).

The problem is that , since we have taken so many births we have totally forgotten about our own state. The natural property of soul is happiness,peace,knowledge,power,purity and point of light. The same soul is present in all the bodies. But it is only because of one individual sanskars which are carried over from several births there is differentiation between each and every individual. So we need to clean our sanskars or atleast avoid adding new sanskars inorder to retain our original state which is happiness and peace.

Lets come back to our main topic. As we have taken so many births the imprints for each birth are stored in the soul. These imprints are nothing but sanskars as I said already.

Thats why we get the natural feelings like hunger etc. Why we get hunger? It is just the reflection of the imprints which is stored in the lifeforce/soul in our previous births. Why a new born child is crying because of hunger?.

How does a new born child knows the feeling of hunger?? Who has taught the child?? It is just the reflection of imprints which are stored in the energy particles of soul in the previous births

The energy particles which are present in the atmosphere are dynamic and going transformation. Because of the transformation their character/imprints changes and new species like human beings animals are created. These energy particles are the basis of science and used in satellites, televisions etc. The same energy particles are present in the lifeforce/soul of human being. I mean they are transformed to human beings after going through several species.


Living as per Dharma is a blessing(Punya) and will definitely accumulate good sanskars but performing adharma(bad deeds) will leads to cursing(Paap/Paavam) and will include negative sanskars in our deposits for next birth.

Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent
and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future sufferings.

Hence all our investments for our eternal future is to accumulate the good deposits (Punya) in this life and reduce the bad sanskaras (Paavam) by living as per the dharmashastra.

In Hindu philosophy, justice, social harmony, and happiness requires that people live per dharma. The Dharmashastra is a record of these guidelines and rules which includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’’ for the human being in their day to day life.

Also one should go by the Gita principle “Do your duties sincerely without expectations and leave the rest to GOD”.

Hope this article would have triggered you some deep insight on Spirituality.

Have a Spiritual & Divine Bliss !! All is well!!
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